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1. Name the chief rivers which drain the Eastern slope of Great Britain and the heights in which they rise; distinguish also those that are navigable for some considerable distance above their mouths,and explain why the other rivers are not equally navigable.

2. Give the position of, and some of the historical associations connected with the following towns:Winchester, Peterborough, Shrewsbury, Boston, Scarborough, Cardiff, Stirling, Aberdeen, Cork, and Drogheda. Point out in each case the natural advantages of situation which suggested their first establishment.

3. Select one of these counties, Hampshire, Staffordshire, Durham, and one of these, Perth, Lanark, Argyll; give an account of the industrial occupations, the chief towns and rivers of the two selected. Explain the terms county and shire.


Select one out of each of the following groups :(a) Switzerland, Sweden, Austria.

(b) Arabia, Siberia, Japan.

(e) Mexico, United States, Cuba.

Give an account of the manufactures of the first, of the mineral and vegetable productions of the second, of the races or nations who inhabit the third.


Supply the blanks in one of the following passages: (a) The of Canada now includes the various provinces known as &c., in fact the whole of

North America, except
to the

stretches from the

an area of 3,580,310is in the province of the two provinces of basin of the

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The territory ocean, and contains

The capital of the

Canada proper contains -; comprising also the on the north side of that river and of and on the south side north of the parallel and extends from 42° to 53° Lat. and 60°


(b) Australasia is a term equivalent to it is a large and most important

between the


chiefly in the



southern Australia, the largest in the world, is sometimes called the sixth — ; it is included between 11° and 39° Lat. and 113° and 154° Long. This island


separate colonies, viz.,

The chief towns of these colonies are





Give the dates of some remarkable events that took

place between the years

(a) 1250 and 1350,

Or (b) 1450 and 1550.


1. How were armies raised in the days of the Norman kings? What were the chief causes of the anarchy in England after the death of Henry I.?

2. Relate the events of the minority of Henry VI. Give instances of minors who were rightful heirs to the throne being set aside in favour of persons of full age. 3. How were the affairs of Scotland administered during the minority of James V.? What effect had the defeat of Flodden on the government during that period?


1. Trace the descent of Henry VII. from Henry III. Why was Henry VII. afraid of the claims of the Earls of Warwick and Lincoln ?

2. Write short accounts of Prince Rupert and David Leslie.

3. What difficulties had William III. to encounter in England and Scotland on his accession to the throne?


1. What were the chief terms of the Union between England and Scotland? Shew that both countries have benefited by the Union.

2. Name some of the great writers and statesmen towards the close of the 18th century, and write a brief life of one of them.

3. What were the chief events of the years 1800-1805? Write a full description of one.


THREE hours allowed for this Paper with that on

Those who are or have been Pupil Teachers are not to answer more than one question in any Section. Candidates who have not been Pupil Teachers may answer any seven questions they think fit, except in Section VII., from which only one subject should be selected for notes of lesson.

No Candidate is to answer more than seven questions.


1. Describe the desk accommodation of your school. What space should be reserved for each child for writing, what for reading, in desks? Which lessons should be given out of desks? Give your reasons.

2. How was your school room warmed and ventilated? Explain clearly the action by which the vitiated air was removed from the room. What are the chief difficulties attending ventilation in winter?

3. Explain why erasures should never be permitted in any of the registers or other school documents. If a mistake were made in marking or casting up the registers, how should it be corrected? Explain the uses of an Admission Book.

(For Females only.)

4. By what graduated steps would you teach hemming to very young children? In what order would you teach hemming, felling, stitching, seaming, and gathering? What other kinds of stitch are required for a plain night shirt?


1. Which are the silent letters in the following words:-often, would, answer, track, lambkin, friend, know, furious? How is the type of printed books sometimes varied to assist young children in overcoming this difficulty?

2. Divide the following words into two classes, according as the letters which compose them do or do not represent the same sounds in a considerable number of other words:-pen, who, screen, eyes, plague, only, two, too, would, cough, there, were. Give your reasons.

3. Before reading the following paragraph with older children, what words should be previously explained? Give your explanation of each.

"The swallows are a most inoffensive, social, and useful tribe; they all, except one species, attach themselves to our houses; amuse us with their migrations and marvellous agility, and clear our outlets from troublesome insects. Whoever contemplates the myriads of insects that infest our atmosphere in summer, cannot but feel grateful for their friendly interposition."


1. Name those tables of weights and measures that should be first taught to children. Justify your selection by the uses to which the selected tables are applied.

2. Write down the arithmetic required for Standards III. to VI. Give reasons for not following the usual order of rules as given in ordinary works on Arithmetic, especially in regard to Vulgar and Decimal Fractions.

3. Suggest some different methods for multiplying £3. 11s. 9 d. by 99. Show which you consider to be the shortest or simplest way. Would you think it advisable to teach young children more than one method? Give your reasons.


1. Arrange the following words in order according to the difficulty of writing they present to beginners, and give your reasons:-man, mat, mamma, mask, mast, men, meat, mend, mane, most, mind.

2. Give a rule for spelling words in which the sound of ie and ei is identical. Give also the double meanings of bridle, letters, bandy, dock, decline.

3. What other ways are there of spelling plough, vexed, wagon, riband, increase, chestnut, odour, shew, dram, cigar, cloak, cheque, draft? Account for this double usage in as many cases as you can.


1. What is the advantage to young children of having lessons on such subjects as a spider, wool, sugar? Enumerate the qualities or peculiarities in each case to which you would specially direct their attention.

2. Under what branches of study would the following subjects for lessons naturally fall? Explain the meaning of the names you employ. (1) a mountain, (2) a lion, (3) iron, (4) the bark of trees, (5) the backbone, (6) punctuation, (7) tides, (8) ventilation, (9) harmony, (10) honesty, (11) articulation, (12) levers.

3. Show that it is a great advantage to pupil teachers to reproduce their own lessons on Geography, Grammar, &c., to the upper classes of a school, but that they require to be modified in the reproduction. In what respects, for example, would lessons on France, complex sentences, or Magna Charta, require to be curtailed?


1. Is it a sufficient definition of good discipline to say that "it is the power exercised by the teacher over the children"? Give some distinguishing marks of good discipline.

2. What are the principal faults of questioning that produce a habit of guessing in children? Show the bad effect of such a habit, and give illustrations from your own experience in teaching Geography.

3. Show that what is called stupidity in children may arise from faults on the part of the teacher. Name some of these faults.


Write full notes of a lesson on one of the following subjects:

(a) Some useful trade.

(b) The railway that passes through or near your own neighbourhood.

(c) Mountains.

(d) The manufacture of a horse-shoe, or a teacup, or a needle, or thread.

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