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Gaddana, i. 355.

Gagnæus, John, iii. 287.
Gajanus, ii. 57.

Galatinus, iii. 57.

Gale, Theophilus, iii. 260.
Galenists, iv. 367.

Galenus, Abrahams de Haan, iv. 367.
Galerius Maximian, i. 212; real au-
thor of Diocletian's persecution,

Galileo, iv. 43.

Gall, St. ii. 63, 64.

Gallican liberties, iv. 92. 95.

Gallienus, i. 212; favour to the Chris-

tians, shown by, 205.
Gallius, Peter, iii. 135.

Gallon, Anthony, iv. 113.

Gallus, ii. 695.

Gallus, persecution,

under, i. 211.

Galterius, ii. 473.

Ganari, ii. 180. 392.

Ganganelli, iv. 406.

Gangra, council of, i. 361.

Gangrana, iii. 255.

Gardiner, Stephen, writes against the

papacy, iii. 176; swears against it,
179; deprived, 185.

Garnet, Henry, iv. 72.

Garnier, iv. 110.

Gassendi, iv. 43. 49. 52.

Gaudentius, i. 345.

Gauferius, ii. 367.

Gaufredi, ii. 573.

Gaufrid of Limoges, ii. 477.

Gaul, Belgic, conversion of, i. 124;


Gaunilo, ii. 323.
Gebevin, ii. 301.
Gebhard, iii. 330.
Geiler, iii. 54.

Gelasius, Pope, i. 457. 464; of Cyzi-
cum, 446; II. 446. 472.
Gemisthius Pletho, iii. 10. 37.
Genealogy, Christ's, ancient theory of,
i. 226.

Genevan school, decline of, iv. 226.
Genghiskan, ii. 432. 514; his family
driven from China, 635.
Gennadius, i. 457; iii. 37.

Genseric, i. 477.

Gentilis, Valentine, iii. 589. 593.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, ii. 475.
George, of Alexandria, ii. 88; the
Galatian, ib.; Chartophylax, 207 ;
Harmatolus, ib.; Xiphilinus, 465;
Acropolita, 527; David, iii. 578;
III. iv. 479, 481; IV. 481, 486.
Georgia, conversion of, i. 303.
Georgian church, the, iii. 309.
Georgius of Corcyra, ii. 465.
Gerbert, ii. 275.

Gergentius, ii. 30.

Gerhard, ii. 569; Odonis, 691; Mag-
nus, 694; of Zutphen, 695; John
and John Ernest, iv. 178. 183.
Germain, St. national convention of,
iii. 388.

German churches, foundation of some
early, i. 207.

Germans, sect of, iii. 566.

Germanus, ii. 39. 146. 163; II. 583.
Germany, early conversion of, i. 123.
Gerson, iii. 40.

a nominalist, iii. 20.

Gertrude, ii. 594.

Gervais of Tilbury, ii. 532.
Gervasius, ii. 592.

Geyer, iv. 179.

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Gomar, Francis, iv. 316.
Gomarus, iv. 227.
Gonesius, Peter, iii. 590.

Good works, Lutheran controversy
upon, iii. 352.

Goodacre, Abp. iii. 520.
Gorcomius, iii. 45.

Gordan, tranquillity of the Christians
under, i. 205.

Gordianus, ii. 38.

Gordon, Lord George, iv. 443.
Gospels, apocryphal, i. 41.

Gossipred, iii. 516.

Gothic liturgy, ii. 388.

Goths, conversion of the, i. 207; final,

Gotselin, or Goscelin, ii. 369.
Gozbert, ii. 366.

Granada, capitulation of, iii. 3.
Grandimontans, the, ii. 358.
Gratian, the canonist, ii. 439.

emperor, i. 399.

the missionary, i. 207.

Gravamina centum, iii. 120.

Grawer, iv. 178.

Grebel, iii. 556.

Greek, first taught in the West, ii.


church, great divisions of, iii.

303; confession of, 305.

