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Burley (Captain) attempts to
refcue the King out of Carrif-
brook, 452. apprehended
and executed,
Burlington-Bay, the Queen
lands there,
Butler (James) Marquess of
Ormond, gains a Victory o-
ver the Irish, 144. impower-
ed by the King to treat with
the Irish Rebels, 144, &c.
329, &c. the King writes to
him upon his putting himself
in the Hands of the Scots,
338. furrenders Dublin, 408.
permitted to speak with the
King, ibid. gains the Earl of
Inchiquin, and proposes to
join with him and make War
upon the Parliament, 440,

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the King, 408. tries to flir
up the King's Friends in Hert-
Carew (Sir Alexander) forms
a Plot to deliver Plymouth
to the King, 114. beheaded,


Carlisle taken by the Scots, 317.

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Carpenter, one of the King's
Meffengers apprehended, 194
Cavendish (William) Earl of
Newcastle, one of the Gene-
rals in the King's Army, 30.
marches towards York, 39.
Stopped at the Paffage of the
Tees, by young Hotham, ib.
attacks the Lord Fairfax at
Tadcaster, 40. Difputes be-
tween him and the Lord Fair-
fax about the Papists in their
Armies, 52. bis Army guards
the Queen to York, 56, 0.
takes fome Places in York-
fhire, 115. takes Howley-
houfe, ibid. defeats the Lord
Fairfax on Atherton-moor,
ibid. recovers Gainsborough,
115, 116. takes Lincoln, ib.
and befieges Hull, ibid. crea-
ted Marquefs, ibid. part of
bis Army routed at Horn-
Castle, ibid. marches to New-
caftle, 205. barrasses the

Scots, 206. retires to Dur-
ham, ibid. returns to York,
206. amufes the Befiegers with
a Treaty, 210. fallies out,
but is beaten back, 211. leaves
the Kingdom, and retires to
Ceffation; Proposals for cne,
67, &c.

Chaldgrave-Field (Battle of)

Challoner (Mr.) in a Plot to force the Parliament to a Peace, 151. banged, 154 CHARLES, in what Condition be was at Nottingham, 1. the Number of his Troops, ibid. advised by his Council to propofe a Peace to the Parliament, 2. rejects the Propofal, ibid. yields to it at laft, 3. his Meffages to the Parliament, 5-10. marches towards Wales, 11, comes to Wellington, where be caufes his Military Orders to be read, ibid. bis Proteftation at the Head of his Army, ibid. fixes his HeadQuarters at Shrewsbury, 12. feizes a hundred DraughtHorfes bought for the Service of Ireland, ibid. borrows the Arms of the Militia, 13. forms an Army of 14000 Men, ibid. his Friends in London fend him Money, 14. the University of Oxford give him their Plate, ibid. orders it to be coined, 15. marches towards London, 16. comes to Bridgenorth, Wolverhampton, Bromicham, and Kenelworth, 16. incamps near Edgecot, 17. retires to Oxford after the Battle of Edgehill, 20. Banbury-Castle, 21. bis Friends in the House of Commons propose a Peace, 22, 30. bis Anfwer to the Par


liament's Declaration before Edgehill Fight, 24. bis Anfwer to the Petition of the Lancashire Recufants, 28. offers a Pardon to the Cities of London and Westminfter, 30. advised by bis Friends to march to London, 35. comes to Reading, ibid. and to Colebrook, 36. takes Brentford, 37: retires to Kingston, ibid. Remarks on the Principles be would establish, 45. retires to Oxford, 48. caufes fome Prif ners to be condemned there, ibid. bis Friends try to sow Difcord in London, 49. defire Leave to offer him Propofitions of Peace, ibid. bis Anfwer, 50. which is read in Publick, 51. bis Order to the Sheriffs of London, wherein be complains of Pym, and injoins them to commit the Lord-Mayor to Cuftody, ibid. is for adjourning the Courts of Justice to Oxford, 56. feemed inclined to a Peace, yet did not defire it, 62. confents to a Treaty, 65. his Propofitions, 66. bis Anfwers to the Parliament's Propofitions, 68, 72, 79 tries in vain to relieve Reading, 94. was, upon a fe Alarm, going to leave Ox ford, and retire a Yo 96. receives forme imm tion, 97. bec.mes Ma: of Bristol,

Bristol, 100. refolves to befiege Gloucefter. ibid. follows the Earl of Effex, 103. comes to Newbury, 104.retires to Oxford, 106. fends an Army into the Weft, 113. fends the Earl of Roxborough, &c. to the Convention of Eftates in Scotland, 118. and a Declaration, wherein be vindicates himself. ibid. permits the Convention to meet, with certain Limitations, 119. forbids the taking of the Covenant, 133. writes to the Council of Scotland, forbidding them to raise an Army, 137. bis Anfwer to the Scot's Manifefto, 138. forms the Project of making a Truce with the Irish Rebels, 140. his Pretences for it, 142. removes fome of the Lords Juftices and Counsellors of Ireland, 143. impowers the Marquefs af Ormond to treat with the Rebels of that Kingdom, 144, 145. allows free Commerce between his Quarters and London, 149. A Meffenger of bis imprisoned, 150. forbids Obedience to both Houses, ibid. a Declaration of his to prepare the People, 155. tries to gain the Earl of Effex, 163. what the Project of bis Friends was thereupon, 165. charged with countenancing Popery, 168. bis Proteßation about it, before receiving the SacraVO L. XII.

