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Cosmas of Jerusalem, ii. 146.

Indicopleustes, ii. 16; opinion

of, as to the Psalms, i. 462.
Cosmo de Medicis, iii. 10.
Cotelier, iv. 115.

Councils, origin of, i. 149; convoked
by princes, ii. 19.
Countries of obedience, iii. 261.
Covenant, the first, iii. 209. 214; the
second, 221; the third, 223; last,
225; adopted in Scotland, iv. 287;
imposed upon England, 289.
Cowper, the poet, causes a selection of
Mad. Guyon's poems to be trans-
lated into English, iv. 142.
Cracovius, George, iii. 360.
Cracow, Socinian catechism and Con-
fession of, iii. 596.

Cranmer, Abp. birth, iii. 173; in great

influence under Edward VI. 181;
consents to alterations in the liturgy,
183; admits civil encroachments
upon the episcopate, 185; pleads
guilty of high treason, 188; his last
troubles, 189.
Crautwald, iii. 344, 345.
Creed, Apostles', ii. 93.

Creeds, early use of, i. 95.

Crell, iv, 374. 401.

Nicholas, iii. 367, 368.

Samuel, adoption of an ancient

party-name by, i. 198.

Crequi, marquis, iv. 95.

Cresconius, ii. 90.

Croats, conversion of, ii. 63.

Cromer, Abp. iii. 517.

Cromwell, Oliver, iv. 73, 299.

Crosby, iii. 578.

Crosier, origin of, i. 369.

Cross, sign of, used in the third cen-
tury, i. 255.

said to have been seen
by Constantine, i. 288.

worship of, established at Nice,

ii. 166.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

D'Achery, iv. 109.

D'Ailly, or de Alliaco, Peter, ii. 687.
Dalmatia converted, ii. 182.

Damascenus, John, ii. 147. 159.
Damascius, ii. 10.

Damasus, i. 316. 341; II. ii. 329.
Damianists, ii. 60.

Damianus, Crassus, iii. 56.
Dancers, sect of, ii. 711.
Daniel, Gabriel, iv. 118.
Daniel, of Winchester, ii. 120.
Danish mission to India, iv. 386.
Dantauer, iv. 179. 210.
Dante, ii. 640.

Dantzic, iii. 402.

Dantzigers, iv. 364.

Darensis, John, ii. 160.

Dataria, iii. 259.

David de Augusta, ii. 594.

Davides, Francis, iii. 609.

Deaconesses, i. 81.

Deacons, order of, i. 80.

Dead languages, liturgical use of, ii.


Decalogue truncated, ii. 406.

Decius, persecution under, i. 209.
Declinature, iii, 485.

Decretals, the, ii. 199; studied exten-


sively in the thirteenth century, ii.
537; an account of them, ib.

De Gray, John, ii. 545.

Degrees, academical, instituted, ii.

De Haem, iv. 403.

De la Rue, iv. 110.
Delitiosi, ii. 669.

Delli Consi, ii. 669.

Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria, at-

tacks Origen, i. 250.
Demiurge, i. 71, 192.
Denk, iii. 556.

Denmark, finally converted, ii. 262;
reformation in, iii. 135.
Deoduin, ii. 367.

Deposing bull against Queen Eliza-
beth, iii. 428; alleged mitigation of,
434; power, disclaimed by the con-
vention of Paris, in 1682, iv. 96.
Des Cartes, iv. 43. 49. 50.
Desiderius, ii. 13. 89. 138.
Desmond, earl of, iii. 534. 540. 542.
Deurhof, iv. 400.

Devay, Matthias, iii. 141.
Devey, iii. 405.

Devil, Becker upon the, iv. 273.
Dezius, iv. 77.

Diadochus of Photice, i. 449.
Dialectics, definition of, ii. 321.
Dictates of Gregory VII. ii. 336.
Didymus of Alexandria, i. 329.
Digest, the, ii. 438.
Dinant, David, ii. 627.
Dinckelspulius, iii. 47.

Dioceses, episcopal original formation
of, i. 82; ecclesiastico-civil, under
the Roman empire, enumeration of,
312; English, changes in, iv. 495.
Diocletian, first tolerant of Christianity,
i. 278; issues an edict against it,
279; becomes a violent persecutor,

Diodorus of Tarsus, i. 328.
Dion Cassius, i. 215.
Dionysian era, ii. 33.

Dionysius, Exiguus, ii. 33; introducer
of the Christian era into chro-
nology, i. 39; bishop of Corinth,
the pseudo-Areopagite, ii.
226; supposititious works under his
name, i. 247; the missionary, 207;
of Alexandria, 228. 244. 248; the
mystic, 350. 354; Periegetes, ii.
433; a Ryckel, iii. 44.
Diospolis, council of, i. 502.
Dippel, iv. 204.