Greeks, agreement with, arranged at
Florence, iii. 27.

Greenland converted, ii. 264.
Greenwood, iii. 441.

Gregory, the Illuminator, i. 302;
Thaumaturgus, 227. 243; Nazian-
zen, 326. 352; Nyssen, 326; the
Great, accession, ii. 5; disapproves
compulsory baptism of Jews, 7;
prejudiced against Pagan authors,
13; offended by the assumption of
the bishop of Constantinople, 18;
superstitious, 19; history, 31; mo-
nachism, 25; doctrines, 40; his
morals, 42; superstitious rites, 50;
of Tours, 35; of Pisidia, 87; de
Rimini, 688; Palamas, 706; II.
152; resists iconoclasm, 163; III.
152; IV. 216; VI. 328; VII.
329. 334. 335; death, 351; VIII.
446. 456. 477; IX. 524. 547. 592;
X. 550. 595; XI. 656; XIII. iii.
272; his designs upon Ireland,
537; the Abyssinian, iv. 157.

Gretser, iv. 112.

Grevius, ii. 593.

Grey, Earl, iv. 479.

—, Lady Jane, iii. 186.

Gribaldus, Matthew, iii. 590. 592.

Grindal, Abp. iii. 447.

Groningenists, iv. 364.
Groote, Gerhard, iii. 35.

Grossus, or Grossius, John, iii. 47.
Grosthead, Bp. Robert, ii. 588.
Grotius, Hugo, iv. 45; tolerant views
of, 80. 173; Scriptural views of,
223. 317. 318. 320.

Gruet, iii. 422.
Gruyhodius, iii. 53.
Guaguinus, iii. 54.
Gualbert, ii. 356.
Gualdo, ii. 368.

Guallensis, John, ii. 594.
Guelphs and Gibellines, ii. 549.
Guerric, ii. 474.

Guido, cardinal, introduces prostra-
tion when the consecrated bread
was elevated, ii. 494; of St. Ger-
main's, 595; Baifius, ib.; of Dau-
phiny, 472; Bernard, 691; de Per-
piniano, 692.

Guiscard, Robert, ii. 305. 330; Ro-
ger, ib.

Guitmund, ii. 368.

Gulielmus, ii. 218.

Gundulph, ii. 396.

Gunpowder conspiracy, iv. 72.
Gunther Ligurinus, ii. 331.
Gunzo, ii. 274.

Gustavus Vasa, iii. 134; Adolphus,

iv. 67.

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Hadrian I. ii. 139. 153; IV. 449.
476; V. 551; VI. elected, iii. 119;
account of him, ib.; death, 120.
Hague, synod of the, iv. 236.
Hainricus, ii. 694.

Haiton, or Aiton, ii. 685.
Hakem, iii. 319.

Hallean heretics, ii. 611.

Halleluia, trifling ceremonies about,
iii. 68.

Hallensian controversy, iv. 184.
Hales, Alexander, ii. 535. 588.
————-, John, iii. 259; Letters of, iv.


Halitgarius, ii. 215.

Hamel, iii. 298.

Hamilton, Abp. iii. 208.

Patrick, iii. 142.

Hampole, Richard, ii. 692.
Hampton Court conference, iv. 238.
Hanapus, ii. 594.

Hanover made an electorate, iv. 313.
Harald Blaatand, ii. 262.

Klack, ii. 178.

Harding, Stephen, ii. 472.
Harduin, iv. 109.

Harphius, iii. 45.

Hartmannus, ii. 217.

Hartwich, ii. 421.

Hattem, iv. 274.

Hatto, ii. 215.

Haymo of Halberstadt, ii. 211, 224.
Heber, Bp. iv. 501; testimony of, as
to the unity of God believed among
the Hindoos, i. 16.

Hebrew thought unlawful to be learnt

of Jews, ii. 482; study of, iii. 10.
Heddius, ii. 152.

Hegesippus, i. 6, 158.

