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who desire a Government and those who insist on war and its desolation.

You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home is to stop this war, which can alone be done by admitting that it began in error, and is perpetuated in pride. We don't want your negroes, or your horses, or your land, or any thing you have, but we do want and will have a just obedience to the laws of the United States. That we will have, and if it involves the destruction of your improvements, we cannot help it. You have heretofore read public sentiment in your newspapers, that live by falsehood and excitement, and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better for you.

ATLANTA, September 25th, 1864.

To the Louisville Agent of the N. Y. Associated Press: Your press despatches of the 21st embrace one from Macon of the 14th, announcing the arrival of the first train of refugees from Atlanta, with this addition, "that they were robbed of every thing before being sent into the rebel lines." Of course this is false, and it is idle to correct it as far as the rebels are concerned, for they proposed it as a falsehood to create a mischievous public opinion.

The truth is that during the truce 446 families were moved south, making 705 adults, 860 children, and 470 servants, with 1,651 pounds of furniture and household goods on the average to each family, of which we have a perfect recollection by name and articles. At the end of the truce, Col. Warner, of my staff, who had general supervision of my business, received from Major Clan, of Gen. Hood's staff, the following letter: ROUGH AND READY, September 21, 1864. Colonel: Our official communication being about to close,

you have shown on all occasions to me and my people, and the promptness with which you have corrected all irregularities arising in our intercourse. Hoping at some future time to be able to reciprocate your courteousness, and in many instances your positive kindness,

I am, with respect, your obedient servant,

W. T. CLAN, Major and A. A. G. of Gen. Hood's Staff. Lieut. Col. WILLARD WARNER, of Gen. Sherman's Staff.

I repeat, then, that, by the original compact of government, the United States had certain rights in Georgia which have never been relinquished and never will be; that the South began war by seizing forts, arsenals, mints, custom-houses, &c., &c., long you will permit me to bear testimony to the uniform courtesy before Mr. Lincoln was installed, and before the South had one jot or tittle of provocation. I myself have seen in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet. In Memphis, Vicksburg, and Mississippi, we fed thousands upon thousands of the families of rebel soldiers left on our hands, and whom we could not see starve. Now that war comes home to you, you feel very different; you deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car-loads of soldiers and ammunition, and molded shell and shot, to carry war into Kentucky and Tennessee, and desolate the homes of hundreds and thousands of good people, who only asked to live in peace at their old homes, and under the Govern

ment of their inheritance.

But these comparisons are idle. I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through Union and war; and I will ever conduct war purely with a view to perfect and early success.

But, my dear sirs, when that peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter. Now you must go, and take with you the old and feeble, feed and nurse them, and build for them in more quiet places proper habitations to shield them against the weather until the mad passions of men cool down, and allow the Union and peace once more to settle on your old homes at Atfanta. Yours in haste,

W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General. In another communication to the Mayor Gen. Sherman ordered the latter to announce to the citizens:

The Government will furnish transportation south as far as Rough and Ready; north, as far as Chattanooga. All citizens may take their movable property with them. Transportation will be furnished for all movables. Negroes who wish to do so may go with their masters; other male negroes will be put in Government employ, and the women and children sent outside the lines.

For the purpose of contributing to the comfort of those who were under orders to remove, an extension of the truce was subsequently ob

tained. The difficult and delicate task of superintending the departure of these persons was not effected without charges of cruelty and peculation against the Federal officers, with which for several weeks the Southern press teemed. The following letter from Gen. Sherman on the subject shows how little foundation the calumniators had to build upon :

I would not notice this, but I know the people of the North, liable to be misled by a falsehood calculated for special purposes, and by a desperate enemy, will be relieved by this assurance, that not only care, but real kindness, has been extended to families who lost their homes by the acts of their male protectors.

W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen. Commanding. The Army of the Potomac, under Gen. Meade, in its reorganization was reduced to three corps, as stated on previous pages. Maj.-Gen. Warren was assigned to the command of the 5th army corps.

The consolidation of divisions and arrangement of brigades was made as follows: The commanding officer of the 1st division of the old 5th corps was ordered to consolidate the three brigades into two brigades, to be designated as the 1st and 2d brigades, 1st division, 5th army corps. The old 2d division, 5th corps, was consolidated into one brigade, and designated as the 3d brigade, 1st division, 5th corps, commanded by Brig.-Gen. R. B. Ayres. The old 3d division, 5th corps, remained as the new 3d division, 5th army corps. The 2d brigade of the 3d division, 1st army corps, was transferred to the 2d division, 1st army corps, and this division afterwards designated as the 2d division, 5th army corps. The 1st brigade of the 3d division, 1st army corps, was transferred to the 1st division, 1st army corps, and this division afterwards designated as the 4th division, 5th army corps. The designating flags of the old 3d brigade, 1st division, 5th army corps; of the old 2d division, 5th army corps; of the old 2d brigade 2d division, 5th army corps, and of the 3d division, 1st army corps, were ordered to be turned in to the corps quartermaster.

officers to commands in the consolidated corps: The following was the assignment of general 1-Brig.-Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, commanding 4th division.

