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SAL ALEMBROTH, a compound of muriate of mercury and ammonia.


It is

SAL AMMONIAC, muriate of ammonia. AMMONIA, AMMONIAC SAL, and MURIATIC ACID. This salt, according to Mongou, is met with in the form of an efflorescence on the surface of the earth, or adhering in powder to rocks. Sometimes, as in Persia and the country of the Kalmucks, it is found as hard as stone. met with of different colors, as gray, black, green, and red, in the neighbourhood of volcanoes, in the caverns or grottos of Puzzuoli, and in the mineral lakes of Tuscany, as well as in some mountains of Tartary and Thibet. At Solfaterra, near Naples, it is found in the crevices, of a yellowish color, like common sal ammoniac that

has been often sublimed.

SAL PRUNELLE, nitrate of potass cast into round balls or flat cakes after being fused.

SALACIA, in botany, a genus of the trigynia order, and gynandria class of plants: CAL. quinquefid: coR. quinquepetalous; antheræ on the top of the gerni. Species two, natives of China. SALACIOUS, adj. Lustful: lecherous; Fr. salace; Lat. salux.


SALA CITY, n. s.
Immoderate salacity and excess of venery sup-
posed to shorten the lives of cocks.

Browne's Vulgar Errours.
One more salacious, rich, and old,
Out-bids, and buys her.

Dryden's Juvenal.

A corrosive acrimony in the seminal lympha pro-
duces salacity.
Floyer on the Humours.
Animals spleened, grow extremely salacious.

SALAD, n. s. Fr. salade. Food of raw herbs. It has been generally pronounced sallet. I climbed into this garden to pick a salad, which is not amiss to cool a man's stomach.

Shakspeare. Henry VI.

My sallet days,

When I was green in judgment, cold in blood.

You have, to rectify your palate,

An olive, capers, some better salad,
Ushering the mutton.

I tried upon sallet oil.


Ben Jonson.
Some coarse cold salad is before thee set;
Fall on.
Dryden's Persius.
Sow some early salleting. Mortimer's Husbandry.
Leaves eaten raw are termed salad; if boiled they
become potherbs; and some of those plants which
are potherbs in one family are salad in another.


SALADILLO, a river of Buenos Ayres, which rises in vast plains in the interior, and, running to the south-east, falls into the sea near the mouth of the La Plata, on the southern side.

SALADIN, a sultan of Egypt, equally renowned as a warrior and legislator. He supported himself by his valor against the united efforts of the chief Christian potentates of Europe,

who carried on the most unjust wars against him, under the false appellation of Holy Wars. See CRUSADE.

SALADO, an abundant river of South America, in the province of Tucuman, which has its rise from many streams flowing down the western declivity of the Andes, in lat. 24° S. It derives its name from the salt with which its waters are impregnated.

SALAMANCA, a province of Spain, forming the south part of the kingdom of Leon, and bordering on Portugal; between 5° and 7° of W. long, and 40° and 41° 38′ of N. lat. It has a superficial extent of 1500 square miles, consisting partly of a dead flat, destitute of trees, and deficient in water; partly, particularly in the south, of lofty mountains, where are found the Sierras of Francia, Bejar, Gredos, Gata, and Puerto del Pico. It is watered by the Douro, the Aguedar, the Yeltes, the Tormes, and the Alagon, and contains the small lake of Gredos. The climate is in general dry and hot; but the mountains are rich in minerals, and the more favorable exposures produce vines, and other fruits of a warm climate. The wool of this province is good; the best pastures being allotted to the Merino breed of sheep. Inhabitants 200,000. The contraband trade with Portugal is very considerable.

SALAMANCA, an ancient city of Spain, is situated on the ascent of three hills, having the river Tormes at their base. The environs are pleasant, and, along with the numerous spires of the city, are happily contrasted with the surrounding monotonous country. The town has a wall, thirteen gates, several squares and fountains, and a number of massy buildings; but the streets are all on uneven ground, and often in want of water. The houses are uniform, and of a good height, with balconies in front; and one of the sides of the great square is occupied by the town-house. Other public buildings are the cathedral, university, churches, and convents. The cathedral is a majestic Gothic edifice, entered by a fine gate, and admired in the interior for the boldness of the arches, and the finished character of the sculpture. The bishop's see is of very remote date.