Heidegger, iv. 275.

Heidelburg Catechism, iii. 385.

Heimburg, Gregory de, iii. 51.

Helena, the seeming originator of pil-
grimages, i. 347.
Helinandus, ii. 592.

Heliogabalus, toleration of Christians

under, i. 194.

Helladius, i. 448.

Hellwig, iv. 86.

Helmold, ii. 476.

Helmont, Jo. Bapt. iv. 48.

Helmstadian, iv. 184.
Hemerobaptists, i. 30.
Hemming, Nicholas, iii. 406.

Hemmingford, Walter, ii. 692.
Henichius, iv. 191.
Henoticon, i. 495.
Henricians, ii. 501.

Henry, the emperor, IV. ii. 344; ex-
communicated, 349; V. 445; the
Lion, 420; VII. of England, makes
his son protest against the marriage
with Catharine of Aragon, iii. 154;
VIII. unwilling to join the league
of Smalcald, 150; revolts from
Rome, 154; controverts Luther's
opinions, 172; III. of France, ac-
cession, 389; death, ib.; IV. apos-
tacy, 387; death, 390; of Upsal,
ii. 419; of Huntingdon, 475; the
Henrician sectary, 501; de Se-
gusio, 594; of Ghent, 595; Suso,
ib.; de Urimaria, 693; of Cologne,
708; duke of Saxony, iv. 218.
Henschen, iv. 114.
Heraclas, i. 228.

Heraclius, persecution of the Jews
by, ii. 67; compromise of, with the
Monophysites, ii. 102.

Herard, ii. 217.
Herbert, Lord, iv. 37.
Herembertus, ii. 218.
Herentalius, ii. 695.

Heresy, nature of, i. 4; Elizabeth's
statute against, iii. 200. 396.

Heretics, nature of, i. 4; first crusade

against, ii. 455; salvability of, main-
tained by Jesuits, iii. 292.

Heric, ii. 192. 214.

Heriger of Laubes, ii. 291.

Hermann, a converted Jew, ii. 472.
de Lerbeke, iii. 47.

Hermannus Contractus, ii. 367.
Hermas, Shepherd of, i. 90.

Hermias, Sozomenus, i. 448; the ec-

cles. historian.

Hermit, Peter the, ii. 307.

Hermogenes, i. 198.

Hermolaus Barbarus, iii. 11. 52.

Hermonymus, iii. 40.

Herod the Great, pernicious adminis-

tration of, i. 28; death of, 40.
Herrenhutters, the, iv. 294.

Herring, Abp. iv. 439.

Heruli, conversion of, ii. 4.
Herveus, ii. 473.

Hervæus Natalis, ii. 686.

Heshusius, iii. 366.

Hesse, conversion of, ii. 117; seces-
sion of, from Lutheranism, iv. 162.
Hesychasts, ii. 705.

Hesychius, i. 235 ; ii. 86. 95.

Hetto, ii. 215.

Hetzer, iii. 555. 584.

Hevelius, iv. 43.

Hexapla, Origen's, i. 240; his perver-
sions of Scripture, i. 242.
Heylin, Peter, iv. 157.
Hieracites, the, i. 264.
Hierax, i. 264.

Hierocles, a controversialist against
Christianity, i. 299.

Hieronymus of Dalmatia, i. 334.
a S. Fide, iii. 47.
Hierotheus, ii. 261.
Higden, Ranulph, ii. 693.
High Church, iii. 263, 264.
High Commission Court, iii. 397;
Scottish, iv. 286.
Hilarion, i. 355.

Hilarius of Sardinia, i. 344.
Hilary of Arles, i. 455.


Poictiers, account of, i. 334.

Heraclides, i. 447.

Heraclitus, i. 159.

Rome, i. 457.

Hildebert, ii. 366, 374.

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Hincmar, ii. 212; of Rheims, 224,
236, 238.

Hippolytus, i. 225. 244.

of Thebes, ii. 288.

