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fiefh-monger, a fool, and a coward, as you then Attorney'd at your fervice.

reported him to be?

Ifab. Oh, give me pardon,

Duke. You must, fir, change perfons with me, That I, your vassal, have employ'd and pain'd ere you make that my report: you, indeed, spoke Your unknown fovereignty.

fo of him; and much more, much worse,

Lavio. O thou damnable fellow! Did not I pluck thee by the nofe, for thy fpeeches?

Duke. 1 protest I love the duke, as I love my


Ang. Hark! how the villain would close now, after his treafonable abufes.

Duke. You are pardon'd, Isabel:
And now, dear maid, be you as free 4 to us.
Your brother's death, I know, fits at your heart:
And you may marvel, why I obscur'd myself,
Labouring to fave his life; and would not rather
Make rash remonftrance of my hidden power,
Than let him be so loft. Oh, most kind maid,

Efal. Such a fellow is not to be talk'd withal: It was the fwift celerity of his death, Away with him to prifon :-Where is the provost? Which I did think with flower foot came on, -Away with him to prifon; lay bolts enough upon That brain'd 5 my purpofe. But peace be with him! ⚫him: let him fpeak no more:-away with thore That life is better life, past fearing death, [fort, giglots too, and with the other confederate compa- Than that which lives to fear: make it your com

[The Provoft lays bands on the Duke. So, happy is your brother.

Duke. Stay, fir; stay a while.

Ang. What! refifts he? Help him, Lucio.

Lacio. Come, fir; come, fir; come, fir; foh, fir: Why, you bald-pated, lying rafcal! you muft be hooded, muft you? Shew your knave's vifage, witha pox to you! shew your fheep-biting face, and be hang'd an hour! Will't not off?

[Palis off the Friar's bood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Thou art the first knave, that c'er mad'ft

a duke.

Re-enter Angelo, Mariana, Peter, and Provoft.
Isab. I do, my lord.
Duke. For this new-marry'd man, approaching
Whofe falt imagination yet hath wrong'd
Your well-defended honour, you must pardon him
For Mariana's fake: But as he adjudg'd your brother,
(Being criminal in double violation

Of facred chaftity; and of promife-breach,
Thereon dependant, for your brother's life)
The very mercy of the law cries out

First, provoft, let me bail these gentle three: Moft audible, even from his proper tongue,

An Angelo for Claudio, death for death.
Haste still pays hafte, and leifure answers leifure;
Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure.

Sneck not away, fir; [to Lucio.] for the friar and Mat have a word anon:-lay hold on him. [you Lars. This may prove worse than hanging. Dake. What you have spoke, I pardon; fit you Then, Angelo, thy fault's thus manifefted; [tage 7: [To Ffealus. Which though thou would'st deny, denies thee vanWe'll borrow place of him:-Sir, by your leave: We do condemn thee to the very block [To Angelo.


Haft thou or word, or wit, or impudence,

That yet can do thee office? If thou haft,
Fely upon it till my tale he heard,

And hold no longer out.

. O my dread lord,

I should be guiltier than my guiltinefs,

To think I can be undifcernible,

When I perceive, your grace, like power divine,
Hath look'd upon my palie, 2: Then, good prince,
No longer feffion hold upon my thame,

Box let my trial be mine own confetlion.
Immediate fentence then, and fequent death,
1 all the grace I beg.

Dake. Come hither, Mariana :

Say, waft thou e'er contracted to this woman?

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Where Claudio stoop'd to death, and with like hafte;

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Confenting to the fafeguard of your honour,
I thought your marriage fit; else imputation,
For that he knew you, might reproach your life,
And choak your good to come for his pofietsions,
Although by confifcation they are ours,
We do enítate and widow you withal,
To buy you a better husband.

