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occupies, and still to be equal to the pressure of the atmo sphere that, in like manner, steam of the force of five pounds the square inch, can expand itself to five times its volume; and that masses or quantities of steam of the like expansive force of six, seven, eight, nine, or ten pounds pressure per square inch, can expand to six, seven, eight, nine, or ten times their volume, and still be respectively equal to the atmosphere, or capable of producing a sufficient action against the piston of a steam-engine, to cause the same to rise in the atmospheric engine of Newcomen with a counterpoise, or to be carried into the vacuous part of the cylinder of the improved engine, first brought into effect by Mr. Watt: that this ratio is progressive, and nearly, if not entirely, uniform; so that steam pressing with the expansive force of 20, 30, 40, or 50 pounds the square inch against a common safety-valve, will expand itself to 20, 30, 40, or 50 times its volume; and that, generally, as to all the intermediate or higher degrees of elastic force, the number of times which steam of any temperature and force can expand itself, is nearly the same as the number of pounds it is able to sustain on a square inch exposed to the common atmospheric counterpressure; provided always, that the space, place, or vessel, in which it is allowed to expand itself, be kept at the same temperature as that of the steam, before it is allowed room to expand.

Respecting the different degrees of temperature required to bring steam to, and maintain it at, different expansive forces above the weight of the atmosphere, Mr. Woolf states, that he has found by actual experiment, setting out from the boiling point of water, or 212° of Fahrenheit, at which degree steam of water is only equal to the pressure of the atmosphere; that, in order to give an increased elastic force equal to five pounds on each square inch, the temperature must be raised to about 22740, when it will have acquired a power to expand itself to five times its volume, and still be equal to the atmosphere, and capable of being applied as such in the working of steam-engines according to his invention. Various other pressures, temperatures, and expansive forces of steam, are shown in the following table.

Woolf's Table of the relative pressures per square inch; the temperature and expansibility of steam at different degrees of heat above the boiling point of water, beginning with the temperature of steam of an elastic force equal to five pounds per square inch, and extending to steam able to sustain forty pounds on the square inch.

[blocks in formation]

And so in like manner, by small additions of temperature, expansive power may be given to steam to enable it to expand to 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, or more times its volume, without any limitation but what is imposed by the frangible nature of every material of which boilers and other Farts of steam-engines can be made. Prudence dictates that the expansive force should never be carried to the utmost which the materials can bear, but rather be kept considerably within that limit.

Having thus explained the nature of his discovery, Mr. Woolf proceeds to give a description of his improvements grounded thereon.

If the engine is constructed originally with the intention of adopting these improvements, it ought to have two steam cylinders of different dimensions, and proportioned to each other, according to the temperature or the expansive force determined to be communicated to the steam made use of in working the engine; for the smaller steam-vessel or cylinder must be a guide for the larger. For example; if steam of forty pounds the square inch is fixed on, then the smaller cylinder should be at least one-fortieth part the contents of the larger one. Each cylinder should be furnished with a piston, and the smaller cylinder should have a communication, both at its top and bottom, (top and bottom being here employed merely as relative terms, for the cylinders may be worked in a horizontal, or any other required position, as well as vertical,) with the boiler which supplies the steam; and the

communications, by means of cocks or valves of any construction adapted to the use, are to be alternately opened and shut during the working of the engine. The top of the small cylinder should have a communication with the bottom of the larger cylinder, and the bottom of the smaller one with the top of the larger, with proper means to open and shut them alternately by cocks, valves, or any other well-known contrivance. And both the top and bottom of the larger cylinder should, while the engine is at work, communicate alternately with a condensing vessel, into which a jet of water is admitted to hasten the condensation; or the condensing vessel may be cooled by any other means calculated to produce that effect.

This arrangement being made, when the engine is set to work, steam of a high temperature is admitted from the boiler to act by its elastic force on one side of the smaller piston, while the steam which had last moved it has a communication with the larger steam-vessel or cylinder, where it follows the larger piston, now moving towards that end of its cylinder which is open to the condensing vessel. Let both pistons end their stroke at one time; and let us now suppose them both at the top of their respective cylinders, ready to descend; then the steam of forty pounds the square inch, entering above the smaller piston, will carry it downwards; while the steam below it, instead of being allowed to escape into the atmosphere, or applied to any other purpose, will pass into the larger cylinder above its piston, which will make its downward stroke at the same time that the piston of the smaller cylinder is doing the same thing; and while this goes on, the steam which last filled the larger cylinder in the upward stroke of the engine will be passing into the condenser, to be condensed during the downward stroke. When the pistons in the smaller and larger cylinder have thus been made to descend to the bottom of their respective cylinders, then the steam from the boiler is to be shut off from the top, and admitted to the bottom of the smaller cylinder. The communication between the bottom of the smaller and the top of the larger cylinder is also to be cut off; and the communication is to be opened between the top of the smaller and the bottom of the larger cylinder. The communication between the bottom of the larger cylinder and the condenser is to be cut off, and the steam which, in the downward stroke of the engine, filled the upper part of the larger cylinder, suffered to flow off to the condenser. The engine will then make its upward stroke from the pressure of the steam in the top of the small cylinder acting beneath the piston of the great cylinder,

