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tack him in so formidable a post. He the 26th he sent a detachment in the direction of Pinhel, which it reached after a march of three hours by difficult roads.

was protected by a reserve on the heights of the left bank of the Coa, but four columns marched direct for the enemy, and closed with them with the greatest intrepidity, without returning their fire. That of the fortress, though badly enough directed, became extremely brisk at this moment. The 3d hussars, supported by the rest of the cavalry, charged the English infantry at the gallop, and sabred a great number of them. The ground, however, was so difficult, that it was impossible for the rest of our cavalry to take part in this fine charge. The enemy's cavalry uniformly declined to meet ours at the sabre, and after rallying under the ramparts of the place, hastened to re-pass the Coa.

In the mean time, the brigade of General Ferey having already out-flanked the right of the enemy, was on the point of cutting off his retreat, or compelling him to throw himself into Almeida, when the English general felt the necessity of falling back, which he could only effect in great disorder; for our battalions pursued them at a running step, to such a distance as to enable the columns appointed to invest Almeida to execute that operation without any difficulty.

The troops of his Majesty gave a fresh proof upon this occasion, that there is no position which can resist their intrepidity. All of them perfectly performed their duty.

The English sustained a considerable loss in this action. Their estafette-man, or chief courier, has been taken, with all his dispatches; several of which, dated the 25th and 26th, represent the English army as in full route'; that it is impossible to form an idea of its deplorable condition; that the English never were engaged in so brisk an affair; and, in short, that they had lost 60 officers, 24 of whom have been interred in the field of battle; 400 rank and file killed, and 700 wounded. Among the slain were the Colonel of the 43d, that of the 16th dragoons, and Major Brown of the 52d. We have taken from them one stand of colours, 400 men, and two pieces of cannon. Our loss amounted to nearly 300 killed and wounded.

On the 25th, Marshal the Duke of Elchingen regulated the investment of Almeida, so as to render it complete. He caused Valverde to be occupied, and the English posted on the heights in front of Pereiro to be dislodged. Qu


The English had withdrawn from it at two in the morning. It appears that they are concentrating at Celerico.

The fortress of Almeida is defended by four Portuguese regiments. It is well provided with stores and heavy artillery, and has two governors, one of them an Englishman. The garrison made two sorties on the 26th. One, consisting of 600 infantry and 60 horse, which sallied upon the division of Loison, was destined to destroy the houses which are within 200 toises of the place; the object of the other, consisting of 300 men and 40 horse, which directed itself upon the right of General Marchand, was to carry off a few sheaves of wheat lying near the suburb; but both were repulsed, so as to frustrate the designs of the enemy. In the first they lost about 40 men, who were shot with our pieces touching their breasts. We lost only two men of the legion of the South. But the garrison tried the third-sortie to carry off the same sheaves of wheat; it did not succeed better than the preceding attempts. We took from them one piece of cannon, and killed a few of their men. The object of ail these sorties seems to indicate that it is not so well supplied with provisions as with artillery.

I have the honour to be, with respectful regard, your highness's most humble and obedient servant,

Marshal the PRINCE of ESSLING.
Commander in Chief of the

Army of Portugal,
Salamanca, July 29, 1810.

Paris, August 17.-Last Wednesday, his Imperial Majesty being seated on the throne, surrounded by the princes and great officers of state, the deputies of Holland were presented to his Majesty, and their president, his excellency Admiral Verhuel, delivered the following speech:-

SIRE,-Your very faithful subjects of Holland, the members of the council of state, of the legislative body, of the deputies of the land and sea forces and the deputies of the city of Amsterdam, have the honour of presenting themselves at the feet of your Majesty's throue, respectfully to declare the sentiments of admiration, confidence and obedience with which they are animated.

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"The Dutch people, Sire, known in the annals of history by the exploits of their heroes, by the spotless character of their statesmen, and the exertions made by them to obtain and maintain their independence, are still possessed of a strong recollection of the virtues of

their forefathers.

"The great events which Europe has witnessed in the course of the present century have completely changed the political supports and relations of states, and their independence, for the attain ment of which our ancestors sacrificed their property, their blood, and all that is most dear to men, from the pressure of circumstances could not but undergo certain restrictions. At length united with the first nation in the world, called by the greatest prince in the universe to share in the favour which his exalted genius and paternal solicitude liberally bestows on his happy subjects, and of which Holland has already obtained so many proofs, the Dutch continue to flatter themselves that by their loyalty, their obedience, and their inviolable attachment to their prince and father, they shall deserve the protection of a mighty, generous, upright, and benevolent government."

