Fool. O nuncle, court-holy-water in a dry house is better than the rain-waters out o'door. Good nuncle, in, and ask thy daughters blessing: here's a night, that pities neither wife men nor fools. Lear. Rumble thy belly full, spit fire, spout rain; That have with two pernicious daughters join'd Fool. He that has a house to put's head in, has a good head piece : The cod-piece that will house, before the head has any:: The head and he shall lowfe; so beggars marry many. That man that makes his toe, what he his heart should. make, Shall of a corn cry woe, and turn his fleep to wake. For there was never yet fair woman, but she made mouths in a glass. To them, Enter Kent. Lear. No, I will be the pattern of all patience, I will fay nothing.. Kent. Who's there? Fool. Marry here's grace, and a cod-piece, that's a wife man and a fool. Kent. Alas, Sir, are you here? things that love night, Love not fuch nights as these: the wrathful skies Gallow the very wand'rers of the dark, And make them keep their caves; fince I was man, And to put this emendation beyond all doubt, I'll produce one more passage, where our author not only uses the same thought again, but.. the word that ascertains my explication. In Winter's Tale; Let nature crush the fides o' th' earth together, And marr the feeds within. 1 Such Such fheets of fire, fuch burfts of horrid thunder, Remember to have heard. Man's nature cannot carry Lear. Let the great gods, That keep this dreadful pudder o'er our heads, Find out their enemies now. Tremble, thou wretch, (27) Unwhipt of juftice. Hide thee, thou bloody hand;, Kent. Alack, bare-headed? Gracious my lord, hard by here is a hovel; Some friendship will it lend you 'gainst the tempeft:: (More hard than is the stone whereof 'tis rais'd;. Their fcanted courtesy. Lear. My wits begin to turn.. Come on, my boy. How doft, my boy? art cold? The art of our neceffities is ftrange, fellow? That can make vile things precious. Come, your hovel; (27) Tremble, thou wretch,] Thus Juvenal in his 13th fatire; Hi funt qui trepidant, & ad omnia fulgura pallent,, Cum tonat; &c. (28) Thou perjur'd, and thou fimular man of virtue,] The first Folio leaves out man in this verfe; and, I believe, rightly to the poet's mind. He would use a fimular of virtue to fignify, a falfe pretender to it; a diffembler, that would make an outward fhew of it as he elfewhere employs perjure substantively, for a perjur'd creature. So in Love's Labour loft; Why, he comes like a Perjure, wearing papers. And fo, in his Troublefom Reign of King John, in two parts:: Poor: Poor fool and knave, I've one part in my heart, Fool. He that has an a little tiny wit, With heigh ho, the wind and the rain; Lear. True, my good boy: come, bring us to this hovel. [Exit Fool. 'Tis a brave night to cool a curtezan. Come to great confufion : Then comes the time, who lives to fee't, This prophecy Merlin shall make, for I do live before his time. [Exit. SCENE, An apartment in Gloster's castle. Glo. A Enter Glo'fter, and Edmund. Lack, alack, Edmund, I like not this unnatural dealing; when I defired their leave that I might pity him, they took from me the use of mine own house; charg'd me, on pain of perpetual difpleasure, neither to speak of him, entreat for him, or any way sustain him. Edm. Most savage and unnatural! Glo. Go to; say you nothing. There is division be tween tween the Dukes, and a worse matter than that: I have Edm. This courtesy, forbid thee, fhall the Duke [Exit. SCENE changes to a part of the Heath, with a hovel. Enter Lear, Kent, and Fool. TERE is the place, my Lord; good my Lord,. Kent. HERE enter; The tyranny o' th' open night's too rough For nature to endure.. cum. Lear. Let me alone. Kent. Good my Lord, enter here. [Storm fill (†) There is part of a power already landed.] This reading,, notwithstanding Mr. Pope's declaration in his preface, is not ex fide CodiAll the authentick copies read, footed, i. e. on foot, on their march. If this gentleman's nice ear was offended at the word in this place, how came he to let it pass undisturb'd in fome others? As, for inftance, afterwards in this play; And what confed'racy have you with the traitors, And again, in Henry Vth. Dispatch us with all speed, left that our King For he is footed in this land already. Lear Lear. Wilt break my heart? Kent. I'd rather break mine own; good my Lord, enter. Lear. Thou think'it 'tis much, that this contentious Invades us to the fkin; fo 'tis to thee; But where the greater malady is fixt, The leffer is fcarce felt. Thou'dst fhun a bear, But if thy flight lay toward the roaring sea, [ftorm Thou'dft meet the bear i'th'mouth; when the mind's free, Kent. Good my Lord, enter here. Lear. Pr'ythee, go in thyself; seek thine own ease :: This tempeft will not give me leave to ponder On things would hurt me more-but I'Ïl go in, In, boy, go first. You houseless povertyNay, get thee in; I'll pray, and then I'll fleep Poor naked wretches, wherefoe'er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless ftorm! How fhall your houfelefs heads, and unfed fides,. Your loop'd and window'd raggedness defend you From feafons fuch as these ?-O, I have ta'en Too little care of this! take phyfick, Pomp; Expofe thyself to feel what wretches feel, That thou may'ft shake the fuperflux to them, And fhew the Heavens more juft. [Tom. Edg. within, Fathom and half, fathom and half! poor Fool. Come not in here, nuncle, here's a spirit; help me, help me. [The Fool runs out from the hovel.. Kent. Give me thy hand, who's there? Kent. |