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neglect of duty, in this respect, shall be deemed sufficient cause for complaint, and, if persisted in, for suspension or disfellowship.

2. Every member shall be bound to attend to all notices to relieve the distressed, or take care of the sick, either in person or by substitute; and a failure in this respect, without sufficient reason, shall be an offence liable to discipline.

3. The members of this Church shall be held in duty bound to attend the funeral of a deceased brother, or sister, if within convenient distance.

4. It shall be the duty of any member, who knows of a brother or sister who is sick, or in need of assistance, to report the same at the first regular meeting, or, in the recess, to the Deacons.

5. Any member shall have the privilege of withdrawing from the Church, at any regular meeting, on application, provided there are no charges standing against such member, and no objections shall be made at the time; and the retir

ing member shall be entitled to a letter of dismission, in form as prescribed in the Book of Forms.

6. If objections shall be made, the reasons shall be distinctly stated, and the question shall be decided by a two thirds


7. Any member, in good standing, wishing to travel, shall be entitled to receive from the clerk, on application, a certificate of membership, and letter of recommendation, as prescribed in the Book of Forms.

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1. Every member shall be in duty bound to contribute to the funds of the Church, according to his or her ability.

2. Members, on admission, shall be required to cause their names to be registered in a book kept by the clerk, for that purpose, and shall set opposite their names the amount of the monthly contribution which they are willing to pay;

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which sum shall be punctually paid at each regular meeting of the Church. Provided, however, that the amount may be altered at pleasure, by one month's notice to the clerk, to that effect.

3. The members of this Church shall be entitled to the sympathy, aid, and care of their brethren and sisters, in times of sickness, misfortune, and affliction; and also to such pecuniary aid, from the funds of the Church, as the Deacons may deem necessary, and the finances permit.

4. When a member shall have been reported sick, or in distress, it shall be the duty of the Deacons to visit such sick or distressed brother, or sister, to inquire into their wants, and administer such relief as they may deem to be called for by the necessities of the case; and to draw upon the Steward for the money so expended.

5. If a sick member shall need watchers, the Deacons shall notify the members of the Church, or, in case of contagion or

other necessity, procure suitable persons to attend in that capacity.

6. On the death of a member, the Deacons shall, if requested by the family or friends, take charge of the funeral; and may appropriate such sum of money towards the expense thereof, as they may consider necessary, under the circum


7. The widows and orphans of deceased members, also the aged and infirm, shall be entitled to the special care of the Church, and shall receive, from time to time, such aid as the Church may be able to bestow.

8. If any member shall die, and leave orphans of a tender age, they may, at the request of the surviving relations, be taken in charge by the Elders, who shall see that they are provided for, and report their condition and prospects at each regular meeting of the Church.



1. No member shall be convicted of any offence involving penalty, without having a fair opportunity to be heard in self-defence.

2. No complaint or charge against a member shall be entertained, until the party making it shall have complied with the directions of the Saviour, in Matthew xviii. 15, 16, 17. Nor shall any complaint be in order, if founded upon a matter concerning which the complainant has appealed to the civil law for redress.

3. Charges or complaints must be made in writing, and shall be referred to the Elders, who shall take immediate action thereon, as provided in Sec. 4 of this article.

4. The Elders shall notify the parties concerned to appear at such time and place as they may appoint, for settlement of the difficulty; and if either shall fail to attend, without offering a valid excuse,

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