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Allà me lleve dios à morar, do un huevo vale un real." God convey me to reside where an egg is worth a groat."-This shews a great desire for riches; where there is an abundance of money the necessaries of life are dear in proportion.

Allà se me ponga el sol, do tengo el amor." May
the sun set to me, where my
love dwells."-A
warm expression of a lover's wish, that his
days may be spent with the object of his affec-

"Amor solo reyna porque tù le inspiras
"Fuego y poder con tus divinas luces,
"Vive del ayre que al hablar respiras,
"Nace en las flores que al andar produces.”

Love only reigns, by thy bright eyes inspir'd, His flame resistless by their influence fir'd, He breathes the air thy genial voice supplies, He lurks in flowers, which in thy presence rise. Allà và la lengua, do duela la muela." The tongue touches the tooth that aches."-Every individual is ready to speak of those affairs which give him trouble and uneasiness.

Allà và Maria con quanto havia." There goes Mary with all she had."-Applied to those who are fond of finery, and who spend all their money to gratify their vanity.

Allà vàn leyes, donde quieren reyes." The laws go which way kings please."Some monarchs interpret the laws agreeably to their passions. The Spaniards know this from sad experience, Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas: Regis ad imperium fœdera cuncta fluunt.

Al lavar saldrà la mancilla.—“ The spot will come out in the washing."-We say, "It will rub out

when it is dry."


Allà vaya el mal, do comen los huevos sin sal.May misfortune be where they eat eggs without salt."-A curse not likely to fall upon any place.

Allà vayas prestado, donde vuelvas mejorado."May you be lent to him, who will return you improved."

Allà vayas rayo, en casa de tamayo." Let the lightning strike my neighbour's house."-Shewing the indifference which self-love feels for the injuries of others.

Allegador de la ceniza y derramador de la harina. "A man who gathers ashes and scatters flour." We say, "Penny wise and pound foolish."

Parca manus cineris, nimium profusa farina, Allegate à los buenos, y seràs uno dellos." Join with good men, and you will be one of them." The contrary to ours, "Evil communication corrupts good manners."

Al loco

y al toro, darles corro.-" "Make way for a madman and a bull."-Do not stop them, or stand in their way.


Al toro y al ayre, darles calle.-" Don't stop the way of a bull or a current of air."-They are both dangerous.

Al mal capellan, mal sacristan." For a bad chaplain, a bad clerk."-We say, "Like master, like man.'

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Al mal hablador, discreto oidor." For a bad talker, a discreet hearer."-It has two significations; persons of slanderous tongues ought to be listened to with caution; and those who, from want of ability, are incapable to express their ideas to be understood, must be heard with forbearance and consideration.

Al marido servirlo como à señor, y guardate del como de un traidor. "Serve your husband as your lord, and be as watchful of him as of a traitor."It is advice to ladies to honor and obey their husbands, and to be as cautious of giving them offence as if they were dangerous. foes.

Al mas discreto varon solo una muger, le echa à perder." One woman spoils the wisest man." "Our father's minds are dead,

"And we are governed with our mother's spirits;

"Our yoke and suff'rance, shew us woSHAK.

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"I melt to womanish tears, and if I stay,
"I find my love my courage will betray.'

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Al mozo amañado, la muger al lado." A forward and dexterous youth ought to be married." Al mozo mal mandado, ponle la mesa, y embiale

al recado." If you have a loitering servant, place his dinner before him and send him of an errand."

Almuerzo con rufian, come con carpintero, y cena con arriero." Breakfast with a bully, dine with a carpenter, and sup with a carrier."Because those are their best meals.


Al niño y al mulo en el culo.-"You must beat a child and a mule on the bum."

Si puer et mulus calcitrat, vapulet illic,
Quo puer et mulus verbera ferre solent.

A lo caro, añadir dinero o dexarlo." When a thing is dear, you must increase your price, or leave it."

4 los años mil, buelve la liebre à su cubil." In a thousand years the hare returns to her form.". Expressing the revolution of nature, that in time all things will return to their former state. A los bobos se les aperece la madre de dios." The mother of God appears to fools."-Said of persons who are highly favoured by fortune, when they possess neither personal or intellectual merit.

Segni sæpe venit vultu fortuna benigno.

A los muertos la mortaja, à los vivos la hogaza. "The shroud for the dead, and a loaf of bread for the living."-That is, we must feed the living, and bury the dead.

A los ojos tiene la muerte, quien à cavallo pasa la puente.- "He who rides over a bridge on horseback, sees death before him.”—To be understood of a narrow bridge, without parapets, of which there are many in Spain.

A los osados, ayuda la fortuna.—" Fortune favors the bold."

Audaces fortuna juvat timidosque repellit. Al perro flaco, todo ès pulgas." A lean dog gets nothing but fleas."-Signifying, that the poor animal meets with no protection on account of

his wretched appearance: he is kicked from place to place, and at length must lie down to starve, and be devoured by fleas. It alludes to unfortunate people, who are shunned by their former companions and acquaintances, as if they were infected with the plague.

"Paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe."


Al potro y al mozo, el ataharre floxo, y apretado el bozo.- 46 The colt and the lad must have the crupper loose, and the bead upright."Meaning, that they are to be well treated, but not to have too much of their liberty.

Al principio ò al fin, Abril suele ser ruin.-" At the beginning or end, April is generally bad," (for the constitution.)

Al puerco gordo untarle el rabo." Grease the fat hog in the breech."-We say the same.

Al puerco y

al yerno, mostradle la casa que el se vendra luego." Shew a hog and a son-in-law your house, and they will soon come to it."Signifying, that they are both troublesome visitors, and not easily shaken off.

Al que come bien el pan, es pecado darle ajo."It is a sin to give garlic to him who eats his bread heartily."It alludes to persons of good appetites, who relish common fare, considering it superfluous to give them delicacies or savoury dishes.


Cui sapit et sicus panis, dare juscula crimen.

que cuece y amaza, no le hurtes hogaza.-" Do not steal a loaf from him who kneads and bakes."

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