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A Year's Ministry.

Brief Notices of Books.

Second Series. By ALEXANDER MACLAREN, D.D. Christian Commonwealth office. DR. MACLAREN is acknowledged to be a prince among preachers. This volume possesses all the characteristics that have caused former volumes of his sermons to be so highly prized. Vigorous thought, and a keen, incisive, and aptly illustrated style, are united with sound and of ten subtle exegesis. The illustrations are, we think, homelier than in former volumes, and the appeals to the conscience more direct and forceful. To his intense earnestness the fact is no doubt owing that a sentence now and again reminds his readers of the phraseology of the early Methodist preachers, as this: "If there is to be a profound, an all-pervading, life-transforming, sin and devil-conquering faith, it must be a faith rooted deep in penitence and sorrow for sin." If our recollections of a sermon by Dr. Maclaren many years ago, on "Simon the Cyrenian," are accurate, his view of the incident related by the evangelists of Simon's bearing the cross after Jesus has been largely modified. The volume has our heartiest commendation. The Christ of History. By JOHN YOUNG, LL.D. T. Fisher Unwin. THE merits of this reprint have been long acknowledged. On the somewhat narrow basis of facts concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, that nearly all who deny His supernatural claims are ready to admit, Dr. Young constructs a most powerful and convincing argument in favour of His true Divinity. It is not often that a book so severely logical is written in so interesting a style, or is pervaded by so much true feeling.

First Principles of Faith. By MARSHALL RANDLES. Author of For Ever, &c. Hodder and Stoughton.

THE multiplication of such books as this, is strong evidence that the very foundation of our faith, viz., the existence of God, is being rudely assailed. Mr. Randles divides his work into five parts, dealing respectively with various kinds of Theistic evidence-the doctrine of Causality, Theistic evidence. How the Theistic Argument is affected by the Advances of Science and Philosophy, and the Relation of Natural to Revealed Theology. These points are reasoned out with much clearness and force, and though the cogency of a particular argument here and there is open to question, the value of this compact and able contribution to the literature of a great subject is unquestionable, and it will be found especially valuable by intelligent young men who are called on to give a reason for holding so firmly to the faith of their fathers.

The Pulpit Commentary 1. Chronicles; Exposition and Homiletics, by the Rev. P. C. BARKER, M. A. Homilies, by various authors. Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.

We do not know how much use preachers generally have made of this book of Scripture, but if we may judge of the conduct of others by our own, they have seldom laid it under contribution. One of the desired results of the publication of The Pulpit Commentary will be that preachers, and, through them, the people, will devote their attention to the study of the Bible as a whole, and not exclusively as before to particular and favourite parts thereof. As in the chapters which seem but a register of names are imbedded "lovely jewels," so those books in the Bible which are often passed over, Hosea, for instance, among the minor prophets, abound in texts that are as real and applicable to the men of to-day as to the people who lived many centuries ago. No volume of the Commentary hitherto issued is more worthy of hearty commendation than this.

The Light of the World. Lessons from the Life of our Lord for Children. By the Rev. RICHARD NEWTON, D.D. Author of Rays from the Sun of Righteousness, &c., &c. London: T. Woolmer.

THIS very handsome volume must become speedily a general favourite. The author devoted here his best powers to the highest subject, and his easy, pic torial style is aided by the numerous illustrations, mostly of a high order.

POST FREE for 6 stamps or Large Edition (bound in cloth), 1s. 3d., from the




By G. T. CONGREVE, Coombe Lodge, Peckham.

The Nature, Progress, and True Treatment of this Scourge of England, with 133 Selected Cases.

The following testimony by the Editor of the " CHRISTIAN GLOBE" appeared in that Journal, December 4th.

"Last week we called upon a Mrs. Naish, of Woodbine-terrace, Copeland-road, Peckham, who had been under Mr. Congreve's treatment, and what did she tell us? Before we say what she told us, let us say what we saw. We saw a buxom, healthy woman busily engaged in her domestic duties, preparing her children's dinner, the youngest, a fat healthy little girl, impatiently waiting for her share of the repast, and a finer, healthier little specimen of humanity we have not set eyes on for some time past. Now for what she told us, and every word she said was corroborated by her landlady. When she went to her present residence her landlady was doubtful about accepting her as a tenant, owing to the extreme state of attenuation in which she was. She was simply skin and bone. She was daily expecting her confinement, and her friends hoped that the child might not be born alive, so that it might be saved the few days of misery and wretchedness which otherwise awaited it. That child was the one we saw impatiently, but still good-humouredly, waiting for her dinner. Mrs Naish had been for a year at one of the London hospitals for consumption, and had left there worse than she went. She had exhausted their small means in paying for medical advice, and received no benefit. Well, she was advised to apply to Mr. Congreve, and she did so, and put herself entirely under his guidance; and, we are happy to say, with marvellously successful results. The cure was not immediate. but relief was, and gradually she emerged from the valley of the shadow of death, and she and her child are now in perfect health, the youngster looking as unlike an infant suffering from pulmonary complaint as it is possible to imagine.

We did not stop here, however. We communicated with a Mr. Arthur Jones, of Talywain Station, Pontypool, Mon., with reference to a letter of his, which has appeared in print. and he in every particular bears out the statements therein conveyed as to the benefit received by his brother, after he placed himself under Mr. Congreve's charge. Mr. Jones's brother was attacked by Phthisis-and not his brother only, but several of his friends-and he was at death's door. He attributes his recovery entirely to Mr. Congreve's medicine and advice.

"A lady from the Isle of Wight, whose name we are not at liberty to publish, sends us quite a list of cures in which she is interested; the sufferers having been induced by her to adopt Mr. Congreve's treatment, and in every case with not only beneficial but marvellous results. We feel that we should be neglecting a plain and manifest duty did we not make known the result of our enquiries, more especially at this period of the year when the poor victims of this dread disease are day by day losing their lives through what it is hardly too strong to designate as The Nation's Curse.""


The writer is a Baptist Minister, of Clayton, Norwich. He says:

"I am glad to tell you that through your kindness I have been enabled to be of great service to a friend here-the wife of a deacon of my Church. Her case was one of severe Bronchitis; her cough was of a most distressing character; her medical attendant gave up all hope of her recovery. Thereupon I procured for her your medicine. From the first (the great Master giving His blessing) she began to recover, and is now quite well. May you be long spared to be a blessing in the relief of suffering humanity,"




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