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iuventās, atis, f. (iuvenis), youthfulness, the age of youth; youthful vigor, 5, 398. iuventus, ūtis, f. (iuvenis), youthfulness; the age of youth; collective, young people, the youth; warriors, I, 467.

iuvō, iūvī, jūtus, 1, a. and n., to help, aid, assist, 1, 571; delight; impers., iuvat, it is of use, it avails, helps, 10, 56; pleases, delights, gratifies, 1, 203.

iūxtā, adv. and prep. w. acc. (rel. to

iungō), near, close, near by, 2, 513; at the same time, 2, 666; near to, 3, 506.

Ixiōn, onis, m., the father of Pirithous,

and king of the Lapithae, who was bound to an ever revolving wheel in Hades for offering violence to Juno, 6, 601.


Karthāgō, inis, f. (Kapxndwv, new city), a city built by Phoenician adventurers on the northern coast of Africa, opposite Sicily, a short distance N. E. of the modern Tunis, 1, 13, et al.


labefaciō, fēcī, factus, 3, a., pass., labefiō, fieri, factus (labō and faciō), to cause to totter or waver; p., labefactus, a, um, shaken, 4, 395; yielding, melting, 8, 390. labefactus, p. of labefaciō. lābēs, is, f. (1. lābor), a falling, sinking down; decline, beginning of evil or ruin, downward step, 2, 97; corruption, stain, blemish, 6, 746. Labici, ōrum, m., the Labici, or people of Labicum or Labici, a Latin town near the present Colonna, 7, 796. labō, āvī, ātus, I, n., to give way, begin



to yield; totter, 2, 492; of the mind, waver, 4, 22; falter, flag, despond, 12, 223.

lābor, lāpsus sum, 3, dep. n., to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fail down, 2, 465; ebb, 11, 628; pass away, 2, 14; descend, 2, 262; glide, sail, skim along, 8, 91; flow, 3, 281; fall, perish, 2, 430; decline, 4, 318; faint, 3, 309.

2. labor (labōs), ōris, m., labor, effort, toil, working, work, 1, 431, et al.; care; task, 4, 115; effort, activity, of man, II, 425; adventure, enterprise, 2, 385; burden, 2, 708; fatigue, difficulty, hardship, 1, 330; struggle, danger, distress, misfortune, calamity, woe, suffering, 1, 10, et al.; hard fate, 12, 727; an eclipse, I, 742; the product of work, workmanship, work, 1, 455; personif., Labōs, Toil, 6, 277.

labōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. (2. labor), to toil, make effort; work out; prepare, knead, 8, 181; fashion; embroider, 1, 639.


labrum, ī, n., a lip, 11, 572. 2. lābrum, ī, n., a vat or tub; a bowl, vase, vessel, 8, 22.

Labyrinthus, i, m., the Labyrinth, 5, 588.

lac, lactis, n., milk, 3, 66, et al.; juice, 4, 514.

Lacaena, ae, adj. f., Lacedaemonian or Spartan; subst., the Spartan woman; Helen, 2, 601. Lacedaemon, onis (acc. ona), f., Lace

daemon or Sparta, the capital of Laconia, 7, 363. Lacedaemonius, a, um, adj., Lacedaemonian, Spartan, 3, 328. lacer, era, erum, adj., torn, mangled, bruised, mutilated, 5, 275. lacerō, āvī, ātus, I, a. (lacer), to tear,

mutilate; wound, 3,41; rend, 12, 98.

lacerta, ae, see 2. lacertus.

1. lacertus, ī, m., the upper arm, from the shoulder to the elbow; the arm, 5, 141, et al.

2. lacertus, ī, m., and lacerta, ae, f., a lizard.

lacessitus, a, um, p. of lacessō. lacessō, cessivi, cessītus, 3, intens. a., to provoke, rouse, irritate, incite, 5, 429; call forth, summon, rouse, 10, 10; challenge, attack, assail, 11, 585; strike, smite, 7, 527; slap with the hand, caress, cheer, 12, 85. Lacīnius, a, um, adj. (Lacīnium), of Lacinium, a promontory near Croton, on the southern coast of Italy; Lacinian; Diva Lacīnia, the Lacinian goddess; Juno, 3, 552. lacrima, ae, f., a tear, 1, 228, et al. lacrimabilis, e, adj. (lacrimō), that

calls for tears; piteous, 3, 39; causing tears; woeful, disastrous, 7, 604. lacrimō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. (lacri

ma), to shed tears, weep, 1, 459. lacrimōsus, a, um, adj. (lacrima), tearful; sad, mournful, piteous, 11, 274. lacteō, ui, 2, a. and n. (lac), to suck. lacteus, a, um, adj. (lac), milky, full of milk; milk-white, 8, 660. lacus, ūs, m., a lake, pool, source, 8,

74; fen, 2, 135.

