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1691. Rev. Samuel Frankland, master of the gramma school at Coventry, left by will, certain property for the main tenance of one Fellow at St Catharine's Hall, to be sent fro the free grammar-school at Coventry. It is directed in th will, that the person who holds this benefaction shall be calle "the Frankland Fellow," and that the nomination and electio shall be in the master and fellows of the said Hall, so that the should have a careful regard to the recommendation of th mayor and aldermen of Coventry, who are the trustees of th school.

Mr Frankland also founded one Scholarship for a schola from the grammar-school at Tamworth; the nomination an election to which is to be with the master and fellows, ye still so as they have a good regard to the recommendation of the minister and schoolmaster of Tamworth. The scholar has rooms rent-free. In default of duly qualified candidates from Tamworth school, the election is made from persons educated at other schools.

The clear annual income derived from Mr Frankland's estate is divided into three equal parts, whereof two are paid to his fellow and one to his scholar. The fellow has also rooms rent-free.

When an appeal was made to the Lord Chancellor, as Visitor, in 1831, it was ordered that a candidate presenting himself from the free grammar-school of Coventry could not claim election, unless he gave satisfactory proof upon examination that he was duly qualified in learning. In default of duly qualified candidates from the Coventry school, the practice has been to elect persons who have been educated in other schools.

An augmentation of 20 marks yearly to the stipend of the Frankland fellow was made by the Rev. Matthew Scrivener, vicar of Haslingfield, but subject to certain conditions.

1695. The Rev. Moses Holway, of Michaelstow in Cornwall, gave a benefaction to found one Fellowship, to be called "the Conduct fellowship."

At the time this fellowship was founded, the master and fellows contributed to the purpose from the funds of the College. It was at the same time agreed, that the Conduct fellow should

always "have the advantage of keeping the library of the College."

This fellow is to be elected out of the fittest and best qualified persons in the College; but the persons related in consanguinity to Mr Holway, then in the College, and according to the nearness of such relation, (if any such there shall at such times of election be) to be always preferred. In default of such relations, then the election shall be of one of his scholars.

The stipend of the Conduct fellow is fixed at £26 a year, an additional salary is now paid by the College, together with the stipend of the librarian. He has also rooms rent-free.

In default of the relations of Mr Holway, or scholars from Eton, or Merchant Tailors' School, persons not having such qualifications have been elected to perform the duties and receive the stipend of the Conduct fellow.

Mr Holway also founded two Scholarships, with a fixed stipend for each scholar of £6 per annum.

There is here also a preference in favour of the kindred of Mr Holway, the founder, and the scholars are to be taken from Eton College, and Merchant Tailors' School, in London. They are required to be elected out of the fittest and best qualified persons in the College.

1743. Mrs Mary Ramsden, of Norton in Yorkshire, left estates in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire for the maintenance of six Fellows at St Catharine's Hall, to be called the Skerne Fellows. These fellowships are not restricted to persons who have been scholars of the College; and of the candidates, in case of vacancies, the best qualified men born in the county of York are to be preferred, and principally those who, being YorkshireInen, have been educated at the grammar-school of Fockerby, in the parish of Adlingfleet, in the West Riding of Yorkshire ; provided that those who claim a preference upon account of this school, bring a certificate duly attested that they have been bonâ fide educated there, for full three years at least in some part of the time of their education; and provided also they be duly qualified in learning and morals. Preference is given in the next place to natives of the county of Lincoln; and in default of candidates fitly qualified from either of these coun

ties, the election is to be open, and persons born in any coun of England or Wales may be elected.

It is further directed by the rules and orders of the found tion, that candidates may be persons of the degree of B.A., LL.] M.B., or M.A., who have proceeded regularly to their degrees Cambridge, and are under the age of 24 years, and have n property of the clear value of £50 a year. The election of ca didates is made by the master and fellows; and the perso elected are to be such as shall appear upon examination to the best learned, being also approved for sound religion, piet virtue, peaceable disposition, and good life and conversation. E a decree of the Court of Chancery, dated Dec. 16th, 1845, cal didates for these fellowships may be elected whose age does n exceed 28 years. If any of the fellows marry, or accept an living or ecclesiastical preferment of any value whatever, abov twenty miles from Cambridge, his fellowship is to be declare vacant.