Mari. Oh, my dear lord,


I crave no other, nor no better man.
Duke. Never crave him; we are definitive.
Mari. Gentle, my liege-
Duke. You do but lose your labour;-
Away with him to death. Now, fir, to you.
[To Lucio.
Mari. Oh, my good lord! Sweet Ifabel, taka
my part;

Lend me your knees, and all my life to come
I'll lend you, all my life to do you fervice.
Duke. Against all fenfes you do importune her
Should the kneel down, in mercy of this fact,

• Geglot means a wanton girl. 2- That is, my transactions. 3 Attentive and faithful. 4 That is, generous, by pardoning us alfo. 5 Meaning, which defeated it. 6 Meaning, Angelo's own tongue. That is, takes from thee all opportunity, all expedient of denial, 8 Senfe here means reason and

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Look, if it please you, on this man condemn'd
As if my brother liv'd: I partly think,

A due fincerity govern'd his deeds,

'Till he did look on me; fince it is so,

Let him not die: my brother had but juftice,

In that he did the thing for which he dy'd :

For Angelo,

His act did not o'ertake his bad intent;
And must be bury'd but as an intent,

For better times to come:Friar, advife him

I leave him to your hand. What muffied fellow's


Prov. This is another prifoner, that I fav'd,
Who should have dy'd when Claudio loft his head;
As like almost to Claudio, as himself.

Duke. If he be like your brother, for his fake
[To Ijab.

Is he pardon'd; And, for your lovely fake,
Give me your hand, and fay you will be mine,
He is my brother too: But fitter time for that.
By this, lord Angelo perceives he's fafe;
Methinks I see a quick ning in his eye.-
Well, Angelo, your evil quits 2 you well:
Look, that you love your wife; her worth, worth


I find an apt remission in myself;

And yet here's one in place I cannot pardon;

You, firrah, that knew me for a fool, a coward,

That perish'd by the way: thoughts are no subjects; One all of luxury, an afs, a madman;

Intents, but mercly thoughts.

Mari. Merely, my lord.

Duke. Your fuit's unprofitable; stand up, Ifay.-
I have bethought me of another fault :-
Provoft, how came it, Claudio was beheaded
At an unufual hour ?

Prov. It was commanded fo.

Duke. Had you a special warrant for the deed?
Prov. No, my good lord; it was by private mef-


Duke. For which I do difcharge you of your office: Give up your keys.

Prov. Pardon me, noble lord :

I thought it was a fault, but knew it not;
Yet did repent me after more advice 1:
For teftimony whereof, one in the prifon,
That should by private order else have dy'd,
I have referv'd alive.

Duke. What's he?

Prov. His name is Barnardine.

Duke. I would, thou had'st done fo by Claudio. Go, fetch him hither; let me look upon him. [Exit Provoft.

Efcal: I am forry, one so learned and fo wife
As you, lord Angelo, have still appear'd,
Should flip fo grofly, both in the heat of blood,
And lack of temper'd judgment afterward.

Ang. I am forry that fuch forrow I procure :
And fo deep sticks it in my penitent heart,
That I crave death more willingly than mercy:
'Tis my deferving, and I do intreat it.
Re-enter Provoft, Barnardine, Claudio, and Julietta.
Duke. Which is that Barnardine?

Prov. This, my lord.

Wherein have I deferved so of you,
That you extol me thus ?

[To Lucia.

Lucio. 'Faith, my lord, I fpoke it but according to the trick 3: if you will hang me for it, you may, but I had rather it would please you, I might be whipp'd.

Duke. Whipp'd first, fir, and hang'd after.
Proclaim it, provost, round about the city;
If any woman's wrong'd by this lewd fellow,
(As I have heard him fwear himself, there's one
Whom he begot with child) let her appear,
And he shall marry her: the nuptial finish'd,
Let him be whipp'd and hang'd.

Lucio. I beseech your highnefs, do not marry me to a whore! Your highness faid, even now, I made you a duke; good my lord, do not recompenfe me, in making me a cuckold.

Duke. Upon mine honour, thou shalt marry her.
Thy flanders I forgive; and therewithal
Remit thy other forfeits 4:--Take him to prifon:
And fee our pleafure herein executed.

Lucio. Marrying a punk, my lord, is preffing to death, whipping, and hanging.

