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or not.

Do it with thy most awakened affections, and serious intention of the powers of thy soul. Sleepiness and insensibility are most unsuitable to such works. It is a peculiar people, zealous of good works, that Christ hath purchased to himself.

But that misunderstanding may not hinder the performance, I shall acquaint you further with the sense, by these few explicatory cautions.

The energy and diligence here required, excludes not the necessity of deliberation and prudent conduct. Otherwise, the faster you go, the further you may go out of the way; and misguided zeal may spoil all the work, and make it but an injury to others or yourselves. A little imprudence in the season, order, and manner of a duty, sometimes may spoil it, and hinder the success, and make it do more hurt than


Do it with thy might:' do thy best in it. good. How many a sermon, or prayer, or reTrifle not, but do it presently, without unneces-proof, is made the matter of derision and consary delay. Do it resolutely. Remain not doubt- tempt, for some imprudent passages or deportful, unresolved, in suspense, as if it were yet a ment! God sends not his servants to be triflers question with thee whether thou shouldst do it, of the world, or to play the madman, as David in his fears we must be wise and innocent, as well as resolute and valiant: though fleshly and worldly wisdom be not desirable, as being but foolishness with God; yet the wisdom which is from above, and is first pure, and then peaceable, and is acquainted with the high and hidden mysteries, and is justified of her children, must be the guide of all our holy actions. Holiness is not blind: illumination is the first part of sanctification. Believers are 'children of the light.' Nothing requires so much wisdom as the matters of God, and of our salvation. Folly is most unsuitable to such excellent employments, and most unbeseeming the sons of the Most High. It is a spirit of wisdom that animates all the saints; it is the treasures of wisdom that dwell in Christ, and are communicated to his members. We must walk in wisdom toward them that are without,' and our work must be shown out of a good conversation, with meekness of wisdom;' yet I must needs say, that it is more in great things than in small, in the substance than the circumstances; in a sound judgment and estimate of things, and suitable choice and prosecution, than in fine expressions or deportment answering proud men's expectations.

Do it with all necessary forethought and contrivance: not with a distracting, hindering care; but with such a care as may show that you despise not your master, and are not regardless of his work and with such a care as is suited to the difficulties and nature of the thing, and is necessary to the due accomplishment of it.

Do it not slothfully, but vigorously, and with diligence. Stick not at thy labour: lest thou hear, thou wicked and slothful servant.-Hide not thy hand in thy bosom with the slothful, and say not there is a lion in the way.' The negligent and the vicious, the waster and the slothful, differ but as one brother from another, as the self-murder of the wilfully ungodly, so also the desire of the slothful kills him, because his hands refuse to labour, the soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat; be not slothful in business, but be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.'

Do it with constancy, and not with destructive pauses and intermissions, or with weariness and turning back. The righteous shall hold on his way, and he that is of clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. Be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.-Be not weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.' These six particulars are necessary, if you will observe the precept in my text.

Though you must work with all your energy, yet with a diversity agreeable to the quality of your several works. Some works must be preferred before others: all cannot be done at once. That is a sin out of season, which in season is a duty. The greatest, and the most urgent work, must be preferred. And some works must be done with double fervour and resolution, and some with less. Buying, selling, marrying, possessing, and using the world, must be done with a fear of overdoing, and in a sort as if we did them not, though they also must have a necessary diligence. God's kingdom and its right

eousness must be first sought, and our labour for | tural insensibility and sloth: turn not all your the meat that perishes must be comparatively family duties into lifeless customary forms: speak

as none.

Lastly, It is not an irregular, nor a self-disturbing, vexatious violence that is required of us but a sweet, well-settled resolution, and a delightful expeditious diligence, that makes the wheels go smoothly on, and the more easily get over those difficulties, that clog and stop a slothful soul.

Now will you lend me the assistance of your consciences, for the transcribing of this command of God upon your hearts, and taking out a copy of this order, for the regulating of your lives? Whatsoever is not a word so comprehensive as to include any vanity or sin; but so comprehensive as to include all your duty.

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about God, heaven, hell, and holiness, with that seriousness as beseems men that believe what they say, and would have those they speak to, to believe it. Talk not either drowsily, or lightly, of such dreadful, or joyful, inexpressible things. Remember, that your families and you are going to the grave, and to the world where there is no more room for your exhortations. There is no catechising, examining, or serious instructing them in the grave, whither they and you are going. It must be now or never: therefore do it with your might. The words of God must be in your hearts, and you 'must diligently teach them to your children, talking of them when you sit in your houses, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.' 3. Have you ignorant or ungodly neighbours, whose misery calls for your compassion and relief? Speak to them and help them with prudent diligence. Lose not your opportunities : stay not till death hath stopped your mouths, or stopped their ears. Stay not till they are out of hearing, and taken from your converse. Stay not till they are in hell, before you warn them of it, or till heaven be lost, before you have seri

