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ibid. Capt. Norris's Suspension taken off; and Proteft there-

On, 21. Debate on the Partition Treaty, 22. Facts as to

the faid Treaty flated; and Proteft thereon, 23. Third

Head; and Proteft thereon, 24 Quetion relating to the

French King's Acceptance of the King of Spain's Will; and

Proteit thereon, 25. Addrefs touching the Treaty of Parti-

tion; and Proteft thereon, ibid. Counter- Addrefs to one of

the Commons, for removing certain Lords from the King's

Prefence and Councils; and Proteft thercon, 26. Laft Pro-

teftation ordered to be expunged, ibid. Proteft thereon, 27.

The faid Counter- Addrefs and Controversy occafioned by the
King's returning no Aníwer, ibid. First and fecond Para-
graphs of an Aniwer to the Commons, debated; and Proteft
thereon, 28. Laft Paragraph; and Proteft thereon, ibid.
Refolution not to have a Committee of both Houses in re-
lation to the Trials of the impeached Lords; and Proteft
thereon, 29. No Lord upon his Trial to be without the
Bar; and Protelt thereon, ibid. Meffage to the Commons
for a free Conference, ibid. Protelt thereon, 30. Refolu-
tion not to have a Committee of both Houfes insisted upon;
and Proteft thereon, ibid. Lord Haversham to be declared
innocent of the Commons Charge, unless it be prosecuted;
and Proteft thereon, ibid. Printed Votes of the Commons,
debated; and Proteft thereon, 31. King James dies, and
his Son is proclaim'd by the French King, ibid.

The Sixth Parliament of King William.

Lords Addrefs, 32. King's Answer, 33. Late King

James's Wife attainted; and Proteft thereon, ibid, Bill for

the Security of his Majesty's Perfon; and Proteft thereon, 34.

Death of King William, 35. Queen Anne proclaimed, ibid.

Great Alterations at Court, ibid. Lords Addrefs on the

Declaration of War with France, ibid. Queen's Answer, 36.

Lords Refolution concerning falfe Reports of the deceafed

King, ibid. Prefented to the Queen; and her Majesty's

Antwer, 37. Lords Proceedings in repect to a Book called,

The History of the late Parliament, ibid. Lords Proceedings

in respect to a Pamphlet called, Tom Double, &c. 39. Lords

cenfure the Animadverfions upon a Sermon on the 30th of

January, 41. Lords cenfure Dr. Bincke's Sermon, ibid.

Lords cenfure a Book about inviting over the Elector of Han-

over, 43. Exploits abroad, 44.

The First Parliament of Queen Anne.

Lords Addrefs, 44. Queen's Anfwer, 45. Lords Ad-

drefs to the Queen about the Bishop of Worcester; and the

Queen's Anfwer thereto, ibid. Their Vote thereon, ibid.

Claufe touching the Prince of Denmark's Capacity, not to be

left out of the Bill, 45. Proteft thereon, 46. Protest a-

gainst the Claufes relating to the Grants, ibid. Squire and

Thompson's Petition, relating to Lord Wharton's Appeal, dif

miffed; and Proteft thereon, 47. Bill for qualifying Mem-

bers of the House of Commons, ibid. Protett thereon, 48.

Lords Addrefs, occafioned by a Controverfy with the Com-

mons, relating to the Report of the Commiffioners of Ac-

counts, ibid. Proteft on a Motion fer printing the Occafional

Conformity-Bill, ibid. Queen's Anfwer to the Lord's Addrefs,

49. Affairs abroad, ibid. A Lift of the Houe of Peers, ibid.

Second Seffion of the First Parliament of Queen Anne, 54.

Lords Addrels, ibid Queen's Anfwer, 55. Proceedings

on the Occafional Conformity-Bill, 56. Bishop of Salisbury's

Speech, ibid. Lord Haversham's Speech, 64. The Bill re-

jected, 67. Abstract of the Occafional Conformity- Bi, ibid.