Ladēs, is, m., a Lycian follower of

laesus, a, um, p. of laedō. laetitia, ae, f. (laetus), joy, 1, 514, et al. laetor, atus sum, I, dep. n. (laetus), to rejoice, w. abl., gen., infin., or absolute, 1, 393, et al.

laetus, a, um, adj., joyful, joyous, glad, 4, 418, et freq.; delighting in (w. abl.), 1, 275, 696; 2, 417; springing, 10, 643; sparkling, radiant, 1, 591; happy, auspicious, 1, 605; abounding, rich, full (w. abl. or gen.), I, 441; well fed, fat, 3, 220; blissful, blessed, 6, 744.

laeva, laevõ, laevum, see laevus. laevus, a, um, adj., the left, 10, 495; (situated) on the left, 3, 412; the left, 3, 420; fig., ill-starred, unpropitious, baleful, 10, 275; infatuated, blind, 2, 54; subst., laeva, ae, f. (sc. manus), the left hand, 1, 611; ab laevā, on the left side, 8, 460; pl., laeva, ōrum, n., the left-hand places; waters or waves on the left hand, 5, 825; adv., laevum, on the left, 2, 693.

Lagus, i, m., a Rutulian, 10, 381. lambō, i, itus, 3, a., to lick, 2, 211; of

flame, touch, lick, 3, 574. lāmenta, ōrum, n. (sing. not in good

use), a wailing, cry of grief, lamentation, mourning, moaning, 4, 667. lamentābilis, e, adj. (lāmentor, deplore), deplorable, pitiable; to be deplored, 2, 4.

lampas, adis, f., a light, torch, 6, 587; firebrand, 9, 535.

Aeneas, slain by Turnus, 12, 343. Lādōn, ōnis, acc. -ōna, m., Ladon, a follower of Pallas, 10, 413. laedō, laesi, laesus, 3, a., to strike violently; smite, 2, 231; bruise, strike, hit, 7, 809; hurt, injure, offend, thwart, 1, 8; violate, 12, 496. laena, ae, f., an upper garment; cloak, lancēs, see lanx. mantle, 4, 262.

Laertius, a, um, adj. (Lāertēs), of
Laertes, father of Ulysses; Laertian,

3, 272.

Lamus, ī, m., a Rutulian, 9, 334. Lamyrus, ī, m., a Kutulian, 9, 334. lancea, ae, f., a lance, light spear, javelin, 12, 375.

langueō, ui, 2, n., to be faint, to languish, grow feeble. p., languēns, entis, of the sea, 10, 289; of flowers, drooping, 11, 69.

languēscō, languī, 3, inc. n. (langueō), to become faint, grow weak, droop, 9, 436.

languidus, a, um, adj. (langueō), lan

guid, 12, 908.

lāniger, era, erum, adj. (lāna, wool, and gerō), bearing wool; fleecy, 3, 660.

laniō, āvī, atus, I, a., to lacerate,

mangle, mutilate, 6, 494. lānūgo, inis, f., down.

lanx, lancis, f., a broad dish or plate; a charger, platter, 8, 284; pl., lancēs, the basins of weighing scales; scales, 12, 725.

ment, 2, 236; descent, flight, 3, 225; course, 4, 524.

laquear, āris, n., a ceiling with hollows or panels; a paneled or fretted ceiling, 1, 726.

Lār, Laris, m., a fireside, hearth, or household god, 5, 744; hesternum Larem, the household god of yesterday, 8, 543; meton., household, property, home, dwelling.

largior, ītus sum, 4, dep. (largus), to give largely; bestow, grant, 10, 494. largus, a, um, adj., ample; spacious, expansive, 6, 640; plentiful, copious, flowing, 1, 465; bountiful, free, 10, 619; w. gen., lavish, 11, 338. Lārīdēs, is, m., a Rutulian, son of Daucus, 10, 391.

Laocoōn, ontis, m., a Trojan prince and priest of Apollo, 2, 41; serving also as priest of Neptune, 2, 201. Lāodamia, ae, f., daughter of Acastus|Lārīna, ae, f., a follower of Camilla, and wife of Protesilaus, who killed herself after her husband was slain by Hector, 6, 447.

Laomedontēus, a, um, adj. (Lāomedon), pertaining to Laomedon, father of Priam; Laomedontean, Trojan, 4, 542. Laomedontiadēs, ae, m. (Lāomedon),

a son or descendant of Laomedon, 8, 162; pl., the Trojans, 3, 248, et al. lapidōsus, a, um, adj (lapis), full of stones; hard as stone, stony, 3, 649. lapis, idis, m., a stone, rock, 12, 906, et al.; marble.

