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1770. William Stuart, D.D., Chancellor of the diocese of

Exeter, bequeathed property which came into possession of the College in 1777, for founding one Scholarship, to be held by a student from Merchant Tailors' School, who has become superannuated. The allowance was originally £36 a year, but it has been gradually augmented by the College, and is now £80 a year, and is tenable for seven years from admission, if the student continue in residence,

The rules and conditions of this scholarship are set out in an order made by the Court of Chancery, June 19, 1777.

1854. The present society consists of a Master, 14 Foundation Fellows, including Archbishop Grindal's, 2 Bye-fellows, and 6 Foundation Scholars.

The election of fellows to vacant fellowships rests entirely with the Master and Fellows. There is no restriction whatsoever with respect to the candidates, except in the case of the Grindal Fellow. It matters not of what nation or kingdom they may be; and a native of France*, if a member of the

* It may be here remarked, that no impediments in ancient times appear to have been thrown in the way of foreigners who might be desirous of availing themselves of the advantages which the universities of Oxford and Cambridge afforded to students. There are still extant copies of Royal Letters Patent, granting a general licence, as well as leave to particular individuals to come into England for the sake of study, and promising, in those early and unsettled times, liberty and security. For instance,

In the 13th year of the reign of Henry III. Letters Patent were issued by that monarch, authorizing that Scholars of the University of Paris, may if they please, come into England and remain there for the sake of study, with the king's promise that his majesty will cause them to enjoy liberty and tranquillity.

In the 31st year of Edward III. Letters Patent were issued for granting protection for all Scholars of Scotland (then an independent kingdom), wishing to come into England to study in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

In the 25th year of Edward III. protection was granted for Andrew de Allyncrom and John de Allyncroin coming from Scotland with other persons into England to study in the University of Oxford or Cambridge.

In the 37th year of Edward III. protection was granted for Alexander de Redwell and others coming from Scotland into England to study in the University of Oxford or elsewhere.

In the 40th year of Edward III. protection was granted for John de Langeton, clerk, and others, coming from Scotland into England, to study in the University of Oxford or elsewhere.

In the 47th year of Edward III. licence was given to James de Denmark, one of the scholars of the Hall of Mary de St Paul, Countess of Pembroke, in the



University of Cambridge or Oxford, is especially recommende in the College Statutes.

The fellows are required under obligation of the oath which they severally took when elected fellows, of fidelity t the College and obedience to the statutes, to nominate tha person whom they firmly believe to be the most orderly, th best proficient in his studies, who is legitimate and unmarried and has not been expelled from any College, and who has been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

A Fellow must on his admission proceed regularly to the degree of Master of Arts, and must make profession of his reso lution to keep the Christian faith and rule of life.

An income acquired by inheritance or gift of twice the value of the fellowship from any source, is a disqualification for holding a fellowship, as is also promotion to a benefice, on marriage. No amount of income acquired by personal or professional exertion vacates a fellowship.

Six Fellows are required to be in holy orders when there are more than 12 Fellows; and four when there are less than that number.

In the year 1851, each of the Foundation Fellows received £317.3s. 2d. as his dividend for that year, together with his commons, if resident.

The two Bye-fellowships are in the appointment of the Master and Fellows, and are regarded as merely honorary distinctions.

The election of Scholars also rests entirely with the Master and Fellows; and all such Scholarships as are at the free disposal of the College, "are invariably and strictly bestowed

University of Cambridge, to remain in the University for the sake of study; he had also the King's especial protection.

In the 1st year of Henry IV. by Letters Patent, licence was given to Nicholas Hill, vicar of the Church of Balyrothery in Ireland, to study ecclesiastical law in the University of Oxford or Cambridge, for five years, receiving the profits of his vicarage.

In the 2nd year of Henry IV. Letters Patent were issued, granting licence to Nicholas Fitz Symond, vicar of the Church of St Patrick, Donaghmore, in the diocese of Meath, to come to study in the University of Oxford or Cambridge, for five years, receiving the profits of his vicarage.

A similar licence in the same year was also granted for three years to Hugh Fitz Owyn, parson of the Church of Rathcomarthy, in the diocese of Meath.

according to merit." The Scholars are elected "for their caраcity and diligence" after the general College Examinatoin at the division of the Easter Term.

Each of the six Foundation Scholars receives an allowance of £28 a year.

It is understood that the College has further plans in hand, besides those concerning Christ's Hospital and Merchant Tailors' School, by which a large number of valuable scholarships will be at the disposal of the master and fellows as the rewards of merit. (Oct. 1854.)