A Lift of Peers who voted for and against the Bill, 69.

Scotch Plot, 71.
The Lords examine into the faid Plot,

and address the Queen, ibid. Controversy with the Commons

thereon, ibid. Addrefs to the Queen on the Deficiency of

Seamen; and her Majelly's Aniwer, ibid.
Votes against

Admiral Graydon, 72. Bill for raifing Recruits; and Pret

thereon, ibid. Votes on the Report of the Secret Cor mit-

tee, ibid. The Lords Committees thank'd, 73. Si: John

Maclean's Narrative to the Earl of Nottingham; and Proteft

thereon, ibid. The Report of the Lord Committee appoint-

ed to draw up the State of the Cafe upon the Writ of Error,

lately depending in the Houfe of Peers, in which Matthew

Abby was Plaintiff, and William White and others Defen-

dants: With the Refolution of the House of Peers relating

thereunto, 74-
Refolutions of the Lords on the State of the

Cafe, 97. Second Reprefentation to the Queen, 98. Her.

Majefty's molt gracious Anfwer, 107. Precedents out of

the Journals of the Houfe of Lords, 108. Precedents out of

the Journals of the House of Commons, 118. Alterations at

Court, 124. Exploits of the Year 1704, 125.

Third Seffion of the First Parliament of Q. Anne, 125.

Addrefs to fecure the northern Borders against the Scots, ibid.

Bill to enable the Earl of Bath to make Leafes, ibid. Proteft

thereon, 126. Bill for recruiting the Land-Forces and

Proteft thereon, ibid. Lords Reprefentation to the Queen

against the Commons, ibid. Her Majefty's Anfwer, 144.

Promotions, 145. Affairs abroad, ibid.

Speech, 148. Divifion on the Queftion for inviting over the

Princess Sophia; and Proteft thereon, 151. Bill for the bet-

ter Security of ner Majetty, brought in, ibid. Another for

naturalizing the Hanover-Line, ibid. A Third to appoint a

Regency on the Queen's Deceafe, 152. A Fourth for a

Union with Scotland, ibid. A Fifth Bill for the better Se-

curity of her Majetty's Perfon, ibid. A Rider, rejected;

and Proteft thereon, ibid. The Bill pass'd; and Proteft

thereon, 153. Vote on the Danger of the Church, 154.

Lord Rochester's Speech, ibid. Lord Hallifax's Speech, 155.

Bishop of London's Speech, 156. Bishop of Sarum's Speech,

ibid. Archbishop of York's Speech, 158. Lord Wharton's

Speech, ibid. Archbishop of York's Speech, ibid. Bishop of

Ely's Speech, 159. Bihop of Litchfield and Coventry's Speech,

ibid. Bifhop of Bath and Well's Speech, ibid. Duke of

Leed's Speech, 160. Lord Somers's Speech, ibid. Church

voted in no Danger; and Proteft thereon, ibid. Queen's

Proclamation about the Church, 162. Summer's Exploits,


Second Seffion of the Second Parliament of Q. Anne, 164.

Lord Addrefs, ibid Queen's Anfwer, 165. Honours be-
flowed, 166. Debate on a Motion, that the Proceedings on
the Union may be laid before the Lords, 167. The Earl of
Nottingham's Speech, ibid. The Sentiments of the Earl of
Rochefter, ibid Duke of Buckingham's Speech, ibid. The
Lord Treasurer Godolphin's Speech; and the Sentiments of the
Lords Wharton, Somers and Hallifax, ibid. Earl of Nottingham's
Motion dropp'd, ibid. An Act for the Security of the Church
of England, 168 Amendments thereto rejected, and Pro-
teft thereon, ibid, A Debate on the Union, ibid. Earl of
Rochefier's Speech, ibid. The Sentiments of the Earls of An
glefea and Nottingham, 169. Lord Haversham's Speech, ibid.
The fix firit Articles of the Union approved by the Lords,
72. The Sentiments of the Lords North and Grey, and Hal.

