Exterior and interior walls of the Tower, with dome-shaped roof, K, revolving by the gearing F, upon the friction rollers G, G. The Central Turret, revolving, independently of the Tower, upon the shaft b, b, by means of the rod and gearing D; on the left of the shaft is seen the circuit-closer, forming the Casemates, with guns, independent of the Revolving Tower. Walls of subterraneous foundation for the Tower, forming chambers for stores and munitions. there is no limit to the possible size and thickness. The illustration on page 722 represents a cordon of three of these turrets arranged for the protection of a harbor. They are supposed to be one hundred feet in diameter, with two tiers of guns. They rest upon a structure of iron-clad masonry, in which are contained the magazines and steam engine. The diagram on page 720 presents a sectional view of a turret, cut down vertically through the centre so as to show the interior arrangements. Directly unber the dome-shaped roof is a platform resting upon a central shaft, which revolves independently of the turret, and not by means of the steam engine. This is the station of the commander during action. In the roof is a narrow opening through which, by means of a fixed telescope, he keeps watch of the enemy. At his hand is a wheel, connected by rods and gearing with the shaft so that he can turn the platform in any direction, and thus keep his telescope always pointed upon the object of attack. If this moves, he follows it, precisely as a sharpshooter with a telescopic rifle follows the course of a moving object. By an arrangement of signals he can also give any directions for the management of the vessel or of the guns. As the turret revolves each gun is for an instant brought in the course of every revolution directly in a line with the commander's telescope. If the gun is discharged at that instant, the ball must go straight to its mark. Provision is made for doing this with unerring certainty. Each gun in the act of passing under the vertical line of the telescope, is discharged by means of an electric current. This telescope being held pointing to the object of attack, every gun in the battery is really aimed by the commander. This automatic sighting and discharge are essential features of the invention; they obviate the uncertainty of aim, which is the main objection against the towers heretofore built. The commander aims and discharges every gun in his battery; the gunners have only to load, run the piece to the porthole, and place the fuse in the vent. This can be done in one minute. A turret of one hundred feet in diameter will give ample space for sixty guns in two tiers. If it revolves once a minute, which is equal to about three and a half miles an hour, its effective fire is sixty guns in a minute directed with unerring aim upon any point of the circle-an offensive power greater than that of any fortress in the world. For defensive power, such a turret can be made absolutely invulnerable. The "monitor" turrets are from nine to thirteen inches thick; but in a land turret, if one foot is not sufficient, there may be two or five. The only limit is the crushing weight of the structure upon the steel rollers on which it revolves. The main purpose of a land turret is for harbor defence. The illustration on page 722 shows the adaptation of a cordon of turrets for the protection of the harbor of New York. The point of defence is supposed to be the VOL. IV. 46 A Narrows, where the channel is about onefourth of a mile wide. A tower is built upon each shore, and another is placed midway. An enemy approaching would be exposed, from the moment he came within range, to the concentric fire of these three forts, each capable of delivering sixty shot in a minute with an accuracy hitherto unknown in gunnery. To pass these forts he must come, with broadsides exposed, within one-sixteenth of a mile of the muzzles of one hundred and twenty guns, aimed with the precision of a telescopic rifle. Should he succeed in passing, his stern would be exposed, so long as he continued within range, to the fire of all the towers. The guns may be of the largest calibres, for it has been demonstrated that the heaviest ordnance can be discharged within a turret with less inconvenience than from the casemate of a fortress. It would seem that nothing that can float could sustain this fusillade for a quarter of the time in which the swiftest steamer would be exposed to it. A single hostile steamer once within range of New York, Boston, or San Francisco, could impose its own terms. To this system of turrets Mr. Timby therefore proposes to add a series of chains. These stretch from turret to turret, and are attached to windlasses turned by the steam engine within. Buoys are fastened to the chains, leaving their specific gravity just sufficient to sink them. In time of peace they lie quietly on the bottom, presenting no obstruction to navigation. On the approach of an enemy they are