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which decorated the books of ancient impression, was never carried here to any excellence; and the practice of engraving on copper which succeeded, has never been much employed among us in adorning books. The old books with wooden cuts are to be diligently sought; the designs were often made by great masters, and the prints are such as cannot be made by any artist now living. It will be of great use to collect in every place maps of the adjacent country, and plans of towns, buildings, and gardens. By this care you will form a more valuable body of geography, than can otherwise be had. Many countries have been very exactly surveyed; but it must not be expected that the exactness of actual mensuration will be preserved, when the maps are reduced by a contracted scale, and incorporated into a general system.

The king of Sardinia's Italian dominions are not large, yet the maps made of them in the reign of Victor fill two atlantic folios. This part of your design will deserve particular regard, because, in this your success will always be proportionate to your diligence. You are too well acquainted with lite rary history not to know, that many books derive their value from the reputation of the printers. Of the celebrated printers you do not need to be informed, and if you did, might consult Baillet Jugemens des Scavans. The productions of Aldus are enumerated in the Bibliotheca Græca; so that you may know when you have them all; which is always of use, as it prevents needless search. The great ornaments of a library furnished for magnificence as well as use, are the first editions, of which, therefore, I would not willingly neglect the mention. You know, sir, that the annals of typography begin with the Codex, 1457; but there is great reason to believe that there are latent in obscure corners books printed before it, The secular feast in memory of the invention of printing, is celebrated in the fortieth year of the century; if this tradition, therefore, is right, the art had, in 1457, been already exercised nine teen years.

There prevails among typographical antiquaries a vague opinion that the

Bible had been printed three times before the edition of 1462, which Calmet calls La premier edition bien averee.' One of these editions has been lately discovered in a convent, and transplanted into the French king's library. Another copy has likewise been found, but I know not whether of the same impression or another. These discoveries are sufficient to raise hope and instigate inquiry. In the purchase of old books, let me recommend to you to inquire, with great caution, whether they are perfect. In the first edition, the loss of a leaf is not easily observed. You remember how near we both were to purchasing a mutilated Missal at a high price.

All this perhaps you know already, and therefore my letter may be of no use. I am, however, desirous to show you, that I wish prosperity to your undertaking. One advice more I will give, of more importance than all the rest; of which I, therefore, hope you will have still less need. You are going into a part of the world divided, as it is said, between bigotry and atheism: such representations are always hyperbolical, but there is certainly enough of both to alarm any mind solicitons for piety and truth: let not the contempt of superstition precipitate you into infidelity, or the horror of infidelity ensnare you in superstition. I sincerely wish you successful and happy, for I am, sir, your affectionate and humble servant, SAM. JOHNSON

To F. A. Barnard, esq.
May 28, 1768.

For the Christian Journal,

Pulpit Eloquence. See page 282. In the last number it was shewn, that the subjects of the eloquence of the pulpit being more elevated and important than those appertaining to the bar and the public assembly, a style of sentiment and expression proportionably more excellent is required. It was also shewn, that the nature of the matter to be treated on by the clerical orator, is such as to require greater ability in the management of the audience, than is necessary at the bar or in the senate. Hence it

was inferred that a considerable degree of talent is absolutely necessary to one who would excel in pulpit oratory. For unless the preacher be possessed of sufficient capacity to apprehend the grand truths of religion-of sufficient strength of mind to unravel its difficulties-and of sufficient energy to enter deeply into its spirit and essence, what success can be hoped for, in the difficult task of explaining its doctrines and inculcating its precepts to an audience, at best but indifferently disposed to hearken to his instructions?-Yet, though talents are of so great necessity and importance, their want might be in no inconsiderable degree supplied by industry and experience. But talents, though possessed in the greatest degree, will be of but small utility, unless aided and supported by learning, and that of the deepest and most important kind. This is not rashly or unadvisedly asserted, although many have presumed to dispense with, and even to decry, this most important qualification of a clergyman. It is undoubtedly conformable to the rules of reason, that a man should be perfectly acquainted with that which he pretends to teach; and that he should be able, not only to explain the grounds of his doctrine, but also satisfactorily to answer any objections which may be urged against it. To do the former, he must be well instructed in the principles of his own belief: to do the latter, he must be perfectly informed of the objections which have been stated--with the arguments adduced in favour of diverse opinions, and with the methods of answering them. The most brilliant ideas, the most beautiful imagery, or the sweetest flow of words, cannot compensate for the want of a perfect knowledge of the subject: and this is only to be obtained by close and persevering study. The greatest masters in the art of elocution assure us, that no quality is more essential to produce a happy effect, than perspicuity. Without it, the passions may indeed undergo a momentary excitement; but no lasting impressions can be made unless the sentiments of the speaker be expressed in language easily and perfectly intelligible. But to attain this desirable perspicuity, it is absolutely necessary that the orator

