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such new laws, or alteration of existing laws, shall be of force or binding upon the University, until they shall have received the sanction of the Senate lawfully assembled.

No law, rule, by-law, or grace whatsoever, for the conferring of Degrees, or any other purpose, can be proposed to the Senate, which has not been first proposed to and adopted by the Provost and Senior Fellows. The Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor presiding is empowered to prohibit any such law or grace from being proposed to the Senate.

Gowns are worn at meetings of the Senate.

The COUNCIL consists of the Provost; or, in his absence, the Vice-Provost; and sixteen members of the Senate, namely, four members elected by the Senior Fellows; four by the Junior Fellows; four by the Professors who are not Fellows, and four by those members of the said Senate who have not voted nor been entitled to vote at the last election of any existing member or members of the same Council, either as Senior Fellows, as Junior Fellows, or as Professors. The members elected to the Council hold office for four years.

At every election of members of the Council, every elector of each class is entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of persons to be elected to the Council at such election of that class, and may give all such votes to any one candidate, or may distribute them among the candidates as he thinks tit.

The Council nominates to all Professorships, except those the nomination to which is vested in some other body or persons by Act of Parliament, or by the directions of private founders, and except also the Professorships in the School of Divinity. Such nomination is subject to the approval of the Provost and Senior Fellows. In the event of the said Provost and Senior Fellows refusing their approval to the nomination of the Council, the Chancellor decides whether the grounds for such refusal are sufficient. If they appear to him to be insufficient, he declares the person nominated by the Council to be duly elected. If not, the Council proceeds to a fresh nomination. If no election shall take place within the space of six calendar months from the date of the vacancy, or from the time of the creation of any new Professorship, the right of nomination and election for the purpose of filling up such vacancy, or of appointing to such new Professorship, lapses to the Chancellor. No person, being at the time a member of the Council, shall be nominated by the Council to any Professorship.

Except so far as is otherwise provided by Act of Parliament, or by direction of private founders, any proposed new rules or regulations respecting studies, lectures, and examinations (other than those connected with the School of Divinity, with which the Council has no authority to interfere), and also any proposed new rules or regulations respecting the qualifications, duties, and tenure of

office of any Professor in any Professorship now existing, or hereafter to be constituted, except the Professors and Professorships connected with the said School of Divinity, and any proposed alterations in any existing rules or regulations respecting such studies, lectures, and examinations, qualifications, duties, and tenure of office, save as aforesaid, require the approval both of the Provost and Senior Fellows, and of the Council.

All such new rules and regulations and alterations in any rules or regulations may be originated either by the Provost and Senior Fellows, or by the Council.

No new Professorship can be created or founded by the Provost and Senior Fellows without the consent of the Council.

§ III. TEACHING.-The Examining Staff consists of the Provost, Fellows, and Professors.

The Lecturing Staff consists of the Junior Fellows and Professors.

The greater part of the teaching in the obligatory Courses in Arts is performed by the Junior Fellows. To Professors selected from among them is entrusted for the most part the instruction which is given in the highest departments of these Courses. Special Lecturers are selected to lecture Candidates for Honors.

Under the present regulations a new Fellow is elected every year by the Provost and Senior Fellows, after an Examination held in pursuance of the Statutes.

From the early Statutes it would seem to have been originally intended that the Fellows should carry on the special instruction required by Students desirous of qualifying themselves for particular Professions. But the growing requirements of the Professional Schools, especially the Medical, prevented this design from being carried out, and the special instruction required for the four Professional Schools of Divinity, Law, Medicine, and Engineering, is now, for the most part, delivered by Professors elected to teach special subjects.

Outside the regular Courses in Arts, and the branches of study required in the Professional Schools, there are various departments of learning for the cultivation of which Professorships have been from time to time founded.

§ IV. DEGREES are publicly conferred by the Chancellor or ViceChancellor, in the Senate or Congregation of the University.

The Grace of the House for a Degree in any Faculty having first been granted by the Provost and Senior Fellows, must pass the Caput before it can be proposed to the rest of the Senate, and each member of the Caput has a negative voice. If no member of the Caput objects, the Proctor, in a prescribed form of words, supplicates the Congregation for their public Grace; and, having collected their suffrages, declares the assent or dissent of the House accordingly; if the placets be the majority, the Candidates

for Degrees are presented to the Senate by the Regius Professor of the Faculty in which the Degree is to be taken; or, if it be a Degree in Arts, by one of the Proctors: they then advance in order before the Chancellor, who confers the Degree according to a formula fixed by the University Statutes, and after which the Candidates then subscribe their names in the Register.


Public Commencements for the conferring of Degrees are held four times in each year on days published in the Almanac. A Diploma is sometimes given to those who are fully qualified for a Degree, but whose circumstances may render it inconvenient for them to wait for the public Comitia; but such persons can exercise none of the rights and privileges connected with their Degree until they have appeared at Commencements, and have had the Degree publicly conferred on them by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor. An exception to this rule has been made in favour of members of the University who are resident in the Colonies or Foreign Countries. (See page 12.)

A meeting of the Senate for the consideration of names proposed for Honorary Degrees is held three weeks before the Summer Commencements, on a day fixed in the Almanac, to which attention is called a week before by notice on the College gate.