Lapitha, ae, c., one of the Lapithae;

pl., Lapithae, ārum (um, 7, 305); the Lapithae, a race of Thessalians, who fought with the Centaurs at the marriage of Pirithous, king of the Lapithae, 6, 601, et al.

lāpsō, āre, freq. n. (1. lābor), to fall down; slip, 2, 551.

1. lāpsus, a, um, p. of 1. labor. 2. lāpsus, ūs, m. (1. lābor), a slipping; gliding, 2, 225; gliding movement, 2, 225; turning, move

11, 655.

Larīsaeus, a, um (Larissa), of Larissa, a Thessalian town, on the southern bank of the Peneus; Larissaean, 2, 197.

lassus, a, um, adj., faint, tired, wearied, 2, 739.

Latagus, ī, m., a Tyrrhenian, 10, 697.

lātē, adv. (lātus), widely, far and

wide, 1, 21; on all sides, far around, 1, 163; all over, 12, 308. latebra, ae, f. (lateō), a hiding place;·

recess, lodgment, retreat, 12, 389; usually in pl., latebrae, ārum, an ambuscade; covert, retreat; cavern, 3, 424; recess, cavity, 2, 38; the hatches of a ship, the hold, 10, 657. latebrōsus, a, um, adj. (latebra), full of lurking places or recesses; full of holes; porous, 5, 214; secret, 8, 713. latēns, entis, p. of lateō.

lateō, ui, 2, n. and a., to be hidden, lie concealed, 2, 48; to lurk; be sheltered, 10, 805; be unknown to, escape the knowledge of, 1, 130; P.,

latēns, entis, hidden, concealed, 3, | laudō, āvī, ātus, I, a. (laus), to praise, 237; hiding, lurking, 2, 568. latex, icis, m., a liquid; liquor; wine, 1, 686; water, 4, 512. Latina, see 2. Latīnus. Latini, see 2. Latinus.

1. Latīnus, ī, m. (Latium), Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6, 891, et al.

2. Latīnus, a, um, adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1, 6, et al.; subst., Latini, ōrum, m., the people of Latium; the Latins, 12, 823, et al.; Latina, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12, 604.

Latium, ii, n. (2. latus; Virgil, 8, 323, derives it from lateō), a country of ancient Italy, extending from the left bank of the lower Tiber to Cam- | pania, 1, 6; meton., for Latini, the Latins, people of Latium, 10, 365,

et al.

Lātōna, ae, f., the mother of Apollo and

Diana, 1, 502.

Lātōnius, a, um, adj. (Lātōna), of Latona, Latonian, 9, 405, et al.; subst., Lātōnia, ae, f., Diana, 11, 534. lātrātor, ōris, m. (lātrō), one who barks like a dog; a barker, the barking, 8, 698.

lātrātus, ūs, m. (lātrō), a barking;

baying, 5, 257, et al.

1. lātrō, āvī, ātus, I, n., to bark, snarl, bay, 6, 401, et al.; of waves, 7, 588. 2. latrō, ōnis, m., a hired servant, mercenary soldier, huntsman, 12, 7. 1. lātus, a, um, adj., wide, broad, 1, 313; spacious, ample, large, 4, 199; widespread, far-extending, 1, 225. 2. latus, eris, n., a side, 1, 105, et al.; coast, 8, 416; laterum iūncturae, joinings of the sides of a belt, i.e., ends of a belt, 12, 274.

2, 586; commend, 11, 460. Laurēns, entis, adj. (Laurentum), of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium; Laurentine, Laurentian, 5, 797, et al., subst., Laurentēs, um, pl. m., the Laurentians, 7, 63, et al.

Laurentius, a, um, adj. (Laurentum), of Laurentum; Laurentian, 10, 709.

Laurentum, ī, n., a town on the coast of Latium, between Ostia and Lavinium, 8, 1.

laurus, i, f., the laurel or bay tree, 2,

513; a laurel crown or wreath, 3, 81. laus, laudis, f., praise, 1, 609, et al.;

fame, glory, 2, 584; praiseworthy conduct, prowess, heroism, virtue, merit, 1, 461, et al.

Lausus, ī, m., an Etruscan chief, son of Mezentius, 7, 649, et al. lautus, a, um, see lavō. Lāvīnia, ae, f., a Latin princess, daughter of King Latinus, 6, 764, et al.