Duke. Sland'ring a prince deferves it.-
She, Claudio, that you wrong'd, look you restore.
Joy to you, Mariana! love her, Angelo;
I have confefs'd her, and I know her virtue.-
Thanks, good friend Efcalus, for thy much goodness
There's more behind, that is more gratulate
Thanks, provost, for thy care and fecrecy;
We shall employ thee in a worthier place :-
Forgive him, Angelo, that brought you home
The head of Ragozine for Claudio's:

The offence pardons itself.-Dear Ifabel,

Duke. There was a friar told me of this man: - I have a motion much imports your good;

Sirrah, thou art faid to have a stubborn foul,

Whereto if you'll a willing ear incline,

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What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine:
So bring us to our palace; where we'll shew
What's yet behind, that's meet you all should

I That is, confideration. 2 That is, requites. 3 That is, according to my custom. 4 Meaning, Carnal offences, 5 That is, more to be rejoiced in.


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Enter the Duke of Epbefas, Ægeon, Jailor, and

other Attendants.

Egan PROCEED, Solinus, to procure my


And, by the doom of death, end woes and all.

Dake. Merchant of Siracufa, plead no more ;
I am not partial, to infringe our laws :
The enmity and difcord, which of late
Sprung from the rancorous outrage of your duke
To merchants, our well-dealing countrymen,
Who, wanting gilders to redeem their lives,
Have feal'd his rigorous ftatutes with their bloods,
Excindes all pity from our threat ning looks.
For, fince the mortal and inteftine jars
Twist thy feditious countrymen and us,
It hath in folemn fynods been decreed,
Both by the Syracufans and ourselves,
To admit no traffick to our adverse towns:
S, more; If any, born at Ephefus,
Be feen at Syracufan marts and fairs,
Agan, if any, Syracufan born,
Come to the bay of Ephesus, he dies,
H. goods contifcate to the duke's dispose,
Criefs a thoufand marks be levied,

T. qut the penalty, and to ransom him,
Tw fubttance, valu'd at the highest rate,
Loanot amount unto a hundred marks;
Therefore, by law thou art condemn'd to die.
Egan. Yet this my comfort; when your words
are done,


My woes end likewife with the evening fun.
Duke. Well, Syracufan, fay, in brief, the caufe
Why thou departedst from thy native home;
And for what cause thou cam'it to Ephefus.

Ægeon. A heavier task.could not have been im-
Than I to fpeak my griefs unfpeakable:
Yet, that the world may witness, that my end
Was wrought by nature, not by vile offence,
I'll utter what my forrow gives me leave.
In Syracufa was I born; and wed
Unto a woman, happy but for me,
And by me too, had not our hap been bad.
With her I liv'd in joy; our wealth increas'd,
By profperous voyages I often made
To Epidamnum, till my factor's death;
And he, great care of goods at random left,
Drew me from kind embracements of my fpoufe;
From whom my abfence was not fix months old,
Before herself (almost at fainting, under
The pleasing punishment that women bear)
Had made provifion for her following me,
And foon, and fafe, arrived where I was.
There the had not been long, but she became
A joyful mother of two goodly fons;
And, which was strange, the one fo like the other,
As could not be diftinguith'd but by names.
That very hour, and in the felf-fame inn,
A poor mean woman was delivered
Of fuch a burden, male twins, both alike:
Thofe (for their parents were exceeding poor)
I bought, and brought up to attend my fons.
My wife, not meanly proud of two fuch boys,
Madę daily motions for our home return:
H 4


Unwilling I agreed; alas, too foon.
We came aboard;

A league from Epidamnum had we fail'd,
Before the always-wind-obeying deep
Gave any tragic instance of our harm:
But longer did we not retain much hope;
For what obfcured light the heavens did grant,
Did but convey unto our fearful minds
A doubtful warrant of immediate death;
Which though myself would gladly have embrac'd,
Yet the inceffant weepings of my wife,
Weeping before, for what she saw must come,
And piteous plainings of the pretty babes,
That mourn'd for fashion, ignorant what to fear,
Forc'd me to feek delays for them and me.
And this it was, for other means were none.-
The failors fought for safety by our boat,
And left the ship, then finking-ripe, to us:
My wife, more careful for the latter-born,
Had fasten'd him unto a small spare mast,
Such as fea-faring men provide for storms;
To him one of the other twins was bound,
Whilst I had been like heedful of the other.
The children thus dispos'd, my wife and I,
Fixing our eyes on whom our care was fix'd,
Fasten'd ourselves at either end the mast;
And floating straight, obedient to the stream,
Were carry'd towards Corinth, as we thought.
At length the fun, gazing upon the earth,
Difpers'd those vapours that offended us;
And, by the benefit of his wish'd light,
The feas wax'd calm, and we discovered
Two ships from far making amain to us,
Of Corinth that, of Epidaurus this:
But, ere they came,-Oh, let me fay no more!
Gather the sequel by that went before.

