the first and second year who have passed the best examination in Classics. Two prizes of £2 each in books are given to the students of the same years who have passed the best examination in Mathematics. One prize of £1 in books is given to the student of any year who exhibits at the College Examination, the soundest and most accurate knowledge of the Greek Testament. One prize of £5 in books is given to the student of any year who writes the three best Latin Essays on assigned subjects during the year, one being written in every term. One prize of £5 in books is given to the scholar on Mrs Ramsden's foundation who passes the best examination in Classics before the Vice-Chancellor, the Public Orator, and the Greek Professor. The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to four Church livings. JESUS COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1496, A.D. THIS College was originally a convent or priory of vei nuns, a society of virgins of the order of St Benedict, found in the former part of the twelfth century, and dedicated to " honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Rhadegund." In co sequence of irregularities, the priory was dissolved by Her VII., and the house and lands were bestowed by a charter John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, to be converted into a College, a to be incorporated by the name of the Master, Fellows, a scholars of the Blessed Mary the Virgin, St John the Eva gelist, and the Glorious Virgin St Rhadegund, near Cambridg The appellation by which the College was common known seems to have been immediately derived from t church of the priory, which was dedicated to the name of Jesu BISHOP ALCOCK in 1496, the 11th year of Henry VI began to restore the fabric, and in four years he had est blished a master, five fellows, and six scholars in the College. The original Statutes were given by James Stanley, th 30th Bishop of Ely: these were subsequently altered by Nich las, his successor in that see, and under the sanction of th visitor were again revised in 1841. The Statutes of the College prescribe that there shall be master, 16 fellows, and 15 scholars. The fellows are require by the Statutes to be "viri honesti, opinionis illæse, studios devoti, et cælibes, ac literarum studio dediti." The Statutes also decree that in the election of scholars, th master and fellows choose such as are "idoneores, aptiores, e habiliores:" and provide also "Quod si contingat aliquem istorum scholarium sive puerorum super illo crimine defamar notabiliter, unde collegio nascatur infamia, juxta judiciun præsidentis et majoris partis sociorum expellatur e collegio ipsc facto." The annual revenue of the College, as reported by the Commissioners in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was £130. 8s. 4d. In the year 1635, the foundation consisted of one master, 16 fellows, 24 scholars, besides officers and other students; in all 110: and when Mr Shermann was fellow, the College maintained a master, 16 fellows, and 28 scholars. 1507. James Stanley, D.D., Bishop of Ely, in the 22nd year of Henry VII., gave the rectory of Great Shelford to found one *Fellowship, of which the nomination and appointment should be vested in the Bishop of Ely. Richard Pigot about the end of the reign of Henry VII. founded one Fellowship. Thomas Roberts of Over founded one Fellowship about the latter part of the reign of Henry VII. 1507. Sir Robert Read, of Bore Place in Kent, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, gave £100 to found one Fellowship. 1515. Roger Thorney, in the 6th year of Henry VIII. gave by will various tenements in the borough of Southwark, for the maintenance of one Fellow. 1546. John Reston, S.T.P., fifth master of the College, by his will, gave lands for founding one Fellowship, and seven Scholarships. 1548. John Andrews, Clerk, rector of Great Waltham in Essex, and canon of St Paul's, gave lands for the maintenance of two Fellows. 1559. John Fuller, LL.D., seventh master of the College, gave a benefaction for founding four Fellowships. At the visitation of the College in the time of Elizabeth, the number of fellows was reduced to 16, and the number of scholars to 15. 1579. William Marshall, an attendant of Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, gave a rent-charge of £3. 6s. 8d. a year for a scholar at Jesus College, who is a native of Lancashire, Herefordshire, Cumberland, or Essex. 