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affuredly mend myfelf. If thefe wretches, my children, were princes, there would be thousands ready to offer their miniftry; but in my opinion, the heart that is buried in a dungeon is as precious as that feated upon a throne. Yes, my treasures, if I can ⚫ mend them I will; perhaps they will not all despise me. Perhaps I may catch up even one from the gulph, and that will be great gain; for is there upon earth a gem fo precious as the human foul?'

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Thus faying, I left them, and defcended to the common prifon, where I found the prifoners very merry, expecting my arrival; and each prepared with fome gaol trick to play upon the doctor. Thus, as I was going to begin, one turned my wig awry, as if by accident, and then asked my pardon. A fecond, who ftood at fome diftance, had a knack of fpitting through his teeth, which fell in fhowers upon my book. A third would cry Amen in fuch an affected tone as gave the reft great delight. A fourth had flyly picked my pocket of my fpectacles. But there was one whofe trick gave more univerfal pleasure than all the reft; for obferving the manner in which I had difpofed my books on the table before me, he very dexteroufly difplaced one of them, and put an obfcene jestbook of his own in the place. However, I took no notice of all that this mifchievous groupe of little beings could do; but went on, perfectly fenfible that what was ridiculous in my attempt, would excite mirth only the first or fecond time, while what was ferious would be permanent. My defign fucceeded, and, in lefs than fix days, fome were penitent, and all attentive.

It was now that I applauded my perfeverance and addrefs, at thus giving fenfibility to wretches divested of every moral feeling, and now began to think of doing them temporal fervices alfo, by rendering their fituation fomewhat more comfortable. Their time had hitherto been divided between famine and excefs, tumultuous riot and bitter repining. Their only employment was quarrelling among each other, play


ing at cribbage, and cutting tobacco-stoppers. From this last mode of idle industry I took the hint of fetting fuch as chofe to work at cutting pegs for tobacconifts and fhoemakers, the proper wood being bought by a general fubfcription, and when manufactured, fold by my appointment; fo that each earned fomething every day: a trifle indeed, but fufficient to maintain him.

I did not ftop here, but inftituted fines for the punishment of immorality, and rewards for peculiar industry. Thus, in less than a fortnight, I had formed them into fomething focial and humane, and had the pleasure of regarding myself as a legislator, who had brought men from their native ferocity into friend/hip

and obedience.

And it were highly to be wifhed, that legislative power would thus direct the law rather to reformation than feverity. That it would feem convinced that the work of eradicating crimes is not by making punishments familiar, but formidable. Then inftead of our prefent prifons, which find or make men guilty, which enclose wretches for the commiffion of one crime, and return them, if returned alive, fitted for the perpetration of thousands; we should fee, as in other parts of Europe, places of penitence and folitude, where the accused might be attended by fuch as could give them repentance if guilty, or new motives to virtue if innocent. And this, but not the increasing punishments, is the way to mend a state: nor can I avoid even questioning the validity of that right which focial combinations have affumed of capitally punishing offences of a flight nature. In cafes of murder their right is obvious, as it is the duty of us all, from the law of self-defence, to cut off that man who has fhewn a difregard for the life of another. Against fuch, all nature rifes in arms; but it is not fo against him who fteals my property. Natural law gives me no right to take away his life, as by that the horfe he steals is as much his property as mine. If then I have any right, it must be from a compa&t


made between us, that he who deprives the other of his horfe fhall die. But this is a falfe compact; because no man has a right to barter his life, no more than take it away, as it is not his own. And befide,

the compact is inadequate, and would be fet afide even in a court of modern equity, as there is a great penalty for a very trifling convenience, fince it is far better that two men fhould live, than one man should ride. But a compact that is false between two men, is equally fo between an hundred and an hundred thousand; for as ten millions of circles can never make a fquare, fo the united voice of myriads cannot lend the fmalleft foundation to falfehood. It is thus that reason speaks, and untutored nature fays the fame thing. Savages that are directed by natural law alone are very tender of the lives of each other; they feldom fhed blood but to retaliate former cruelty.