His Imperial Majesty returned the following answer :—

"Gentlemen, deputies of the legislative body, of the land and sea forces of Holland, and gentlemen deputies of my good city of Amsterdam.-For these thirty years you have experienced many Vicissitudes. You lost your liberty when one of the great officers of the republic, favoured by England, employed Prussian bayonets to interrupt the deliberations of your councils. It was then that the wise constitution handed down to you by your forefathers was destroyed for ever.

"You formed a part of the coalition, in consequence of which French armies conquered your country-an event which was the unavoidable consequence of the alliance with England. After the conquest, a distinct government was formed, yet your republic formed part of the empire. Your strong fortresses and the principal positions in your country, were occupied by French troops, and your government was changed according to the opinions which succeeded each other in France.

"When Providence placed me on this first throne of the world, it fell to

my lot to decide for ever the fate of France, and of all the nations which compose this vast empire; to bestow on all the signal advantages which arise from firmness, consistency, and order, and to destroy the baneful consequences of irregularity and weakness. I put a period to the wavering destinies of Italy, by placing the Iron crown on my own head. I annihilated the government which ruled Piedmont. By my act of mediation I justly appreciated the constitution of Switzerland, and brought the local circumstances of the country in unison with the safety and rights of this imperial crown. Í gave you a prince of my blood for your ruler; this was intended as a bond to unite the concerns of your republic with the rights of the empire. My hopes have been deceived, and on this occasion I have shewn more forbearance than my character generally admits, and my rights required. I have at length put a period to the painful uncertainty of your future fate, and warded off the fatal blow which threatened to annihilate all your prosperity, all your resources. I have opened the continent to your national industry. The day shall come when you are to conduct my eagles to the seas, celebrated by the exploits of your ancestors. Then shall you shew yourselves worthy of yourselves and of me. From this moment till that period all the changes that take place in Europe shall have for their first motive the destruction of that tyrannical and irrational system which the English government, unmindful of the pernicious consequences which arise therefrom to its own country, adopts, to outlaw commerce and trade, and subject it to the arbitrary authority of English licences.

"Gentlemen, Deputies of the legislative body, and of the land and sea forces of Holland; and Gentlemen, deputies of my good city of Amsterdam, tell my subjects of Holland I feel perfectly satisfied they possessed the sentiments they profess for me.-Tell them, that I doubt not their loyal attachment, and depend on their heartily joining their exertions to those of the rest of my subjects, to reconquer the rights of the sea, the loss of which five coalitions, incited by England, have inflicted on the continent.-Tell them, that in all circumstances they may reckon on my peculiar protection."


"SIR-In my last dispatch, I had the honour to acquaint you that on the 26th the fortress of Almeida returned our fire till four in the afternoon; that then it ceased entirely; that at seven a considerable explosion took place in the fortress; and that the conflagration was kept up during the night by our bombs and howitzers. The state of things determined me to summon the governor to surrender, yesterday morning. He sent me some officers to ask a cessation of hostilities. I made known to them the terms of capitulation which I should offer. Several hours of the day were employed in negociation, which did not produce the success which I desired. I therefore ordered our fire to recommence at eight in the evening, and three hours after the governor of the place signed a capitulation, of which I have the honour to send you a copy, together with that of my summons.


meida is thus in the possession of his Majesty the Emperor and King. We entered it this morning at nine o'clock. The garrison are prisoners of war, and shall be conducted to France. We have found on the batteries of the place 98 pieces of cannon, and 17 requiring repairs, 300,000 rations of biscuit, 100,000 rations of salted meat, and a great quantity of other provisions.

"I think it my duty to say something to your highness of the disposition of the garrison. The Marquis d'Alorma, a general of division, a Portuguese, and several other generals or superior officers of his nation, employed in the French army, approached the fortress while the negociation was going forward. They were recognised, from the walls, by a great number of their countrymen who loudly expressed their satisfaction at being freed from the yoke of the English; which was much increased, when they learned that the Emperor had attached to his service, and in their several ranks, the Portuguese officers who were in France; and that far from having reduced them to the state of humiliation which the English make them feel at present, he had admitted them to the honour of fighting at his side, in his great campaigns.

"The horrors committed by the English are deplorable: they cut down the corn, destroy mills, houses, and make a desert of that unfortunate country which they were invited to defend. They thus

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violate the law of nations and of war. This nation is accustomed to respect nothing; its interest for the moment is its only law.