Lāvīnium, iī, n. (Lāvīnia), a city of

Latium, built by Aeneas and named after his Latin wife, Lavinia, I, 270, et al. Lāvīnius, a, um, and Lāvīnus, a, um,

adj. (Lāvīnium), of or belonging to Lavinium, 4, 236.

lavō, lāvī, lautus, and lōtus, I and 3, a. and n., to wash, bathe, 3, 663; wet, sprinkle, 6, 227; p., lautus, a, um, washed; neat, elegant; stately, magnificent, 8, 361.

laxō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. (laxus), to loosen,

slacken; unfasten, undo, open, 2, 259; uncoil, let out, 3, 267; open, clear, 6, 412; of the body, relax, 5, 836; of the mind, relieve, 9, 225. laxus, a, um, adj., loose; disjointed, unfastened, gaping, open, 1, 122;

slack, loosened, free, 1, 63; unbent, | lēniō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a. and n. (lēnis),

II, 874.

lebēs, ētis, m., a kettle or caldron, 3, 466.

1. lectus, a, um, p. of legō.

2. lēctus, ī, m. (legō, to gather), a gathering, as of boughs, leaves, straw, etc.; a couch, 4, 496. Lēda, ae, f., wife of Tyndarus, and mother of Castor and Pollux, and of Helen and Clytemnestra, 1, 652. Lēdaeus, a, um, adj. (Lēda), pertain

ing to Leda; Ledaean; daughter of Leda, 7, 364; descendant of Leda, 3, 328.

lēgātus, ī, m. (lēgō, lēgāre, to delegate), a legate, envoy, ambassador, 8, 143, et al.

legēns, entis, p. of legō.

lēgifer, era, erum, adj. (lēx and ferō),

law-bringing, law-giving, 4, 58. legiō, ōnis, f. (legō, to choose), a levy of troops; the original Roman army; then, a grand division of the army; a legion; host, 7, 681; army, 8, 605. legō, lēgī, lectus, 3, a., to gather, col

lect, 5, 209; cull, pick, gather; gather in, furl, 3, 532; wind up, 10, 815; select, elect, choose, I, 426; take to one's self, claim, 10, 79; take in point after point in travel or with the eye, coast along, pass by, 3, 292; trace, pursue, 9, 393; traverse, 2, 208; 12, 481; read; survey, review, 6, 755; p., lectus, a, um, gathered, collected, 6, 228; picked, culled; chosen, choice, 9, 272, et al. Leleges, um, m., Pelasgian tribes of

Asia Minor and Greece, 8, 725. Lēmnius, a, um, adj., pertaining to Lemnos, an island in the Aegean Sea; the home of Vulcan; Lemnian,

8, 454.

Lēnaeus, a, um, adj., pertaining to the wine press; Bacchic, Lenaean, 4, 207. |

to render mild; allay; soothe, 4,

528; quiet, calm, 6, 468; of inanimate things, 8, 87.

lēnis, e, adj., mild, 3, 70; gentle, quiet,

2, 782.

lentō, āvī, ātus, I, a. (lentus), to make flexible; of oars, bend, ply, 3, 384. lentus, a, um, adj., adhesive, clammy, sticky, viscid; tough, 12, 773; pliant, limber, 6, 137; ductile, malleable, 7, 634; slender, 3, 31; 12, 489; sluggish, creeping, 5, 682; quiet, 7, 28; inactive, 12, 237.

leō, leōnis, m., a lion, 2, 722, et al. lepus, oris, m., and epicene, a hare, 9, 563, et al.

Lerna, ae, f., Lerna, a marshy forest

near Argos, where the Lernaean hydra was slain by Hercules, 6, 287, et al.

Lernaeus, a, um, adj. (Lerna), of

Lerna, Lernaean, 8, 300.

lētālis, e, adj. (lētum), deadly, fatal, mortal, 4, 73; ominous of death, 12,

877. Lēthaeus, a, um, adj., of Lethe, the river of forgetfulness in Hades; oblivious, Lethean, 5, 854, et al. lētifer, era, erum, adj. (lētum and

ferō), death-bringing; deadly, 3, 139. lētum, ī, n. (cf. dēleō), death, destruction, 2, 134, et al. Leucaspis, is, m., Leucaspis, a companion of Aeneas, 6, 334. Leucātēs, ae, m., Leucata, a promontory of the island of Leucadia, off the coast of Acarnania, 3, 274. levāmen, inis, n. (2. levō), an alleviation; relief, mitigation; solace, 3, 709.

1. lēvis, e, adj., smooth; slippery, 5, 328; polished, 5, 91.

2. levis, e, adj., of little weight, light, 2, 682, et al.; thin, slender, 10, 817;

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