Disciplinarian controversy, the, iii.

Discipline, Lutheran, iii. 329; Cal-

vin's, 416; first book of, (Scottish)
iii. 231; second book of, 469. 473.
475. 477. 491. 499.

Disney, Dr., iv. 433.

Dispensing power, iv. 305.
Disputation at Westminster, iii. 199.
Dissenters, hostility of, to James II.
iv. 305.

Dissidents, Polish, iv. 70. 461.
Doctrinal Puritanism, iii. 442.

Doddridge, Dr. desirous of a compre-
hension, iv. 439.
Dodwell, Henry, iv. 264.
Dogmatici, ii. 485.

Dogmatics, Romish, iii. 289.
Dolet, Stephen, iii. 250.

Dominic, founder of the Dominicans,
ii. 558.

Dominicans, ii. 557.

Domitian, persecution of, 63; Magian
system, great distinction of, 65.
Donatists, the, i. 377. 382. 475; extin-
guished, ii. 53.

Donatus, i. 377; works of, 343; of
Metz, ii. 153.

Donellan, Abp. iii. 527.

Dorbellus, iii. 50.

Dorotheus, i. 331. 448; ii. 85. 95.

Dort, synod of, iv. 239, 240. 322; iv.
227, 228. 281.

Dositheus, i. 111; iv. 152. 179.
Douglas, Abp. iii. 460.

Dowdall, Abp. iii. 519. 521. 528.
Dracontius, i. 454.

Drepanius Florus, ii. 210.
Dreyer, iv. 191.

Druids, power of, ii. 132. 135.
Druses, ii. 523; iii. 318.
Druthmar, ii. 210. 224.
Ducas, iii. 39.

Ducenarius, i. 268.
Dudith, iii. 595.

Dulcinus, ii. 629.

Dundee, episcopacy abolished at, iii.


Dungal, ii. 192. 215. 231.
Dungannon, iv. 448.
Dünkelspühl, iii. 32.
Duns Scotus, ii. 686.
Dunstan, ii. 289.

Duræus, John (Dury), iv. 168.
Durand, ii. 368.

of St. Porçain, ii. 686.
William, ii. 589.

Durant, William, ii. 690.
Durham university, iv. 503.
Durlach, conference of, iv. 75.
Dury, iii. 469. 479. 482. 484, 488.
Dustan, ii. 407, 408.
Dynamus, ii. 39.

Eadmer, ii. 473.

Eanfleda, ii. 70.


Earnulph of Rochester, ii. 472.
East Anglia, conversion of, ii. 71.
East India Company's charter, iv. 500.
Easter, different times of celebrating,
i. 101; the time settled synodically,
392; Romish, continued opposition
to, in Britain, ii. 97; laughter, iii.


Ebarardus of Ratisbon, ii. 689.
Ebbo, ii. 178. 215.
Ebed Jesu, ii. 258.
Ebionites, i. 118. 181; ii. 386.
Ecbert of St. Florin, ii. 476.
Eccard, or Aycard, Henry, ii. 709.
Ecclesia Tripolitana, iii. 363.
Ecclesiastical history, writers of, i. 6;
reservation, iii. 330; property con-
fiscated in France, iv. 413; Com-
mission, iv. 304.
Echmiazin, iii. 313.

Eckius, iii. 104. 107. 108. 280.
Eclectics, origin and principles of, i.
26. 141; modern, iv. 57.
Economics, in theology, i. 245.
Ecthesis, ii. 105.

Eddius, Stephen, ii. 152.

Edessa, school of, i. 487.

Edgar, ii. 407.

Edinburgh entered by the congrega-

tion, iii. 222; evacuated, 223; tu-
mult in, 501.

Edmonds, Elizabeth, iii. 523.

Edward VI. iii. 181. 186.

Edwards, Thomas, iii. 255.

Eginhard, ii. 150, 209.

Eichstadt, Philip of, ii. 690.

Eitzen, Paul von, iii. 364.
Elcesaites, i. 183.

Elderships, iii. 392.

Elector Palatine elected king of Bohe-
mia, iv. 65.

Eleutherus, Pope, connection of with
king Lucius, i. 124.

Elevation of the eucharist, rise of, i.
374; first greeted with prostration,
ii. 494.

[blocks in formation]

receives an overture of marriage
from Philip II. 192; notifies her
accession to the pope, 193; crowned,
194; declines papal overtures, 201;
assists the Scottish congregation,
224; views of her religious policy
by Mosheim, and Dissenters, 394;
her explanation of the supremacy,
413; the bull to dethrone her,
428. 434; displeased with the Lam-
beth articles, 443; her religious
firmness, 444.

