Agincourt, preparations for Conscience, its power, 1, 2, battle, 175 Affection, 28, 29, 30 Age, 25, 26, 27, 116 Commons, 326 Conflict, bloody, 164 3, 132 Consideration before war, Ambition, 16, 17 Arbitrary ministers, 206, 207, 208 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, Consistency, 191 Conspiracy, 233 Country in affliction, 149 Courage, in battle, 248 false, 189 true, 190 Coxcomb, 181 Cozenage, 172 Cranmer's prophecy, 324 Daughter, want of feeling, 70 a leveller, 180 Bravery, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255 Deceitfulness, 92 Calamity, mental, 45 Cleopatra's barge, 130 Common people, 192. Deer, wounded, 133 munities, 272, 273 courageous, 263 Insincerity, political, 350 Expectations realised, 86 Fairies, 139, 140, 141, 142 Fawner, 187 Fear and niceness, 68 Female, beautiful, 83, 84 Fidelity, 60, 61 in office, 49 Firmness, 211, 212 Flattery, 290 Judgment, perverted, 102 Jury and justice, 224 political, 340, 341 Justice, 228 Freedom, 138 Friendship, 82 fickle, 85 unfaithful, 94 real, 35 Foresight, 227 Fortune, change of, 76 Night, 114, 115 Nightingale, 144 Rebellion, 286 Redress, 218 Reformation, 312 Reformers, 205 Nobleness of mind, 184, 185 Remembrance, 122 Reputation, 101 Resister of law, 188 Retribution, needful, 236 Rumour, its evil, 221 Rumours, 288 Security, false, 223 Self-defence in war, 302, 306 inspection, 103 Serenity of mind, 124 Sincerity, political, 349, 351 |