"It is the division of Loison, of the corps of the Duke Elchingen, which has carried on the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida. The two other divisions of that corps, the three divisions of the second corps, and the three divisions of the corps of the Duke of Abrantes, have not yet fired a musket. The Duke of Abrantes is at Ledesma; General Regnier, commanding the second corps, is at Zarza Mayor. The soldiers are in good health, the army is well provisioned, and burning with desire to teach the English that which we have already taught the division of Craufurd. The Emperor may rely on the bravery and dispositions of the army, as well as on my zeal and respectful devotion. I have the honour, &c.

(Signed) "MASSENA, Marshal,
"Prince of Essling, Commander in

Chief of the Army of Portugal."
Fort Conception, Aug. 28.


Camp before Almeida, Aug. 27. "GOVERNOR-The town of Almeida is in flames; all my besieging artillery is battering it, and the English army cannot come to your relief. Surrender, then, to the generosity of the armies of his Majesty the Emperor and King: I offer you bonourable terms. To induce you to accept them, consider what took place at Ciudad Rodrigo, the deplorable state in which that town now is, and the misfortunes which are reserved for Almeida, if you prolong an useless defence.

"Receive, Governor, the assurances of my high consideration. (Signed) "MASSENA." [Here follow the articles of capitulation.]

List of stores found in the fortress of Almeida:-20 bushels of flour, $00,000 rations of biscuits, 600 fanegas of corn, 700 of rye, 2000 of Turkey corn, 500 quintals of rice, 400 arrobas of salt provisions, 12 quintals of salt provisions in barrels, 34 tuos of wine, at 700 bottles each, 2 pipes of brandy, about 700 bottles, 20 pipes of vinegar, 50 fanegas of beans, 2000 fanegas of barley, 300 fanegas of bran, 3000 quintals of straw, 5000 quintals of wood, and about 1000 coverlids.

Paris, Aug. 22-The decree of the 5th inst. increasing the duties on the colonial goods therein mentioned, is to be put in force at the moment that it is officially received. The duties are payable without any exception whatever. The regulations formerly established respecting the importation of colonial produce, remain in full force, without any change whatever.

According to the information of persons who have lately arrived from Spain, the principal road from Bayonne to Madrid is now completely free and secure; and travellers, taking merely the usual precautions, are not exposed to the slightest danger. There is no want of provisions; meat, bread, vegetables, and wine, are to be had in abundance, and at a very fair charge. There is very good accomodation in the inns, and the troops that are billeted on the inhabitants, now meet with a favourable reception. Assassinations are no more heard of. It is remarkable, that for about a year past, a number of French men and Italians have been settled in

the towns, along the great road, as innkeepers, restaurateurs, &c. for the rest, in the north of Spain, the gendarmerie are very active, and take effectual measures for maintaming the public peace : the brigands are pursued, and exertions are made to exterminate them in every quarter. The most perfeet tranquillity prevails in Madrid; the theatres are numerously attended, and the people pursue their ordinary vocations. There have been several bull-fights there, since the beginning of July: the Spaniards take infinite pleasure in seeing this diversion, for which the French have no sort of relish. Several persons lost their lives upon the occasions alluded to.

The French Emperor, by a decree, dated at St. Cloud, the 30th of June, has extended the benefit of his decree of amnesty, of March 25, to seamen that have deserted, and are at present prisoners in England, or employed on board the enemy's vessels, upon condition of their making a declaration of repentance within six months, for those employed in the Mediterranean and generally on this side of the Cape of Good Hope; and 18 months for those beyond the Cape; and upon the further condition of their reporting themselves

ready for service on their arrival in the ports of France.

The ports into which importation is to be permitted, are limited, by an order of Bonaparte, to five; namely, Ostend, Rouen, Rochelle, Nantes, and Bourdeaux. The licences issued for the admittance of vessels into these ports, contain the condition, that their return cargoes consist of half wines or brandies.