The statutes of the College contain no regulations with respect to the admission of students over and above the members of the foundation, and the enjoyment of one scholarship or exhibition does not preclude a deserving scholar from holding others on different foundations.

Three Sizars are admitted, one every year. The College has consolidated the Exhibitions, which amount to £28.13s. 4d., and has added £7. 68. 8d. from its general funds, making £36 a year, which is divided into three Exhibitions of £12 each, and given to the Sizars.

There is also a fund formed from certain allowances not given to any Scholar, out of which a deserving Sizar is sometimes rewarded.

In addition to the Scholarships and Exhibitions, Prizes of Books are given to the most distinguished students in each year after the College Examination. There is also a prize given for the best compositions in Latin prose and Latin verse every year.

The ecclesiastical patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to ten Church livings.

The whole gross annual income of the College in 1851 was reported to the Commissioners at £12,013. 8s., and the clear net income at £10,008. 88.


FOUNDED 1348, A.D.

EDMUND GONVILLE, Rector of Terrington, in Norfolk, ol tained Letters Patent under the great seal of England, dated a Westminster, Jan. 28, 22 Edward III, by which he had leav to convert his three messuages, with the orchards situate i Leyborn, or Lurghburne Lane, in the parishes of St Benedic and St Botolph, in Cambridge, into a perpetual College c twenty Scholars, students in logic and other sciences, and tha he might give it what name he would.

1348. In this year, by his deed, bearing date on Thursda in Whitsun week, at Terrington, in honour of the Annun ciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he granted to John Colton of Terrington, the first custos of his Hall, and to four othe Scholars, "nomine custodis et scholarium aulæ suæ de Gonville, and to their successors, his three messuages, &c., for a perpetua habitation, according to the king's licence, and such rules and orders as he gave them; intending there to establish twenty Scholars.

1350. Edmund Gonville died and left to William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich, his executor, the care of his Hall, and a great sum of money, with intent that he should perfect what he had begun. At this time the bishop was building Trinity Hall, his own foundation for civilians, he being a doctor of that faculty. Bishop Bateman laid aside the name of Gonville, and caused the Hall on his own authority to be called "the College or House of the Annunciation of Mary the Virgin," but let the Keeper and Scholars whom Gonville had appointed, remain there still. This was done by his own decretal letters for that purpose, Dec. 21, 1351, confirmed and approved by the Bishop of Ely, and the Chancellor and congregation of Cambridge, under the University seal. He also (1353) enlarged the statutes of Gonville and prescribed others to the Keeper and Fellows; and by his own authority only, without any power from the king, gave them a common seal. In this year, King Edward III, by the consent and


contrivance of the Bishop (because he desired to have two halls together), gave leave to the Keeper and Fellows of this Hall to change it for an edifice belonging to Benedict College, with other tenements, and the orchard and school there. Of these buildings altered, the structure of the North side of Gonville Court was framed, and made a habitation for the Keeper and four Fellows.

1393. Dame Mary Pakenham endowed one Fellowship for a priest. She also increased the Master's stipend, and gave to the four fellows an allowance out of the Rectory of Mattishall, in the County of Norfolk.

1479. Sir Stephen Smith, Clerk, Rector of Bloverton, alias Blonorton, in Norfolk, gave all his lands in Barningham, in Suffolk, for the maintenance of one Fellow, to be a priest, (and to preach thrice a year at Barningham) who may be chosen out of any place or county. The lands were then £4 per annum : in Dr Caius's time £5 per annum.

1487. Elizabeth Clere, widow, sometime wife to Robert Clere, Esq., gave certain lands and tenements in Tuttington, near Aylsham, in Norfolk, and other towns adjoining, with their appurtenances, for the subsistence of a Fellow, actually a priest, or at least a Student in divinity, and intending to be a priest, within one year after his admittance; to be out of the diocese of Norwich, and to receive six marks per annum for his stipend.

This excellent woman, besides these lands, gave several considerable sums to the College,-first, She gave £40 to increase the number of scholars; secondly, she built the east side of the College, Gonville Court; thirdly, she gave £46 to repair the buildings of the Hall, besides a sum of 40 marks, which she bestowed on the College chest; and therefore Dr Caius says, he had almost called her the most indulgent mother and nurse of the College.

1502. The Lady Anne Scroope, sometime wife of the Lord John Scroope of Bolton, March 4, gave the manor of Mortimer's, in Newnham, by Cambridge, with the mill, for the maintenance of a Fellow, to be a priest, and of the diocese of Norwich, with a stipend of £8 a year.

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