The university was founded in 1239, and had long a considerable reputation. The buildings are still extensive, consisting of twenty-five colleges, and the number of professional chairs fully sixty; while the students do not at present exceed 300 or 400.

Here are various vestiges of antiquity, in particular a Roman road leading to Merida, and a Roman bridge over the Tormes, of twenty-seven arches, and about 500 feet in length. The banks of the river, and the country to the west of Salamanca, were the scene of an engagement between the British under lord Wellington, and the French under Marmont, in July 1812. Salamanca is 153 miles W. N.W. of Madrid.

SALAMANCA, a small town of Mexico, in the intendancy of Guanaxuato, situated in a rising plain, at the height of 7075 feet above the level of the sea. It is about seventy miles N. N.W. of Valladolid, and 150 north-west of Mexico. Also, formerly, a city of South America, in the

kingdom of New Granada, and province of Santa Martha, of which little remains but a small village.

SAL'AMANDER, n. s. Į Fr. salamandre; SALAMAN DRINE, adj. Lat. salamandra. An animal supposed to live in the fire, and imagined to be very poisonous: salamandrine, capable of beåring fire unhurt.

The salamander liveth in the fire, and hath force also to extinguish it. Bacon's Natural History. There may be such candles as are made of salamander's wool, being a kind of mineral, which whiteneth in the burning, and consumeth not.


According to this hypothesis, the whole lunar world is a torrid zone, and may be supposed uninha

bitable, except they are salamanders which dwell Glanville's Scepsis.


Whereas it is commonly said that a salamander extinguisheth fire, we have found by experience that on hot coals it dieth immediately.

Browne's Vulgar Errours. Laying it into a pan of burning coals, we observed a certain salamandrine quality, that made it capable of living in the midst of fire, without being consumed or singed. Spectator.

The artist was so encompassed with fire and smoke that one would have thought nothing but a salamander could have been safe in such a situation.

Addison's Guardian. Of English talc, the coarser sort is called plaister or parget; the finer, spaad, earth flax, or salamander's



SALAMANDER. See LACERTA. SALAMIS, an island of the archipelago, in the Sinus Saronicus, on the south coast of Attica, opposite to Eleusis; celebrated for a battle between the Greek and Persian fleets. In the council of war held before this battle, among the Persians, queen Artemisia was the only person who opposed their design of engaging. She was queen of Halicarnassus, and followed Xerxes in this war with five ships, the best equipped of any in the fleet, except those of the Sidonians. She represented in the council of war the dangerous consequences of engaging a people far more expert in maritime affairs than the Persians; alleging that the loss of a battle at sea would be attended with the ruin of their army; whereas, by lengthening out the war, and advancing into the heart of Greece, they would create jealousies and divisions among their enemies, who would separate to defend each his own country; and that the king might thus make himself master of Greece. This prudent advice was not followed, but an engagement was resolved upon. Xerxes, to encourage his men, caused a throne to be erected on the top of an eminence, whence he might safely behold whatever happened; having several scribes about him, to write down the names of such as should signalise themselves. The approach of the Persian fleet, with the news that a strong detachment from the army was marching against Cleombrotus, who defended the isthmus, struck such terror into the Peloponnesians that they could not be prevailed upon to stay any longer at Salamis, but insisted on returning to their own country. Themistocles, hearing of this, privately despatched a trusty friend to the Persian commanders, informing them of the intended flight,

and exhorting them to send part of their fleet round the island, to prevent their escape. The same messenger assured Xerxes that Themistocles designed to join the Persians, as soon as the battle began, with all the Athenian ships. The king, giving credit to this, immediately caused a strong squadron to sail round the island in the night to cut off the enemy's retreat. Early next morning, as the Peloponnesians were preparing to set sail, they found themselves encompassed on all sides by the Persian fleet, and were against their inclination compelled to remain in the straits of Salamis and expose themselves to the same dangers with their allies. As to the number of the Persian ships the poet Eschylus speaks of it in his tragedy of Persæ as a

matter he was well assured of:

A thousand ships (for well I know the number
The Persian flag obeyed), two hundred more
And seven, o'erspread the seas.

