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1551. In the reign of King Edward VI. the ancient Statutes were revised, and by him it was decreed, that the number of fellows should not be less than 10, unless from extraordinary decrease in the revenues, and that there should be 4 poor scholars. The numbers, however, are directed to be increased according to the increase of the revenues.

Fuller states that in 1634 there were maintained, one master, 18 fellows, 36 scholars, besides officers and servants of the foundation, and other students; the whole number being 106. In the time of Dr Caius, the number was 129, but in 1753 the number was about a hundred.

Master Thomas Cave gave £12 a year to found two Scholarships for scholars from the Grammar-school at Wakefield. Mr Ralph Scrivener gave a benefaction for founding one Scholarship, now of the value of £14 per annum.

Walter Worlick and Elizabeth his wife gave a benefaction to found Scholarships.

William Marshall gave a rent-charge of £3. 68. 8d.

for founding one Scholarship.

1571. Edward Leeds, D.C.L. sometime Master of the College, left a benefaction for the maintenance of scholars.

1562. Queen Elizabeth endowed ten Scholarships with an allowance of 1s. a week, by the gift of the Hospital of St John and Mary Magdalene in Ely.

1584. Robert Johnson, B.D. Rector of North Luffenham, Rutland, and Archdeacon of Leicester, appropriated four of his Exhibitions to students at Clare Hall, with a preference to Scholars from the Grammar-schools of Oakham and Uppingham, of which he was the founder. The value of each of these Exhibitions was originally £6. 10s. per annum. In 1796 they were £10, and now they are £20 each.

1612. Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, left a rent-charge of £108 for the maintenance of three Junior Fellows and eight Scholars. His lordship ordained that the three fellows should be called "the Earl of Exeter his Fellows," and not be under the degree of B.A. at the time of their admission. They have the same privileges as the senior fellows, and are required to be in priests' orders in four years after M.A. The value of these fellowships has been increased by Gilbert Bouchery, who left an

estate in Kent of the present value of £80 per annum for the augmentation of the income of the three Exeter fellows.

It was also ordained that six of the scholars should be called "The Earl of Exeter his Scholars," and receive a stipend of 28. a week; and the other two, "The Lady Dorothy, countess of Exeter, her Scholars," and receive 1s. 6d. a week when in residence.

It is also provided that in the election of new scholars the Master and Fellows shall principally prefer such persons as formerly had been taught and instructed in the Grammarschool of Stamford, if in respect of their learning and honest conversation they should be found as fit and able as others who shall be competitors with them for the said scholarships.

1622, John Freeman, Esq. of Great Billing in Northamptonshire, gave by his executors the manor of Risby, with lands, tenements, &c., in the county of Lincoln, for the maintenance of two Junior Fellows and eight Scholars, and two poor Scholars. By indenture made between his executors and the College, the fellows on this foundation have the same privileges as those on the Exeter foundation. In 1805 each of the fellows had rooms rent free and a stipend of 10s. a week if resident, or £9. 19s. 4d. a year if non-resident. Eight of the scholars received 3s. 3d. a week, and the other two 10d. a week, if resident.

The Master and Fellows have now increased the income by allowing each of the two Freeman's fellows £120 per annum, and have increased four of these scholarships to the value of £50 a year, besides an allowance of 3s. 3d. a week during residence, and they are tenable till B.Α.

1637. Mr Borage gave the College a rent-charge of £15 a year to found a Bye-fellowship for a person of his name and kindred, and in failure, for a native of Norwich or of the county of Norfolk, with a preference to the scholar on his foundation at Corpus Christi College. This fellowship is not tenable by a Non-Regent M.Α.

1658. Joseph Diggons, Esq. of Lisse, in the county of Southampton, left estates to found new fellowships and scholarships, without fixing any conditions.

The Society agreed the same year that there should be two Junior Fellows and four Scholars; and that the allowance to cach fellow should be £10, with rooins rent free if resident;

and to each of the scholars 4s. a week during residence. In 1804 the rental of the estates was about £350 a year. Two additional fellowships were added to this foundation, by the Master and Seniors in 1824, from the increased rents of the estates, and each of the four fellows on this foundation is allowed £100 per annum.

1684. Daniel Wilson of Bremhill, sometime Fellow of the College, left a benefaction for the maintenance of two poor scholars.

1684. Robert Hancock, M.A. sometime Fellow of the College, gave a benefaction for one exhibition to a poor scholar. 1684. Thomas Pyke, of Cambridge, founded two Scholarships.

Alexander Metcalfe founded a Scholarship for a student from the Grammar-school of Kingston-upon-Hull.