The following royal order, dated the 31st ult. and transmitted through the usual channel to the consulate, has been published:


The council of regency no sooner received the unexpected and disagreeable intelligence of the events that have occurred in the Caraccas, the natives whereof, instigated no doubt by some intriguers and factious persons, have committed the indignity of declaring themselves independent of the mother country, and created a junta of government which exercises the pretended independent authority, than his Majesty determined upon taking the most active and efficacious measures to attack an evil so scandalous both in its origin and progress. But in order to proceed with that mature deliberation and circumspection, which a matter of such importance demands, his Majesty thought it proper to advise thereon with the supreme council of Spain and the Indies. This has accordingly been done, and such measures have consequently been adopted, as his Majesty entertains no doubt will accomplish the object in view; more particularly as, according to subsequent accounts, neither the capital and province Maracaibo, that of Coro, nor even the interior of Caraccas itself, have taken part in so criminal a proceeding; but on the contrary, that they have not only recognized the council of regency, but also, animated with the best spirit in favour of the people of the mother country, have taken the most efficacious measures to oppose the absurd idea of the Caraccas declaring themselves independent, without the means of mainhas, nevertheless, deemed it indispentaining their independence. His Majesty sable to declare, as he hereby declares, the Province of the Caraccas to be in a state of rigorous blockade; ordering that

no vessels shall enter the ports thereof, under pain of being detained by the Cruizers and vessels of his Majesty, and forbidding all commandants and chiefs civil or military of any of the provinces or dominions of his Majesty, to authorize vessels to proceed to La Guiara, or to grant permits or licences to any vessel bound thereto, or to any port or creek of the said province; and further, commanding that all vessels sailing therefrom whithersoever bound, shall be seized, detained, and confiscated; and in order to carry this measure into effect, his Majesty is forwarding a sufficient naval force to prevent any vessel from entering or departing from the ports of the said province.-His Majesty also directs that all commandants and chiefs of the provinces contiguous to the said province, do obstruct the introduction therein of any description of provisions, arms, or stores, and likewise the exportation of the productions of its soil or industry; and that they exert themselves to cut off all communications with the inhabitants of the said province. This royal resolution does not extend to such provinces of that captain-generalship as, declining to follow the pernicious example of that of the Caraccas, have manifested their constant fidelity, by renouncing the project of rebellion, which has solely originated in the unbounded ambition of some of the inhabitants, and the blind credulity of the rest; in suffering themselves to be hurried away by the inflamed passions of their fellow-countrymen. His Majesty has taken the proper means for the complete extirpation of these evils, and chastising the authors thereof with all the rigour which the rights of sovereignty authorise him to exercise, if they do not previously make a voluntary submission; in which case his Majesty grants them a general pardon.-His Majesty orders that these dispositions be circulated in his dominions for the purpose of being carried into effect, and also in foreign parts, that they may conform themselves to the measures adopted for the blockade of the above mentioned coasts; and by order of his Majesty I transmit the same to your Honour for your information, &c.

The recent accounts from India are by no means of a pleasing nature. The dissatisfaction which pervades our army, has given encouragement to some of the

native powers who were alone bound to our dominion by force, and in various quarters the standard of revolt has been raised. The war in the Oude and in Bundelcund was continued to the date of the late dispatches, and Bopal, Kotrah, and many other provinces were in a state of insurrection.

Colonel Martindell's army, which had marched against Ameer Khan, comprised the 5Sd regiment, the first battalions of the 17th and 22d, under Colonel D'Auvergne; the battalion of light companies, under Major Kelly; and the bri gade of cavalry, consisting of the 1st, 5th, and 6th regiments, under Colonel Fawcett, 42 European artillerymen, teu 6-pounders, four howitzers, and a company of pioneers. They bad, on the 29th January, arrived at Kilassa, within three short marches of Seronge, the capital of Meer Khan, and waited the arrival of his heavy artillery (of four 18pounders and four howitzers) from Bundelcund, when it was supposed they would proceed to Seronge, and forming a junction under its walls with Colonel Close, who had advanced from Hydrabad with 10,000 men, lay siege to that fortress.

Serious disturbances took place in the province of Oude at the beginning of this year, in consequence of the revolt of the Rajah of Nauparah, a principal Zemindar in the Vizier's dominions. Six companies of the 16th N. I. was sent against him, under the orders of Major Bird, but the enemy was so strongly posted, that it was found necessary to sent Lieut.-Col. M'Grath with two battalions and two troops of cavalry to Major Bird's assistance. On the approach of Col. M'Grath, the enemy abandoned Sicrora, and Puragpore was carried by assault, with the loss of Lieu tenants S. Woolley and W. H. Dixon, 1st battalion of the 9th N. I. and 82 sepoys. On the 20th of February, our troops were advancing from the latter place against the fortresses occupied by the rebels; and it was hoped, that within a month, the campaign would be terminated.

The American brig Taamamah is arrived at Falmouth, in 16 days from the Chesapeak. She has brought duplicates of dispatches to Mr. Pinckney, the originals of which were forwarded, on the 1st ult. by the American sloop of war Hornet, with

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