lifax, 173. The 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th Articles.

approved, ibid. The Sentiments of the Earls of Nottingham

and Hallifax, ibid. The 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th

Articles approved, 174. The Sentiments of the Earl of

Thanet, Marquis of Lindfey, and Earl of Rochefer, ibid Of

the Earl of Nottingham, Lord North and Grey, Earl of Whar

ton, Lord Haversham, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and the

Lords Somers and Hallifax, 175. And the Earl of Arran's,

176. The Treaty of Union approved of by the Lords; and

Proteft thereon, ibid. A Rider offered to the Bill of Union;

and rejected, 178. Proteft against the Ratification of the

Union, ibid. Affairs Abroad, 179.

put in Westminster-Hall; and Proteft thereon, 275. The

Doctor voted guilty; and a Lift of the Lords on each Side

of the Question, 276. Changes at Court, 278. Affairs

Abroad, 279.

The Third Parliament of Great Britain.

Lords Addrefs to the Queen, 280. Her Majesty's Answer,

281. Motion about returning Thanks to the Duke of Marl-

borough, ibid. The Misfortune at Bribuega communicated by

Meffage; and Addrefs thereon, ibid. Queen's Anfwer, 282.

Remarkable Enquiry into the Conduct of the War with Spain,

ibid. The Earl of Galway gives the Lords an Account of

his Conduct, 283. Lord Tyrawley ftands on the Reserve,

ibid. The Sentiments of the Earls of Wharton and Godolphin,

Lord Hallifax, and the Duke of Marlborough, ibid. Farther

Debate about the Affairs of Spain; together with the Sen-

timents of the Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Godolphin,

Duke of Buckingham, ibid. And Earl of Scarborough, 284.

The Queen comes incog. into the Houfe of Peers, ibid. The

Earl of Galway's Narrative, ibid. The Five Questions put

to the Earl of Peterborough, and his Lordship's Anfwer, 292.

Earl of Abingdon's Questions to the Earl of Galway and Lord

Tyrawley, and their Anfwers, 299, 300. The Sentiments

of the Duke of Argyle, Earl of Peterborough, Lord Hailifax,

Duke of Buckingham, Lord Hallifax, Earl of Abingdon and

Duke of Argyle, 300. Duke of Marlborough, Lord North

and Grey, Lord Cowper and Duke of Buckingham, 301.

Duke of Marlborough, Earl of Rochester and Earl of Peter-

borough, 302. Question put to the Lord Tyrawley; and his

Anfwer, ibid. The Sentiments of the Earl of Nottingham,

Duke of Buckingham and Lord Hallifax, ibid. Earl of Pe-

terborough, Duke of Marlborough, Earl of Godolphin and Earl

Paulett, 303. Two other Questions put to the Lord Tyrawly,

ibid. The Sentiments of the Earl of Peterborough, Earl of

Paulett, Earl of Abingdon and Lord Cowper, ibid. Several

Papers read, ibid. Debate on the Earl of Peterborough's Ac-

count, 307. The Sentiments of the Duke of Argyle and

Earl Paulett, ibid. Earl of Wharton and Lord Hallifax, 308.

Second Debate on the Affairs of Spain, ibid. The Sentiments

of the Earl Paulett, Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Dorchester,

Lord North and Grey and Duke of Buckingham, ibid. Duke

of Devonshire, Earl of Rochester, Lord Somers, Duke of Ar-

gyle and Lord Cowper, 309. Earls of Nottingham, Wharton,

and Duke of Buckingham, 310. Earl Paulett, Duke of

Shrewsbury, Earl of Godolphin, Earl of Ferrers, Lord Halli-

fax, Earl Paulett, Earl of Marr, Duke of Argyle and Duke

of Devonshire, 311. Duke of Buckingham, Lord Guernsey,

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