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and the enjoyment of the increased convenience for tuition and worship, which the liberality of the parish has provided, will have a very beneficial effect upon both this and the male department.

Of the female school of Grace church, we have received the following report:

In the female school of Grace church there are five regular classes; three white, and two coloured. Since the last report, there have been added 40 scholars, 23 white, and 17 coloured; and many have left the school from various causes. Two have been sent to the Orphan asylum; three have been admitted into the Episcopal Charity School; two have been dismissed for disorderly conduct; one has died; and in consequence of the fever, many have removed to the upper part of the city,

and the teachers have not been able to discover their places of abode Of the number that remains, there are from 50 to 60 who are regular in their attendance; there are at present only two teachers and a superintendent. The school is increasing, and could two or three more teachers be procured, it would, no doubt, (though small) be as flourishing as any in the anion. The teachers have the satisfaction to

observe great improvement in some of the scholars, particularly the coloured adults.

The superintendent of the united male schools of Trinity and Grace churches, makes the following report:

It is gratifying to the superintendent of the united schools of Trinity and Grace churches, to be able to report, that their prospects are much more flattering than at the last anniversary. The want of teachers, under which they then laboured, has been in some degree removed; and, as was anticipated, by an accession of instructors, an increase of scholars has been obtained. We are, however, compelled to state, that the difficulty has been but partially relieved, and there are yet two classes without permanent instructors. At our last report, we had flattered ourselves that the deficiency needed only to be known to be amply supplied; and we must continue of the same opinion until experience shall have convinced us of our error -for we would be unwilling to believe that any, whose employments would admit, could hesitate, when so great benefit may resultwhen the object is to train up the rising generation in piety and virtue-to rescue them from ignorance, so frequently the parent of crime and afford religious instruction to those who must otherwise remain in "darkness, and in the shadow of death." We must, therefore, once more earnestly and respectfully entreat for assistance, or we shall be compelled to dismiss from the school children anxious for improvement, and send them to seek, in other churches, that instruction denied them in our's! We trust that some members of the congregations will be sensible of the importance of the appeal, and afford us that aid we stand so much in need of, and will gratefully accept.

During the last year, the names of 42 boys have been added, making an aggregate of 102.

During the same period, nearly one half have discontinued, including two dismissed for disorderly conduct, leaving about 40 regularly attending, and 10 occasional scholars. Their improvement and behaviour in church have been, generally speaking, satisfactory to the teachers. One boy, aged about 15, was confirmed last spring, and both before and since has manifested a sincere and fervent piety.

The teachers of the female school of Trinity church report—

That their course of usefulness has been very much interrupted, during the past year, in consequence of the prevailing sickness of the summer, which obliged both teachers and scholars entirely to relinquish their duties during three months, at a time when the school was in a very flourishing condition, under the care of their quished her charge in consequence of delicacy much respected superintendent, who has relinof health. Since then, the school has much diminished. It at present consists of 43 scholars, of which 14 are white, and 29 coloured. They are divided into seven classes, five of which read, and commit to memory the Catechism, and portions of Scripture.

From St. Philip's church, composed of coloured persons, we have received the following reports :—

The male department of the Sunday School of St. Philip's church consists, at present, of 22 boys. During the past year it has laboured under many difficulties. The place which we obtained for our meetings, after the conflagration of our church, was so far distant from our place of worship, and so inconvenient in other respects, that the number, both of teachers and scholars, became greatly diminished; and from the commencement of the fever last summer, to the 31st of December, when the church was consecrated, we had no place of worship, and consequently no meeting of the school at all. By these means the school has been reduced to its present number. We trust, however, that God will bless our humble endeavours to lead the young in the paths of knowledge and reli gion; and hope, as the spring is advancing, our number (as usual) will increase. The boys take great pleasure in their exercises, and their eonduct and improvement merit approbation.

The female department of St. Philip's church Sunday School consists of twenty girls and four teachers. It has had the same difficulties to encounter that the male department has had, and, in addition, has been so unfortunate as to lose (by death) its superintendent, whose zeal and skill in Sunday School teaching, and management, are rarely equalled. She was a wo man of distinguished piety, and greatly beloved and respected by the children and their parents, and all the teachers. The former prosperity of the male school, as well as of the female school, was, under' God, in a great measure owing to her exertions. We all mourn her loss, and fear that it is irreparable. Our prospects, however, begin to brighten. We trust that God will inspire some other to tread in her steps, and that he will yet send us prosperity. Our scholars are remarkably orderly, and make. good progress in their learning.