Our Saxon ancestors, fierce as they were in war, had but few executions in times of peace; and in all commencing governments that have the print of nature ftill ftrong upon them, fcarce any crime is held capital.

It is among the citizens of a refined community that penal laws, which are in the hands of the rich, are laid upon the poor. Government, while it grows older, feems to acquire the morofeness of age; and as if our property were become dearer in proportion as i increased, as if the more enormous our wealth, the more extenfive our fears, all our poffeffions are paled with new edicts every day, and hung round with gibbets to scare every invader.


I cannot tell whether it is from the number of our penal laws, or the licentioufnefs of our people, that this country should fhew more convicts in a year, than half the dominions of Europe united. Perhaps it is owing to both; for they mutually produce each other. When by indifcriminate penal laws a nation beholds the fame punishment affixed to diffimilar degrees of guilt, from perceiving no diftinction in the penalty, the people


are led to lofe all fenfe of diftinction in the crime, and this diftinction is the bulwark of áll morality: thus the multitude of laws produce new vices, and new vices call for fresh restraints.

It were to be wished then that power, inftead of contriving new laws to punish vice, instead of drawing hard the cords of fociety till a convulfion come to burst them, inftead of cutting away wretches as ufelefs, before we have tried their utility, instead of converting correction into vengeance, it were to be wished that we tried the restrictive arts of government, and made law the protector, but not the tyrant of the people. We should then find that creatures, whofe fouls are held as drofs, only wanted the hand of a refiner; we fhould then find that wretches, now ftuck up for long tortures, left luxury fhould feel a momentary pang, might, if properly treated, serve to finew the itate in times of danger; that, as their faces are like ours, their hearts are so too; that few minds are fo bafe as that perfeverance cannot amend; that a man may fee his laft crime without dying for it; and that very little blood will ferve to cement our fecurity.


Happiness and mifery rather the refult of prudence than of virtue in this life. Temporal evils or felicities being regarded by heaven as things merely in themselves trifling, and unworthy its care in the diftribution.


HAD now been confined more than a fortnight, but had not fince my arrival been vifited by my dear Olivia, and I greatly longed to fee her. Having communicated my wishes to my wife, the next morning the poor girl entered my apartment, leaning on her fifter's arm. The change which I faw in her countenance ftruck me. The numberless graces that once refided there were now fled, and the hand of death feemed to have moulded every feature to alarm



Her temples were funk, her forehead was tense, and a fatal paleness fat upon her cheek.

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I am glad to fee thee, my dear,' cried I; 'but why this dejection, Livy? I hope, my love, you have too great a regard for me, to permit difappointment thus to undermine a life, which I prize Be cheerful, child, and we yet may

as my own.

fee happier days.'

You have ever, Sir,' replied fhe, 'been kind to ‹ me, and it adds to my pain, that I shall never have an opportunity of fharing that happiness you promife. Happiness, I fear, is no longer referved for me here; and I long to be rid of a place where F have only found diftrefs. Indeed, Sir, I wish you would make a proper fubmiffion to Mr. Thornhill; it may, in fome measure, induce him to pity you, and it will give me relief in dying.'

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Never, child,' replied I, never will I be brought ⚫ to acknowledge my daughter a prostitute; for though the world may look upon your offence with scorn, let it be mine to regard it as a mark of credulity, not of guilt. My dear, I am no way miferable in this place, however dismal it may feem, and be affured, that while you continue to bless me by living, he fhall never have my consent to make you more wretched by marrying another.'

After the departure of my daughter, my fellow-prifoner, who was by at this interview, fenfibly enough expoftulated upon my obftinacy, in refufing a fubmiffion, which promised to give me freedom. He obferved, that the rest of my family was not to be facrificed to the peace of one child alone, and the the only one who had offended me. " Befide,' added he, I don't know if it be just thus to obftruct the union of man and wife, which you do at prefent, by refufing to confent to a match which you cannot hinder, but may render unhappy.'

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Sir,' replied I, you are unacquainted with the man that oppreffes us. I am very sensible that no ⚫ fubmiffion I can make could procure me liberty even H

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