Elizabeth of Schönhaugeu,ii. 476. 480.
Elmacin, ii. 528.
Elxai, i. 183.

Ely, bishopric, founded, ii. 414.
Emanuel Palæologus, ii. 685.

Emigration, Protestant, from Ireland,
iv. 482.

Eminence, title of, conferred on car-
dinals, iv. 60.

Emsa, Stephen de, ii. 505.
Emser, iii. 280.

Encratites, i. 376.

End, the, a justification of means, iv.

Engagement, the, iii. 256.
Engelbert, ii. 595.

England, Protestant movements in,
iii. 141.

Ennodius, ii. 18. 20. 32.
Enthusiasts, i. 413.

Eon of Bretagne, ii. 511.

Ephesus, council of, i. 482. 492. 502.

Ephrem Syrus, i. 328. 352.

Ephraim of Antioch, ii. 29.

Epictetus, i. 140.

Epicureans, principles of, i. 23; po-

pularity of, 140.

Epiphanes, i. 191.

[blocks in formation]

Esaianists, i. 496.

Esais of Cyprus, iii. 38.
Espencæus, iii. 281.

Essenes, principles of scriptural inter-
pretation holden by, i. 33; habits
of, 34.

Essex, conversion of, ii. 71.
Estius, iv. 114.

Ethelbert, king of Kent, ii. 5. 67.
Ethelburga, ii. 69.
Ethelwerd, ii. 273.
Ethelwold, ii. 407.
Etherius, ii. 153.

Eucharist, primitive administration of,
i. 178; usages respecting, in cent.
III.; superstitious veneration for, ii.

Eucherius of Lyons, i. 451. 465.
Euchites, i. 413; ii. 496.
Eudocia, i. 447.

Eudoxius of Germanica, i. 333.

Eugene III. ii. 475.

IV. iii. 24.

Eugenius II. Pope, ii. 216.

III. ii. 449.

of Toledo, ii. 91.

Eugyppius, the African, ii. 39; of
Naples, 37.

Eulogius of Antioch, ii. 27; the mar-

tyr, 184; of Corduba, 216.

Eunomians, i. 400. 402.

Eunomius of Cynicum, i. 333. -
Euphemites, i. 414.
Euphemius, ii. 183.
Eusebians, i. 400.

Eusebius, Pamphili, i. 6. 320; of
Nicomedia, 332. 386, 395. 409; of
Emesa, 332; Bercellensis, 343; of
Dorylæum, 449. 491; of Thessalo-
nica, ii. 88.
Eustathians, i. 363.

Eustathius, i. 329. 461. 433. 449. 456.

Eustratius, ii. 30. 435. 463.

Euthalius, i. 449.

Eutherius, i. 448.

Euthimius Zigabenus, ii. 464. 480.
Eutropius, ii. 39.

Eutyches, i. 490. 492.

and Eutychianism, i. 449.
Eutychius, ii. 30. 271. 288.
Evagrius Scholasticus, account and
history of, ii. 27; archdeacon of
Constantinople, 334.
Evangelists, missionary, 75.

Everlasting Gospel, the, ii. 564. 568.

569; introduction to it, 569.
Evisa, Stephen de, ii. 505.
Evodius of Uzala, i. 455.

Exaltatio crucis, ii. 99.

Exarch, Russian, iv. 155.
Exarchs, i. 312.

Excommunication, early use of, i. 169 ;
papal, ii. 136.

Exemptions, monastic, ii. 85. 354 ;
clerical, ii. 145.

Exivi de Paradiso, ii. 667.

Exorcism, formula of, iii. 367; bap-
tismal, introduction of, i. 254.
Exorcists, i. 221.

Expectative, ii. 651.

Expositors, Scriptural, the first of, i.


Expropriation, ii. 572. 672.
Exucontians, i. 402.
Eymericus, Nicolaus, 693.


Faber, bishop, said to have drawn up
a confutation of the confession of
Augsburg, fi. 145; John, 281.
Facuties, the four, ii. 438.
Facundus of Hermiane, ii. 33.

Faith and charity, knights of, ii, 555.
Faithful, the, definition of, i. 78. 95.
Falkland, arrangement at, iii. 507.
Farnovians, iii. 594. 610.

Farnovius, death of, iii. 611.

Farrell, William, iii. 139. 381.
Faster, John, the, ii. 17. 27.
Fastidius, i. 465.

Fasting, increased veneration for, in
the third century, i. 254.

Fasts, primitive, i. 105; great, ii. 171.
Fate, Pagan notion of, i. 16; stoical
views of, 25.

