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tious for the occasion) amidst flowers, and shade, and innocent amusements; but to concentrate a wider welcome than has hitherto been practicable, to the talented and earnest teacher of Temperance, who has lately come amongst us, Mr. J. B. Gough-and at the same time to demonstrate the growing numbers of the Temperance League in London and its neighbourhood.

Great masses of humanity, whether as actors or spectators, are always imposing. A crowded theatre, a royal pageant, a multitude listening to an open-air preacher, or a procession such as this fair morning witnessed, stretching from Lincoln's Inn Fields to St. Martin's Lane, and thence across Westminster-bridge to the Surrey Gardens, have in them elements of grand emotions; and as the miscellaneous throng passed by, thousands of men and women wearing white roses on their breasts, and led by bands of smiling children-the vanguard of a future army of abjurists of this great social sin Intemperance -many a happy face smiled through its tears, and many a hopeful prayer went after them.

As Christian men and women (and we speak of Christianity here, in reference to modern civilization, of which its ethics are the very keystone), the practice of Temperance has become essential to us-the vice that leads from mental oblivion to moral recklessness; that diverts the affections from the heart, and industry from the hands; that persuades from occasional tippling to habitual intoxication, and makes maudlin drivellers or furious madmen of its victims; that wastes all that is noble or tender, ambitious and energetic in human nature, and leaves it brutal, loathsome, and debased; that revolts a man's household, separates friends, divides the employed and employer, and brings as its certain sequel, ill-health, dishonour, want, a fretful wife, a desolate home and ruined family-is surely to be obviated, in a country full of religious tendencies, and overflowing with intelligence.

More than half of the crime that stains our scaffolds, and fills our hulks, results from intoxication. But the law makes no allowance for the liquid tempter; and many a miserable creature, who "clothed in his right mind" was kindhearted and unoffending, has expiated the insanity of drunkenness on a murderer's gibbet.

The sight therefore of these passing numbers, the majority of whom had trampled on a besetting sin, had almost the effect of a religious procession; and it was not until their bands and banners were sounding and shining in the gardens, and their serried ranks broken up into groups and sets, wandering here and there in search of amusement, that one realized the simply festive nature of the meeting. Twice in the course of the day Mr. Gough addressed the thousands present, in language well calculated to strengthen the resolutions of the adherents of Temperance, and to win over fresh converts to the cause. "Who"-writes a correspondent and a looker-on

"Who could survey that happy, smiling throng,
And offer up to Heav'n no grateful song
For agencies it deigns, in love, to send
To bless the world, and all mankind befriend?
Thousands, when rankling crosses intervene,
Shall think, with joy, upon that festive scene;
And haply some discourag'd one may fain,
Recalling it to mind, take heart again!"

As the evening drew on, thousands of coloured lamps sparkled, like glow-worms, on the borders of the flower-beds, and amongst the short soft turf; here and there families and friends had broken into groups and circles, and were feasting, al fresco, on the grass; while the sounds of music from the orchestra, and, in its pauses, of youthful voices swelling-up in joyous chorus, sounded across the gardens with delightful effect. Miss Poole's singing was another feature of the amusements of the evening; and the splendid pyrotechnic display that followed, lighting-up the dioramic-picture of the bay and wooded hills of Chusan, with the white tents stretching to the water's-side, and the British shipsof-war and junks of the Chinese depicted on it was really beautiful. But the most pleasing part of the exhibition for us-as the rockets rose and fell breaking into flowers and stars, and waving streams of light-was the hundreds of children's faces ranged by the little lake, and with every fresh explosion from fire-ships and blazing pagodas, becoming more animated with breathless admiration and delight-these were the "Bands of Hope." May they realize the happy designation, and render Temperance, in their coming times, not an innovation, but the rule!

C. A. W.


(Specially communicated from Paris.) COSTUME FOR OCTOBER.

DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. Caraco of black velvet, half open on the bosom, en cœur, with basques rounded and trimmed with black lace; the sleeves also trimmed with black

lace. Skirt of light grey taffeta, without ornament. Chemisette and under-sleeves in embroidered muslin.