1. To begin with the lowest: the very works of your bodily callings must have diligence. the sweat of your brows you must eat your bread. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do. He that will not work, let him not eat. Disorderly walkers, busy bodies, that will not work with quietness, and eat their own bread, are to be avoided and shamed by the church.' Lazy servants are unfaithful to men, and disobedient to God, who commands them to obey their masters according to the flesh (un-ously called to them to remember it. Go to their believing, ungodly masters) in all things that concern their service, and that not with eye service, as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, and in the fear of God, doing whatsoever they do as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord, even for this, they shall receive the reward of the inheritance. But he that doth wrong by slothfulness, or unfaithfulness, shall receive for the wrong which he hath done.

Success is God's ordinary temporal reward of diligence; and diseases, poverty, shame, disappointment, or self-tormenting melancholy, are his usual punishments of sloth. Hard labour redeems time: you will have the more to lay out on greater works: the slothful is still behind, and therefore must leave much of his work undone.

2. Are you parents or governors of families; you have work to do for God, and for your children's and servants' souls: do it with your might deal wisely, but seriously and frequently with them about their sins, their duty, and their hopes of heaven; tell them whither they are going, and which way they must go: make them understand that they have a higher Father and Master that must be first served, and greater work than yours. Waken them from their na

houses: take all opportunities: stoop to their infirmities: bear with unthankful frowardness: it is for men's salvation : remember there is no place for your instructions or exhortations in the grave or hell. Your dust cannot speak, and their dust cannot hear: up therefore and be doing with all your might.

4. Hath God intrusted you with the riches of the world; with many talents or with few, by which he expects you should relieve the needy, and especially should promote those works of piety which are the greatest charity? Give prudently, but willingly and liberally, while you have to give. It is your gain: the time of market for your souls; of laying up a treasure in heaven, and setting your money to the most gainful usury; and of 'making you friends of the mammon of unrighteousness;' and furthering your salvation by that which hinders other men's, and occasions their perdition. As you have opportunity, do good to all men, but especially to them of the household of faith.Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven and to eight; for thou knowest not what evil may be upon the earth. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand: for thou knowest not whether shall pros

per, this or that, or whether they both shall be alike | beam of hypocrisy, injustice and malicious cruel good.—Withhold not good from them to whom opposition of Christ and his disciples in their it is due, when it is in the power of thy hand to own eyes: that it is the brand of them that please do it say not to thy neighbour, go, and come not God, that are filling up their sins, on whom again, and to-morrow I will give, when thou God's wrath is coming to the utmost, to persehast it by thee.-Lay up a foundation for the cute the servants of the Lord, forbidding them time to come. Do good before thy heart be to preach to the people that they might be saved.' hardened, thy riches blasted and consumed, thy opportunities taken away; part with it before it part with thee.' Remember it must be now or never: there is no working in the grave.

Learn well the second and the hundred and first psalm: and write these sentences on your walls and doors, as an antidote against that selfundoing sin: whosoever shall offend one of 5. Hath God intrusted you with power or in- these little ones which believe in me, it were terest, by which you may promote his honour in better for him that a mill-stone were hanged the world, relieve the oppressed, and restrain about his neck, and that he were drowned in the the rage of impious malice! Hath he made you depth of the sea. He that toucheth you touchgovernors, and put the sword of justice into your eth the apple of his eye.--Him that is weak in hands? up then and be doing with your might. the faith receive you; but not to doubtful disDefend the innocent, protect the servants of the putations. For God hath received him.-He Lord, cherish them that do well, be a terror to that receiveth you, receiveth me; and he that the wicked, encourage the strictest obedience receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me. He to the universal Governor, discountenance the that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a breakers of his laws: look not to be reverenced righteous man, shall receive a righteous man's reor obeyed before him, or more carefully than ward: and whoso shall give to drink to one of he: openly maintain his truth and worship with- these little ones, a cup of cold water only, in the out fear or shame: deal gently and tenderly with name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall his lambs and little ones: search after vice that in no wise lose his reward.' If you love not the you may successfully frown upon it. Hate godly, love yourselves, so far as such self-love those temptations that would draw you to man-is possible; wound not your own hearts, to inpleasing, temporizing, remissness, or countenan-jure them. Damn not your souls, and that cing sin; but especially those that would ensnare you in a controversy with heaven, and in quarrels against the ways of holiness, or in that selfconfounding sin of abusing and opposing the people that are most careful to please the Lord. Your trust is great, and so is your advantage to do good; how great will be your account, and how dreadful, if you be unfaithful! As you signify more than hundreds or thousands of the meaner sort, and your actions do most good or hurt; so you must expect to be accordingly dealt with, when you come to the impartial, final judgment. Befriend the gospel as the charter of your everlasting privileges; own those that Christ hath told you he will own. Use them as men that are ready to hear 'insomuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.-Know not a wicked person: but let your eyes be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell therein, and lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. -Let those that work the work of the Lord, be with you without fear. Remember that it is the character of a pharisee and hypocrite, to see the mote of the non-observance of a ceremony, or tradition, or smaller matter of difference in religion in their brother's eye, and not to see the