should be perfectly acquainted with his subject. Not that every one who is acquainted with his subject will treat of it with perspicuity; much depends on the genius and disposition of the speaker: but we maintain, that without study and a complete knowledge of the subject, perspicuity can never be attained. "To write" (and of course it is the same with regard to speaking) "with precision," says Blair, who had just mentioned precision as a principal attribute of perspicuity; "to write with precision requires a writer to have himself a very clear apprehension of the object he means to present to us; to have laid fast hold of it in his mind; and never to waver in any one view he takes of it." But how is this accuracy to be obtained without a profound study of his object in all its branches? And more especially in the clergyman such acquaintance with his subject will require no ordinary degree of learning; of which, in proportion as he is divested, he will be liable to that looseness of


style which may tickle the undiscerning ear, but can never produce any salutary effect: for "the less a man understands the matters of which he treats, the more liable will he be to express nothing when he wishes to say much."* on the contrary, "the extent of our knowledge and the perspicuity of our discourses are inseparably connected. When we understand the subjects of which we wish to speak, we are able to speak with perspicuity, and not before." Nor is learning necessary with respect only to the matter of the discourse; it may be of infinite importance in regard to the manner of composition and delivery. Can it be thought that an acquaintance with the works of the ancient rhetoricians, those unrivalled masters of eloquence, will be of no avail to him who wishes to become perfect in its noblest branch? Can it be supposed that no benefit may be derived from the perusal of those finished models of eloquence, which have been preserved from the ravages of time? Is it probable, that no benefit is to be derived from those who have made this

Crousez Systeme de Reflexions, vol. iii. p. 108. Edit. 1725. †ld. ib. p. 55,

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noble art their whole study and employment? It may be, and it has been objected, that the objects of the clergyman's discourse are too exalted to need the aid of eloquence. Were eloquence that which these objectors erroneously conceive it to be, "an ostentatious and deceitful art; the study of words and plausibility, only calculated to please, and to tickle the ear," there might be some weight in their remarks. But if, as in reality is the case, its object be "to place truth in the most advantageous light for conviction and persuasion," who can doubt the expediency of employing it in enforcing the truths of religion?-But it is alleged by some, that on these subjects the inventions of man are misplaced and unnecessary, the as sistance of the HOLY SPIRIT being solely to be relied on. It may be asked, where do we find this inspiration promised to teachers of the present day? If it is not promised, we have no reasonable ground for expecting it, and should therefore use our own endeavours for the effecting these great ends. That in the use of these means we shall be specially assisted by the HOLY SPIRIT we may confidently hope; but should these be neglected, we have no reason to expect a preternatural assistance. Learning, therefore, is necessary to him who aspires at attaining the true eloquence of the pulpit, as the only means of acquiring a perfect mastery of the subject, and of attaining the best method of enforcing the truths he deli(To be continued.)


For the Christian Journal. Messrs. SWORDS,

THE following sketches are from the letter of a gentleman now travelling at the north, dated Sept. 11, 1823.

