I Stran. Why, this is the world's sport; That dips in the fame dish? for, in my knowing, Supported his estate; nay, Timon's money 3 Stran. Religion groans at it. I Stran. For mine own part, I never tafted Timon in my life, Sem. How! have they deny'd him ? But his occafions might have woo'd me firft; And does he think fo backwardly of me now, So it may prove an argument of laughter To the reft, and I 'mongst lords be thought a fool. return, And with their faint reply this answer join; I would have put my wealth into donation, Serv. Excellent! Your lordship's a goodly villain. The devil knew not what he did, when he made man politick; he cross'd himself by 't: ad I cannot think, but, in the end, the villanies of man will fet him clear 6. How fairly this lord strives to appear foul? takes virtuous copies 7 to bę wicked; like those, that, under hot ardent zeal, would fet whole realms on fire. And the best half should have return'd to him 2, Of such a nature is his politic love. Si. c. 1 1 i. c. In respect of his fortune, what Lucius denies to Timon is, in proportion to what Lucius pof sesses, less than the usual alms given by good men to beggars. 2 That is, I would have treated my wealth as a present originally received from him, and on this occasion have return'd him the haif of that whole for which I fuppofed myself to be indebted to his bounty. 3 i. c. tried, alluding to the touchstone. 4 That is, "His friends, like physicians, thrive by his bounty and fees, and either relinquish, and forfake him, or give his cafe up as defperate." To give over has no reference to the irremediable condition of a patient, but fimply means to leave, to forsake, to quit. had fuch an ardour, fuch an eager defire. 6 Set him clear does not mean, acquit him before heaven; but it fignifics, puzzle him, outdo him at his own weapons. And the meaning of the paf fage is, " If the devil made men politic, he has thwarted his own interest, because the fuperior cunning of man will at last puzzle him, or be above the reach of his temptations." 7 This is a reflection on the puritans of that time. These people were then fet upon a project of new modelling the ecclefiaftical and civil government according to fcripture rules and examples; which makes him fay, that under zeal for the word of God, they would fet whole realms on fire. So Sempronius pretended to that warm affection and generous jealoufy of friendship, that is affronted, if any other be applied to before it. 8 i. e. keep within doors for fear of duns. Tu Tit. I'll shew you how to obferve a strange event. Some anfwer. Your lord fends now for money. Hor. Moft true, he does. Serv. If I might befeech you, gentlemen, To repair fome other hour, I should Tit. And he wears jewels now of Timon's gift, Derive much from it: for take it on my foul, For which I wait for money. Hor. It is against my heart. Luc. Mark, how strange it shows, Timon in this should pay more than he owes : Hor. I am weary of this charge 2, the gods can your's? Luc. Five thousand mine. [the fum, Enter Flaminius. Tit. One of lord Timon's men. Luc. Flaminius! fir, a word: Pray, is my lord Ready to come forth? Flam. No, indeed, he is not. Enter Flavius in a cloak, muffled. He goes away in a cloud: call him, call him. My lord leans wondroufly to difcontent: His comfortable temper has forfook him; Luc. Many do keep their chambers, are not fick: Str. Good gods! i. e. like him in blaze and splendour. 2 i. e. of this commiffion. 3 His may refer to mine; as if he had faid: Your master's confidence was above my master's; else surely his, i. e. the fum demanded from my master (for that is the last antecedent) had been equal to the fum demanded from yours. 4 Timon quibbles. They present their written bills; he catches at the word, and alludes to the bills, or battle-axes, which the ancient foldiery carried, and were still used by the watch in Shakspeare's time. ה 1 Tim. Cut my heart in fums. Tit. Mine, fifty talents. Tim. Tell out my blood. Luc. Five thousand crowns, my lord. Tim. Five thousand drops pays that. What yours? and yours? 1 Var. My lord, 2 Var. My lord, And with fuch fober and unnoted 2 passion I Sen. You undergo too strict a paradox, ling Tim. Tear me, take me, and the gods fall upon Upon the head of valour; which, indeed, you! Re-enter Timen, and Flavius. [Exit. Is valour misbegot, and came into the world [Exeunt. Tim. They have e'en put my breath from me, the flaves: Creditors!-devils. Flav. My dear lord, Tim. What if it should be fo? Flav. My lord, Tim. I'll have it fo:- My steward! Flav. Here, my lord. Tim. So fitly? Go, bid all my friends again, Lucius, Lucullus, and Sempronius, all; Flav. O my lord, You only speak from your distracted foul; Tim. Be it not in thy care; go, SCENE The Senate-boufe. V. Senators, and Alcibiades. [Excunt. wrongs If wrongs be evils, and enforce us kill, I Sen. You cannot make grofs fins look clear; To revenge is no valour, but to bear. Alc. My lords, then, under favour, pardon me, Why do fond men expose themselves to battle, Such valour in the bearing, what make we The afs, more captain than the lion; and the fellow, 1 Sen. My lord, you have my voice to 't; the To be in anger, is impiety; 5 i c. Weat i. e. putting this action of his, which was pre-determined by fate, out of the question. noted paffion means, perhaps, an uncommon command of his paffion, fuch a one as has not hitherio been obferved. 3 i.e. manage his anger. 4 You undertake a paradox too hard. have we to do in the field? 