2-Brig.-Gen. S. W. Crawford, commanding 3d division.

3-Brig.-Gen. J. C. Robinson, commanding 2d division.

4-Brig.-Gen. Charles Griffin, commanding 1st division.

5-Brig.-Gen. R. B. Ayres, commanding 3d brigade, 1st division.

6-Brig.-Gen. L. Cutter, commanding 1st brigade, 4th division.

7-Brig. Gen. Henry Baxter, commanding 2d brigade, 2d division.

8-Brig. Gen. J. J. Bartlett, commanding 2d brigade, 1st division.

9-Brig.-Gen. James Barnes, commanding 1st brigade, 1st division.

10-Brig.-Gen. J. C. Rice, commanding 2d brigade,

4th division.

The 2d corps was commanded by Maj.-Gen. Hancock. The original regiments of the 2d corps were consolidated into two divisions, with a new assignment of division and brigade commanders.

The division formerly known as the 1st division of the 3d corps, commanded by Maj.-Gen. Birney, was designated as the 3d division of the 2d corps. The division formerly known as the 2d division of the 3d corps, to which Brig.-Gen. Carr had been assigned as commander, was afterwards known as the 4th division of the 2d corps. Each of these divisions had been reduced to two brigades. The following was the arrangement of divisions and assignment of


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Brig.-Gen. H. Prince.

First Brigade-Brig.-Gen. W. H. Morris. Second Brigade-Brig.-Gen. D. A. Russell. Col. C. H. Tompkins, 1st Rhode Island artillery, commanding artillery.

under the command of Gen. P. H. Sheridan, The cavalry corps of this army was placed Kilpatrick, in command of the 3d cavalry dipreviously in service at the West. Brig.-Gen. vision, was transferred to the command of the cavalry in the Army of the Cumberland, under Major-Gen. Sherman; Gen. Pleasanton was reand ordered to report to Gen. Rosecrans; Gen. lieved from the command of his cavalry corps, Sykes was ordered to report to Gen. Curtis; Gen. Newton was ordered to report to Gen. Sherman; Gen. French was ordered to report at Philadelphia; Gen. Meredith was ordered and Wadsworth, were ordered to report to to report at Cairo; Gens. Ricketts, Gibbon, Gen. Meade for assignments to command.

Pleasanton, Newton, and French, on parting The following were the addresses of Gens. with their commands:

THE POTOMAC, March 25, 1864.

General Orders No. 14.

Having been relieved from duty with the Army of the Potomac, the regret of separation from the many personal associations established in the cavalry corps becomes more impressive by the devotion, generosity, and noble daring that has been exhibited throughout one of the most eventful periods in the history of the war. The brave seek no higher tribute than the confidence of their commander. Your glorious deeds testify to the trust you have maintained so sacredly. Continue to be animated by the same spirit that now guides your colors to victory, and you will reap the reward of duty to yourselves, your country, your God.

A. PLEASANTON, Major-General.

HEADQUARTERS FIRST CORPS, March 25, 1864. In relinquishing command, I take occasion to express the pride and pleasure I have experienced with you, and my profound regret at our separation.

Identified by its services with the history of this proof of valor and endurance, in saving from the enwar, the 1st corps gave at Gettysburg a crowning emy the strong position upon which the battle was fought. The terrible losses suffered by the corps on the 1st of July, attest its supreme devotion to the survive the present changes, history will not be sicountry. Though the the title of the corps may not lent upon the magnitude of its services.

JOHN NEWTON, Major-General.
BRANDY STATION, March 24, 1864.

General Orders No. 26:
Having been detached from the Army of the Poto-
mac, in consequence of its reorganization into three
corps, I desire to express the personal feelings of
regret with which the order is received. The con-
solidation of the corps gives this army greater
strength. The generals to command them are con
spicuous for their gallantry and ability. Only known
in the department where bullets whistle, there is a
strong probability that I may soon meet in the field

those brave soldiers with whom I have been so long associated with pride and distinction.

