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lean not upon an arm of flesh. ardent may be our zeal, or strong our confidence, that we shall prosper, let us not forget, that, "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it;" and "though Paul may plant, and Apollos water, God only can give the increase." It becomes us, therefore, as the first act of this union, to humble ourselves before God: unitedly and devoutly to seek from him that wisdom, which is so necessary for our guidance, and that divine aid, without which, all our efforts will be vain and fruitless. Let us remember, also, that God has promised his blessing to those that diligently seek him, and given us his gracious assurance that those who trust in him shall not be ashamed or confounded. Relying upon that Almighty arm, which is never shortened that it cannot save, and realizing that our helper is God, let us engage in the work before us, and with united and loving hearts, strive together for the faith of the Gospel. Let us pray.

Almighty Father; thou who art the trust and confidence of thy people, and the hope of those that call upon thy holy name; hear our prayer, we beseech thee, and grant thy Divine blessing upon the union now consummated, between thy servant and this Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. May he deeply feel the solemn responsibilities of the station he has assumed, and so seek thy guidance and wisdom, that he may discharge all its sacred duties in such a manner, as shall meet the approbation of the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls. O, heavenly Father; grant that he may ever come to this people in all the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ, and rightly divide the word, giving to each a portion in due season. May his mission be one of encouragement to the weak, hope to the desponding, strength to the tempted, support to the worn and weary, pardon to the penitent, and light and joy to the sick, the dying, and the afflicted. And, O Lord, be pleased to give him

many souls as the fruit of his labor, in the vineyard of his Divine Master.

May it please thee, O God, to regard in much mercy this branch of thy Zion. Give to the people the hearing ear and the understanding heart. May they give diligent heed to the instructions of thy servant, and esteem him for his work sake. May they strengthen his hands, and encourage his heart, by their united zeal and devotion to the interests of the cause of the blessed Redeemer. May they be teachable and dutiful, and may no root of bitterness spring up among them, to disturb their harmony, or mar their peace.

Hear, O God, our prayer; grant us grace to live to thy glory, and to devote ourselves wholly unto thee. And when we shall have done serving thee on earth, wilt thou receive us to the upper and better sanctuary, through Christ our Redeemer. Amen.



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PASTOR. Beloved brethren: inasmuch as the office of an Elder was deemed essential in the early history of the Church, it is still meet that Elders should be appointed to rule among us.

CLERK. Brothers A. B., C. D., etc., have been elected Elders of this Church, and are now present and ready to assume the duties of their office.

[The Elders advance in front.]


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Let the Elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in word and doctrine. To your trust are committed affairs of importance. You are to be leading officers of this Church. You are to assist the Pastor in his duties, by your counsel and advice; to have a general superintendence of the affairs of the Church, and take charge of its orphans, if any should be left to its care. You are constituted a committee to investi

gate and report upon all applications for membership, and all cases of difficulty between members, which may call for the action of the Church, and perform such other duties as the welfare of the Church may require.

With these duties before you, do you promise that you will perform them faithfully, according to the grace that shall be given you.

ANS. - I do.

Let us pray.

Our Father, who art in Heaven; we look to thee as our only unfailing counsellor and guide. Do thou, O Lord, impart richly of thy wisdom and grace to these Elders, who are now appointed to rule among us. Grant unto them, we pray thee, understanding and strength, discretion and judgment, that they may discharge every duty with fidelity, and in a manner to meet thine acceptance. May they be blessed of thee, in all their labors of love and duty, and prove a blessing to this Church, and an ornament

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