by the surest, nearest way, that you may hurt their bodies. Provoke not God to thrust you from his presence, and deny your suits, by your dealing so with them: stop not your own mouths, when your misery will bespeak your loudest cries for mercy, by your stopping the mouths of the servants of the Lord, and refusing to hear their requests for justice. If you have the serpent's enmity against the woman's seed, you must expect the serpent's doom: "your heads will be bruised,' when you have 'bruised their heels.-Kick not against the pricks.' Let not briars and thorns set themselves in battle against the Lord, lest he go therefore through them, and burn them together.'

I speak not any of this by way of accusation or dishonourable reflection on the magistrate. Blessed be God that hath given us the comfort of your defence. But knowing what the tempter aims at, where it is that your danger lies, and by what means the rulers of the earth have been undone, faithfulness commands me to tell you of the snare, and to set before you good and evil, as ever I would escape the guilt of betraying you by flattery, or cruel and cowardly silence.

Especially when your magistracy is but annual,

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speedily: abhor the motions of it: turn away from the persons or things that would entice thee. Hate the doors of the harlot, and of the alehouse, or the gaming house: and go not as the ox to the slaughter, as a bird to the fowler's snare, and as a fool to the correction of the stocks, as if thou knewest not that it is for thy life. Why, thou

or for a short time, it concerns you to be doing with your might. It is but this year, or short space of time that you have to do this special service in; lose this and lose all. By what men on earth should God be eminently served and honoured, if not by magistrates, whom he hath eminently advanced, impowered and intrusted? With considerate foresight, seriously ask your-befooled soul, wilt thou be tasting of the poisonselves the question, are you willing to hear, at the day of your accounts, that you had but one year, or a few, to do God special service in, and that you knew this, and yet would not do it? Can your hearts bear it then, to hear and think that you lost, and wilfully lost, such an opportunity? Look about you then, and see what is to be done. Are there not alehouses to be suppressed, drunkards and riotous persons to be restrained; preaching and piety to be promoted? Do it with your might: for it must be now or


6. To come yet a little nearer you, and speak of the work that is yet to be done in your own souls; are any of you yet in the state of unrenewed nature, born only of the flesh, and not of the Spirit, minding the things of the flesh and not the things of the Spirit;' and consequently yet in the power of Satan, taken captive by him at his will ;' up and be doing, if thou love thy soul. If thou care whether thou be in joy or misery for ever, bewail thy sin and spiritual distress: make out to Christ, cry mightily to him for his renewing and reconciling, pardoning grace; plead his satisfaction, his merits and his promises; away with thy rebellion, and thy beloved sin; deliver up thy soul entirely to Christ, to be sanctified, governed and saved by him. Make no more delays about it; it is not a matter to be questioned, or trifled in. Let the earth beacquainted with thy bended knees, the air with thy complaints and cries, and men with thy confessions and inquiries after the way of life; and heaven with thy sorrows, desires and resolutions, till thy soul be acquainted with the Spirit of Christ, and with the new, the holy and heavenly nature; and thy heart have received the transcript of God's law, the impress of the gospel, and so the image of thy creator and redeemer. Ply this work with all thy might; for there is no conversion, renovation, or repentance unto life, in the grave whither thou goest. It must be now or never, and never saved, if never santtified.

7. Hast thou any prevailing sin to mortify, that either reigns in thee, or wounds thee and keeps thy soul in darkness and unacquaintedness with God? Assault it resolutely: reject it

ed cup? Wilt thou be sporting thee with the bait? Hast thou no where to walk or play thee, but at the brink of hell? Must not the flesh be crucified with its affections and lusts? Must it not be tamed, and mortified, or thy soul condemned? Run not therefore as at uncertainty: fight not as one that beats the air.' Seeing this must be done, or thou art undone, delay with sin no longer: let this be the day; resolve, and resist it with thy might: it must be now or never: when death comes, it is too late. It will be then no reward to leave thy sin, which thou canst | keep no longer: no part of holiness or happi ness that thou art not drunk, or proud, or lustful in the grave or hell. As thou art wise, therefore, know and take thy time.