Sir John Trott founded one Scholarship of the annual

value of £20, and tenable till M.Α.

Benjamin Cherry, Esq. founded one Scholarship of the value of £40 a year for a native of Hertford, but it is to be open to general competition if there be no candidate from Hertford sufficiently qualified.

1717. Thomas Philipott, Esq. left an estate for founding two Bye-fellowships for natives of the county of Kent, with a preference to those persons born in the hundred of Blackheath. In 1805 the stipend of each fellow was £24 per annum.

1730. Robert Greene, D.D. of Tamworth, and formerly Fellow of the College, by his will left money for the purchase of two silver cups of the value of £6 each, with appropriate inscriptions, for two scholars in their third year; "the first as a reward of piety, virtue, and goodness, and the other, of ingenuity, scholarship, and learning; it being a more difficult task to be a real Christian than an excellent scholar; and if it so happen that one and the same youth, according to the judgment of the Master and Fellows, shall be the most eminent of his year for both these endowments of piety and learning, it is then my will that he be presented with both these plates."

Dr Greene also gave a benefaction for founding Scholarships, which are now eight in number, four of the value of £20 per annum, and four of 3s. per week during residence.

1779. William Greaves, Esq., M.A. of Fulbourn, formerl fellow of the College, and Commissary of the University, le £10 annually for a Bachelor of Arts who shall compose an recite the best Dissertation in English on the character of Kin William III.

1785. The Rev. Mark Anthony Stephenson, M.A. fol merly Fellow and Tutor of the College, gave £50 a year t found a Scholarship, in the first place to be appropriated to h own kin; secondly, to natives of Scarborough; and thirdly, i case of there being no such candidate properly qualified, to b open to general competition.

1849. The Rev. J. Hinman, M.A. formerly Fellow founded one Scholarship of £40 a year, with a preference, cæteri paribus, to natives of Rutland.

The present Society consists of the Master, ten Senior, nin Junior, and three Bye-fellows.

The foundation fellowships are given according to merit without restriction as to family or county, certain restrictions prescribed by the Statutes having been removed by a royal letter obtained by the College from his Majesty King George IV.

The three bye-fellowships, however, are limited by the wills of the founders to natives of particular counties.

The qualifications of the fellows are thus described in the statutes." Eligantur in socios ii semper qui moribus et eruditione fuerint insigniores, quosque magister et socii speraverint firmiterque crediderint in eadem domo ad Dei honorem et profectum studii scholastici cum effectu velle et posse proficere, et inter hos illi qui indigentiores fuerint."

The Senior and Junior Fellowships are open to all persons who are Bachelors of Arts, or of any higher degree, no one being superannuated or incapable of being a candidate on account of age or length of standing in the University. The Seniors must be in holy orders except two, who with the consent of the Master and major part of the Fellows, may practise law and physic. In 1804 the average value of a Senior Fellowship was about £100 a year, besides rooms and commons.

The Junior Fellows enjoy the same privileges as the Seniors, and seven of them are required to be in priests' orders, the other two may be laymen.

The three Bye-fellows have no voice in the affairs of the College, and cannot be elected into any other fellowship. They are obliged to be in priests' orders within seven years after B.A.

The scholarships are generally open to free competition, and the election takes place every year in January after an examination in classical literature; and the Statutes prescribe in the election:-"Et qui virtute, ingenio, doctrina reliquos antecellerint, ii omnino per Magistrum et majorem partem sociorum in electione illa præferantur."

Four of the foundation scholarships have been raised to the value of £50 each; and four to £20 each per annum. There is a weekly allowance of 38. 3d. besides during residence.

The other scholarships, the value of which is not stated, vary from 2s. to 68. per week during residence.

There are three sizars admitted, one every year, after an examination in Classics and Mathematics. The emoluments allowed to the sizars are considerable but variable.

The College from its funds gives annually prizes of Books to all those students who may be judged deserving at the annual College Examination, which takes place at the division of the Laster Term.

The College has also instituted annual prizes for the best Latin theme, and the best declamation; also for the best reader in chapel, and for the most distinguished student in Divinity at the College Examination.

In order to encourage and reward distinguished merit, the College has also from its general funds appropriated a sum of not less than £110 a year to be given in additional prizes. One prize of £20 and another of £10 are given to the two most distinguished in Mathematics in each year; and a prize not exceeding £10 to the most distinguished Classical scholar of the second and third year after the College Examination.

The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to sixteen church-livings.

The annual revenue of the College as reported by the Commissioners in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was £132. 78. 1d.

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