Hirsaugians, the, ii. 357.
Hoadley, Bp. iv. 398. 421.

Hobbes, Thomas, iv. 34. 225.

Hoburg, iv. 215.

Hody, Humphrey, iv. 264.
Hoe, iv. 179.

Hofmann, iii. 336. 556.
Holkot, Robert, ii. 693.

Holland, Reformation in, iii. 168;
peculiarities in the church of, 371.
Holstein, Luke, iv. 114.
Holstenius, iv. 85.

Holy cross day, festival of, ii. 99.
Homiliarium, ii. 158.

Homilies, first book of, published, iii.


Hone, Cornelius, iii. 122.

Honorius, i. 417; persecutes the Do-
natists, 475; Pope, ii. 91; unsound
in doctrine, 105; II. 448. 473;
III. 546. 592; IV. 552; of Autun,

Honsemius, ii. 693.
Hoogerbeets, iv. 317. 320.

Hoogstrat, iii. 104.

Hooker, moderate views of, iii. 443.

Hooper, Bp. particulars, and martyr-
dom of, iii. 190.

Hormisdas, ii. 37.
Horne, Andrew, ii. 641.

-, bishop of Winchester, iii. 199.

Horneius, iv. 185.

Horsley, Bp. iv. 434. 445.
Hosius, bp. of Corduba, said to have
consummated the conversion of
Constantine, i. 286; account of him,

of Cracow, iii. 281.
Hospinian, iii. 364.
Houghton, Sir Henry, iv. 438, 439.
Houpeland, iii. 50.

Hours, canonical, in the third century,
i. 254.

Hoveden, John, ii. 478.

Hubald, ii. 290. 296.

Huber, Samuel, iii. 368.
Hubmeyer, iii. 556.
Huet, P. D. iv. 57. 114.

Hugo, of Clugni, ii. 367; of Tours, ib. ;
of Limoges, ib.; of Die, 368; of St.
Flabin, 471; of St. Victor, 468;

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Humiliati, ii. 554.

Humiliation of Christ, controversy
upon, iv. 207.

Hungarian persecution against Pro-
testants, iv. 69.

Hungary, converted, ii. 261; Protes-
tants in, iii. 140. 405.
Hunneric, i. 477.
Hunnias, Ulr. iv. 85.
Hunnius, iv. 178.

Huns, forcible conversion of, ii. 124.
Huntly, earl of, iii. 497.
Huss, John, iii. 17, 46.
Hutter, iv. 178.
Hydatius, i. 456.
Hydrentinus, ii. 585.
Hydroparastites, i. 376.
Hypatia, i. 308.

Hypothetical Universalists, iv. 231.
Hyrcania, conversion of, ii. 115.


Ibas, i. 448. 488; ii. 46.
Iceland, conversion of, ii. 264.
Iconoclasta, ii. 163.

Iconoduli, ii. 163.
Iconolatra, ii. 163.
Iconomachi, ii. 163.
Idacius Clarus, i. 345.
Idatius, i. 456.

Ignatius, martyrdom and epistles of, i.
89. 134; deacon at Constantinople,
ii. 206; patriarch, 207; general
name of the monophysite patriarchs,
iii. 311.

Ildefonsus of Toledo, ii. 89. 95.
Illegitimacy, an undecided objection
against a pope, iii. 152.
Illyricus, i. 6.

Images, worship of, controversy upon,
ii. 161; and pictures, not in the
primitive churches, ib.; worship of,
established, 230; relative, 378;
rejected in England, 406; subse-
quently received, ib.; finally for-
bidden, iii. 525.

Immaculate conception, ii. 492. 702 ; Ireland, conversion of, i. 422; ancient

iv. 138; feast of, iii. 67.

Imola, de, iii. 51.

Impanation, iii. 383.

Impostors, the three, ii. 525.

Imputation of Adam's sin, iv. 233.
Incense, introduction of in churches,
i. 252.

Incensers, i. 210.

Incorruptibility of Christ's body, ii.

