A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy: With a Map and a Plan of Rome, Volume 1Clarendon Press, 1826 - Ethnology |
From inside the book
Page 4
... miles . The little lake of Cutilię , near Reate , Rieti , in the Sabine country , was con- sidered as the umbilicus or centre of Italy . ( Plin . III . 12. ) In speaking of the general features of Italy , an- 4 ANCIENT ITALY .
... miles . The little lake of Cutilię , near Reate , Rieti , in the Sabine country , was con- sidered as the umbilicus or centre of Italy . ( Plin . III . 12. ) In speaking of the general features of Italy , an- 4 ANCIENT ITALY .
Page 9
... Sabines , of Daunia , " and Messapia , are inferior to none . Rich pastures feed innumerable herds and flocks , of oxen and " horses , of sheep and goats . Its mountains are " clothed with the finest timber , and contain quar- 66 ries ...
... Sabines , of Daunia , " and Messapia , are inferior to none . Rich pastures feed innumerable herds and flocks , of oxen and " horses , of sheep and goats . Its mountains are " clothed with the finest timber , and contain quar- 66 ries ...
Page 16
... Sabine nation , from whom were descended the Picentes , as well as the Ęqui , Marsi , Hernici , Peligni , Vestini ... Sabines , had P The former is the name by which this people was known to the Greeks ; the latter is their Latin ...
... Sabine nation , from whom were descended the Picentes , as well as the Ęqui , Marsi , Hernici , Peligni , Vestini ... Sabines , had P The former is the name by which this people was known to the Greeks ; the latter is their Latin ...
Page 94
... Sabines , he perhaps alluded to an old tradition which considered that people as descended from the Umbri . ( III . 15. ) Strabo informs us , that Ravenna was situated in the midst of marshes , and built entirely on wooden piles . A ...
... Sabines , he perhaps alluded to an old tradition which considered that people as descended from the Umbri . ( III . 15. ) Strabo informs us , that Ravenna was situated in the midst of marshes , and built entirely on wooden piles . A ...
Page 170
... Sabines , and Latium , by the Tiber to the south- east and south . ( Strab . V. 218. ) Beginning from the Macra , the first place we meet with on the coast of Etruria is Luna , celebrated for its beautiful and capacious harbour , now ...
... Sabines , and Latium , by the Tiber to the south- east and south . ( Strab . V. 218. ) Beginning from the Macra , the first place we meet with on the coast of Etruria is Luna , celebrated for its beautiful and capacious harbour , now ...
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A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy: With a Map, and ... J. A. Cramer No preview available - 2019 |
Common terms and phrases
according Adnot Adriatic Ędes Alps Ancient names antiquaries antiquity Apennines appears Appian Aqua Aquileia Ariminum Augustus Bell Cęs Cęsar called Capitol Cass celebrated Cisalpine Gaul Clusium Cluverius coast D'Anville Dion Dionysius Distances in Roman Domus emperor erected Etruria Etruscan Fest Forum Greek Hadria Hannibal hill Hist historian Holsten Holstenius inscriptions Ital Italy Itinerary Julius Cęsar known Lacus lake Lanzi Latin latter Liguria Livy mentioned Modern names Mons Monte Nardini noticed occupied origin OVID passage Pelasgi Picenum Placentia Plin Pliny Plut Polyb Polybius Porta Portus probably Ptol Ptolemy quę right bank river road Roma Roman colony Roman miles Rome ruins Sabines seems Servius Siculi situated stood Strabo Suet supposed Tacit temple Templum Tiber Ticinus tion town Tuscans Tyrrheni Tyrrhenian Umbri Varr Vell Vestini Vicus VIII Virgil writers
Popular passages
Page 68 - Primus ego in patriam mecum, modo vita supersit, Aonio rediens deducam vertice Musas; primus Idumaeas referam tibi, Mantua, palmas et viridi in campo templum de marmore ponam propter aquam, tardis ingens ubi flexibus errat Mincius et tenera praetexit harundine ripas.
Page 270 - Massicus humor implevere; tenent oleae armentaque laeta. hinc bellator equus campo sese arduus infert; 145 hinc albi, Clitumne, greges et maxima taurus victima, saepe tuo perfusi flumine sacro, Romanos ad templa deum duxere triumphos.
Page 69 - Mantua campum pascentem niveos herboso flumine cycnos: non liquidi gregibus fontes, non gramina deerunt; zoo et quantum longis carpent armenta diebus, exigua tantum gelidus ros nocte reponet. Nigra fere et presso pinguis sub vomere terra, et cui putre solum (namque hoc imitamur arando), optima frumentis : non ullo ex aequore cernes 205 plura domum tardis decedere plaustra iuvencis.
Page 131 - Antenor potuit mediis elapsus Achivis Illyricos penetrare sinus atque intima tutus regna Liburnorum et fontem superare Timavi, unde per ora novem vasto cum murmure montis 245 it mare proruptum et pelago premit arva sonanti.
Page 269 - Umbria te notis antiqua Penatibus edit. Mentior ? an patriae tangitur ora tuae, Qua nebulosa cavo rorat Mevania campo, Et lacus aestivis intepet Umber aquis, Scandentisque Asis consurgit vertice murus, 125 Murus ab ingenio notior ille tuo...
Page 76 - Paene insularum, Sirmio, insularumque ocelle, quascumque in liquentibus stagnis marique vasto fert uterque Neptunus, quam te libenter quamque laetus inviso, vix mi ipse credens Thyniam atque Bithynos 5 liquisse campos et videre te in tuto!
Page 7 - Atque aevi glaciem cohibent : riget ardua montis jEtherei facies, surgentique obvia Phoebo Duratas nescit flammis mollire pruinas. Quantum Tartareus regni pallentis hiatus Ad manes imos atque atrae stagna paludis A supera tellure patet : tam longa .per auras Erigitur tellus, et coelum intercipit umbra.
Page 67 - Mantua, dives avis : sed non genus omnibus unum : gens illi triplex, populi sub gente quaterni, ipsa caput populis, Tusco de sanguine vires.
Page 46 - Martis rapit: armaque late spargit et effuso laxat tentoria campo : 270 mutandaeque iuuat permissa licentia terrae. sic pleno Padus ore tumens super aggere tutas excurrit ripas et totos concutit agros : succubuit si qua tellus cumulumque furentem undarum non passa ruit : turn flumine toto 275 transit et ignotos aperit sibi gurgite campos. illos terra fugit dominos: his rura colonis accedunt donante Pado.
Page 238 - Veientibus armis ter centum Fabii ter cecidere duo. una domus vires et onus susceperat Urbis, sumunt gentiles arma professa manus.