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No. 7.-Belgium.-Wiltshire Benett.

-France; Letter from Mr. W.

Cobbett.-No.3. History of George

IV. To the Labourers of Wilt-

shire.-The Fires.- Labourers'

Wages. Hunt.-Marquis of

Blandford and his Parsons.-Par-

liament: Tithes.

No. 8.-To the Landowners of Eng-
land, on their Defeat by the Loan
Mongers.-Blandford and his Par-
sons.-Game Laws. Preston
Cock.-Parliament. Reform, Civil
List, Pardon and Amnesty; Dis-
section; Tithes. The Budget.-
France.-Leeds Reform Meeting.
No. 9 9.-French Republic and Eng-
lish Reform.-Whig Indictment.-
Brighton Petition.-Foreign Af-

Parliament: National Faith;

Tithes. Breach of Faith. Reform.

Game Laws. Poor Laws. Evesham;

Diplomatic Expenses. Ireland;


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No. 10.-To Monsieur Guizot.-

Reform.-Parliament. Reform,

708 Mr. Cobbett.-The Indictment.—
Lord John Russell.-Triumph of

VOL. 71.-No. 1.]


Bancroft Librar


[Price 1s.

fires), in case the person making such discovery shall be
liable to be prosecuted for the same.

And the Lords Commissioners of our Treasury are
hereby required to make payment accordingly of the said
re wards.

Given at our Court at St. James's, this twenty-third
day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty,
in the first year of our reign. God save the King..

Here, in the case of the setting fire, is
a freehold estate worth twenty-five pounds a
year; or, an annuity for life of about forty-
five pounds a-year, though the informer be
be from forty to fifty years of age, here is
only twenty-one years of age; and, if he
the worth of an annuity of a hundred pounds
Chelmsford, in Essex.
a year for life. The hanging began at


JAMES EWEN, a young man, having a wife and two
small children.

I SHALL, under this head, put upon re-
cord the hangings that are now going on.
I shall not, except in the way of explana-
tion, make any remark, or state any fact,
from myself, and shall not venture on the
insertion of any private, or written com-
munication; but shall put on record
merely what I find in the public papers.
On Friday James Ewen, convicted of arson, and Thos.
The trials are taking place by SPECIAL Bateman, for highway robbery, accompanied with cir-
COMMISSIONS; and a Proclamation cumstances of savage barbarity, underwent the extreme
was issued before the trials began, offer-will be recollected, had been found guilty of setting tire
penalty of the law in front of Springfield Gaol. Ewen, it
ing a reward of a hundred pounds to any one to the barn and stack of Mr. Sach, farmer, at Rayleigh.
who should cause any one to be convicted The circumstantial evidence to connect him with the fact
was very slight, but the principal witness, a man named
of some of the acts of violence; and FIVE Richardson, who had been imprisoned as an accessary to
HUNDRED POUNDS in the case of the crime, swore that the prisoner had, unsolicited, told
him, after the fire, that he was the perpetrator, and urged
SETTING FIRE. But the best way is him at the same time to join him in firing another stack
to insert the Proclamation itself.
belonging to Mr. Blewett, the next evening. Richardson
was known to be a notoriously bad character, and circum-
stances subsequently transpiring to cast suspicion upon
his evidence, the most strenuous exertions were made, by
a number of the most respectable_inhabitants, to save
Ewen's life, but without success. Ewen protested his in-
nocence, in the most earnest manner, up to the last mo-
ment, though he freely confessed that in his life he had
been guilty of many offences. His wife and two children
took their farewell of the unfortunate man a few days
previous, and his brother was admitted to him on the
morning of his execution. No commiseration was excited
for Bateman, who had robbed and cruelly ill-used an
old man, upwards of 70, by stamping his head into a ditch,
and crushing his ear off which was found buried six
inches in the mud. About nine o'clock, after leaving the
chapel, the culprits ascended the platform, Ewen with
great firmness, and Bateman discovering much agitation.
Upon placing the rope round Ewen's neck, it was found
to be too short, upon which he observed, "It's rather a
tight fit." The halter was
obliged to be spliced, and
while this was accomplishing, Ewen remarked to a per-
son who stood near, "It's rather cold standing up here."
The ropes being adjusted, the bolts were withdrawn, and
the prisoners were launched into eternity. They strug-
gled very much.-The general impression amongst the
Magistrates was, that Ewen was innocent.-London
Morning Advertiser of 27th Dec.

WILLIAN R-Whereas great multitudes of lawless and
disorderly persons have, for some time past, assembled
themselves together in a riotous and tumultuous manner,
in the Counties of Wilts, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hants,
and Berks; and for the purposes of compelling their em-
ployers to comply with certain regulations prescribed by
themselves, with respect to wages, have had recourse to
measures of force and violence, and have actually com-
mitted various acts of outrage in different parts of the
counties above-mentioned, whereby the property of many
of our good subjects has, in several instances, been wholly
destroyed, and their lives and properties are still greatly

We, therefore, being duly sensible of the mischievous
consequences which must inevitably ensue, as well to the
peace of the kingdom as to the lives and properties of our
subjects from such wicked and illegal practices, if they go
puished, and being firmly resolved to cause the laws to
be put into execution for the punishment of such offend-
ers, have thought it by the advice of our Privy Council,
to isane this Proclamation, hereby strictly commanding all
Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Under-Sheriffs, and all
other Civil Officers whatsoever, within the said counties
of Wilts, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hants, and Berks, that
they do use their utmost endeavours to discover, appre
hend, and bring to justice, the persons concerned in the
riotous proceedings above-mentioned.