The Athenians had only 180 galleys, each carried eighteen men that fought upon deck, four of whom were archers and the rest heavy armed. Themistocles avoided the engagement till a certain wind, which rose regularly every day at the same time, began to blow. As soon as this wind blew he gave the signal for battle. The Persians advanced with great resolutions, but the wind blowing directly in their faces, and the largeness and number of their ships embarrassing them in a place so narrow, they were thrown into disorder; which the Greeks observing, broke into the Persian fleet; some of whom fled towards Phalarus, where their army lay encamped; others saving themselves in the harbours of the neighbouring islands. Queen Artemisia distinguished herself, her ships being the last that fled : which Xerxes observing, cried out that the men behaved like women, and the women with the courage and intrepidity of men. The Athenians offered a reward of 10,000 drachmas to any one that should take her alive, but she got clear of the ships and arrived safe on the coast of Asia. In this engagement the Grecians lost forty ships; and the Persians 200, besides many more that were captured. Pausanias says that on one side of this island stood in his time a temple of Diana, and on the other a trophy for a victory obtained by Themistocles, together with the temple of Cenchreus, or Cychreus, the site of which is now thought to be occupied by the church of St. Nicholas.

SALAMIS, the capital of the above island. This city was demolished by the Athenians, because in the war with Cassander it surrendered to the Macedonians. In the second century, when it was visited by Pausanias, some ruins of the Agora or market-place remained, with a temple and image of Ajax; and not far from the port was shown a stone, on which they related Telamon sat to view the Salaminian ships on their departure to join the Grecian fleet at Aulis. The walls may still be traced, and were about four miles in circumference. The level space within them is now covered with green corn. The port is choked with mud, and was partly dry. Among the scattered marbles are some with inscriptions. On one, near the port, the name

of Solon occurs. This renowned lawgiver was a native of Salamis, and a statue of him was erected in the market-place, with one hand covered by his vest, the modest attitude in which he was accustomed to address the people of

Athens. The island of Salamis is now inhabited by a few Albanians, who till the ground.

SALAMIS, SALAMINA, or SALAMINIA, an ancient town of Cyprus on the south-east coast. It was built by Teucer, and so named by him from the island from which he had been banished, about A. A. C. 1270. His descendants continued masters of it for above 800 years. It was destroyed by an earthquake, but rebuilt in the fourth century, and called Constantia. It is now called Salina.

SALAMIS, in the mythology, a daughter of the river god Asopus, by the nymph Methone. Neptune became enamoured of her, and carried her to the island afterwards named from her, where she bore him a son, named Cenchreus.

SALAPIA, or SALAPIE, in ancient geography, a town of Italy, in Apulia; to which Hannibal retired after the battle of Cannæ. It was afterwards taken from him by Marcellus.

SALARY, n. s. Fr. salaire; Lat. salarium. Stated hire; annual or periodical payment of


This is hire and salary, not revenge. Shakspeare. Several persons, out of a salary of five hundred pounds, have always lived at the rate of two thousand. Swift.

SALASSI, an ancient people of Gallia Cisalpina, who were often at war with the Romans. In A. U. C. 610 they cut off an army of 10,000 Romans under Appius Claudius; but were soon after defeated, and at last totally subdued, and sold as slaves by Augustus. Their country was settled by a Roman colony, and called Prætoria Augusta.

SALE, n. s. Goth. sala; Belg. saal. SALE'ABLE, adj. The act or power of selling; SALEABLY, adv. vent; market; public marSALES MAN, n. s. ket; auction; price: used SALE WORK. by Spenser for a sale basket: the derivatives correspond: sale-work is, work merely for sale; careless work.

Nothing doth more enrich any country than many towns; for the countrymen will be more industrious in tillage, and rearing of all husbandry commodities, knowing that they shall have ready sale for them at those towns. Spenser.

To make baskets of bulrushes was my wont;
Who to entrap the fish in winding sale
Was better?


The other is not a thing for sale, and only the gift of the gods. Shakspeare. Cymbeline.

I see no more in you than in the ordinary Of Nature's sale-work.

Id. As You Like It.

I can impute this general enlargement of saleable things to no cause sooner than the Cornishman's want of vent and money.


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The more money a man spends, the more must he endeavour to increase his stock; which at last sets the liberty of a commonwealth to sale. Addison.