The clear annual allowance to each fellow who resides no less than six calendar months in the year is £52. If he doe not reside so long, he receives the full stipend of £1 per weel for every week of actual residence, and 3s. 4d. for every weel in which he is absent. In addition to the stipend fixed by the rules and orders of the Foundation, every fellow is allowed, ou of the surplus income of the estates, a further stipend, paic without any deduction made for non-residence. The fellows have rooms in College rent-free, and every non-resident fellow is allowed a sum for the rent of his rooms, when they are occupied by some other person.

Mrs Ramsden also founded ten Scholarships, called "the Skerne Scholarships." The same preferences are to be given in the election of scholars as in the election of fellows on this foundation. These scholarships are tenable for seven years, and the scholars are required to take the degrees of B.A., LL.B. or M.B. when of sufficient standing. The stipend of each scholar is £15 a year, with rooms rent-free, subject however to a deduction of 5s. for every week of absence, in case the scholar, if an undergraduate, shall not have resided the whole of every term, or, if a Bachelor of Arts, the major part of every term in the

year. In addition to the stipend fixed by "the Rules and Orders," every scholar is allowed out of the surplus income of the estate, an annual payment of £20, subject to the deduction of br. 8d. a week for absence from College, to be calculated the same way as the 5s. a week from the original stipend; but undergraduate scholars who reside the major part of every term in the year are allowed their full stipends without any deduction, in the quarter from Midsummer to Michaelmas.

1758. Thomas Sherlock, D.D., Bishop of London, and formerly Master of the College, bequeathed certain lands to the master and fellows, upon trust, to pay and apply the clear rents and profits thereof (excepting timber) as an addition to the scholarship usually given to the master's sizar. The sizar is appointed by the master, and holds the office till he is of standing for the degree of B.A.

Bishop Sherlock founded the office of Librarian, and endowed it with a fixed stipend of £20 a year, and rooms rent


1850. A Divinity Prize, called "the Corrie Prize," has lately been instituted, by a fund subscribed by several members of the College, formerly pupils of the Rev. G. E. Corrie, D.D., late tutor. The amount of the fund has been invested in £166. 68. 4d. 3 per cent. Consols.

1854. The present Society consists of the Master, 6 Foundation Fellows, besides 8 Bye-fellows and Scholars.

It is directed in the Statutes, that the election of a fellow shall be made by the votes of the master and the major part of the fellows; or by the votes of the master and of half the number of fellows, if the votes of the fellows should be divided into two equal numbers.

The person elected fellow is required to be a native of England, and a Master or Bachelor of Arts. There must not be more than two fellows at any time natives of one and the same county, and among persons so qualified, those are to be chosen who are most distinguished for learning, knowledge, and good behaviour.

No fellow is to be permitted to take a degree in any faculty except Arts or Divinity.

Three of the whole number of fellows must be in Ho Orders, viz., two in Priests' Orders and one in Deacons', a whenever a vacancy occurs by the cession of one of the fello in orders, the senior fellow, who is not in such orders, mu take them in the course of one year, (unless a junior does so his own accord) or he vacates his fellowship. A fellow is to removed from his fellowship if he be convicted before tl master and fellows by the evidence of competent witnesses, by his own confession, of any of the crimes of heresy, simon perjury, theft, adultery, incest, violent assault on the mast or a fellow, or of any other great crime; or if he shall hav engaged in any unlawful contract or conspiracy, against th interests of the College, or have aided and abetted any suc attempts.

A fellow is required to vacate his fellowship if he be absen from College more than 60 days without good and lawful caus to be approved by the master: also if he comes into possessio of any patrimony, inheritance, or real property of greate value than 10 marks a year on the average; or if he obtain any ecclesiastical benefice which requires residence, or no requiring residence, is worth more than 10 marks a year on the average.

Each of the fellows is allowed £5 yearly to be paid in four quarterly sums, with rooms in College. There is an additional stipend of 13s. 4d. paid to each fellow on account of Commemorations.

Each fellow also receives a yearly dividend from the net amount of the rents of certain estates called "Fellowship estates," being a sixth part of the residue of that amount after deducting the dividend paid to the master.

The scholarships are in general given to those students who are chiefly distinguished at the annual College Examination, regard being also had to character and conduct, and to the pecuniary circumstances of the students.

Besides the scholarships, prizes of books are awarded to the best proficients in Classics and Mathematics at the annual College Examination.

Two prizes of £3 each in books are given to students of

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