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Of younger spirits, whose apprehensive senses
All but new things disdain; whose judgments are
Mere fathers of their garments; whose constancies
Expire before their fashions.



A son who is the theme of honour's tongue;
Amongst a grove, the very straightest plant;
Who is sweet fortune's minion, and her pride.


18-i. 1.

He is gracious, if he be observed ;
He hath a tear for pity and a hand
Open as day for melting charity;
Yet notwithstanding, being incensed, he's flint;
As humorous as winter, and as sudden
As flaws congealed in the spring of day.
His temper, therefore, must be well observed;
Chide him for faults, and do it reverently,
When you perceive his blood inclined to mirth:
But, being moody, give him line and scope;
Till that his passions, like a whale on ground,
Confound themselves with working.


19-iv. 4.

Never a man's thought in the world keeps the roadway better than thine. 19-ii. 2.


The tide of blood in me

Hath proudly flow'd in vanity, till now :
Now doth it turn, and ebb back to the sea;
Where it shall mingle with the state of floods,
And flow henceforth in formal majesty.


19-v. 2.

I have spirit to do any thing that appears not foul

in the truth of my spirit.


This fellow's of exceeding honesty,

5-iii. 1. 37-iii. 3.

* Perhaps feathers. † Has an attention shown him. He abounds in capricious fancies, as winter abounds in moisture.

And knows all qualities, with a learned spirit,
Of human dealings.


I suppose him virtuous, know him noble,
Of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth;
In voices well-divulged,* free, learn'd, and valiant,
And, in dimension, and the shape of nature,
A gracious person.


Your desert speaks loud, and I shall wrong it,
To lock it in the wards of covert bosom,
When it deserves with characters of brass
A forted residence, 'gainst the tooth of time,
And razure of oblivion.


The man is noble, and his fame folds in
This orb o' the earth.


There is a kind of character in thy life,
That, to the observer, doth thy history
Fully unfold.

4-i. 5.

5-v. 1.

28-v. 5.

5-i. 1.

[blocks in formation]

In thy face I see

The map of honour, truth, and loyalty.


22-iii. 1.

He's gentle; never schooled, and yet learned; full

of noble device; of all sortst enchantingly beloved.

10-i. 1.


He is precise;

Stands at a guard with envy; scarce confesses,

* Well spoken of by the world.

† Of all ranks. On his defence. * Disposition.

That his blood flows, or that his appetite
Is more to bread than stone.


5-i. 4.

My blood that hath been too cold and temperate,

Unapt to stir at these indignities,

And you have found me; for, accordingly,
You tread upon my patience; but, be sure,
I will from henceforth rather by myself,

Mighty, and to be fear'd, than my condition ;*

Which hath been smooth as oil, soft as young down, And therefore lost that title of respect,

Which the proud soul ne'er pays, but to the proud.


He doth rely on none; But carries on the stream of his dispose, Without observance or respect of any, In will peculiar and in self-admission.


18-i. 3.

26-ii. 3.

I have of late (but, wherefore, I know not), lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises: and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a steril promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me, than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.


36-ii. 2.

My love doth so approve him, That even his stubbornness, his checks, and frowns, Have grace and favour in them.


Whose nature is so far from doing harms,

That he suspects none.


37-iv. 3.

His years but young, but his experience old;
His head unmellow'd, but his judgment ripe;

34-i. 2.

And, in a word, (for far behind his worth
Come all the praises that I now bestow,)
He is complete in feature, and in mind,

With all good grace to grace a gentleman. 2-ii. 4.


As nearly as I may,

I'll play the penitent to you; but mine honesty
Shall not make poor my greatness, nor my power

Work without it.*


His honesty rewards him in itself.


'Twere a concealment

30-ii. 2.

27-i. 1.

Worse than a theft, no less than a traducement,
To hide your doings; and to silence that,
Which, to the spire and top of praises vouch'd,

Would seem but modest.

[blocks in formation]

A well-accomplish'd youth,

28-i. 9.

34-iii. 2.

Of all, that virtue love, for virtue loved :
Most power to do most harm, least knowing ill;
For he hath wit to make an ill shape good,
And shape to win grace though he had no wit.


8-ii. 1.

He hath so planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions in their hearts, that for their tongues to be silent, and not confess so much, were a kind of ingrateful injury; to report otherwise, were a malice, that giving itself the lie, would pluck reproof and rebuke from every ear that heard it. 28-ii. 2.


A sweeter and a lovelier gentleman,

* Nor my greatness work without mine honesty.

Framed in the prodigality of nature,
Young, valiant, wise, and no doubt, right royal,-
The spacious world cannot again afford.


His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles;
His love sincere, his thoughts immaculate;

24-i. 2.

His tears, pure messengers sent from his heart;
His heart as far from fraud, as heaven from earth.


2-ii. 7.

Thou hast a grim appearance, and thy face
Bears a command in't: though thy tackle's torn,

Thou show'st a noble vessel.


Were I a common laugher, or did use
To stale with ordinary oaths my love

To every new protester; if you know,

That I do fawn on men, and hug them hard,

28-iv. 5.

And after scandal them; then hold me dangerous.


He was gentle, but unfortunate;
Dishonestly afflicted, but yet honest.


You are yoked with a lamb,

That carries anger, as the flint bears fire;

Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spark,

And straight is cold again.


Thou mine of bounty.


29-i. 2.

31-iv. 2.

29-iv. 3.

30-iv. 6.

His love was an eternal plant;*

Whereof the root was fix'd in virtue's ground,
The leaves and fruit maintain'd with beauty's sun;
Exempt from envy, but not from disdain. 23-iii. 3.

* A perennial one.

† Malice, or hatred.

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