In many of the scenes through which I passed in my northern tour, I often thought of you, and wished for your presence. Especially was this the case in my sail through Lake George, in my different visits to Lake Champlain, and whilst I was admiring those more bold, or picturesque, or simply beautiful spots, which in many places presented themselves to my eye. Percival's

sketch of "Lock Maree," and the lines "to Seneca Lake," as well as several other descriptive pieces, especially some of the lines in Prometheus—were present to my mind, as illustrative of some of those landscapes, on which I dwelt with so much rapture. Had I sufficient time to devote to the employment, I should like much to collect such poems and passages of history, as would illustrate with interest the scenery about our northern lakes. If ever the spirit of poetry is to be cultivated as extensively as it ought to be in our country, it is altogether probable that Lake George will become like the Cumberland lakes, and the north of New-York be like the north of England. But if ever we are so happy as to have our Lake school of poetry, I trust it will be a more popular one than that on the other side of the Atlantic of the same. name. Not that Coleridge, and Wordsworth, and Southey are not poets of much genius-for they certainly are men of genius-But I mean to say, that I hope the poetry of the Americans will be more simple, and comprehensible, and popular, than that of either of these three well known, but, I fear, not much read poets.

Have you ever been at Burlington? It is one of the most charming spots I ever was on. The broad sheet of Cham plain stretches before the town, like a beautiful mirror, reflecting on its bosom houses, trees, and vessels, islands, promontories, and mountains, in varied but rich magnificence. The water of the lake can be seen from the town for a distance north and south of fifty miles at least ; and immediately opposite arise some of the boldest bluffs the eye ever rested on. The breadth of Champlain is variously estimated: some say it is here but eleven miles wide, and others state it to be sixteen. The mountains about Lake George and Lake Champlain are a fine contrast to the glassy plains at their bases. The shores are sometimes softer, and present to the eye a picturesque landscape, with fields cultivated, hill sides covered with cattle, and farm houses quiet and peaceful as the lakes before them. There is something in the numerous little islands in Lake George, that renders them pecu

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liarly interesting. Whether it be their sumber, their location, their reflection in the waves below, that causes it, I cannot tell. To me they seem like the islands of fairies. One that goes by the name of Fourteen Mile Island, I at once denominated the island of Calypso, thinking it a much more appropriate, and certainly a much more elegant, name than the other. The first title reminds me of a guide-board on a turnpike: it seems designed for no other purpose than to tell a man he has got ten fourteen miles from Caldwell; a piece of information that might just as well be associated with another title, as to make it the sole cause of a peculiar nomination itself. If there were on Lake George any villages like Burlington, it would be enlivened greatly in the character of its scenery. Of Lake George I at times could say

"The glassy wave, the sandy shore,
The rock with lichen cover'd o'er,
The cliff that frowns, the wave that smiles,
The gloomy firs, the willowy isles,
In such repose are sunk, they seem
The fancy of a poet's dream-
So fair, so peaceful, one might say
It was a paradise that lay

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So far and deep belowSome sweet Utopian scene of pleasure, Where angels dance in lightest measure, And seraph warblings flowOr fairy land, where sylphs might lave Their forms of beauty in the wave, And sport upon the balmy wind, To love and happiness resign'd. Go, range the world from pole to pole, Go, where Arcadia's streamlets roll,

And Tempé's waters play

Go, seale Parnassus's flowery steep,
Go, where Castalia's muses weep
The mournful hours away-
Go, view each scene of loveliness,
And tell, if thou canst ever grace
A seene so fair and gay."

Lock Maree.

One of the finest prospects I had, was about four miles west of Williamstown. It was on the summit of a mountain of considerable elevation. The view west was unbounded. The giants of the Kaatskill, and other lofty mountains were ranged along the distant horizon, and rested their summits against the more distant sky. Sometimes a wreath of mist would wind around the highest points, and then mingle again with the surrounding atmosphere. Occasionally a heavy cloud would sail up their sides, and at length disappear,

leaving no trace behind. Valleys were quietly sleeping below me, both to the east and the west. I spent some time on this mountain, gazing and admiring. As I was alone, it was indeed a feast to my taste for the sublime and the beautiful. I thought that, had you been with me, the effort would have been great to have torn you from the spot. What renders this prospect the more interesting is, that it bursts upon you instantaneously. After ascending a steep and rugged road for four miles, the top of the mountain is gained, and the prospect strikes the eye with the suddenness of magic, and like a vision of enchantment.