And as a further inducement to discover the said offend-
ers, we do hereby promise and declare that any person or
persons who shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be
discovered and apprehended, the authors, abettors, or per-
petrators of any of the outrages above-mentioned, so
that they, or any of them, may be duly convicted thereof,
shall be entitled to the sum of Fifty Pounds for each and
every person who shall be convicted, and shall also receive
our most gracious pardon for the said offence, in case the
person making such discovery as aforesaid shall be liable
to be prosecated for the same.



WM. PACKMAN, Brothers.

John Dyke, otherwise Field, and William and Henry
Packman, brothers, were executed on Penenden Heath,
on Friday. The first had protested his innocence of being
concerned in the fires; but the two latter, who are quite
boys, eonfessed their guilt. A troop of Scotch Greys at-
tended, for fear that any disturbance should take place.
Henry Packman addressed the crowd, and accused Bishop,
who gave evidence against him, of having instigated him to
burn the ricks, &c. No disturbance took place.-London
Morning Chronicle of 29th Dec.

And whereas certain wicked incendiaries have secretly
by are, in many parts of the said counties, destroyed the
corn, hay, buildings, and other property of our subjects, we
do hereby promise and declare, that any person or persons
who shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be dis-
covered and apprehended, the authors of the said fires, so
I shall, by and by, collect all these trials
that they or any one of them may be duly convicted
thereof, shall be entitled to the sum of Five Hun- together, with as full an account as I can
dred Pounds for each and every person who shall be get of all the circumstances relating to

so convicted, and shall also receive our most gracious

pardon (except the actual perpetrator of any of the said each.





No. 1.-Hanging of English La-
bourers, at Kent and Essex;
Treatment of the Labourers.-
Chelmsford Sessions.-Bloody-
minded.-Confession of Goodman;
Cobbett's Lectures.-To the La-
bourers of England; on the mea-
sures which ought to be adopted
with regard to Church Property.
-W. Collett, Vicar of Surlingham,
Norfolk.-Preston Election.-The
Ballot. The Prayer.-Trevor and
Potatoes. General Fast. - Ire-
land; Letter of Mr. O'Connell to
the Trades of Dublin-Foreign
Affairs; France.-Tithes.

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No. 2.-To the Readers of the Regis-
ter; on the new plan of publish-
ing it.-No. 1. History of George
IV. The Affair at Battle; Good-
man, and the REV. RUSH, of
Crowhurst, Sussex.-Message of
the American President.-Flog-
ging Soldiers.-Ireland; Repeal
of the Union.-Preston Election.
-Poor Man's Friend.-Special

No. 3.-No. 2. History of George IV.

-To the Hampshire Parsons.-
Praise of the Bishop of Winches-
ter.-Cobbett Library.-Tithes;
several Petitions to Parliament,
praying to be relieved from Tithes.
-Mr. Hunt's Entry into London.
-The Misery and the Fires.-
Military Force of Great Britain.
No. 4.-To the Ministers, on the only

effectual means of putting a stop
to the Fires.-Repeal of the Union.
-To the Tax-paying People of
England.-Parliamentary Office.
-Foreign Affairs.-The Press and
the Fires.

No. 5.-Cause of Reform.-To the

Labourers of England, on their
duties and their rights.-To the
labouring People of Botley.-
Fall of Signor Waithman.-To
the Marquis of Blandford-Ire-
land.-Proceedings in the Parlia-
ment; Repeal of the Union;
Tithes; Select Vestries; Borough
of Evesham; the Labourers;

No. 6.-Combination against the Min-
isters and the People.-To Earl
Grey, on the Remedy for existing


Evils.-France.-Reform, and the
intrigues at Court-Meetings in
Lincolnshire, and Worcestershire.
-Parson's and Tithes.-Parson
and Parsons Wife.-Tithes.-
Bourbons and City Guttlers.-
Parliament: Tithes; the Middle-
sex Petition; Trevor; Straw being

No. 7.-Belgium.-Wiltshire Benett.
-France; Letter from Mr. W.
Cobbett.-No. 3. History of George
IV. To the Labourers of Wilt-
shire. The Fires.-Labourers'
Wages. Hunt.-Marquis of
Blandford and his Parsons.-Par-
liament: Tithes.

No. 8.-To the Landowners of Eng-

land, on their Defeat by the Loan
Mongers-Blandford and his Par-
sons.- - Game Laws. Preston
Cock.-Parliament. Reform, Civil
List, Pardon and Amnesty; Dis-
section; Tithes. The Budget.-
France.-Leeds Reform Meeting.
No. 9.-French Republic and Eng-
lish Reform.-Whig Indictment.-
Brighton Petition.-Foreign Af-
fairs. Parliament: National Faith;
Tithes. Breach of Faith. Reform.
Game Laws. Poor Laws. Evesham;
Diplomatic Expenses. Ireland;

No. 10.-To Monsieur Guizot.-
Reform.-Parliament. Reform,
Lord John Russell.-Triumph of
Mr. Cobbett.-The Indictment.-
Common Hall.

No. 11. To the Labourers of England,

on the Scheme for getting them to
go away from their Native Land.-
To the People of Preston, on the
Parliamentary Reform.-Preston
Cock.-Letter of Mr. Hodges.

No. 12.-To the Hampshire Parsons

on the Reform Bill.-To the Rea-
ders of the Register.-a Bill to
amend the Representation.-
Hunt's Baring's and Palmerston
Speech, on the Reform Bill
France; Letter of Mr. W. C
No. 13.-The Press agair
mentary Privilege;
Readers of the
rity and Min
Reading of


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