Duke. Nay, forward, old man, do not break off fo; For we may pity, though not pardon thee.

Ageon. Oh, had the gods done fo, I had not now
Worthily term'd them merciless to us!
For, ere the ships could meet by twice five leagues,
We were encountred by a mighty rock;
Which being violently borne upon,
Our helpful ship was splitted in the midst,
So that, in this unjust divorce of us,
Fortune had left to both of us alike
What to delight in, what to forrow for.
Her part, poor foul! feeming as burdened
With leffer weight, but not with letler woe,
Was carry'd with more fpeed before the wind;
And in our fight they three were taken up
By fishermen of Corinth, as we thought.
At length, another ship had feiz'd on us;
And, knowing whom it was their hap to save,
Gave helpful welcome to their shipwreck'd guests;
And would have reft the fisher of their prey,

Had not their bark been very flow of fail, [course.
And therefore homeward did they bend their
Thus have you heard me fever'd from my blifs;
That by misfortunes was my life prolong'd,
To tell fad stories of my own mishaps.

Duke. And, for the fakes of them thou forrowest for,

Do me the favour to dilate at full

What hath befall'n of them, and thee, till now.
Ageon. My youngest boy, and yet my eldest care,
At eighteen years became inquisitive
After his brother; and importun'd me,
That his attendant (for his cafe was like,
Reft of his brother, but retain'd his name,)
Might bear him company in the quest of him:
Whom whilft I labour'd of a love to see,
I hazarded the loss of whom I lov'd.
Five fummers have I spent in farthest Greece,
Roaming clean through the bounds of Afia,
And, coafting homeward, came to Ephesus;
Hopeless to find, yet loth to leave unfought,
Or that, or any place that harbours men,
But here must end the story of my life;
And happy were I in my timely death,
Could all my travels warrant me they live. [mark'd

Duke. Hapless Ægeon, whom the fates have

To bear the extremity of dire mishap!
Now, trust me, were it not against our laws,
Againft my crown, my oath, my dignity,
Which princes, would they, may not difannul,
My foul should fue as advocate for thee,
But, though thou art adjudged to the death,
And patied fentence may not be recall'd,
But to our honour's great difparagement,
Yet will I favour thee in what I can;
Therefore, merchant, I'll limit thee this day,
To feek thy help by beneficial help:
Try all the friends thou haft in Ephefus;
Beg thou, or borrow, to make up the sum,
And live; if not, then thou art doom'd to die:-
Jailor, take him to thy cuftody. [Ex, Duke and train,
Jail. 1 will, my lord.
[wend 2,
Egeon. Hopeless, and helplefs, doth Ægeon
But to procraftinate his liveless end.

[Exeunt Ægeon and Jailor.

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Mer. Therefore give out, you are of Epidamnum
Left that your goods too foon he confifcate.
This very day, a Syracufan merchant
Is apprehended for arrival here;

And, not being able to buy out his life,
According to the statute of the town,
Dies ere the weary fun fet in the west.
There is your money, that I had to keep.

Ant. Go bear it to the Centaur, where we hoft

And stay there, Dromio, till I come to thee.
Within this hour it will be dinner-time:

'Till that, I'll view the manners of the town,
Peruse the traders, gaze upon the buildings,
And then return, and fleep within mine inn;
For with long travel I am stiff and weary,
Get thee away.

Dro. Many a man would take you at your word, And go indeed, having so good a means.

[Exit Dromio,

* flean is till used in the North of England instead of quite, fully, completely. That is, go.

Act. A trusty villain, fir; that very oft,
When I am duil with care and melancholy,
Liglitens my humour with his merry jests.
Whe, will you walk with me about the town,.
And then go to my inn, and dine with me?

