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pear more reasonable, nothing more natural, than that we should, by a reverent and lowly bending of the body, testify our "inward humility, Christian resolution, and due acknowledgement, that the Lord Jesus Christ, the true eternal Son of God, is the only Saviour of the world; in whom alone all the mercies, graces, and promises of God to mankind for this life, and the life to come, are fully and wholly comprised."*

Again-It is a custom, as we have shown, plainly enjoined in the church from which we sprung-it has heretofore been the constant practice among us, and it is a practice against which we firmly believe no just objection can be offered-would it not then seem to be our duty (even although we may consider it unimportant) to adhere to it in order to preserve the unity of the church? A house divided against itself can never stand; and how trifling soever the alteration may at first appear, yet no portion of a building is so perfectly useless, or so totally independent of all connexion with the other parts, that the stability of the whole will not be injured by its removal.

We, as Trinitarians, worship our Redeemer as God, as equal and co-existent with the Father-the express image of his Person—as King of kings, and Lord of lords-and we testify in our services our firm and implicit belief in his divinity. But when we consider that at the present day strong efforts are making to overthrow our faith, to degrade the character of our blessed Saviour, let us pause before we dispense with any form which may give the least countenance to the exertions of our adversaries. On the contrary, let us boldly show our faith and confidence in his divine nature, by a clear and honest avowal of him in word and deed-a faith and confidence founded on a fair and candid interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.

Thus have I endeavoured to suggest the propriety of the observance of the practice, from our vast obligations to Christ as our Redeemer-from the pre

English Canon, as quoted by Wheatley on Cemmon Prayer, p. 157, Am. Ed.

valence of the custom-and from the peculiar situation of the church. May every one be enabled to fill up the hints here imperfectly given to his own conviction, and be induced firmly to adhere to the apostolic command, that, "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow." J. L.

For the Christian Journal.

ECCLESIASTES V. 1.-Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God.

THE awe and reverence which must arise in the mind of any rational being when about to present himself in an especial manner before his Maker and Preserver, would tend to insure the observance of this precept, were it even unsanctioned by the authority of revelation. This is amply demonstrated by the manner in which the heathen were accustomed to conduct their worship, although it was directed to the most unworthy objects. At the commencement of their ritual, it was customary for a herald to announce the solemnities about to commence, concluding by warning all profane persons to depart, and exhorting all present to reflect upon the importance of the duties to be performed. During the continuance of the ceremonies, all remained standing, uncovered, and in the most profound silence, intent upon, and assisting in the rites performed by the priest: and, when the ceremonies were finished,

one presumed to remove from his place, till warned by the cry of the herald, Go in peace. Thus orderly were the pagans instructed to behave in the presence of their supposed deities by the mere light of nature, aided only by obscure and interrupted tradition.

Among the Jews, who were favoured with a more perfect knowledge of the Deity, whose peculiar people they were chosen to be, we find a still more respectful and reverential adoration. Previous to entering the temple they were accustomed to wash and purify themselves, that they might be in some measure fitted to appear in the presence of him who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, thus figuratively repre

senting the purity of mind and innocence of manners indispensably neces sary to him who would worship in spirit and in truth. They were not permitted to enter with their staff, upper garment, or shoes. To this' the passage in Ecclesiastes is supposed more particularly to allude, though intended generally to inculcate decency and reverence in the worship of God. They carefully avoided the least appearance of irreverence or indecency in their behaviour; but having entered the temple, walked deliberately to that part in which they might choose to perform their devotions, and there either stood with the head covered, (in token of humility,) and eyes fixed on the ground, or lay prostrate, while they offered their petitions to the Lord. Having concluded, they were accustomed to retire slowly, walking backward, (for it was supposed disrespectful to turn their backs upon the house of God,) and, for certain superstitious reasons, departing by a different gate from that by which they entered. In this mode of worship, although mixed with much superstition, a proper and just reverence for the Deity may be observed, which is worthy of our imitation, and should at all times be the chief principle of our adoration.

than they either engage in conversation with their companions, or commence a review of those who have already met for the celebration of divine service. Is this, we would ask, consistent with that reverence so necessary to mortals who are assembled in the presence of their Maker? Would it even be considered proper in the presence of a fellow mortal who may be more exalted in rank than ourselves? The answer is obvious. How carefully then should we avoid such behaviour when collected in the house of God, where he has promised to be with us when two or three áre gathered together in his name. We say nothing of the anxious looks so repeatedly directed to the door when opened for the admission of some fellow worshipper; of the attentive gaze at some particularly curious or interesting object, so unbecoming the awful presence of the Deity; or of the lengthened and repeated yawn, so disrespectful, nay, insolent, to him whose worship they are engaged in celebrating : these, though extremely deserving of notice, are in a manner foreign to our present subject: we would but notice the precipitate and indecorous manner of retiring from church so common among Christians at the present day. No sooner has the last syllable of the benediction passed the lips of the priest, than too many of the congregation retire with the utmost precipitation, ap parently anxious to escape from the irksome restraint to which they have been submitting. Is this decorous? Is it becoming men who profess to be worshippers of a kind and merciful Deity? Instead of being thankful that they had been permitted once more to assemble in the more immediate presence of their Maker, solemnly to implore his pardon for past misdeeds, assistance in future endeavours to do good, and protection from all danger both temporal and spiritual; to hear his word read for their edification and instruction; and to praise him for his past mercies: it would appear that they considered this public worship as a fayour conferred by themselves upon their God, or as an irksome task necessary to be performed, but productive of nei, ther pleasure nor profit. Did we but