The following Regulations with regard to the order to be observed in conferring Degrees at the Public Commencements have been sanctioned by the Vice-Chancellor :

I. The Chancellor announces the opening of the Comitia. At the Winter Commencements the Senior Master non-regent is elected, on the proposition of the Chancellor and the Provost; and the two Proctors and the Registrar make the statutory affirmation.

II. The Senior Proctor supplicates for the Licenses in Medicine, in Surgery, and in Engineering. The Junior Proctor supplicates for the Degrees of Bachelors in Arts. The Senior Proctor supplicates for the other ordinary Degrees.

III. The Senior Lecturer introduces the Moderators to the Chancellor, who presents them with their Medals. The Senior Lecturer introduces the Respondents to the Chancellor, who presents them with their Certificates.

IV. Licenses in Medicine, in Surgery, and in Engineering are conferred.

V. Candidates for Honorary Degrees are presented to the Senate, and admitted by the Chancellor.

VI. Candidates for Ordinary Degrees are presented and admitted. Candidates in Arts are presented by the Proctors:

See the forms of presentation and supplication, and also the forms of suspension and absolution, in the University Statutes.-Stat. Univ. after cap. xi. The forms for conferring Degrees are given in cap. v.

other Candidates by the Professors of their respective faculties. In presenting the Candidates the following order is observed:

1. Bachelors in Music who are not Graduates in Arts.

2. Doctors in Music who are not Graduates in Arts.

3. Bachelors in Arts.

4. Bachelors in Music who are
Graduates in Arts.

5. Bachelors in Engineering.
6. Bachelors in Surgery.
7. Bachelors in Medicine.

8. Bachelors in Law.

9. Masters in Engineering. 10. Masters in Surgery.

11. Masters in Arts.

12. Bachelors in Divinity.
13. Doctors in Music, who are
Graduates in Arts.

14. Doctors in Literature.

15. Doctors in Science.
16. Doctors in Medicine.

17. Doctors in Laws.

18. Doctors in Divinity.

No Grace for a Degree will be presented to the Senate, unless the Candidate shall have communicated with the Proctor, at latest, the day before the Commencements.

A General Meeting of the Senate is held annually in Trinity Term, for the transaction of ordinary business. At this Meeting of the Senate no Degrees are conferred.



TERMS in this University are kept during the Undergraduate Course, either by Lectures or by Examinations. But Terms in Divinity, Law, Medicine, and Engineering must be kept by attendance on the Lectures of the Professors, and therefore require residence either in the College or its vicinity.

To take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, the Student must keep the Terms required by the Rules of the College. (See below under the head, "Course in Arts.") He must pass two stated Examinations-one at the end of his second year, the other at the termination of the University Curriculum.

A Master of Arts must be a B.A. of three years' standing.

When the time at which a higher Degree can be taken is said to be reckoned from the taking of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, or of any Faculty, the time may be reckoned from the date at which, according to the laws and statutes of the University, the Degree of Bachelor might have been taken. Thus a man is of proper standing to take the Degree of M.A. three years after he has passed the Examination for the B.A. Degree. With this condition, the inferior and superior Degree may be taken on the same day.

A Doctor in Science must be a Bachelor of Arts of at least three years' standing. The primary test for the Doctorate shall be original published work in Science submitted by the Candidate. The Examiners appointed to report on the merit of the work

submitted by a Candidate shall have power, if they shall consider it necessary, to question the author personally on it and on cognate subjects.

Any graduate applying to the Registrar to have the Private Grace of the Provost and Senior Fellows for the Degree of Doctor of Science or Doctor of Literature must as a preliminary step lodge with the Bursar the sum of Ten Pounds, to be paid to the Examiners who are to inquire into the scientific or literary claims of the applicant: in the event of the Degree being granted, this sum will be allowed in part payment to the Senior Proctor of the fee of twenty-five pounds for the Degree.

A Doctor in Literature must be of the same standing as a Doctor in Science.

The other Regulations in reference to the Degree are precisely similar to those which hold good in the case of a Doctor in Science.

A Bachelor in Divinity must be a Bachelor of Arts of three years' standing. He must likewise have undergone a special Examination in Divinity before the Regius Professor, according to Rules prescribed by the Provost and Senior Fellows with the consent of the Regius Professor.

Candidates for this Degree will be required to show a general knowledge of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, of Ecclesiastical History, and of Dogmatic Theology, and also to have made a special study of some particular branches.

Examinations.-As a general rule, the Professor requires that Candidates shall be examined in the Course annually appointed for Examination for Theological Exhibitions (see under Divinity School, "Theological Exhibitions"). It consists of six Divisions, viz. :

I. Old Testament,

II. Hebrew,

III. New Testament,

IV. Articles and Liturgy,

V. Ecclesiastical History, and

VI. Patristic Theology.

Candidates for B.D. Degree are permitted to bring up any one or more of these Divisions, in any order, at any one of the three Examinations which are annually held in March, June, and December, and to reserve the rest for any subsequent Examination or Examinations. They are required to give notice to the Professor a month before the Examination at which they propose to present themselves, stating at the same time in what divisions of the Course they desire to be examined. Each Candidate, when he gives such notice, must send to the Senior Proctor an examination fee of one guinea for each Division specified in his notice. The fees so paid by the Candidate will, in case he obtains the Degree, be allowed (to an amount not exceeding six guineas) in part payment of the Degree fee of £13 15s.

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