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VIII, the scholarships are denoted by the names of their r spective founders; and the stipends of the scholars are of t amount stated in the deeds of foundation, that is to say, 10d. 1s. a week. In the register of admissions to scholarships up about the year 1610, the particular foundation with the valu which was then also 10d. or 1s. per week, is specified; aft this we have no further mention of the value, and the found tion is rarely stated. The last specification is that of a schola from Norwich with Archbishop Parker's scholarship, whic was then of more value than the others, as a money-paymen was made to it. This occurs about 1635. After this the sch larships seem to have been equalized, and it is no longer possib to assign all the scholarships severally to their respective four ders. In 1791 all the scholars received 2s. per week durin residence, and 7s. 6d. at Christmas, without distinction. Th emoluments were then increased to 5s. 3d. per week, and th Christmas payment was abolished. They remained in thi state till 1828, when they were further raised to 4 guineas pe term, and two sums of £20 were assigned annually to the mos deserving. In 1833, three of the scholarships were raised to £20 per annum. In the year 1840, the £20 rewards wer abolished, and some of the scholarships were largely augmented by grants from the general funds of the College; and besides the two founded by Dr Allen, the following arrangements were then made with respect to the rest, which still exist.

3 Scholarships of the First Class of 50 Guineas a year each.

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The scholarships are open (except the two founded by Dr Allen), and are awarded according to merit to those Undergraduates who distinguish themselves at the College Examinations, which take place at the end of the Lent Term and the division of the Easter Term of the first or second year, and are tenable during residence, until the scholar is of sufficient standing to be admitted to the B.A. degree. One of the first class scholarships and one of the second class, are awarded annually to the students who obtain the first and second places respectively in the College Examinations of the first year: and some of the

third class (the number depending upon the vacancies and the i merits of the candidates) are awarded to those who come next in order of merit. Scholarships of the third class may also be obtained in the second year by students who have failed in their first year.

The interest of the money bequeathed by Dr Chetwode and Sir George Oxenden, for the purpose, together with a small money-payment, and an allowance for commons from the College, make up one Exhibition, to which the duties of Chapelelerk are attached. This office, the whole value of which is about £30 a year, is disposed of yearly, and is given to one of the more distinguished of those who obtained scholarships at the end of the first year. In compliance with the will of Sir George Oxenden, a certain preference is given to the sons of clergymen.

In addition to the Scholarships, after the College Examinations, two Prizes of Books, one of 5 guineas and one of 3 guineas, are awarded to the two most distinguished students of the first year; and two, one of 3 guineas and one of 2 guineas, to those of the second year. A Prize of 3 guineas is given to the most distinguished Candidates for Mathematical Honors, both in their second and third years.

Two Prizes are annually given for the best Latin, and for the best English Essay, the subjects of which are proposed at the end of the Lent Term; and the Exercises are delivered before the end of the following Michaelmas Term.

A Prize of 3 guineas is also awarded by the College, to that Student who is the most distinguished at the Examination in Modern History, and in the Principles of Law.

The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to seven Church livings.

The gross annual average Revenue of the College returned to the Commissioners in 1851 was £3917. 2s. 10d.


FOUNDED 1352, A.D.


THIS College had its origin very differently from ar other in the University. It was founded under the name "Domus Scholarium Corporis Christi et Beatæ Mariæ Cantebr by the union of two guilds or societies in Cambridge calle "Gilda Corporis Christi" and "Gilda Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. Through the mediation of Henry Duke of Lancaster, ther mutual friend and patron, they obtained from the King licence (bearing date 7 Nov. 26 Edw. III.) by which they wer empowered to found their College and to increase its revenue "by the appropriation of the tythes of St Benedict's, which they had leave to hold in mortmain." In consequence o this licence, the aldermen and brethren of the united guilds appointed the first master and two fellows (the revenues ther not being sufficient for more). They also devised rules and statutes for the government of themselves and the members of their College.

1354. Thomas de Eltisle, the first Master, obtained leave of Thomas, son of Sir John de Cambridge, to remove the Chantry, founded by his father, into the Churches of St Benedict and St Botolph, and to convert the two chaplains into fellows of the College, provided they continued to observe the conditions prescribed in the Will. By this accession the number of fellows was doubled, and the revenues considerably augmented.