A note that I find written in my sketch book with a lead pencil, while I was on this mountain, may give you' some idea of the prospect I enjoyed."At half past eleven-Here I am sitting upon the summit of the mountain that overlooks the valley of Petersburgh. Behind me is the Saddle Mountain, with the vale of Williamstown, and some of the richest farms I have ever seen. I have just been gazing on them. Before me is the most magnificent of mountain scenery I have ever beheld. The lofty eminence, on which I am seated, is but a molehill compared with the mountains before me. Beyond the valley of Petersburgh, are the mountains of the same name. Beyond them, I can distinguish the line along which the Hudson runs, although, from the intervening hills, I cannot discern the broad of its waters. expanse Still farther, inclining south, I behold the summits of the Kaatskill. Inclining to the north, there are hills rising beyond hills, nameless and unknown. In a word, the horizon before me, north, west, and south-broad, magnificent, and sublime--is filled with mountains, whose summits, tinged with blue, are resting against the distant sky, and whose everlasting foundations seem the fit emblem of eternity. It is indescribable. I am lost in the contemplation. I almost forget myself: I think only of the stupendous works, thus scattered before me, of a wise and all-powerful Creator. If then, with Young, I ever

"tremble at myself, And in myself am lost,"

how much more should I tremble and be lost in viewing such displays as are now before me!-O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all."

For the Christian Journal.

I. K.

This preliminary being settled, he proceeds with his advice, showing that in order to conciliate, and not give of fence to, a brother, it is the duty of a Christian to yield many little enjoyments', in which it might be both pleasant and harmless to indulge under any other circumstances. "It it good nei

Remarks on Romans xiv. 23. Hãy dìther to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor

οὐκ ἐκ πίστεως, ἁμαρτία ἐστίν.

I APPREHEND that a false construction is often put upon that passage in the epistle to the Romans, which, in our version, is thus rendered: "For whatsoever is not of faith, is sin." It is well known the word (as) which is generally rendered "faith," is susceptible of, and sometimes demands, a different sense from that which we most usually attach to it. Besides referring to a sincere belief in the doctrines of the gospel, it is also used to express a firm persuasion in the propriety of any course of conduct adopted by an individual for the government of his life. If I mistake not, it will be found by an examination of the context, that such is its signification in the verse before us. After the apostle had discussed the main subject of his epistle, he concludes the whole by some affectionate and salutary advice, such as the church of Rome at that time needed. Among other points relative to conduct and discipline, he takes occasion to notice the differences of opinion prevalent among the Roman Christians on the subject of meats. It was an important question among the first converts to Christianity, whether there could actually be any such thing as a distinction of clean and unclean meats. To convince the Roman Christians that all such distinctions were done away by the very spirit of the gospel, St. Paul goes into a discussion of some length; and draws a general conclusion, that any one may do as he pleases respecting the eating of particular meats, it being a thing of little moment, what a man eats or drinks, provided he seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness: "For," argues the apostle, "the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."

any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak," ver. 21; and it is right, "that no man put a stumbling-block, or an occasion to fall, in his brother's way," ver. 13.

The concluding verses of the chapter, which immediately follow, will derive great illustration from the foregoing remarks. Let it be remembered that the word is (faith,) is from a word (,) signifying to persuade; and, in the passive voice, to be persuaded. ed. Hence the very first signification of which this word is susceptible must be the grammatical one: and that will be, what a great German critic has denominated "a firm persuasion of mind, a certainty as to the correctness of one's opinion and judgment concerning any thing, especially concerning what is lawful and unlawful."

Using the term in this sense, it will be easy to discover the force of the apostle's argument: and the passage may be thus paraphrased: "Hast thou faith? i. e. from what is before stated, art thou thoroughly persuaded that thou mayest eat meats of every kind? Then have this persuasion to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. He that doubteth whether he may eat certain meats, and yet does eat them, is condemned by his own conscience; because he does not eat them with a thorough persuasion of the correctness of his conduct. For whatsoever a man does, without being thoroughly persuaded of its propriety, that very thing virtually becomes a sin. It is a sin committed against his own con

*Certa animi persuasio, certitudo opinionis et judicii de aliqua re, maxime de eo, quod licitum et illicitum est. Schleusner, who shows the use of Tigris in thirteen different senses.

destituaris, pecas. Conf. Koppium ad †Quicquid enim tu egeris, si persuasione certa

Schleusner sub voce πίστις.

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