The feelings of gratitude and pleasure with which the managers submit the above details, and in which they trust that their fellow Christians participate, are increased by a circumstance which leads them to revert to their last year's report. The following notice is there found:"It will be pleasing to mention the case of a boy who recently lost his mother, (a widow,) and who was discharged by certificate to be admitted into the Orphan asylum. He was frequently visited and exhorted to cleave unto his Bible, and serve the Lord, who is the 'Father of the fatherless.' He manifested contrition for his sins, and promised to walk in the right way all the days of his life. Previously to his leaving us for the asylum, he called on the superintendent to thank him for the concern he had manifested in his behalf, and hoped he would pray for him."

Of this boy, the chaplain of the Orphan asylum has lately written to a member of our board in the following


"Perhaps it may be gratifying to you, and to your friends of the Sunday school, to be informed, that the little orphan boy, who was mentioned in one of your reports as having piously expressed his gratitude to his teacher for the kindness he had received in your school, and of which he still retains a remembrance, is now in the Orphan asylum. The child has conducted with such amiable propriety, and progresses so much in his learning, that it is contemplated to bring him up as an assistant teacher in the institution. However, should this intention fail, I have obtained assurance, that he shall not be bound out to any one without my knowledge and consent."

The managers would express their grateful acknowledgments to the Auxiliary New-York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, for a donation of 72 Bibles, and 198 Prayer Books; and to the Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, for 2297 tracts.

At the meeting at which were received the above reports of the several schools, the managers unanimously adopted the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the managers have

heard with much satisfaction the reports of the several schools in union with this society, and that the said reports be accepted, and referred to a committee of five, who shall draw up the annual report of the managers, to be submitted to the board at its next meeting.

Resolved, That the services of the superintendents and teachers of the several schools demand and receive the warm approbation and grateful acknowledgments of the managers.

Resolved, That the managers feel particular satisfaction in acknowledging the services of those gentlemen of some of the congregations, who, as directors of their respective schools, aid the superintendents and teachers in seeking for scholars, enforcing their regular attendance, and endeavouring to secure their proper deportment during divine service; and earnestly recommend similar measures to the other congregations.

Resolved, That the board regrets to hear that some of the schools are suffering for want of teachers, and would express the hope that the importance of this inestimable charity will be so duly appreciated as to induce those members of the congregations where schools are thus circumstanced, who can do it with convenience, to remove this obstacle to the full benefit of our establishment.

Resolved, That the managers commend the schools to the continued and increased patronage and support of the members of the church, and solicit their prayers that these may, through the Divine blessing, be rewarded with success.

The managers trust that the full and particular view of the schools which has now been given will interest in their behalf their fellow-members of the church. It is in their power to enlarge the operation of this best of charities, some, by devoting a small portion of their time and care to the duties of directors of the schools in their respective churches-some, by enlisting as teachers-and all by their prayers, and by contributing, according to the ability that God hath given, to defray the necessary expenses of the establishment.

In soliciting our fellow-members of the church to contribute to the support of these schools, we ask no charity of doubtful character, or which can be at all subjected, as is much of the benevolence of the day, to the charge of creating a large portion of the suffering which it professes to relieve, by encouraging dependence on alms, where sobriety, honesty, and industry should be the resource. This degrades and demoralizes the human character, and tends to poverty and wretchedness. The wonted effect of our charity is to exalt the character, and to better the condition, both of society and the individuals. The liberality devoted to it will be faithfully applied, and its good effects be seen and felt in this world, and prolonged through eternity.

Signed by order of the board,


New-York, Easter-Tuesday,
April 1st, 1823.

godliness. It ought therefore to be exposed whenever it would obtrude itself into our quiet denomination.


