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3. Likewise a piece of plate of the same value, to be giv to that undergraduate who shall pass the best public examin tion in College.

Bishop Greene also left by will, £1000 stock in the 3 p cent. Consols to the corporation of Beverley, and ordered th an Exhibition of £10 a year for seven years should be paid to student from Beverley school at Corpus Christi College, or St. John's College, Cambridge. The exhibitioner must be t son of a freeman of Beverley, and must have been educated the school there for at the least three years preceding h nomination. During a vacancy the annuity is to accumulat and to be paid in full to the student next appointed.

1781. Mr John Stock, painter and stainer, of Hampstea left to the College £1000, 3 per cent. Consols, to found a Schola ship for a student from St. Paul's school, London. He must b the best at the public examination, and be recommended by th head master of the school, and by the master and wardens the Mercers' company. He is also required to be "betwee the ages of 18 and 20 years, of good character and behaviour born in wedlock of protestant parents, and standing in need o the exhibition, also free from lameness, deafness, defect o sight or speech, or any bodily ailment." The present value o this scholarship is £30 a year. The accumulation during vacancy is to be given to the succeeding scholar, except £15 which sum is to be paid to the College upon every vacancy.

1854. The present foundation consists of the Master, 11 Fellows, and 8 Scholars. Eight of the fellowships are perfectly open, and the fellows are chosen from those scholars or students who have excelled in the College and University examinations, the scholars of the College being preferred. The other foun are restricted to natives of Norwich or Norfolk. All the fellows are required to be in Holy Orders within three years from their election, and to proceed regularly to the degree of B.D. A fellowship is vacated by marriage or the possession of a benefice or an accession of property equal in annual value to that of a fellowship.

The Statutes prescribe that the master shall have ten, each fellow in priest's orders eight, and each of the rest six marks

per annum, as their respective salaries to be paid half-yearly; and that the surplus, if any, shall be divided among them in the same proportion.

By an arrangement of many years' standing, the surplus revenue is now divided into fourteen shares, of which the master has two, and each fellow one.

The annual dividend of a fellow is between £220 and £250 a year in addition to rooms and commons.

Six of the foundation scholarships (1548) have been increased from 12d. to 10s. 6d. per week, during residence, except in the long vacation. The other two, which are held by the chapelclerks, and are of the same weekly value, have been further augmented by £10 per annum each. All the allowances are forfeited by any of these eight scholars whose residence for the year is less than twenty-six weeks.

The most valuable scholarships are perfectly open to competition, and are generally bestowed, at the end of the first year of residence, upon the most distinguished students at the annual College examination. The other scholarships are in the first instance, appropriated; but in default of fit candidates, the College exercises the right of awarding them to any other students, who may be judged to be duly qualified.

Six sizars, two every year, are elected after examination, in the early part of the Michaelmas Term, and enjoy various emoluments. They have an allowance for commons, and may in addition to a scholarship hold one or more exhibitions.

The office of sub-librarian, value £10 a year, is in the gift of the master and fellows, and is tenable by an undergraduate or resident B.A.

Besides the scholarships and exhibitions, other prizes are given after the College examination to the most distinguished students of each year.

Five silver cups, value five guineas each, the gift of Dr Greene, are awarded annually: viz.

One to that Bachelor of Arts who takes his degree with most credit: one to that junior soph or freshman who makes the best Latin declamation: and three to those undergraduates who, in their respective years, pass the best examination at th division of the Easter Term.

Books also are given to the second and third men of eac year, if considered deserving of prizes: and to those senior an junior sophs who excel in a Voluntary Classical Examination which takes place early in the Easter Term.

Prizes of money, to the amount of £30, are given to thos senior sophs who are recommended by the examiners as deserv ing additional reward: and a prize of £5 to the student wh passes the best examination in Hebrew.

The ecclesiastical patronage of the College consists of elever Church livings.

The average net annual revenue of the College applicable to the maintenance of the master and 12 fellows amounts to about £3550.

FOUNDED 1441, A.D.