drawn up, not taut, but so as to hang swaying in the water at such a depth as to prevent the passage of a vessel; the greater part of their weight being supported by the buoys, almost their entire tensile strength is available as a barricade. These chains may be of any required size and number. They possess the character of an immense iron raft, sufficiently submerged to be wholly out of the reach of an enemy. The most powerful steamer striking them would merely sway them back, while its own momentum would be destroyed, and it would be helpless under the guns of the turrets. Outside of these chains it is proposed to stretch a line of torpedoes attached to a chain from tower to tower across the channel. These can be drawn directly under the vessel while detained, and exploded at the precise instant desired by the discharge of an electric current. This obviates the great practical defect in all systems in which torpedoes have been employed, that the discharge is a matter of chance. The diagram on page 722 shows the details of the system of turrets, chains, buoys, and torpedoes, which combines in itself all the elements of defensive warfare hitherto employed. Its cost for construction and maintenance must be less than that of stone fortresses. The defensive works of Charleston cost more than would be required to render New York impregnable to the combined navies of the world. Masonry having been shown to be useless against modern artillery, the sole reliance must be upon earthworks and iron. Earthworks being liable to be captured by escalade, must be defended by a force nearly as great as the attacking one; and iron, it is believed, can in no way be as advantageously used as in the system of turrets and its ad juncts. The plan for revolving turrets for vessels proposed by Mr. Timby is essentially the same as for those built upon land, modified only by the fact that there is a limit to the size and weight of a turret which can be borne by a vessel. The essential features of the automatic sighting and discharge are equally applicable to both. CORDON OF REVOLVING TOWERS AND CHAINS FOR HARBOR DEFENCE. port-holes height for the requisite vertical range; six feet is abundant for this. The chance of a turret being hit would thus be diminished onethird, and the seaworthiness of the vessel would be increased by bringing the weight so much nearer to the line of flotation. Moreover, as one-third of the turret would be protected by the side armor of the vessel, this portion could be made much lighter. The weight of the turret could be diminished fully a quarter. What, however, is of still greater importance, the one vulnerable point in the monitors as originally built is thoroughly protected. This vulnerable point is the plane upon which the turret revolves, which has been placed on the deck. The The elaborate "Report upon Armored Vessels," made by the Secretary of the Navy in April, 1864, is conclusive as to the superiority of turreted vessels. The valuable qualities of these vessels was further demonstrated in the capture of Fort Fisher. RHODE ISLAND. Although one of the least of the States of the Union, Rhode Island has engaged in the war as heartily for her power as the largest. Her contributions to the Federal army, from the commencement of hostilities to Dec. 31, 1864, were about 22,707; as follows: Three years' men (volunteers).. .18,200 (drafted).. 168 (substitutes for drafted men).. 677 (volunteers) One year's men Nine months' men (volunteers) Three months' men (volunteers) 891 2,227 3,144 U. S. and regiments in other States.... .(about) 900 United States Navy...... .(about) 2,000 The number of men furnished from May 26, 1863, to Jan. 27 1865, was as follows: By a draft in July, 1863, credits in men and commutations, amounting to 1,296, were realized. For naval enlistments, extending back to 1861, about 1,500 were allowed, and in credits 1,800 for men enlisted prior to 1863, making the State deficient at the close of the year 1,459 men. An amendment to the State Constitution, so as to permit soldiers to vote, was submitted to the people early in the year, and a vote exceeding the requisite three-fifths was given for it. This secured its adeption. At the same time there was submitted to the people an amendment of the Constitution to permit unnaturalized citizens to vote who had served in the war. This lacked sixty-four votes of the requisite three-fifths majority. It was therefore rejected, as was also an amendment to abolish the registry tax. The vote at the Presidential election was as follows: Lincoln, 13,692; McClellan, 8,470. Majority for Mr. Lincoln, 5,222. The finances of the State are represented by the Governor as “in a satisfactory condition." All the loans authorized by the legislature, amounting to $4,000,000, had been negotiated on favorable terms. The State had ample means to meet all immediate claims upon her, through the considerable sums due from the Federal Government, which it was expected