1. What are we to think of such a passage as the following?" There are at present in the New-England states, and in New-York, about 400,000 families; and of these, 100,000 may be supposed to be Christian families." This way of speaking may be but a trifling error in the ignorant; but an error it certainly is, especially when countenanced by the many learned names given in the prospectus, to pretend to judge of the sincerity of those who profess the name of Christ. It is true, that, as those were not [consistent] Jews who were only such outwardly, so, those are not [consistent] Christians who have none but the externals of the name. But this is a discrimination open only to God; except as one's own conscience may accuse or excuse" him in the case. That the editor of this newspaper, and thousands more, editors or not editors, should presume to sit in judgment on another man's servants, and say that only one in four of them is sincere, and worthy of their name, is high arrogance indeed. Besides, I see no benefit in changing names. Christendom is understood to mean the portion of the world occuI AM a plain old-fashioned church- pied by Christians, as Judea or Jewry man, little known; but, where known, was the portion inhabited by Jews; accounted to belong to the calm and why deprive the occupants of Christensober ranks in religious matters. Not dom of their appellation? If you should a little to my surprise, therefore, did I confine the word Christian to those only receive, a few days since, a number and who are supposed to be truly pious, a prospectus of the BOSTON RECORDER, you must devise some other name for a newspaper, the profits of which are the great mixed body of the church vis in part devoted, it seems, to an Educa- sible; and, when this new name shall tion Society, and its columns obviously have been used awhile, the enthusiast pledged to the cause of enthusiasm and will claim it for the good only. Supliberality of the modern school. As pose the above sentence were thus althe prospectus is intended to invite a tered" of these 400,000 American falarger circulation of the work, and as it milies, only 100,000 are American!" is probable that the honour done me may be extended to many others in our denomination, I will take the liberty of developing, to the readers of the Christian Journal, some of the features of this publication. There may be religion mingled with enthusiasm; but the connexion with the latter is at least dangerous; and it often leads to some spiritual vice which mars the virtue of

For the Christian Journal. Modern Enthusiasm and Liberality in a Religious Newspaper.

2. What are we to think of the following interpretation of an act of Providence, in a shocking occurrence at

some years since?-A teacher of infidelity, in that place, prosecuted his task (so runs the accusation) in a manner so literally beastly, as to administer one of the sacraments to a dog. Awful fanaticism, indeed, in those who pretend to be most above it! and wor

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thy of the most sorrowful, nay, of the most indignant reprobation! The wretch, it seems, died the night following of some violent disorder; "his inflamed eye-balls were protruded from their sockets;" (i. e. had such an appearance, for actual protrusion is impossible without violence or long disease ;) "his tongue was swollen in his mouth:" 66 great mental and bodily agony.' This is termed an "awful judgment from" God. Now, would it not be better to rely on reason, and decency, (to say nothing of Scripture, since the argument and warning are against infidels,) in reprobating this flagrant impiety! Is it not known that accusations of divine judgments on our opponents are a rather dangerous warfare? Wickliffe, the Reformer, we are told, was struck with palsy, and had his face much distorted, and so died; and the Papists pronounced it an "awful judgment," sent upon him for opposing the church of Rome!-May it not be assumed as a general rule, that those who fancy they can so trace severe providences to the retributive hand of God, as to show the specific sentence against a specific crime, are either enthusiastically weak, or enthusiastically violent? 3. What are we to judge of a revival of religion, when described as follows? Is any man's religion fit to be held up for imitation which has not been tested by a patient continuance in welldoing? nay, ought any change to be accounted religion indeed, which is not yet known by its fruit, especially where the fruit was previously very bad? -At the end of October last year, a clergyman arrives at a place where "broils and contentions, stupidity and indifference to the concerns of eternity, prevailed;" "the youth were uncommonly given up to vain and sinful recreations;" "family worship was wholly neglected;""the religious instruction of children was overlooked." This neighbourhood was very small. Yet in two months, (Jan. 4th) "about 45 have hopefully found all things new." Now, I would not question one of the facts of this statement: a general feeling has been excited, which has, during these two months, or the latter portion of them, suspended the heathenisk morals

Then the

of the place. Whether those morals are to any extent permanently cured, and fit to be blazoned, (allowing blazoning not to be indelicate and improper,) we may perhaps know from the intelligence sent the Recorder some three or four years hence. improvement, if it last till then, may be termed religion. (P. S. On looking over this article again, I find nothing said of improved morals, but only "anxiety of mind," "conviction," "rejoicing," and the like. I will not, however, erase the above. It cannot be, that a Christian minister will allow these things to be religion, till he is convinced that fellowship with the works of darkness has ceased. It cannot be that a case of mere enthusiasms would be published; that any one in his senses would boast of a tree whose whole sap and strength went to the foliage only, and could produce no fruit.)

