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labor improbus, which men have learnt to associate with Shrewsbury φιλομαθεῖς.

If you see here a just advance on the first-fruits of my pen, I shall feel more at home in the Sparta founded in your honour and adorned by the genius of the editor of Lucretius.

I am,

My dear Dr Kennedy,

Ever gratefully yours,



THE notes on sat. X were written, and nearly all stereotyped, in the summer of 1871; those on great part of sat. VIII in 1872, the remainder to the end of sat. XIII in 1877; the last three satires have been added in the last two months.

I give these details, partly to explain any apparent neglect of materials lately brought to light, and partly as an example of the use of our long vacation. Many of us are unable during term to engage in any work requiring prolonged attention. Even in Bentley's time, Cambridge could only make hay when the sun shone1.

I have to thank several friends for help. Mr Munro supplies many notes (marked H. A. J. M.) and some emendations. I have also profited by communications from the late Professor Conington (J. C.), the Rev. H. R. Bailey (H. R. B.), the Public Orator (J. E. S.), and my brother (J. B. M.). I have, as will be seen, examined the manuscript notes of Stanley, Hadr. Beverland, John Taylor3, Markland*, Böttiger and John Mitford". From

1 Praefatio to Hor. p. xv=xxII qualiacumque vero haec sunt, aestivis tantum mensibus (ita tamen ut uno alteroque biennio fuerint prorsus intermissa) et primo impetu ac calore sine lima curisve secundis descripta, sic madida fere charta (ut nemini hic meorum non compertissimum est) ad typographos deferebantur.

2 Prof. Garrod kindly answered my zoological queries.

3 These three in Cambridge university library.

4 In St John's college library.

5 These two penes me, the former bought at O. Jahn's sale, the latter at Mr Mitford's sale, where a noble collection sold for an old song.

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