1620. Dame Joanna, relict of Owen Wood, S.T.P., Dean of Armagh, afterwards wife of James Price, of Ynys y Maen Gwyn, in Merionethshire, gave a tenement for the maintenance of two Scholars of Jesus College, one of the county of Anglesey or Merioneth, and the other born in the parish of St Peter-lePoore, or of St Vedast, Foster Lane, London. Each of th scholarships is £4. 10s. per annum. 1621. John Sikes, A.M., a member of the College, afterwards rector of Kirton in Nottinghamshire, gave an charge of 40s. a year out of his lands near Wakefield, for 1 maintenance of one Scholar. 1625. Lionel Gatford, D.D., gave a benefaction for fou ing two Scholarships, for orphans of clergymen of the Church England. These scholarships are of the annual value of £ each, and are tenable from the time of admission to the deg of B.A., to that of M.A. 1671. Tobias Rustat, Esq., Yeoman of the Robes to Ki Charles II. gave a benefaction for the endowment of Schole ships for the orphans of clergymen of the Church of Englaı The number of these scholarships is now fourteen, and th are open to the orphans of clergymen of all counties in Engla and Wales. The scholars must be admitted before they ha completed their nineteenth year. The value of these schola ships is £30 a year. There is every year at the beginning the Easter Term an examination of the Rustat scholars classics, and a gratuity varying from £10 to £30 is given each scholar according to his merit. 1673. Richard Sterne, D.D. Archbishop of York, founde four Scholarships, for natives of Nottingham and Yorkshire by a rent-charge of £40 a year on the manor of Birken, York shire. 1675. Dame Margaret Boswell, conveyed to trustees farm called Hallywell Farm, containing about 306 acres, wit the adjacent Saltmarsh belonging to it of 60 acres, in the parish of Barnham, Essex, in trust, to pay from the rents the sum o £12 yearly to each of two Scholars, to be chosen by her trustee from the grammar-school at Sevenoaks, and in default, ther from the grammar-school at Tunbridge, and to be sent to Jesus College, Cambridge, and to be called "Sir William Boswell's scholars." These scholarships are now each of the annua value of £50. 1677. Henry Brunsell, LL.D., prebendary of Ely, gave a benefaction for three Exhibitions of £8 each per annum. 1682. Mr John Somerville, sometime master of the Grammar School of Loughborough, bequeathed £200 for the purchase of land, towards the maintenance of two scholars from the school at Loughborough, at Jesus College, Cambridge, until they are Masters of Arts. The present value of these scholarships is £30 each. 1703. John Mawherd gave the rent of 31 acres of land for the maintenance of a poor scholar from Doncaster or Arksey Free School. 1718. Mr Charles Humphry gave a rent-charge of £6. 8s. 6d. per annum, arising from lands in the parish of Harburgh, in the county of Lincoln, for a Scholar at Jesus College, Cambridge, from the Grammar School of Caistor, Louth, or Alford. 1758. Mr Marsden, gave a benefaction to found a Scholarship for the son of a living clergyman, with a preference to a native, cæteris paribus, of Nottinghamshire or Lancashire. The present annual value of this Scholarship is £42. 1785. Rev. Frederick Keller, M.A., formerly fellow of the College, left £20 per annum for one or more deserving Bachelors of Arts on admission to their degree. Of this sum £10 is given to the best proficient in Mathematics, provided he be a Wrangler: and £10 in plate or books, to the best proficient in Classics, provided he be in the first class of the Classical Tripos. 1825. Mrs Sarah Jones, of Newport, Salop, bequeathed by her Will the sum of £6000 in trust, subject to a life interest, to found three Bye-fellowships (to be called "Ley Fellowships") at Jesus College, Cambridge, in memory of the Rev. Thomas Dummer Ley, late of Hingham, in the county of Norfolk, and formerly member of the College. The property came into the hands of the College in 1837, and three Byc-fellowships in conformity with the bequest have been founded. The "Ley Fellows" are required to be graduates of the University, and they cease to be fellows on this foundation at the expiration of 12 years from the time at which they were of sufficient standing to complete the B.A. degree. 1840. Rev. Edward Otter, M.A., formerly fellow of the College, gave the dividend of his fellowship for one year, which T |