4. What must we think of a very similar account of religious precocity in a college?-On the death of one of the young gentlemen, several of his companions, " by whom he was greatly beloved," are seriously affected. They attend various religious meetings. And had these good beginnings been left to a calm and gradual issue, all would be right. But no. In six weeks these converts are judged to have sufficient stability to have their case published! and the world is to account this hasty reac tion of the feelings to be undoubted and indubitable religion. How little does the following extract agree with the "going from strength to strength!" "Some felt alarmed at the rashness of the young converts," [and why not, since an apostle suspected that he had bestowed upon old converts labour in vain?]"fearing it was only a temporary excitement: frequent interviews, however, [within the six weeks!] assured the friends that the work of grace was genuine." Doubtless every work of grace is genuine : and this point being settled in the case of these converts, it will not, I trust, be hereafter objected, should any of them unhappily fall away, that they were never " effectually called." Doubtless every work of grace is genuine: but ought this state of feel

ing, in youths just bereaved of a companion, and whose thoughts were kept fixed on that event, to be termed a work of grace, in the sense here obviously intended?-for these are published as instances of "assured" grace; and in no other sense could they be spread abroad for imitation. Ought this excitement of even good feelings to be called a revival of religion? The first-fruits, let us remember, were gathered from a ripe harvest-field; not from the mere blade. And, though every one in whom the heavenly seed is growing, whatever be the stage of its progress, may indulge a humble hope,there should certainly be something like ripeness, something more than six weeks or six months growth, before cases are sent to the Recorder as "genuine." If words are to change their meaning, we may call this, and the like spiritual precocity, "religion:" and so we may metamorphose language till the bud be deemed synonymous with the fruit. In truth, something like this is the latent meaning of the expressions used in the manner now condemned; for they are founded on, or at least they encourage, the Calvinistic notion, that wherever a bud can be found, there also the fruit will be found sooner or later; that there cannot be any blasting or mildew in the spiritual plant; but infallible certainty from the first sprouting of the germ. Thus, the very language of enthusiasm may open an imperceptible channel for error, and will even form the inexperienced mind to false doctrine.

5. What shall be our estimate of the liberality of a publication, appealing to the good-will of all denominations, which gives currency to such clauses as these?" He crushed the three envenomed monsters of Arminian, Socinian, and Popish errors ;"-again, close at the left hand of this- evangelical truth, or what may be called, in compliance with custom, the Calvinistic system;"-and again, on the same page-the worst principles of Arminianism." Of this latter passage be it noted, that a spurious Calvinism" had just been named; that is, nothing bad belongs to real Calvinism; but, bad, worse, and "worst," are not spu


rious in Arminianism, but its genuine ingredients. What shall we think of this sample of liberality? It is well known that the mouth-pieces of a certain denomination are continually declaring, that Episcopalians (a few excepted) are Arminians; and the above quotations will show how bitter is the reviling they would convey under that appellation. We reject, indeed, the name of Arminius as much as that of Calvin. But of this our opponents can take no advantage in explaining away the stigma; for they openly strive to fasten the title, on our denomination. They class us with "Socinians and Papists;" and call the ❝ three engroup, venomed monsters ;" and tell us to our face that nothing is " evangelical" but "the Calvinistic system." How yearning must be the bowels of brotherly love which sends this liberal newspaper among Episcopalians! How unparalleled the modesty which asks their patronage for abuse on their own heads! How honourably does the Education Society, which is to derive emolument from this paper, and recommends it to the public, adhere to its "principle," not to be "sectarian!" Methinks it is a pretty ample stretch of the experiment of "two" attempting to "walk together who are not agreed." However, such is human nature. This experiment has been often made, and will often be again. In the times of the Puritans, it was termed a comprehension; and even so conspicuous a prelate as Bishop Burnet was so exalted a liberalist as to see it tried, see it fail, blame the tenacity of the Non-conformists, and yet retain all his good opinion of the project! We have comprehensions in abundance proposed as the present day, under new forms and

new names.

The above extracts are from the prospectus and only two numbers of this paper: what a supply of materials must the Recorder furnish to the united interests of enthusiasm and liberality in the course of a year! But this is the concern of those who are engaged under these banners; it is no affair of ours; they may trumpet whom they please, and revile whom they please. Only let Episcopalians have dignity

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