Fathers, authority of the, in England,
iii. 408.
Faustinus, i. 345.

Faustus, ii. 90; the Manichæan, opi-
nion of, as to both Judaism and
Christianity, i. 15; book of, 345 ;
of Lerins, 487.

Feast-days, papal diminution of, iv.


Fecknam approves the oath of supre-
macy, iii. 413.

Feet-washers, iii. 573.

Felicitas, martyrdom of, i. 208.
Felix of Aphinges, i. 377. 382; III.
496; IV. ii. 37; V. iii. 27, 28; an
English monk, ii. 152.

Felton, outrage of, iii. 428.

Fenelon, iv. 115; takes part with
Mad. Guyon, 142; is condemned by
the pope, 143.

Ferdinand, St. ii. 521; the catholic,
iii. 3; the emperor, elected king of

the Romans, 151; demands the al-
lowance of whole communion and
clerical marriage, 285 ; III. iv. 60.
Fernandes Gonsalvo, iv. 10.
Ferrandus, ii. 33.

Ferrar, bishop, particulars and mar-
tyrdom of, iii. 190.
Ferrara, council of, iii. 26.
Ferrarius, Bartholomew, iii. 277.
Festivals, primitive, i. 102. 176; ob-
served in cent. IV. 372; and
fasts in cent. IX. ii. 248; regulated
by Charlemagne, 171; Lutheran,
iii. 329.

Feuardentius (Feuardent), iv. 112.
Fidatus, ii. 692.
Filesac, iv. 115.
Finan, ii. 70.

Fine and Gross, iii. 565.

Finland converted, ii. 419.

Finus Hadrianus, iii. 55.

Fire philosophers, iii. 253. 335; iv.


Firmilian, i. 233.

First-fruits, ii. 651.

Fisher, bishop, iii. 179.

Samuel, iv. 337.

Fitz-Ralph, R. archbishop of Armagh,
ii. 660.

Fitzmaurice, James, iii. 539.
Fitzwilliam, Earl, iv. 449.

Five Points, the, iv. 318. 327, 328.
Flacius Matthias, iii. 279. 332; made
professor of divinity, 353; his con-
troversies, 354; that with the Swiss
on the eucharist, 376.

Flagellants, ii. 598; revival of, 711;
the new, iii. 73.

Flandrians, iii. 549. 566.

Flavianus, i. 491; of Antioch, 334.

Fleming, Robert, iii. 51.

Flemings, iii. 549. 566.

Flodoard, ii. 273.

Florence of Worcester, ii. 472.
Florinians, i. 194.

Florus, ii. 153.

[blocks in formation]

Fortunatianus, i. 343.
Fortunatus, ii. 34.

Fox, Edward, envoy to the league of
Smalcald, iii. 150; George, iv. 333.
339; C. J. admits that no promise
was made to the Romanists, 478.
Foxe's Martyrology provided in every
parish, iii. 191.

France, ancient division of, ii. 621;
reformation in, iii. 138; protestant
polity of, 414.

Francfort, council of, ii. 168.
Franchise, elective, conceded to Irish
Romanists, iv. 481.

Francis II. accession of, iii. 388.

St. ii. 560. 562. 568; conduct
of in the East, 517; works of, 586.
Franciscans, ii. 557; absurd promises
of salvation by, iii. 33.

Franck, iv. 195. 199.

Francken, Chr. iii. 609, 610.

Franco, ii. 472.

Francowitz, i. 6.

Fraterculi, ii. 560; de paupere vita,


Fratres de sacco, ii. 578; de Poenitentia,

Fratricelli, ii. 574.

Frauds, pious origin of, i. 358.
Freculphus, ii. 210.
Fredegarius, ii. 90. 152.

Frederic II. ii. 518. 524. 547; causes
translations of Aristotle to be made,
534; the Wise, death and services
of, iii. 127; king of Denmark, 136 ;
V. elected king of Bohemia, iv. 65 ;
his reverses, ib.; Augustus of Po-
land, 84.

Frederickstadt, iv. 326.

Free Spirit, brethren and sisters of, ii.
622. 708.

French churches, foundation of some
early, i. 207.

-, protestants, Calvinists, iii.
386; persecuted, 387; numbers of,
390; missions, iv. 5.

Friars preachers, ii, 559.
Fribourg, John of, ii. 689.

Fridegod, ii. 290.

Friesland, conversion of, ii. 117.
Frieslanders, iv. 367.

Fritigern, i. 303,

Froment, iii. 381.

Fromm, iv. 85.

Fronto, attack upon Christianity by, i,


Frotharius, ii. 215.

Fructuosus, ii. 91.

Frumentius, i. 303.

Fulbert of Chartres, ii. 364.

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