8. Art thou in a declined, lapsed state; de. cayed in grace; hast thou lost thy first desires and love; do thy first works, and do them with thy might. Delay not, but remember from whence thou art fallen, and what thou hast lost by it, and into how sad a case thy folly and negligence hath brought thee: say, 'I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.' Cry out with Job, O that I were as in months past! as in the days when God preserved me! when his candle shined upon my head and when by his light I walked through darkness. As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was on my tabernacle, when the Almighty was yet with me.' Return while thou hast day, lest the night surprise thee: loiter and delay no more: thou hast lost by it already: thou art far behind; bestir thee therefore with all thy might.

9. Art thou in the darkness of uncertainty concerning thy conversion and thy everlasting state? Dost thou not know whether thou be in a state of life or death; and what should become of thee, if this were the day or hour of thy change? If thou art careful about it, and inquirest, and usest the means that God hath appointed thee for assurance, I have then no more to say to thee now, but wait on God, and thou shalt not be disappointed or ashamed. Thou shalt have assurance in due time, or be saved before thou wouldst believe thou shouldst be saved. Be patient and obedient, and the light of Christ will

shine upon thee, and yet thou shalt see the days of peace. But if thou art careless in thy uncertainty, and mindest not so great a business, be awakened and call thy soul to its account; search and examine thy heart and life: read, consider, and take advice of faithful guides. Canst thou carelessly sleep, laugh, sport, and follow thy lesser business, as if thy salvation were made sure, when thou knowest not where thou must dwell for ever? Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith? prove yourselves; know ye not your own selves that Christ is in you except you are reprobates ?—Give all diligence in time to make your calling and election sure. In the grave and hell there is no making sure of heaven: you are then past inquiries and self-examinations, in order to any recovery or hope. Another kind of trial will finally resolve you. Up therefore and diligently ply the work: it must be now or never.

10. In all the duties of thy profession of piety, justice, or charity, to God, thyself, or others, up and be doing with thy might. Art thou seeking to inflame thy soul with love to God? plunge thyself in the ocean of his love; admire his mercies; gaze upon the representations of his transcendent goodness; O taste and see that the Lord is gracious!' Remember that he must be 'loved with all thy heart and soul and might.' Canst thou pour out thy love upon a creature, and give but a few barren drops to God?

When thou art fearing him, let his fear command thy soul, and conquer all the fear of man. When thou art trusting him, do it without distrust, and cast all thy care and thyself upon him trust him as a creature should trust his God, and the members of Christ should trust their head and dear Redeemer.


When thou art making mention of his great and dreadful name, O do it with reverence, awe, and admiration and take not the name of God in vain.

When thou art reading his word, let the majesty of the author, the greatness of the matter, and gravity of the style, possess thee with an obedient fear. Love it, and let it be sweeter to thee than the honeycomb, and more precious than thousands of gold and silver. Resolve to do what there thou findest to be the will of God. When thou art praying in secret, or in thy family, do it with thy might: cry mightily to God as a soul under sin, wants, and danger, that is stepping into an endless life, should do. Let the reverence and the fervour of thy prayers show that it is God himself thou art speaking to; that it is heaven itself that thou art praying for;

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hell itself that thou art praying to be saved from. Wilt thou be dull and senseless on such an errand to the living God? Remember what lies upon thy failing or prevailing, and that it must be now or never.

Art thou a preacher of the gospel, and takest charge of the souls of men? Take heed to thyself and to the whole flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made thee an overseer, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.' Let not the blood of souls, and the blood that purchased them, be required at thy hands; thou art charged before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and his kingdom, that thou preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.—Teach every man, and exhort every man.-Even night and day with tears.-Save men with fear, pulling them out of the fire.-Cry aloud; lift up thy voice like a trumpet; tell them of their transgressions.' Yet thou art alive, and they alive; yet thou hast a tongue, and they have ears: the final sentence hath not yet cut off their hopes. Preach therefore, and preach with all thy might. Exhort them privately and personally with all the seriousness thou canst. Quickly, or it will be too late. Prudently, or Satan will over-reach thee: fervently, or thy words are like to be disregarded. Remember when thou lookest them in the face, when thou beholdest the assemblies, that they must be converted or condemned, sanetified on earth or tormented in hell; and that this is the day: it must be now or never.

In a word: apply this quickening precept to all the duties of the Christian course. Be religious, just, and charitable in good earnest, if you would be taken for such when you look fu the reward. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.-Strive to enter in at the strat gate; for many shall seek to enter and shall not be able.—Many run, but few receive the prize: so run that you may obtain.-If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?' Let the doating world deride your diligence, and set themselves to hinder and afflict you: it will be but a little while before experience change their minds, and make them see it in a true light. Follow Christ fully ply your work, and lose no time. The judge is coming. Le not words nor any thing that man can do, prevail with you to sit down, or stop you in a journey of such importance. Please God, though flesh. friends, and all the world should be displease! Whatever come of your reputation, or estates,

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