Poets make characters, as salesmen cloaths;

We take no measure of your fops and beaus. Swift.

SALE is the exchange of a commodity for money; barter, or permutation, is the exchange of one commodity for another. When the bargain is concluded, an obligation is contracted by the buyer to pay the value, and by the seller to deliver the commodity at the time and place agreed on, or immediately, if no time be specified. In this, as well as other mercantile contracts, the safety of commerce requires the utmost good faith and veracity. Therefore, although, by the laws of England, a sale above the value of £10 be not binding, unless earnest be paid, or the bargain be confirmed by writing, a merchant would lose all credit who refused to perform his agreement, although these legal requisites were omitted. When a specific thing is sold, the property, even before delivery, is in some respect vested in the buyer; and, if the thing perishes, the buyer must bear the loss. For example, if a horse dies before delivery, he must pay the value; but, if the bargain only determines the quantity and quality of the goods, without specifying the identical articles, and the seller's warehouse with all his goods be burned, he is entitled to no payment. He must also bear the loss if the thing perish through his fault. If a person purchase goods at a shop without agreeing for the price, he is liable for the ordinary market-price at the time of purchase. If the buyer prove insolvent before delivery, the seller is not bound to deliver the goods without payment or security. If the importation, or use of the commodities sold, be prohibited by law, or if the buyer knows that they were smuggled, no action lies for delivery. The property of goods is generally presumed, in favor of commerce, to belong to the possessor, and cannot be challenged in the hands of an onerous purchaser. But to this there are some exceptions. By the Scotch law stolen goods may in all cases be reclaimed by the proprietor, and also by the English law, unless they were bought bonâ fide in open market; that is, in the accustomed public places, on stated days in the country, or in a shop in London; and horses may be reclaimed, unless the sale be regularly entered by the bookkeeper of the market. In all cases, if the goods be evicted by the lawful proprietor, the seller is liable to the purchaser for the value. Actions for payment of shop-accounts, as well as other debts not constituted by writing, are limited in England to six years. The testimony of one witness is admitted; and the seller's books, although the person that kept them be dead, are good evidence for one year. In Scotland merchants' books may be proved within three years of the date of the last article, by one witness, and the creditor's books, and oath in supplement. After three years they can only be proved by the oath or writ of the debtor. A merchant's books are in all cases good evidence against him.

SALE (George), a learned English author, one of the writers in the Universal History, all the oriental part of which he compiled. He was

also engaged in other important literary labors; but his chief work is The Koran of Mahomet, which he translated into English from the original Arabic, and enriched with explanatory notes from the most approved commentators; and to which he prefixed a Preliminary Discourse; London, 4to. 1733. Mr. Sale died in


SALEM, a post town of Rockingham county, New Hampshire, thirty-five miles north of Boston, and thirty-five south-west of Portsmouth. Here is a woollen manufactory.

SALEM, a sea-port town of the United States, capital of Essex county, Massachusetts, four miles and a half north-west of Marblehead, fourteen N. N. E. of Boston, twenty-four south of Newburyport. It is chiefly built on a tongue of land formed by two inlets from the sea, called North and South rivers; over the former of which is a bridge, upwards of 1500 feet long, connecting Salem with Beverly, and the latter forms the harbour. The harbour has good anchorage, but the water is so shallow that vessels drawing more than twelve or fourteen feet must unload, in part, at a distance from the wharfs. The situation of Salem is low, but pleasant; it is well built; and with regard to population, wealth, and commerce, is the second town in New England. It contains a court-house, jail, alms-house, market-house, three banks, four insurance-offices, a custom-house, a grammar school, an orphan asylum, a bank for savings, a museum, an athenæum containing upwards of 5000 volumes well selected, and eleven houses of public worship, six for Congregationalists, two for Baptists, one for Episcopalians, one for Friends, and one for Universalists. It has numerous public and private schools, which are well supported. None of the public buildings are splendid: but the court-house, the markethouse, the alms-house, the custom-house, and the grammar school-house, all of brick, and the jail of stone, are spacious, handsome, and commodious. The churches are large, neat, and convenient. Three of them are furnished with organs, and six with steeples or cupolas. The private houses have generally the appearance of neatness, convenience, and comfort; and many of them indicate taste and opulence. The town was formerly built almost entirely of wood, but a large proportion of the houses erected within the last twenty years are of brick.