Coiffure in blond and bayadere velvet ribbon, ornamented with white roses: rich bracelets.

Gown in gros de Naples. Corsage low, square

at the top, and half open in front; the basques open and squared; the sleeves are opened up to the shoulder, and laced, as is also the opening in front of the corsage, with black velvet ribbon; the same ribbon is placed as a border all round the corsage. | The skirt has ten rows of velvet ribbon graduated, laid on plain. Collar up to the throat, in embroidered muslin, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. Silk capote, ornamented with vine leaves and blonde and small flowers, and blonde round the face.

For a little girl; frock in taffeta glacé, corsage with rounded basques, ornamented with a double row of quilled ribbon. Sleeves almost short, with white embroidered under-sleeves. Skirt trimmed with two rows of quilled ribbon, similar to that on the corsage. Short trowsers, finishing with a trimming in broderie anglaise. Grey bottines. The hair dressed with velvet ribbon.

The fine weather permits the continuance of summer dresses, but nevertheless one sees that autumn is beginning to assert her right of succession: silk gowns and dark colours are gradually taking the place of muslin, tarlatane, and lightcoloured materials. The autumnal toilettes are in

general in the following materials: plaid poplins in large checks, watered silk, taffeta d'Italie glacé, of iron grey, dark blue, groseille (red currant), or bottle-green. For demi-toilette, gowns at present are in plaid valencias, foulard de laine, English merinos, watered valencias, or satin gree. Another very pretty and effective new material is the casimir de soie-a mixture of silk and woollen, which produces the effect of a shot silk, and is by no means expensive.

The form of dresses remains unchanged. Almost all the corsages are made with basques; the waists are long. White caracos are still seen in great numbers.

The bonnets for autumn are in satin; and velvet capotes in green are in great vogue. They are still placed as far on the back of the head as ever; and a M. Giraud has invented a spring which is to replace the large pins used to keep them on. This spring is very ingenious; it is light, and has the advantage of not showing, and of keeping the backhair in its place. For young ladies, gowns in tarlatane, spotted or checked, are much worn, having sashes with long ends. Paris, Sept. 20.


"The grass grows fast to-day! Wet is the ground
With fertilizing moisture, and the sun

Meets not the searching ken. A sweep of dun
And heavy light covers the sky; around-
Almost unfelt-a gentle breath doth run

Among the leaves, too gentle to dispel

The flickering haze that thickens round the groves,
And hides each "elmy grange" and farmy fell,
Where agriculture sees the sight it loves
To gaze delighted on."


In those places where due attention has been paid | to order and neatness, there is the finest display that has been noticed during the season, both in the Flower-garden and Pleasure-ground. The varied tints of the decaying foliage, caused by the approach of autumn, add greatly to the beauty of the scene, and call for unwearied diligence to keep all below them neat and clean; as there will now be a constant falling of leaves, which, if not kept regularly removed, will be drawn in by the worms, and present a very unsightly appearance. The lawns will also require to be kept regularly mown, as at this season of the year, under the most favourable circumstances, the grass is usually bad to cut; and if mown after it has made considerable growth, it looks yellow instead of green, or dirty on account of the worm-casts which abound at this time of the year. This is a very busy time, as every department requires attention. Presuming that the greenhouse is ready, or nearly so, for its various occupants, they must soon be got in, according to the tenderness of the different kinds; for however flattering appearances may be, we know there is not much dependence to be placed in them. In com

mencing these operations, there should be no lack of clean empty pots of all sizes, as almost every plant will require to be taken out and examined. Freegrowing ones may need to be shifted; others may have their drainage stopped up, or may contain large worms which require to be taken out, or they will injure the plants all the winter. Those not requiring to be shifted should have their drainage care. fully removed, and be again placed in a clean well-drained pot of the same size, and every plant as it leaves the potting-bench should have its required portion of water, as no opportunity will occur for a long time when it can be so easily ascertained what quantity it should receive. Let each plant be then neatly trained in the most natural form, and removed to their proper quarters. If it is only for the sake of giving them clean pots, it is much better to do it in this way than to wash the pots; as, while the plants are in, they can never be properly cleaned inside. When there are any plants to spare, the hardiness of which is doubtful, do not throw them away, but put them where you can just save them through the winter, giving them only enough water to keep them alive, and plant them out in spring to test this