6 Guji, for aggravation, according to Warburton. Mr. Sterveas thinks that guft here means rafhrefs, and that the allusion may be to a fudden guft of wind. meaning is, Icall mercy herself to witness, that defenfive violence is juit. 7 The As Ale. Hard fate! he might have died in war. My lords, if not for any parts in him, 1 Sen. We are for law, he dies; urge it no more, On height of our difpleasure: Friend, or brother, He forfeits his own blood, that spills another. Alc. Muft it be fo? it must not be. My lords, I do beseech you, know me. 2 Sen. How? Alc. Call me to your remembrances. 3 Sen. What? Alc. I cannot think, but your age has forgot me ; It could not elfe be, I should prove so bafe 1, 1 Sen. Do you dare our anger ? Alc. Banish me? Banish your dotage; banish ufury, 2 Sen. It should not be, by the perfuafion of his new feafting. I Sen. I should think fo: He hath fent me an earneft inviting, which many my near occafions did urge me to put off; but he hath conjur'd me beyond them, and I must needs appear. 2 Sen. In like manner was I in debt to my importunate business, but he would not hear my excuse. I am forry, when he fent to borrow of me, that my provifion was out. 1 Sen. I am fick of that grief too, as I under. stand how all things go. 2 Sen. Every man here's fo. What would he have borrow'd of you? I Sen. A thousand pieces. 2 Sen. A thousand pieces! I Sen. What of you? 3 Sen. He fent to me, fir, Here he comes. Enter Timon, and Attendants. Tim. With all my heart, gentlemen both : And how fare you? I Sen. Ever at the beft, hearing well of your lordship. 2 Sen. The fwallow follows not fummer more willingly, than we your lordship. Tim. [Afide.] Nor more willingly leaves winter; fuch fummer-birds are men. Gentlemen, our dinner will not recompenfe this long stay: feast your [thee, ears with the mufick awhile; if they will fare fo harshly as on the trumpet's found: we shall to 't presently. I Sen. If, after two days' shine, Athens contain He shall be executed prefently. (Exeunt Senate. Only in bone, that none may look on you! ■ Bafe, for dishonoured. 1 Sen. How do you? What's the news? 3 Sen. Alcibiades is banith'd: Hear you of it? Both. Alcibiades banish'd! 3 Sen. 'Tis fo, be fure of it. 1 Sen. How? how? 2 Sen. I pray you, upon what? Tim. My worthy friends, will you draw near? 3 Sen. I'll tell you more anon. Here's a noble 3 Sen. Will 't hold? will 't hold ? 2 Sen. It does: but time will and fo into any tumour 4 A hawk is 2 Not to fwell our spirit, may mean, not to put ourselves of rage, take our definitive resolution. 3 i. e. the affections of the people. faid to tire, when the amuses herself with pecking a pheasant's wing, or any thing that puts her in mind of prey. To tire upon a thing, is therefore to be idly employed upon it. Ggg 3 Sen. 3 Sen. I do conceive. Tim. Each man to his stool, with that spur as he would to the lip of his mistress: your diet shall be in all places alike. Make not a city feast of it, to let the meat cool ere we can agree upon the first place: Sit, fit. The gods require our thanks. Your reeking villainy. Live loath'd, and long, Most smiling, smooth, detested parafites, Courteous destroyers, affable wolves, meek bears, You fools of fortune, trencher-friends, time's flies 3, Cap and knee slaves, vapours, and minute-jacks 4! Of man, and beast, the infinite malady s You great benefactors, sprinkle our fociety with Crust you quite o'er !-What, dost thou go? thankfulness. For your own gifts, make you felves Soft, take thy phyfic first, -thou too, and thou: prais'd: but referve still to give, left your deities be [Throws the dishes at them. despis'd. Lend to each man enough, that one need not Stay, I will lend thee money, borrow none.l lend to another: for, were your godbeads to borrow What, all in motion? Henceforth be no feast, of men, men would forsake the gods. Make the meat Whereat a villain's not a welcome guest. be beloved, more than the man that gives it. Let no Burn house; fink Athens; henceforth hated be affembly of twenty be without a score of villains: Of Timon, man, and all humanity! If there fit twelve women at the table, let a dozen of them be as they are. The rest of your fees, O gods, the fenators of Athens, together with the common lag of people, what is amiss in them, you gods, make fuitable for deftruction. For these my present friends, -as they are to me nothing, so in nothing bless them, and to nothing are they welcome. Uncover, dogs, and lap. [The dishes uncovered are full of warm water. Some speak. What does his lordship mean? Some other. I know not. Tim. May you a better feast never behold, warm water Is your perfection 2. This is Timon's last; [Throwing water in their faces. Re-enter the Senators. I Sen. How now, my lords? [Exit [fury? 2 Sen. Know you the quality of lord Timon's I Sen. He's but a mad lord, and nought but hu- 2 Sen. Did you see my cap ? 3 Sen. Here 'tis. 4 Sen. Here lies my gown. I Sen. Let's make no stay. 2 Sen. Lord Timon's mad. 3 Sen. I feel't upon my bones. 4 Sen. One day he gives us diamonds, next day stones. [Exeunt. L SCENE L ACT Without the walls of Athens. Enter Timon. ET me look back upon thee, O thou wall, earth, And fence not Athens! Matrons, turn incontinent; Large-handed robbers your grave masters are, IV. With it beat out his brains! piety, and fear, On Athens, ripe for stroke! thou cold sciatica, Dr. Warburton thinks we should read foes. 2 i. e. the highest of your excellence. 3 i. e. flies of a feafon. 4 A minute-jack is what was called formerly a Jack of the clock-house; an image whole office was the fame as one of those at St. Dunstan's church in Fleet-street. See note 4, p. 658. Sic. every kind of disease incident to man and beast. 1 |