The appearance of Salem is very irregular, the streets having been laid out with little regard to symmetry or beauty. In the northern part of the town there is a common, containing about ten acres, surrounded by a handsome public walk, which is planted with rows of trees. On a peninsula below the town there are two forts, Fort Pickering and Fort Lee, and on Baker's Island there is a light house.

Salem is, next to Plymouth, the oldest town in the state, and was settled in 1626. The inhatants are chiefly employed in tradę and navigation. The shipping belonging to this port in 1816 amounted to 34,454 tons. The East India trade has, for several years, been carried on here with great spirit and advantage, and it is to this branch of commerce that the town is indebted

for a great part of its wealth. The number of vessels employed at present in this trade amounts to fifty-three, carrying 14,272 tons. There are now living about 160 persons, who, as masters or supercargoes of vessels, have sailed from this town round the Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Horn. A society composed of such persons, styled the East India Marine Society, was incorporated in 1801; the object of which is to afford relief to indigent members or their families, to promote the knowledge of navigation and trade to the East Indies, and to increase the museum. The museum belongs to this society, and is a very extensive and interesting cabinet of curiosities collected from all parts of the world, and is visited free of expense.

SALEM, NEW, a post town of Franklin county, Massachusetts; eighteen miles E. S. E. of Greenfield, eighty west of Boston, west 452. Population 2167. Here is a respectable academy.

SALEM, a post town of Washington county, New York, eighteen miles south-east of Sandy Hill. Population 2833. The courts for the county are held alternately here and at Sandy Hill. Here is a handsome town, on an extensive plain, containing a court house, a jail, an academy, and two churches. Two weekly newspapers are published.

SALENGORE, a Malay principality, extending a considerable space along the western coast of the Malay peninsula. It is governed by a Mahometan prince, who bears the title of rajah. The rajah monopolises the greater part of the trade, and is thus induced to afford protection to vessels coming up the river of Salengore. There are several other rivers traversing the territory, and falling into the straits of Malacca; particularly one called Burnam, from which a great number of long rattans are brought. The commodities fitted for exportation here are tin, rattans, gold dust, elephants' teeth, dragon's blood, camphire, with some pepper, and other spices. These are given in exchange for opium, piece goods, gunpowder, cutlery, steel, copper, iron, and some woollens. The Chinese and the Birgis of Celebes carry on a good deal of trade at this port. Long. 101° 18' E.; lat. 3° 20' N.

SALEP, in the materia medica, the dried root of a species of orchis. See ORCHIS. Several methods of preparing salep have been practised. Geoffroy has given a very judicious process for this purpose in the Histoire de L'academie Royale des Sciences, 1740; and Retmus in the Swedish Transactions, 1764, has improved Geoffroy's method. Mr. Moult of Rochdale also found a method of curing the orchis root; by which salep is prepared, at least equal, if not superior, to any brought from the Levant. The new root is to be washed in water; and the fine brown skin which covers it is to be separated by a smail brush, or by dipping the root in hot water, and rubbing it with a coarse linen cloth. When a sufficient number of roots have been thus cleaned, they are spread on a tin plate, and placed in an oven heated to the usual degree, where they are to remain six or ten minutes, in which time they will have lost their milky whiteness, and quired a transparency like horn, without any diminution of bulk. They are then to be


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moved to dry and harden in the air, which will require several days to effect; or, by using a very gentle heat, they may be finished in a few hours. Salep, thus prepared, may be afforded in places where labor bears a high value, at about 8d. or 10d. per pound. And it might be sold still cheaper, if the orchis were to be cured, without separating from it the brown skin which covers it; a troublesome part of the process, and which does not contribute to render the root either more palatable or salutary. The foreign salep is sold at 5s. or 6s. per pound. As a wholesome nourishment, says Dr. Percival in his Essays, Medical and Experimental, rice is much inferior to salep. Salep has the singular property of concealing the taste of salt water; a circumstance of the highest importance at sea, when there is a scarcity of fresh water. The restorative, mucilaginous, and demulcent qualities of the orchis root, render it of considerable use in various diseases. In the sea-scurvy it lessens the acrimony of the fluids, and at the same time is easily assimilated into a mild and nutritious chyle. The ancient chemists entertained a very high opinion of the orchis root, as appears from the secreta secretorum of Raymond Lully, 1565.