"THE Kyng's College of owr Lady and Seynt Nicholas in Cambrige" was founded and munificently endowed by King Henry VI. in the twenty-first year of his reign, the charter of the College bearing that date. Two years before, in 1441, this prince had dedicated a College to St. Nicholas, for a rector and 12 scholars, which was merged in the new foundation.

He also founded and endowed "The Kyng's College of owr Ladye, of Eton besyde Windesore," and decreed that scholars for ever should be supplied from thence, to fill up the vacancies as they should occur in King's College in Cambridge.

The Statutes given by the king himself for the government of his College, declare that it is designed "ad laudem, gloriam, et honorem nominis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, ac gloriosissimæ semper virginis Mariæ Matris ejus, sustentationem et exaltationem Christianæ fidei, ecclesiæ sanctæ profectum, divini cultus liberaliumque artium, scientiarum, et facultatum augmentum." They also declare that there shall be a provost and seventy poor scholars* (pauperes scholares clerici). They also prescribe, "quod de scholaribus prædictis viri vivacis ingenii et in facultatibus artium Magistri duo in jure civili, et quatuor in jure canonico, duoque in scientia Medicinæ studeant continue: et similiter duo in scientia Astrorum, juxta limitationem Præpositi et Decani Theologiæ studere teneantur. Reli

* "Doubtless, Colleges were eleemosynary foundations, but their sole object was not like that of an almshouse, to relieve indigence. They were intended, no doubt, to maintain scholars who were poor; and in an age when learning was regarded as ignoble by the great, and when nearly all but the great were poor, persons willing to enter the University as students could hardly be found, except among the poor. If, in modern days those who impart or seek education in the Universities are not indigent, it must not be thought, therefore, that the poor have been robbed of their birthright. Rather the Universities, among other agencies, have so raised the condition of society, and mental cultivation is now so differently regarded, that persons intended for the learned professions are at present found only among the comparatively wealthy. Such persons, if elected for their merit to Fellowships and Scholarships, would most faithfully fulfil the main objects of founders, viz. the promotion of religion and learning."-Report of Oxford University Com mission, pp. 39-40.

quus vero numerus dictorum septuaginta Scholarium artes se Philosophiam et Theologiam particulariter ac diligenter audi

et addiscat."

Every scholar is required on oath to declare "that he wi not accept, nor consent to, nor obey, nor use any other Statute &c. than those ordained for the College by King Henry VI. The founder also, with respect to the subject of religion, ha thus expressed his will with respect to his scholars : "Iter statuimus, ordinamus, et volumus quod quilibet scholaris i admissione sua in Collegium nostrum Regale prædictum, pos annos probationis, juret quod non favebit opinionibus, damnati erroribus, aut hæresibus Joannis Wycklyfe, Reginaldi Peacocke neque alicujus alterius hæretici quamdiu vixerit in hoc mundo sub pœna perjurii et expulsionis ipso facto."

Also in the conclusion of the Statutes, "The Royal Founder has expressly forbidden that after his death any of his heirs or successors on the throne of England, or the Bishop of Lincoln, or any archbishop or bishop, shall make any new Statutes for his College, or enact anything contrary to those he left, or under any pretext dispense with any of them; and he again strictly enjoins the members of his College not to accept or procure, or use any other Statutes than those which should be in force at his decease." In the oath of the scholars it is declared that the Statutes are to be interpreted "secundum planum, literalem, et grammaticalem intellectum ipsorum."

It may be remarked that the Reformation, and the changes brought about by three centuries, render simply impossible such an obedience as the Statutes prescribe. In such cases, the spirit and general design of the founder only is possible to be carried out in practice, and what relaxations from the Statutes are to be allowed, must of necessity be determined by the Visitor of the College, subject however to the law of the land. The Statutes of King's College are virtually those of William of Wykeham, which he had framed for the rule and government of his foundation entitled New College, in Oxford, and presuppose a state of society in which the perpetuity of their observance is possible.

The civil wars of the Houses of York and Lancaster, and

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