WM. H. FRENCH, Major-Gen. Volunteers. The following officers composed the staff of Gen. Grant in the field:

Brig.-Gen. John A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff; Lieut.Col. T. S. Bowers, Ass't Adj't Gen.; Lieut.-Col. C. B. Comstock, Senior Aide-de-Camp, Lieut.-Col. O. E. Baer Babcock, Aide-de-Camp; Lieut.-Col. F. T. Dent, Aide-de-Camp; Lieut.-Col. Horace Porter, Aidede-Camp; Lieut.-Col. W. L. Dupp, Ass't Insp.-Gen.; Lieut.-Col. W. R. Rowley, Sec.; Lieut.-Col. Adam Badeau, Sec.; Capt. E. S. Parker, Ass't Adj't-Gen.; Capt. George K. Leet, Ass't Adj't-Gen., in charge of office at Washington; Capt. P. T. Hudson, Aidede-Camp; Capt. H. W. Jones, Ass't Quartermaster, on duty at headquarters; First-Lieut. Wm. Dunn, jr., 83d Indiana volunteers, Acting Aide-de-Camp. At the same time the 9th corps of the army, at Annapolis, was filled up, partly with colored troops, and placed under the command of Major-Gen. Burnside, its former commander. About the 23d of April, this corps moved to Washington, were reviewed by President Lincoln, and proceeded to Culpepper Court House, and were united to the Army of the Potomac. Early in March Major-Gen. Sigel had been placed in command of the active forces in the Department of Western Virginia, for the purpose of cooperating with Gen. Grant by way of the Shenandoah valley. Those forces were largely increased.

The forces of Major-Gen. Butler, in command at Fortress Monroe, were also largely increased. Major-Gen. W. F. Smith, from the Western army, was assigned to the command of the 18th corps, and Major-Gen. Q. A. Gilmore, from the Department of the South, was assigned to the command of the 10th corps. Major-Gen. Foster was ordered to the command of the Department of the South. He had previously been in command in North Carolina.

On the 21st of April the Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, tendered to the President the services of one hundred thousand men for one hundred days. The object of this tender of men, the service in which they were to be engaged, and the reasons for the same, are fully stated in the following proclamation of the Governor of Illinois: To the people of the State of Illinois:

On the 21st of April, the Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, submitted to the President of the United States a proposition to furnish volunteers from their respective States for the coming campaigns:

WAB DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, April 21, 1864. To the President of the United States: First-The Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, offer to the President infantry troops for the approaching campaign.

Second-The term of service to be a hundred days, reckoning from the date of muster into the service of the United States, unless sooner discharged.

Third-The troops to be mustered into the United States service by regiments, when the regiments are filled up according to regulations to the minimum strength. The regiments to be organized according to the regulations of the War Department. The whole number to be furnished within twenty days from date of notice of the acceptance of this proposition.

Fourth-The troops to be clothed, armed, equipped, sub

sisted, transported, and paid as other United States infantry volunteers, and to serve in fortifications or wherever their services may be required, within or without their respective States.

Fifth-No bounty to be paid the troops, nor the service charged or credited on any draft.

Sixth-The draft for three years service to go on in any State or district where the quota is not filled up; but, if any officer or soldier in the special service should be drafted, he shall be credited for the service rendered.

JOHN BROUGH, Governor of Ohio. O. H. MORTON, Governor of Indiana. RICH'D YATES, Governor of Illinois. W. M. STONE, Governor of Iowa. The foregoing proposition of the Governors is accepted, and the Secretary of War is directed to carry it into execution. A. LINCOLN. APRIL 23d, 1864.

I shall not set forth the various reasons which induced the Executive of these States to submit their proposition. It will be sufficient for you to know that it is evident from the circumstances which surround us, that the battles which are to decide the fate of the country are soon to be fought. The enemy has, during the past winter, been concentrating all his stength for the summer campaign which is before us. It is of the utmost importance to meet them with the greatest force, and with the most overwhelming numbers which it is possible to bring to bear.

You are also aware that the country which has al

ready been wrested from the grasp of the enemy is ries, many thousands of miles of seacoast, and the of vast extent, embracing many States and Territowhole length of the Mississippi River, and of most of her tributaries, and that to hold this country and these long lines of sea and river coast requires large stationary forces.