and so on alternately, admitting the steam to the different sides of the smaller piston, while the steam last admitted into the smaller cylinder passes alternately to the different sides of the larger piston in the larger cylinders: the top and bottom of which are at the same time made to communicate alternately with the condenser.

In an engine working in the manner just described, while the steam is admitted on one side of the piston into the smaller cylinder, the steam on the other side has room made for its admission into the larger cylinder, on one side of its piston, by the condensation taking place on the other side of the large piston which is open to the condenser; and that waste of steam which takes place in engines worked only by the expansive force of steam, from steam passing the piston, is prevented; for all steam that passes the piston in the smaller cylinder is received into the larger.

In such an engine, where it may be more convenient for any particular purpose, the arrangement may be altered, and the top of the smaller made to communicate with the top of the larger cylinder; in which case the only difference will be, that when the piston in the smaller cylinder descends, that in the larger will ascend, and vice versá; which, on some occasions, may be more convenient than to have the two pistons moving in the same direction.

This engine is exactly the same in its action as Mr. Hornblower's, which we have before described. The novelty consists in the application of steam of a high pressure thereto, and in proportioning the capacities of the two cylinders to the expansibility of the steam, according to his table. But Mr. W. goes on to state, that effectual means must be used to keep up the requisite temperature in all parts of the apparatus into which the steam is admitted, and in which it is not intended to be condensed; and here it may be proper to state, that instead of the usual means of accomplishing this, by enclosing them in the boiler, or in a steam-case communicating with the boiler, a separate fire may with advantage be made under the steam-case containing the cylinders, which in that event will become a second boiler, and must be furnished with a safety-valve, to regulate the temperature. By means of the last-mentioned arrangement, the steam from thes maller cylinder, or steam measurer, may be admitted into the larger cylinder, when kept at a higher temperature than the steam. in the smaller cylinder, by which its power to expand itself may be increased; and, on the contrary, by keeping the larger cylinder at a lower temperature than the smaller, its

expansibility will be lessened, which, on particular occasions, and for particular purposes, may be desirable. In every case care must be taken that the boiler, or case in which the cylinder is enclosed, the steam-pipes, and generally all the parts exposed to the action of the expansive force of the steam, shall have a strength proportioned to the high pressure to which they are to be exposed.

It is not advisable that the proportion of the capacity of the smaller cylinder, or steam-measurer, to the capacity of the larger or working cylinder, should in any case be smaller than the proportion of the expansion of the steam which is to be used in it, as we have stated, yet, in the making of it larger, considerable latitude may be allowed; for example, with steam of forty pounds the square inch, a small cylinder, or measurer, of one-twentieth, or even larger, instead of one of fortieth the capacity of the larger or working cylinder, and so with steam of any given strength. And in many cases, it may be advisable that this should be the case, because of the difficulty of preventing some waste of steam, or partial condensation, which might lessen the rate of working, if not allowed for in the size of the small cylinder or steam


In all cases when the engine is ready for working, whatever may be the proportion that has been adopted, or intended to be worked with, it should have its power tried by altering the load on the valve that ascertains the force of the steam, in order that the strength of steam best adapted for the engine may be ascertained, for it may turn out to be advantageous, that the steam should be employed in particular engines of an elastic force somewhat over or under what was first intended.

Mr. Woolf also states, that Mr. Watt's engines may be improved by the application of his discovery in making the boiler, and the steam-case in which the working cylinder is enclosed, much stronger than usual, and by altering the structure and dimensions of the valves for admitting steam from the boiler into the cylinder in such a manner that the steam may be admitted very gradually by a progressive enlargement of the aperture, so as at first to wiredraw the steam and afterwards to admit it more freely. The reason o this precaution is this, that steam of such elastic force as Mr Woolf proposes to employ, if admitted suddenly into the cylinder, would strike the piston with a force as would endanger the safety and durability of the engine. The aperture allowed for admitting steam into the cylinder, or cylinders,

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