SALERNO, a city of Italy, in the kingdom of Naples, the capital of the province of Principato Citra, and having a population of 10,000. Though delightfully situated, the town itself is not agreeable: the streets are paved with lava, narrow and irregular, and have a gloomy appearance, from the height of the houses. Salerno is an ancient city, and has in front of the cathedral twenty-eight ancient granite columns. The harbour is good. Twenty-eight miles E. S. E. of Naples.

SALES (St. Francis de), a Romish saint, born at Sales castle in 1567. In 1602 he was made bishop of Geneva, in which station his conduct was pious and exemplary; he founded a society of religious, called the Order of the Visitation; which was sanctioned by Paul V. in 1618. He died in 1622, and was canonized by Alexander VI. He wrote, 1. An Introduction to a Devout Life; 2. A Treatise on the Love of God; and Letters.

SALET, in war, a light covering or armour for the head, anciently worn by the light horse, only different from the casque in that it had no crest, and was little more than a bare cap.

SALIANT, in fortification, denotes projecting. There are two kinds of angles, the one saliant, which have their point outwards; the other re-entering, which have their points inwards.

SALIC, or SALIQUE, law (lex salica), an ancient and fundamental law of the kingdom of France, usually supposed to have been made by Pharamond, or by Clovis; in virtue whereof males only are to inherit. Some, as Postellus, suppose it to have been called Salic, q. d. Gallic, because peculiar to the Gauls. For Montanus insists, it was because Pharamond was at first called Salicus. Others believe it to have been so named, because used only in the Salic lands. These were noble fiefs which their first kings used to bestow on the sallians, that is, the great lord of their salle or court, without any other tenure than military service; and, for this reason, VOL. XIX.

such fiefs were not to descend to women, as being
by nature unfit for such a tenure. Shakspeare
represents it as derived from the name of the
river Sala, in Germany, and says—

That the land of Salique lies in Germany,
Between the floods of Sala and of Elbe,
Where Charles the Great, having subdued the

There left behind and settled certain French
Who, holding in disdain the German women
For some dishonest manners of their life,
Henry V., act 1.
Established there this law.

Montesquieu derives the origin of this word from the Salians, a tribe of Franks who settled in Gaul in the reign of Julian, who is said to have given them lands on condition of their personal service in war. Before the election of the Merovingian kings, this powerful tribe of the Franks appointed four venerable chieftains to compose their laws; and their labors were examined and approved in three successive assemblies of the people. After the baptism of Clovis, he reformed several articles incompatible with Christianity. The Salic law was again amended by his sons; and, under the reign Dagobert, the code was revised and promulgated 100 years after the establishment of the French monarchy. If it be asked, how it came to pass that the Salic laws gained general authority in the country of the Franks, and the Roman law gradually declined; while in the jurisdiction of the Visigoths the Roman law spread itself, and obtained at last a general sway? Montesquieu replies that the Roman law was disused among the Franks, on account of the great advantages accruing from being a Frank to a persou living under the Salic law. The clergy alone retained the old law, because a change could be of no advantage to them. The Roman law inflicted no hardships upon them, as it was the work of Christian emperors. This law,' says Millot, fixed the punishment of crimes and various points of police. There is no ground for believing, that it expressly settled the right of succession to the crown. It only says that, with relation to the salic land, women have no share of heritage, without restricting it to the royal family; for all those were called salic lands which were held by right of conquest; and it is easy to conceive, that a nation of soldiers, whose general was their king, would not submit to be governed by a woman. A long custom, supported by the principles of the nation, became in time the established law of the kingdom.'

SALICORNIA, jointed glass-wort, or saltwort, a genus of the monogynia order, and monandria class of plants: natural order twelfth, holoracea: CAL. ventricose, or a little swelling out and entire: there are no petals, and but one SEED. There are nine species, of which the most remarkable are

1. S. fruticosa, with obtuse points, grows plentifully in the salt-marshes which are overflowed by the tides in many parts of England. It is an annual plant, with thick, succulent, jointed stalks, which trail upon the ground. The flowers are produced at the ends of the joints toward the extremity of the branches, which are small, and scarcely discernible by the naked eye.


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