The strongholds, forts, garrisons, cities, and towns, situated as they are in the midst of populations which are for the most part disloyal, and ready to rise upon the withdrawal of our troops, are almost innumerable, and require by far the greater part of our imview of the case, the Executives of the most Westmense army in their protection and defence. In this ern States believed that the efficiency of the army might be immensely increased by a volunteer force, to be immediately raised, which should occupy the points already taken, and release our veteran troops, and send them forward to join the main body of the army, which is soon to engage the forces of the enemy. It will be apparent also that, while these forces are to be employed in fortifications, and at such points as the Government may require them now, in the future, also, they will place in the hands of the States the means to repel invasion from their borders, suppress insurrection, and maintain the peace.

The mode of enlistments, places of rendezvous, and all information pertaining to organization, &c., will be communicated to you by the adjutant-general

of the State.

I make my appeal to the State of Illinois, to respond to the Government with her full quota of 20,000 men in the next twenty days. Although the State has thus far exceeded her quota under all calls by so many thousands, I doubt not she will stand ready to strengthen the arm of the Government in this trying hour, and that she will send this timely necessary relief to her gallant sons now in the field, and who have so distinguished her proud name upon every battle-field of the war. It is confidently hoped that by the timely aid which may thus be given our veteran army, the last blow may be given this wicked rebellion, and the Government reestablished, the Union restored, and all the blessings of a stable and lasting peace secured.

Though in the North and in the South the notes of preparation for the conflict fill the land, yet for the first time have I fully seen the beginning of the end of this frightful war. All that is now required is, that the Government put forth its power at the right time, and in the right place.

The people of Illinois have confidence in her sons, and in the great commander, Gen. Grant, whom she has given to the country, as well as in the armies under his command. Let us do all in our power to uphold and strengthen their arms.

Glorious Illinois, in every period of this war you have done your duty. The shining achievements of your sons are the admiration of the world. In this most eventful hour you will not fail. RICHARD YATES, Governor. The address of the Governor of Indiana was as follows:

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, INDIANAPOLIS, April 23, 1864. To the people of Indiana:

The Governors of Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have offered to raise for the service of the General Government eighty-five thousand men for the period of one hundred days, to perform such military service as may be required of them in any State. They will be armed, subsisted, clothed, and paid by the United States, but receive no bounty. They will be mustered into the service of the United States for the period designated, the time to com

mence from the date of muster.

The importance of making the approaching campaign successful and decisive is not to be over-estimated, and I feel confident that this call will be promptly and fully responded to.

I need not enter into the reasons which have induced the making of this offer, and its acceptance by the Government, as they will be suggested to all by the condition and position of our military affairs.

I therefore call for twenty thousand volunteers, to rendezvous at such places as may be hereafter designated, and to be organized under instructions given by the Adjutant-General. Existing organizations of the Indiana Legion, offering their services, will be preserved when the regiment or company is filled to the minimum number, under the regulations governing the army of the United States.

O. P. MORTON, Governor of Indiana. The following order was issued in Ohio: COLUMBUS, April, 24th, 1864.

General Orders No. 12. The regiments, battalions, and independent companies of infantry of the National Guard of Ohio are hereby called into active service for the term of one hundred days, unless sooner discharged. They will be clothed, armed, equipped, transported, and paid by the United States Government. These organizations will rendezvous at the nearest eligible places in their respective counties, the place to be fixed by the commanding officer, and to be on a line of railroad where practicable, on Monday, May 2, 1864, and report by telegraph to these headquarters at four o'clock P. M. of the same day the number of men present for duty. The alacrity with which all calls for the military forces of the State have been heretofore met, furnishes the surest guarantee that the National Guard will be prompt to assemble at the appointed time. Our armies in the field are marshalling for a decisive blow, and the citizen soldiery will share the glory of the crowning victories of the campaign, by relieving our veteran regiments from post and garrison duty, to allow them to engage in the more arduous labor of the field. By order of the Governor,

B. R. COWEN, Adjutant-General of Ohio. The plan of Gen. Grant was more comprehensive than the mere capture of the city of Richmond. His purpose was to secure the machinery of the Confederate Government, and to destroy the army of Gen. Lee. Other movements were therefore necessary in connection with the one made under his own direction. The first of these was to be made by Gen. Sigel up the Shenandoah Valley toward

Staunton with the view of taking possession of the Virginia Central Railroad, and ultimately holding Lynchburg on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad. The next of these movements was to be made by Gen. Averill moving toward the same great railroad with the design of striking it near Salem or Wytheville., The next was to be made by Gen. Crook moving with a strong force and abundant supplies from Charleston, Va., toward Dublin Depot (Newbern), on the same railroad. The remaining movement on the west was to be made up the eastern side of the Big Sandy River, toward Abingdon, on the same railroad. It was intended that these different forces should strike the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad about the same time, at Abingdon, Wytheville, Dublin Depot, and Staunton, and should afterwards unite centrally west of Lynchburg, and march against that town. This combined movement comprehended a large aggregate of forces, to wit: 12,000 men by the Big Sandy route, under Gen. Burbridge; 4,000 under Gen. Crook, moving from the lower Kanawha; 2,500 cavalry under Gen. Averill, from northwest Virginia, and the army of Gen. Sigel, numbering nearly 12,000.