ment, 169. the Declaration of both Houses against him concerning the Irish Rebellion, 170, &c. bis Revenues are feized, 185. forbids Rents or Debts to be paid to thofe who were in Rebellion against him, ibid. one of his Messengers banged, 193. writes a Manifefto to the Proteftant Churches abroad, 196. at a lofs how to raife Money, 196, 197. calls a Parliament at Oxford, 197. his Meffage to the Parliament at Westminster, 201. borrows Money, 204. bis Letter to Prince Rupert, 216. marches to the Relief of the Wef tern Parts of England, 217. tries to binder Waller's March into the Weft, 218. and to break the Afficiation of the Southern Counties, ibid. draws his Forces to Marlborough, 220. pofts himself at Newbury, ibid. comes to Reading, ibid. retires to Oxford, ibid. goes out of Oxford, and retires to Worcefter, 222. quits that City, and makes a show of marching towards Shrewfbury, 225. comes to Oxford, and goes and Quarters in Buckinghamshire, ibid. fends Waller's Army an Of fer of Pardon, 227. marches towards the Weft, 228. orders the Lord Hopton to PP draw


draw what Men he could out of Wales, 229. comes Bath, ibid. and to Exeter, ibid. fends a Meffage to both Houfes for a Peace, ibid. his Speech to the Inhabitants of Somerfetfhire, 230. comes to Exeter, 232. writes to the Earl of Effex for a Peace, but receives no Anfwer, 233. fends a fresh Meffage about it to both HouJes, 237. refolves to march to London, 239. publishes a Proclamation at Chard, 240. meets with great Obftructions in his way to I ondon, 241. returns to Oxford, ibid. advances towards Andover, 242. kills Some of Waller's Men, ibid. fends the Earl of Northamp ton to relieve Banbury -Caftle, ibid. advances to Newbury, and against Dennington-Caftle, ibid.

marches away to Wallingford, and leaves his Baggage in Dennington-Castle, 243. gets it out from thence, and goes to Oxford, 245. hath a private Conference with Hollis and Whitlock, 256. bis Anfwer to the Parliament's Commiffioners at Uxbridge, 258. who his Commiffioners were at that Treaty, 260. bis Letters to the Queen found in his Cabinet, 275, &c. the Offers of his Com

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miflioners, 284, &c. fends to Prince Rupert to come and join him, 303. marches towards Chefter, and takes Leicester, 305. refolves to move towards Oxford, 306. encamps at Harborough, ibid. marches to Daventry, ibid. refolves to retire to Leicester, 307. defeated at Nafeby, 307, &c. Lofes all bis Artillery and Baggage, with his Cabinet of bis Papers, 310. retreats into Wales, and makes fome stay Ragland-Castle, 311. leaves Wales, and takes Huntington, 318. comes to Oxford, and thence to Campden, 319. comes to Hereford, ibid. marches to the Relief of Chefter, and is routed, ibid. retires into Wales, 320. comes to Newark, and then to Oxford, ibid. his Friends at London put him in hopes of a Peace, 320. bis Meffage to them about it, 321. makes, by Means of the Earl of Glamorgan, a Treaty with the Irish Rebels, 328, &c. bis Commiffion to the Earl of Glamorgan, 330. the French Ambafadar propofes to him to join with the Prefbyterians, 336. rejects the Propofal, 337. puts himself into the Hands of the Scots, 338. writes to the Mar


quefs of Ormond about it, ibid. orders Newark to be delivered to the Scots, 341. carried to Newcastle, ibid. bis Meffage to the Parliament about Religion, ibid. defires the Liberty to come to London, 342. writes to the City of London, ibid. the Parliament's Propofitions fent to bim at Newcastle, 343. bis Anfwer, 344, 345. a Scotch Divine preaches before bim, 345, n. Henderfon importunes him to accept of the Parliament's Propofitions, ibid. feveral Papers pass between them, ibid. whether be was fold by the Scots, 346. the Duke of Hamilton preffes him to yield to the Parliament's Propofitions, 347. the King writes to him, 349. agrees to refrain Epifcopal Government to fome few Diocefes, 348. Conferences about the manner bow to difpofe of him, 349. Debates and Refolutions in the Parliament of Scotland about the Difpofal of bim, 352, &c. bis Meffage to the Parliament for a perfonal Treaty, 354. is delivered to the Parliament's Commiffioners, and conducted to Holmby, 357. carried away from Holmby to Newmarket, 371, 372. writes to the two Houfes of Parlia VOL. XII.

ment about it, 372. entertains great Hopes from the Divifion between the Parliament and Army, 408. flattered by the Army, ibid. Three of his Chaplains allowed him, and his old Servants have Liberty to fee him, 408. Berkley, Ashburnham, Capel, and the Marquefs of Ormond fuffered to Speak with him, ibid. the Scotch Commiffioners vifit bim, ibid. is over-reached by Cromwell, 409. follows the Motions of the Army, 410. conducted to Hampton Court, ibid. bath not the fame Refpet paid him af. ter the Army was uppermost as before, 410. fees bis Children when at Caversham, ibid. narrowly watched at Hampton-Court, ibid. refolves to escape thence; and for what Reafons, 422, &c. puts his Refolution into practice, 423. comes into Newfereft, ibid. difappointed of a Ship, ibid. goes to Titchfield, 424. carried to the Ile of Wight, and confined in Carisbrook-Caftle, 425. his Letter to both Houses left upon bis Table at HamptonCourt, 426. bis Letter to them, with his Offers and Propofals, 429, &c. Negotiation of the Scotch Commiffioners with him, 436,

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