| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 pages
...C * The The King (hall do it : muft he be depos'd ? The King fhall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o' God's name, let it go. I'll give...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; My figur'd goblets, for a dim of wood ; My fcepter, for a palmer's walking ftaff; My fubjedb, for a pnir... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 340 pages
...fubmit ? The King (hall do it : muft he be depos'd ? The King (hall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o' God's name let it go. I'll give...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; My figur'd goblets for a difli of wood ; My feepter, for a palmer's walking- (taff ; My fubjedls, for... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 pages
...fubmit ? The King mall do it : muft he be depos'd ? The King fhall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King? o' God's name, let it go. I'll give...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; My figur'd goblets, for a difh of wood ; My fcepter, for a palmer's walking ftaff j My fubjefts, for a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 538 pages
...muft he be depos'd ? The King mail be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o* God's name, kt it go. I'll give my jewels for a fet of beads ; My...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; My figur'd goblets, for a di(h of wood ; My fcepter, for a palmer's walking ftaff ; My fubjefts, for a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1750 - 332 pages
...fubmn ? The King flsal! do it : mutt he be depos'd ? The King flsall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o' God's name let it go. I'll give my jewels for a fet of beads ; My gorgeous palace, fora hermitage; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown; My figur'd goblets for a difh of wood ; My... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 580 pages
...C 4 The The King fhall do it : muft he be depos'd ? The King fhall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o' God's name, let it go. I'll give...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; X My Hgur'd goblets, for a difh of wood ; My fcepter, for a palmer's walking ftaff; My fubjefts,... | |
 | Zachary Grey - 1754 - 424 pages
...authorities cited in the (d) margin, To which Shakefpeare alludes, Aft 3. fc. 6. P- 59K. Rich. " 111 give my jewels for a fet of " beads ; " My gorgeous...hermitage ; " My gay apparel for an alms-man's gown j *' My figur'd goblers for a dim of wood ; ** My fcepter for a palmer's walking ftaff; " My fubjects... | |
 | Zachary Grey - 1754 - 436 pages
...in the (d} margin. To which Sbakefpcare allude^ Aft 3. fc. 6. p. 59. i*^ \*»-«v> '•» iC. /y^; M I'll give my jewels for a fet of " beads; -*' My gorgeous palace for a hermitage ; '* My ^<jy apparel for an alms-man's gown ; '•' My figur'd goblers for a difh of wood ; •* My fcepter... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1762 - 464 pages
...depos'd ? ' The King fliall be contented : muft he lofe The name of King ? O' God's name, let it go j I'll give my jewels for a fet of beads; My gorgeous palace, for a hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an almfman's gown ; My figur'd goblets, for a dilh of wood ; My fceptre, for a palmer's walking ftaffj... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 600 pages
...the verb to forth. ttis place footh means Jwtetntft66 The King fliall be cdntented : muft he lofe The name of King ? o' God's name, let 'it go. I'll give...hermitage ; My gay apparel, for an alms-man's gown ; My figur'd goblets, for a difti of Wood ; My fcepter, for a palmer's walking ftaff; My fubjefts, for a... | |
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