On the south side of Richmond it was intended by Gen. Grant to capture and hold Petersburg by a heavy force, under the command of Gen. B. F. Butler. Thus holding Petersburg and Lynchburg, all southern communication with Richmond would be cut off. The progress and results of these respective cooperating movements will be stated on a subsequent page.

On the 3d of May Gen. Meade issued the following address to the army:

HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, May 8, 1864. SOLDIERS: Again you are called upon to advance on the enemies of your country. The time and the ing-General to address you a few words of confidence occasion are deemed opportune by your Commandand caution. You have been reorganized, strengthened, and fully equipped in every respect. You form whole under an able and distinguished general, who a part of the several armies of your country-the enjoys the confidence of the Government, the people, and the army. Your movement being in cooperation with others, it is of the utmost importance that no effort should be spared to make it successful. ing with anxious hope to the blow you are about to Soldiers! The eyes of the whole country are lookstrike in the most sacred cause that ever called men to arms. Remember your homes, your wives, and mies are overcome the sooner you will be returned to children; and bear in mind that the sooner your eneenjoy the benefits and blessings of peace. Bear with patience the hardships and sacrifices you will be called upon to endure. Have confidence in your officers and in each other.

Keep your ranks on the march and on the battlefield, and let each man earnestly implore God's blessrender himself worthy of the favor he seeks. With ing, and endeavor by his thoughts and actions to clear conscience and strong arms, actuated by a high sense of duty, fighting to preserve the Government and the institutions handed down to us by our forefathers, if true to ourselves, victory, under God's blessing, must and will attend our efforts.

GEORGE G. MEADE, Maj.-Gen. Com'ding. S. WILLIAMS, Ass't Adj.-Gen.

On the same day camp was broken up, and with six days' rations the army was put in motion in light marching order. About 2 P. M. the division of cavalry commanded by Gen. Gregg, with a part of the canvas pontoon train, moved toward Richardsville and were engaged till late at night in repairing the roads to Ely's Ford. Soon after midnight a crossing was prepared by throwing two bridges over to the south shore. At the same time Gen. Wilson, in command of the 3d cavalry division, advanced to Germania Ford, eight miles above, and there prepared another bridge with canvas pontoons. About midnight the 2d corps, under Maj.-Gen. Hancock, began to move down the Stevensburg and Richardsville road to Ely's Ford. The entire corps were on the march before 3 A. M., and crossed soon after daylight. At the same time the 5th corps, under Maj.-Gen. Warren, began to move. The advance, consisting of two divisions of infantry and a portion of artillery, passed through Stevensburg soon after midnight, closely followed by the remainder of the corps, and destined to Germania Ford. This corps was closely followed by the 6th corps, under Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick, which left its camp at 4 A. M. It was the forces at Culpepper Court House which moved by the old plank road and crossed at Germania Ford. Those at Brandy Station, Catlett's, &c., on the Alexandria railroad, moved by the old turnpike, crossing the

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Rappahannock at Ely's Ford, four miles below the junction of the Rapidan and the Rappahannock rivers. Germania Ford is about twelve miles and Ely's Ford about four miles from Chancellorsville. Orange Court House is about twenty-seven miles and Wilderness Tavern about twenty-two miles from Chancellorsville. From points between Chancellorsville and Wilderness Tavern, roads lead to Gordonsville, Louisa Court House and Frederick's Hall, on the Virginia Central Railroad, in distances varying from twenty to thirty miles. From these places there are good roads leading direct to Richmond, which is distant between fortytwo and fifty-four miles; and also good roads to Hanover Junction.

The crossing was effected during the day by these three corps without opposition. The pickets of the enemy withdrew quietly from the river, and the cavalry of Gen. Gregg advanced toward Chancellorsville without finding the enemy anywhere in force. Gen. Wilson's cavalry moved up the road to Parker's store, toward Orange Court House, the position of the enemy. The infantry and artillery followed in the direction of Chancellorsville and the Wilderness. The 2d corps camped on the old battle-field at Chancellorsville; the 5th at the old Wilderness Tavern, and the 6th at the Tavern and at Germania Ford.

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