Indemnity, act of, iv. 419.
Independency, rise of, iii. 441.
Independents, account of, iii. 243; their
first church in England, 248.
India, Romanism in, iv. 9.
Indian episcopate, iv. 501.
Indices, expurgatory, iii. 265. 271.
Indifferentism, iv. 37.

Indulgences, rise of, ii. 97; nature of,
and papal traffic in, ii. 481; com-
monly at the disposal of the Fran-
ciscans, ii. 562; general preaching
of, in the 15th cent. iii. 67; conci-
liar decrees against, 68; sale of,
88; nature of, 94.

Infant communion, early use of, i. 178;
supposed necessity of, i. 253; iii.

Infralapsarians, iv. 227.
Ingulph of Croyland, ii. 368.
Inighists, iii. 266.

Innocent I. i. 445; II. ii. 334. 448. 473;
III. 466; overthrows the right of free
ecclesiastical election, 540; subju-
gates Rome, 541; his history, 542;
IV. 548. 593; V. 551. 595; VI.
656; VIII. iii. 30; X. iv. 60. 128;
issues a bull against the peace of
Westphalia, 69; XI. 61. 95, 96;
XII. 62.

Inquisition, origin of, ii. 558. 612;
nature of proceedings in, 615; re-
sisted at Naples, iii. 170.
Insabbatati, ii. 505.

Inscription, Spanish, relating to the

Neronian persecution, i. 61.
Institution of a Christian Man, iii.

Interdict laid on Rome, ii. 504; the
English, 545; Venetian, iv. 90.
Interim, the, iii. 160; the Leipsic, iii.

Intolerance, rise of, i. 358.
Investitures, ii. 344. 353. 446.
Invocation of saints, rise of, i. 459;
saintly, origin of, ii. 294; among
the Anglo-Saxons, 408.

Iona monks, Romish conformity of, ii.

literary eminence of, ii. 159; ancient
state of, iii. 515; re-establishment
of episcopacy in, iv. 296; church of,
income of, 494.

Irenæus, mission of, to Gaul, i. 125 ;
works of, 152; history of, 154. 163;
bishop of Lyons, interferes to stay
the intemperance of pope Victor,
178; of Tyre, 449.
Irene, ii. 165. 167.

Irish, types introduced, iii. 527 ; N. T.
published, and liturgy, ib.; bishops,
conformity of, 528; confiscations,
iv. 445.

Isaac, a converted Jew, author of a
tract on the Trinity, i. 448; of
Nineve, ii. 29; of Langres, 217; of
Armenia, 465.
Isbraniki, iv. 153.
Isdegerdes, i. 426.
Isichius, ii. 86. 94.

Isidore Gazæus, i. 308; of Cordova,
455; of Pelusium, the scriptural
commentator, 461; of Badajos, ii.

Isidorus Pelusiota, i. 444; of Seville,
ii. 35. 41; Ruthensis, iii. 38;
Clarius, 287.

Italic version, the, i. 127. 349.
Italy, loss of, by the Greek empire, ii.

Ivo of Chartres, ii. 366.


Jacobellus de Misa, iii. 22.
Jacobins, ii. 560.

Jacobite monks, ii. 554.
Jacobites, the, ii. 57.

iii. 263. 310.

Jacobus de Vitriaco, ii. 586.
Jacobus Baradæus, or Zanzalus, ii. 56.
Jagello, ii. 615.

Jamblichus, i. 308.

James I. assumes the government of
Scotland, iii. 454; falls into the
hands of favourites, 480; detained
at Ruthven, 481; escapes from the
conspirators, 483; denounces the
Act of Annexation, 492; marries,
495; eulogises the church of Scot-
land, 496; weakness of his govern-
ment, 498; makes qualified conces-
sions to presbyterianism, 499; le-
nient to the Romish party, 501;
alarmed by a tumult at Edinburgh,
ib.; his literary works, 508; re-
ceives and condemns the Racovian

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