1356. Fresh statutes were composed, better accommodated to the government of the society, and were ratified and sealed on St Benedict's Day, 1356.

1379. Two other fellowships were added to the College, about this date, on the increase of the endowment.

1461. John Botwright, master of the College, about this time, is said to have added another fellowship out of the revenues of the manor of Over and that of Chatteris.

1489. Richard Brocher, B. D., sometime fellow of the College, and Rector of Landbeach gave by his will, lands and tenements in Cambridge and Barton of the yearly value of 40s.

for the maintenance of a Bible-clerk, who was to be called his scholar. This was the first scholarship founded in the College, although Robert Schotesham was appointed bible clerk in


1495. The society, in consideration of the liberal benefactions of Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, and her sister Lady Botelar, covenanted to receive a studious and well-disposed priest, who should be a graduate in arts, into a fellowship at her nomination for the first time, and to allow him a yearly salary of 8 marks, with all other advantages enjoyed by the rest of the fellows. And in further consideration of the various gifts and benefits conferred upon them by these ladies, the society agreed to elect a scholar who should be called after their name, and have the like stipend, and perform the same exercises with Brocher's scholar.

1525. John Sayntwarye, M.A. and James Curson, M.A., fellows of the College, conjointly gave a house in St Benedict's of the yearly rent of 40s., with £6 to keep it in repair, for founding another Bible-clerkship with the same advantages as the one founded by Mr Richard Brocher.

1546. The annual revenue of the College, as reported by the Commissioners in the 37th year of Henry VIII, was £171.78. 6d.

1548. The master and fellows desirous of promoting good learning, as an encouragement to young students, founded six new scholarships, for such as were likely to proceed in Arts, and afterwards make divinity their study, out of such reliefs and commodities as else yearly should have risen to their private portions and profits. Each scholar was to have 8d. per week for commons and a chamber with other allowances. The commons' were soon after increased to 12d. per week, which was the usual allowance about that time.

1567. Matthew Parker, D.D., sometime master of the College, and Archbishop of Canterbury, purchased of the corporation of Norwich an annuity of £10, payable out of their Manor of Hethill cum Carleton in Norfolk, which he settled upon the College. He ordered £8 thereof for the founding of three scholarships, 30s. to a preacher sent by the College, for a sermon on Rogation Sunday at Thetford in Norfolk, on Monday Wymondham, on Ascension Day at St Clement's, Norwi and on the Sunday following in the Green Yard: and to 1 mayor, sheriffs, officers, &c., present at the sermon in St C ment's, the remaining 10s. These scholars are to be nominat by the mayor and aldermen of Norwich, out of the schools that city or the town of Aylsham: they are to be under years of age, well instructed in grammar, &c.; and are enjoy their exhibitions for six years if they be disposed enter into holy orders, -otherwise no longer than three.

1569. Archbishop Parker founded two Fellowships and ti more Scholarships, and provided for their endowment by pu chasing (for the sum of £320) an annuity of £18, issuing o of all the estates belonging to the corporation of Norwich.

The scholars are to be nominated in like manner with th former, out of the schools of Norwich, Wymondham, or Ay sham, being natives of those places. To these scholars, no five in number, were assigned the three lower chambers o the east side of the quadrangle, and for their commons weekl 12d. each.

The fellows are to be styled Norwich Fellows, and to b elected by the society out of the five scholars above mentioned within two months after a vacancy. Each of them is to hav £6 per annum for his stipend, with chambers on the east sid of the quadrangle.

It was likewise covenanted and agreed at the same time (the society giving to the corporation of Norwich a bond of £200 for the performance of the covenant) that two other fellowships, to be called the ninth and tenth, should be founded out of the college revenues, with the same stipend of £6 each per annum: and that four of the fellows, besides those of Norwich, should always (if possible) be Norfolk men. The Norwich fellows, and the ninth and tenth, are to instruct the Norwich scholars freely, and on that consideration to have the privilege of holding prebends with their fellowships.

The Archbishop the same year, provided for three other scholars, out of some tenements in Westminster, then rented at £8.13s. 4d. These were to be called Canterbury scholars, to be

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