When compared with these practices of the Heathens and Jews, how unseemly will the behaviour which is too generally observable in Christian churches appear! Not unfrequently we behold the followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, the worshippers of the most high God, advancing into his presence in a manner more suitable to a soldier facing the enemy, or to a proud and arrogant individual advancing to meet his equal or inferior; and when arrived at the place which they have chosen for their station, either rudely seating themselves without the least acknowledgment of the divine presence, or, if they condescend so far as to incline the head, and seem to offer up a prayer for aid and protection during their continuance in the temple, doing it in such manner as to afford but too much reason to believe that it is custom, not devotion, that prompts them to the performance of their duty. No sooner are they seated,

seriously reflect upon our infinite obligations to God" for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; and, above all, for his inestimable love for the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory," (as it is most excellently expressed by our church); could we behave with such negligence and indifference towards him whom a whole life of the most perfect service could in nowise repay? Let not then this blemish continue; but let us remember, with the most especial care, to "keep our feet when we enter the house of God;" and to continually recollect in what manner we ought to behave ourselves in the house of the Lord, the habitation of the living God.

R. U.

Mayville, (Chatauque county) New-York, April 15, 1823. To the Editors of the Christian Journal.


YESTERDAY was a proud day in the annals of our little village. A brighter era dawned upon us. A Protestant Episcopal Church is organized. It commences under auspices the most favourable, and with the continued union of effort of its friends, and the blessing of God, its foundation will grow stronger and stronger, and its branches increase and multiply until the whole country shall feel its vivifying and life-giving influence. We already feel the benignity of its mild and radiant rays in fostering and promoting union, repressing the spirit of discord, blunting the edge of asperity and bitter ness, and cherishing the free and social intercourse of man with man, by producing harmony and good-will among them.

Never, upon any occasion, has it been my good fortune to witness so perfect a degree of unanimity as in the formation of this church. No other sect or denomination has been molested or intruded upon. Old established societies have not been prostrated; no Christian worshippers disturbed; no sanctities of peculiar religious principles violated. The people were without a pastor and without a church. Their Sabbaths were days

of tedious dullness and listless vacuity of thought. In this situation they were all ready with one mind, and with one voice, to embrace the mild, tolerant, and liberal principles of the church, and by attending to its pleasing duties, improve their moral and social situation, and add to their relative and individual happiness.

Nor were the well wishes of the church confined to this village. The neighbouring towns were actuated by the same feelings. Notice having been given of the day of organization, some from other towns attended and participated in the formation. A very respectable vestry, including the two wardens, were chosen. They are among the most respectable inhabitants of the village and its vicinity.

On the same day was formed a Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. This too is an important measure, and adopted with perfect unanimity. Indeed, that perfect, cordial union of feeling and action which pervades the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity, affords the surest evidence of the permanence and stability of the institutions. They are not a people easily seduced by every new doctrine, but examine with assiduous care the grounds of their faith; and, when it is once established on a reasonable foundation, they do not, like the supple reed, bend before every adverse breeze, but nobly breast the storm until its rage is past, and the calm serenity of nature again settles upon them.

In producing this happy consummation of the wishes of the friends of the church, we are much indebted to the influence and exertions of the Rev. DAVID BROWN, who, by the suavity of his character, the mildness of his manners, and the correctness of his sentiments, has called forth the united approbation of the whole community. We duly appreciate the purity of his motives, and sincerely congratulate our friends on the success of his efforts.


BURBEN BROCKWAY, and MARTIN PRENDERGAST, Esqrs. Church-Wardens of St. Paul's Church, Mayville.

T. A. OSBORNE, Sec'y. of the Vestry.

Abstract of the Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Convention of the Diocess of North-Carolina, held in the Church at Salisbury, from Thursday, April 10th, to Monday, April 14th, inclusive, 1823.

THE Convention was composed of six presbyters, one deacon, and twentythree lay delegates, representing thirteen parishes.

It was opened with morning prayer, read by the Rev. William M. Green, rector of St. John's church, Williamsboro', and a sermon by the Rev. Richard S. Mason, rector of Christ church, Newbern.

The Rev. Adam Empie was elected president, and the Rev. Richard S. Mason, secretary of the convention.

The following churches, having been duly organized, were received into union with the convention:-St. Andrew's church, Burke county; St. Stephen's church, Oxford; St. Matthew's church, Kinston, Lenoir county; Zion church, Beaufort county; Trinity chapel, Beaufort county; St. Thomas's church, Bath; St. Peter's church, Lincoln county.