soon to realize. The expenses attending the call for troops in December were not included in this estimate. The Governor recommended to the legislature to enact some measures which should secure to the banks of the State additional privileges in their exchanges, as under the new burdens imposed by taxes upon circulation and deposits the business of banking was scarcely remunerative. He recommended the privilege should be granted to such as became National banks, to resume their chartered rights under their old organization at any period they might elect. On Dec. 8th some wealthy citizens were arrested by order of the Federal commander of the Military Department, under charges of having furnished supplies to the enemy. The proceedings of the Governor relative thereto he thus states: On the 8th of December, 1864, by order of Major. Gen. Dix, commanding the Department of the East, several of our citizens were arrested and removed beyond the limits of the State. It became the duty of the Executive to inquire into the authority and reasons justifying such a procedure; this was done personally. As the result of the inquiry, it appeared that the offence charged was within the exclusive cognizance of the officers of the General Government, and nothing further could be effected than to secure the assurance of an early investigation, which it is to be hoped will result in establishing the innocence of the parties charged. The apparent commercial prosperity of the State continues as favorable as during any previous period of her history. RICE, JAMES CLAY, a brigadier-general of United States volunteers, born at Worthington, Mass., Dec. 27, 1829, died from wounds received at the battle near Spottsylvania Court House, May 11th, 1864. His early life was spent in a struggle to obtain an education, and in 1854 he graduated at Yale College, with high honors. Shortly afterwards he went to Natchez, Miss., where he engaged in teaching, and edited the lit erary department of one of the local newspapers. He also pursued the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in that State. Returning to the North he continued his legal studies in New York, and in 1856 entered upon the practise of his profession, in which he was rapidly rising to distinction. At the outbreak of the war he entered the ranks as a private soldier in the New York Garibaldi Guard, and subsequently, by distinguished merit, attained the colonelcy of the 44th New York volunteers, or Ellsworth's regiment. He led this regiment through the battles of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Gaines's Mill, Malvern Hill, and Manassas, and was only absent from Antietam because on a sick-bed with typhoid fever. He was also at Fredericksburg under Gen. Burnside, at Chancellorsville under Gen. Hooker, where he was temporarily in command of a brigade, and at Gettysburg, where he greatly distinguished himself by his skill and gallantry. It was his brigade which, on the second day of the battle, held the extreme left of the line successfully under the repeated and desperate onsets of the enemy. For three hours Col. Rice fought incessantly, receiving no orders from any superior officer, arranging and disposing of his men with such skill and judgment that at the close of the day's fight he had extended his line so as to cover Round-Top Mountain, thus securing it against any flanking movement. For this and other gallant deeds he was warmly commended by Gen. Meade, and earnestly recommended by him and Generals Hooker and Butterfield, for the appointment of brigadier-general of volunteers. The President acquiesced in the wishes of these officers, the Senate confirming the appointment, and dating his commission from Aug. 17, 1863. In this position he took part in the operations of Mine Run, passed through the terrible battles of the Wilderness, and met his death, at the head of his command, on the banks of the Po. He died shortly after amputation had been performed, his last words being, "Turn me over that I may die with my face to the enemy." Gen. Rice was a man of deep religious principle, a brave and skilful officer, and thoroughly devoted to his country. RIVES, JOHN C., an American editor, born in Kentucky about the year 1796, died near Georgetown, D. C., April 10, 1864. His early opportunities for an education were very limited, and he was thoroughly a self-made inan. In 1824 he removed to Washington from Edwardsville, Illinois, where he was a bank cashier, and entered upon a clerkship in the Fourth Auditor's office. During the early part of Gen. Jackson's administration, Mr. Rives, in connection with Frank Blair, sen., founded "The Congressional Globe," of which he had been sole proprietor for three years previous to his death. He was never a partisan, and although on important national questions agreeing in the main with Jackson's policy, he recognized the_merit of that urged by the opposite party. In his public and private benefactions he was noble |