quality. Many good things have thus been saved, and have proved much more hardy than was expected. The other day we saw a fine plant of Hydrangea japonica, which a few years ago obtained a prize at the Royal Botanic Gardens, and had been treated in this way. It was planted in a shrubbery border, well sheltered from cold winds, and had scarcely any sun on it except very early in the evening. It is growing luxuriantly, and its flowers will soon be open. It has stood, we believe, two winters, unprotected. Pelargoniums not yet disrooted should now be finished. Prune straggling roots, and pot into a size less, in a free open soil. A close frame, if it can be kept dry and healthy, will be best for them till they get established. Shade slightly from very hot sun, and sprinkle occasionally with a fine rose, except in damp weather. Commence giving air gradually, and afterwards give it in abundance, day and night, till it is necessary to remove them to the greenhouse. Stop back the early-struck plants, to make them break, if it is not yet done. Keep a sharp look-out for green fly in every department, and destroy them as soon as seen, or-which is better-fumigate, to prevent their coming.

Auriculas. It will soon be time to place these plants in a situation for wintering. The frames intended for the purpose ought to be thoroughly cleansed, or painted if necessary, that the effluvia may pass off before they are brought into use. The glasses, also, should be well cleaned, in order to afford as much light as possible. Give water sufficient to maintain a growing moisture, and continue to carry out cleanliness, by removing everything likely to prove obnoxious.

Carnations and Picotees.-Pick off dead foliage, and keep the plants clean: much of their health depends on cleanliness. See that the surface of the soil be open, and if any fibres appear above the surface, add a little more compost to cover them from exposure to the sun. Some of the earliest potted layers will not require further covering, but will do much better if fully exposed night and day, unless in severe storms of rain; in such cases, a temporary protection will be advisable. Weakly plants will receive much benefit from the application of liquid manure; but the strength of the latter should be carefully attended to. It should be reduced, and only given occasionally, or till the plants show signs of improvement. Avoid covering with glass as much as possible. Shade fresh potted plants from mid day sun, and uncover them as soon as the sun leaves the frames.

Tulips.-No time should be lost in sweetening the soil of the beds, and otherwise preparing them for the reception of the bulbs. If not already turned out, it should be attended to early; and if an addition of fresh soil is intended, it ought to be got in in good time. Frequent turning will prove of great benefit, if done while the earth is in a friable state; but by no means move it while saturated with water. As the Hyacinth and early Tulip are very attractive, it is worth saying a little upon their culture, for they require so little trouble that there is no excuse for omitting to grow them. The most humble cottager may produce a few bulbs in bloom, to compete with those from the largest establishments. The soil for nearly every hardy bulb should be one half thoroughly decomposed cow-dung, and halflight soil of almost any kind, or, if the dung from an old melon or cucumber-bed be used instead of cow-dung, put only onethird part to two parts of light soil. If the soil which is at hand be stiff and not light, mix clean

sand with it till it is made light, and then use two parts of the mixture to one of dung; or if it be cowdung, to an equal quantity. This compost should be thoroughly mixed, and sifted through a coarse sieve, that would let a small marble pass through the wires. Take the pots that are five inches across the mouth for the early Tulips, and those six inches across, or even more, for the Hyacinths. Having first put a bit of crock over the hole, fill these pots two-thirds of the way up with the compost; press the Hyacinths or Tulips very gently into this surface, enough only to make them stand even while you fill them up with the soil; and let it be noticed that, if pressed at all hard into the mould, the fibres will not readily enter; but press the bulb upwards, and Hyacinths frequently throw themselves nearly out of the pot. But if the soil be soft, and the fibres can enter it freely, the surface of the soil will not be disturbed, although the bulb is but just covered an inch.