The parochial reports furnish the following aggregate:-Baptisms (adults 20, children 145, not specified 37) 202 -marriages 16-burials 65-commu

[blocks in formation]

75 25 The following gentlemen were appointed the standing committee:-The Rev. Adam Empie, the Rev. William Hooper, John A. Cameron, Robert Strange, and Charles T. Haigh.

this church, and having produced the requisite testimonials, have been accordingly admitted.

Mr. Amos C. Treadway, a minister of the Methodist church at Newbern, made known to the committee his wish to receive ordination in our church. Having presented all the testimonials which the canons require, he was accordingly recommended to the bishop for deacons' orders, and proceeded immediately to Virginia, where he was ordained by Bishop Moore, and it is believed that he has since been em ployed in that diocess.

The attention of the committee has

also been lately called to the application of Mr. Ira Parker, who has been for some years a minister of the Methodist church in Halifax county, and parts adjacent, but now wishes to receive ordination in this church. The committee having had laid before them very satisfactory testimonials of Mr. Parker's character and qualifications, have determined to recommend him for ordination.

The following persons have been authorized to officiate as lay readers:Mr. George W. Hathaway, at Wadesboro'; Mr. Joel Patrick, at Grace chapel, Pitt county; Mr. Walker Anderson, at St. Mary's chapel, and parts adjacent, in Orange county; Mr. Ichabod Wetmore, at St. Matthew's parish, Kinston, Lenoir county; Mr. James Marsh, at St. Thomas's church, Bath, Beaufort county; Mr. Jarvis B. Buxton, at Zion church, Beaufort county,

The Rev. John Phillips applied for leave to remove to the diocess of Virginia, which was granted.

A communication was received from the board of managers of the Domestic

The standing committee of the last and Foreign Missionary Society, to year presented the following:Report of the Standing Committee.

The standing committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocess of North-Carolina, beg leave to present the following report of their proceedings during the past year :

Mr. George W. Freeman, of Warrenton, and Mr. George W. Hathaway, of Wadesboro', having made application to become candidates for orders in

know whether there could be expected from this diocess any aid to the funds of that Society, and whether it would be expedient to send an agent to make collections for that purpose. To this communication it was replied, that the church in this diocess having immediate and pressing wants which call for the concentration of all its resources, was not prepared at present to lend that aid to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society which it could wish,

and which it hopes in time to effect All which is respectfully submitted. By order of the committee.

W. HOOPER, Clerk.

The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the General Convention:-The Rev. John Avery, the Rev. William Hooper, the Rev. Richard S. Mason, the Rev William M. Green, John A. Cameron, Josiah Collins, Moses Jarvis, and Alexander Caldcleugh. The Rev. Adam Empie, and Duncan Cameron, esq. were chosen to be nominated to the General Convention as trustees of the General Theological Seminary.

The following report was presented: Report on the State of the Church. The committee on the state of the church, in reporting to the convention, rejoice that they have again such abundant cause for praise and thanksgiving to him from whom "cometh the increase" of the church. On reviewing the parochial reports of the last year, and comparing them with those of the preceding year, we find that many have been added to our communion; and that, without exception, each individual parish appears to be in a flourishing condition. The establishment of parish libraries appears to be engaging the attention of the clergy, and it is a measure which the committee cannot too highly recommend to every congregation. The Sunday Schools, which have heretofore been established, are reported by the rectors of the respective churches as still receiving the attention of the pious, and, they hope, the blessing of the Almighty.

The missionaries who have been employed by this convention during the last year, report favourably of the prospects of the church in that section of the state in which they have laboured. The committee would remind the members of the church throughout the state, as well as those here present, that for our past success, particularly in the western part of this state, we have been indebted (under God) to the exertions of a few zealous missionaries. members of our communion are so scattered throughout the different sections.


of the state, that missionary labour is. the only possible method of supplying their call for the ordinances of the church. These scattered sheep should not be neglected. The committee, therefore, would recommend, not only to this convention, but to the church at large, the propriety of increased exertions and increased liberality in behalf of the Missionary Society.

At this convention seven new congregations have been admitted into union with the church in this state; most of them are from the eastern part of the diocess. The number of communicants belonging to the church in this state is 480, as reported; though the exact number, or the increase since

last year, cannot be correctly ascertained, owing to the fact, that a great part of the congregations not having the benefit of regular ministrations, their true state cannot be reported. The baptisms during the last year have been about 200. Our friendly intercourse with the Lutheran Synod still continues, and may it long continue. A representation from that body has appeared in the convention, and we hope to draw still more closely the bonds which have for some time connected us.

In taking a general view of the state of the church, the committee, whilst they acknowledge with gratitude our past success, cannot help regarding this portion of the tabernacle as a body in a great degree without a head. Our exertions hitherto, conducted we hope with a single eye to God's glory, have met indeed with unexpected success; but, except when blessed with such counsel and assistance as the pious and excellent Bishop Moore was able, from the multiplicity of his engagements, to afford us, have still wanted the fatherly direction of a bishop. We would therefore urge upon the convention the necessity of maturing, as speedily as possible, the plans for obtaining a bishop in this state.

The above is respectfully submitted as being a brief notice of the circumstances which have engaged the attention of the committee.


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