Mer. I am invited, fir, to certain merchants,
Of whom I hope to make mach benefit,
I crave your pardon. Soon, at five o'clock,
Please you, I'll meet with you upon the mart,
And afterwards confort you till bed-time;
Me prefent bufiness calls me from you now.

fu. Farewell till then: I will go lose myself,
And wander up and down to view the city.
Mer. Sir, I commend you to your own content.
[Exit Merchant.

Att. He that commends me to mine own content,
Cummends me to the thing I cannot get.
I to the world am like a drop of water,
That in the ocean feeks another drop;
Who, filling there, to find his fellow forth,
Unfeen, inquitive, confounds himself:
Su 1, to find a mother, and a brother,
In quat of them, unhappy, lose myfelf.
Enter Dromio of Epb-fus.

Here comes the almanack of my true date
What row? How chance, thou art return'd fo foon?
E. Dra. Return'd to foon! rather approach'd too
The capor, burns, the pig falls from the spit; [late;
The cock has ftrucken twelve upon the bell,
My mitrefs made it one upon my cheek:
She is fo hot, because the meat is cold;
The meat is cold, because you come not home;
You come not home, because you have no itomach;
You have no ftomach, having broke your faft;
But we, that know what 'tis to fast and pray,
Are penitent for your default to-day.

Art. Step in your wind, fir; tell me this, I pray;
Where have you left the money that I gave you?

E. Dro. Ob-fix-pence, that I had o' Wednesday Teray the fadler for my mistrefs' crupper;- [lait, The facier had it, fir, I kept it not.

du. I am not in a sportive humour now;
Tell me, and dally not, where is the money?
We being strangers here, how dar'ft thou truft
So great a charge from thine own cuftody?

E. Dra. I pray you, jest, fir, as you fit at dinner:
I from my mistress come to you in poft;
FI return, I shall be poft indeed,

For the will foore your fault upon my pate.

Methinks, your maw, like mine, should be your
And ftrike you home without a messenger. [clock,
Ant. Come, Dromio, come, these jests are out
of feafon;

Reserve them till a merrier hour than this:
Where is the gold I gave in charge to thee?
E. Dro. To me, fir? why you gave no gold to me,
Ant. Come on, fir knave, have done your

And tell me, how thou haft difpos'd thy charge.
E. Dro. My charge was but to fetch you from

the mart

Home to your house, the Phoenix, fir, to dinner
My mistress, and her fifter, stay for you.

Ant. Now, as I am a chriftian, answer me,
In what fafe place you have difpos'd my money:
Or I shall break that merry sconce of yours,
That stands on tricks when I am undifpos'd:
Where are the thoufand marks thou had'ft of me?

E. Dro. I have fome marks of yours upon my
Some of my mistress' marks upon my shoulders,
But not a thoufand marks between you both.
If I should pay your worship those again,
Perchance, you will not bear them patiently.
Ant. Thy mistress' marks! what mistress, flave,

haft thou?

E. Dro. Your worship's wife, my mistress at the
She thar doth fast, till you come home to dinner,
And prays, that you will hie you home to dinner.
Ant. What, wilt thou flout me thus unto my
Being forbid? There, take you that, fir knave.
E. Dro. What mean you, fir? for God's fake,
hold your hands;

Nay, an you will not, fir, I'll take my heels.
[Exit Dromia

Ant. Upon my life, by some device or other,
The villain is o'er-raught 2 of all my money.
They say, this town is full of cozenage;
As, nimble jugglers, that deceive the eye;
Dark-working forcerers, that change the mind;
Soul-killing witches, that deform the body;
Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks,
And many fuch like liberties of fin:
If it prove fo, I will be gone the fooner.
I'll to the Centaur, to go feek this flave;
I greatly fear, my money is not fafe.





The House of Antipholis of Ephesus.

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Sure, Luciana, it is two o'clock.

Luc. Perhaps, fome merchant hath invited him,
And from the mart he's somewhere gone to dinner.
Good fifter, let us dine, and never fret:

Enter Adriana and Lucjana.
EITHER my husband, nor the slave A man is master of his liberty;


Pat in fuch hafte I fent to seek his master!

Time is their master; and, when they fee time,

They'll go or come : If so, be patient, fifter.

That is, head,

2 That is, over-reached.


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