Dahlias.-In many places Dahlias are producing finer blooms than at the earlier part of the season. This most probably arises from the plants being put out late; be this as it may, if the season continues open and free from frost, there is every prospect of an abundance of flowers for some time to come; therefore the plants are yet worthy the care and attention recommended to be given in former numbers. Polyanthuses.-Those under pot-culture need the same treatment as Auriculas, with the exception of a greater supply of moisture. So much wet having fallen through the season, renders it quite necessary to add a little fresh soil to the surface of the Polyanthus beds; particularly where they have not been parted and fresh planted. The earth should be kept well up to the shoulders of the foliage, that the neck of the plants, as well as the young fibres which shoot from between the foliage, should at once find their way into the soil, and be protected from ravages of the grubs and slugs. Old Carnation compost, or other tolerably well-manured soil, will do for the purpose. In the absence of the former, loam of medium strength, with one-third leaf-mould, may be substituted.

Pansies. Let the beds already in preparation for the reception of the October plantings be often turned over, and the soil be well pulverized, and reduced to a fit state to receive the young plants. This part of the cultivation should not be overlooked: much of the success depends on the proper sweetening and preparing of the soil, as well as on the consistence and quantity of nourishment contained therein. The old plants must not be neglected; for there may be occasion to return to them for a fresh supply. Look the beds over; destroy all enemies; and open the surface of the soil between them, to keep them in health.

Arbutus Unedo.-As a proof of the mildness of the climate of Ireland, it is worthy of remark that this beautiful tree is indigenous to the country, and though it is seldom seen to attain on this side of the channel a greater height than that of an ordinary shrub, it is found in great luxuriance and vigour near the Lakes of Killarney, covering the banks and hillsides in a mantle of the freshest green. Its trunk attains considerable thickness, and the ingenious people in that quarter drive a very respectable business by making snuff-boxes, work-boxes, and similar articles of the wood, and selling them to tourists, who every year flock to view the beauties of the far-famed lakes. Vast quantities of these mementoes are taken by emigrants to the United States and other parts of the world. Naturally

enough, they are preserved by the sous and daughters | mens of it were sent to Messrs. Veitch and Sons, of of Old Ireland with religious care, often for several generations. It is stated by travellers that in the island of Corsica wine is made from the strawberrylike fruit which the Arbutus yields, but if used freely, it is said to produce narcotic effects.-K.

Crocus Sativus,-The blue-flowered Crocus, universally known in Holland under this name, is seen by the end of October in full bloom. At the beginning of September the bulbs are placed in pots filled with white sand, but so that they are not more than half covered. The sand is carefully kept moist. The pots remain till the beginning of October in a dark, cool part of the greenhouse, and are thence removed and placed in a temperature of 59 deg. Fahr., if possible in a close situation under glass. A stranger who might pass through the streets of Haarlem in November and December would not be a little astonished to see this blue Crocus decorating almost every window.-W. T.


HOLLBOLLIA ACUMINATA, Lindl.-Lardizabalaceæ.-(Paxt. Fl. Gard.)-A beautiful evergreen twining plant, having the babit of H. latifolia, from which it is distinguished by its taper-pointed leaflets, which are three or five in number, and from four to six inches in length. The flowers, which are pro

Exeter, by their collector, Mr. T. Lobb, who found it on the Khasyah Hills. H. latifolia was also found in the same quarter by Mr. Griffith, and both species were discovered in the mountain woods of Nepal by Dr. Wallich, who has named the genus after Mr. F. L. Holboell, superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden at Copenhagen. The natives of Nepal, according to Dr. Wallich, eat the fruit of both plants; the pulp of the berries is stated to have "a sweetish but otherwise insipid taste."

MEDINILLA MAGNIFICA.-Among the more modern introductions to English gardens from India is the genus Medinilla. It contains some fine species, though but few of them are at present known in cultivation-about thirty being described, many of which are insignificant, or worthless for cultivation, except in a botanical point of view. They are natives of the islands of Asia that lie within the tropics, where some of them climb up the trunks of trees to the height of 60 or 80 feet. One species, M. erythrophylla, was introduced to Chatsworth by Mr. Gibson in 1838; and within these last four or five years about half a dozen other kinds have been brought into notice. The present one, M. magnifica, was imported from Java by Messrs. Veitch, and is

also known under the name of M. bracteata. It is a noble-looking plant, especially when in flower.

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