Who was in Life a foolish prating Knave. Good Night, Mother. [Exeunt Hamlet tugging in Polonius. ACT IV. SCENE I.. King.T Enter King and Queen. Here's matters in thefe fighs, thefe profound heaves; You must tranflate, 'tis fit we understand them. Where is your Son? Queen. Ah, my good Lord, what have I seen to Night? King. What, Gertrude? How does Hamlet? Queen. Mad as the Seas, and Wind, when both contend Which is the mightier; in his lawless fit Behird the Arras, hearing fomething ftir, He whips his Rapier out, and cries a Rat, a Rat, The unfeen good old Man. King. Oh heavy deed! It had been fo with us, had we been there: To you your felf, to us, to every one. Alas, how fhall this bloody deed be anfwer'd? Should have kept fhort, reftrain'd, and out of haunt, Shews it felf pure. He weeps for what is done, The Sun no fooner fhall the Mountains touch, A 2 4 Enter Enter Rofeneraus and Guildenstern. And from his Mother's Closet hath he dragg'd him: Into the Chappel. I pray you hafte in this. [Ex. Rof.and Guild. Ham. Safely ftowed. Gentlemen within. Hamlet! Lord Hamlet! Ham, What noife? who calls on Hamlet? Oh here they come. Enter Rofeneraus and Guildenftern. [Exeunt. Rof. What have you done, my Lord, with the dead Body? Ham. Compounded it with duft, whereto 'tis kin. Rof. Tell us where 'tis, that we may take it thence, And bear it to the Chappel. Ham. Do not believe it. Rof. Believe what? Ham. That I can keep your Counfel, and not mine own. Befides, to be demanded of a Spunge, what replication should be made by the Son of a King. Rof. Take you me for a Spunge, my Lord? Ham. Ay, Sir, that fokes up the King's Countenance, his Rewards, his Authorities; but fuch Officers do the King beft fervice in the end; he keeps them like an Ape in the corner of his Jaw, firft mouth'd to be last swallowed, when he needs what you have glean'd, it is but fqueezing you, and Spunge you fhall be dry again. Rof. I understand you not, my Lord. Ham. I am glad of it; a knavish Speech fleeps in a foolish Ear. Raf. My Lord, you must tell us where the Body is, and go with us to the King. Ham. The Body is with the King, but the King is not with the Body. The King, is a thing Guild. A thing, my Lord? Ham. Of nothing? bring me to him, hide Fox, and all after. Exeunt. Enter Enter King. King. I have fent to feek him, and to find the Body; Who like not in their Judgment, but their Eyes: Or not at all. Enter Rofeneraus. How now? what hath befal'n? Rof. Where the dead Body is beftow'd, my Lord, We cannot get from him. King. But where is he? Rof. Without, my Lord, guarded to know your Plea fure. King. Bring him before us. Rof. Ho, Guildenstern! bring in my Lord. Enter Hamlet, and Guildenftern. King. Now, Hamlet, where's Polonius? King. At Supper? Where? Ham. Not where he eats, but where he is eaten, a certain Convocation of Worms are e'en at him. Your Worm is your only Emperor for diet. We fat all Creatures else to fat us, and we fat our felves for Maggots. You fat King and your lean Beggar is but variable Service, two Dishes, but to one Table, that's the end. King. What doft thou mean by this? Ham. Nothing but to fhew you how a King may go a Progrefs through the Gut of a Beggar. King. Where is Polonius? Ham. In Heav'n, fend thither to fee. If your Messenger find him not there, feek him i'th other place your felf; but indeed, if you find him not this Month, you fhall Nofe him as you go up the Stairs into the Lobbey. King. Go feek him there. Ham. He will ftay 'till ye come. King. Hamlet, this Deed of thine, for thine efpecial fafety Which we do tender, as we dearly grieve For that which thou haft done, muft fend thee hence For England. Ham. For England? King. So is it, if thou knew'ft our Purposes. Ham. I fee a Cherub that fees them; but come, for England. Farewel, dear Mother. King. Thy loving Father, Hamlet. Ham. My Mother: Father and Mother is Man and Wife; Man and Wife is one Flefh, and fo my Mother. Come, for England. [Exit. King. Follow him at foot, tempt him with fpeed aboard: Delay it not, I'll have him hence to Night. Away, for every thing is feal'd and done That elfe leans on th' Affair; pray you make hafte. The prefent Death of Hamlet. Do it England, SCENE II. A Camp. Enter Fortinbras with an Army. For. Go, Captain, from me to the Danish King, [Exit. Over Over this Kingdom. You know the Rendevouz; And let him know fo. Capt. I will do't, my Lord. For. Go foftly on, [Exit Fortinbras. Enter Hamlet, Rofeneraus, c. Ham. Good Sir, whofe Powers are thefe ? Ham. How propos'd, Sir, I pray you? Capt. The Nephew of old Norway, Fortinbras. Capt. Truly to speak, and with no Addition, A ranker rate, fhould it be fo in Fee. Ham. Why then the Pollock never will defend it. Ham. Two thoufand Souls, and twenty thousand Ducke Will not debate the Queftion of this Straw; This is th' impofthume of much Wealth and Peace, That inward breaks, and fhews no caufe without Why the Man dies. I humbly thank you, Sir. Rof. Wil't please you go, my Lord? Ham. I'll be with you ftraight, go a little before. [Exe. How all occafions do inform against me, And fpur my dull Revenge? What is a Man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to fleep and feed? a Beast, no more. Of |