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Dr. Johnson's Dictionary.
Fol. 1773.

Many are the works of human hu Justry, which to begin & finish ar hardly granted to ysame man

He that undertakes to compile a

Dictionary, undertaker that, whis if it comprehends the full extent of his design, he knows himeel, unable to perform. Jet his labour though deficient may be useful? with the hope of this inferior fpra he must incite his activity, & ve -lace his weariness. Perfection is unattainable, but nearer & nearer approaches may be made, & finding my Dictionary about to be raprinted, I have endeavoured, by

à revisal to make it las reprehe

= sib

sible. I will not deny & I found many parts requiring emendation, & many more capable of improvement. Many faults I have corrected, fome superfluities I have taken away, & some deficiencies I have supplied. Thave methodized some parts that were disordered, & illuminat. •ed some that were obfcure. Yet the changes or additions bear a

very small proportion to the whole. The Critic will now have less to object but the student who has bought any of the former copies needs not repent; he will not wout nice collation, perceive how they differ, & usefulness seldom depends upon little things. For negligence or deficience, I have perhaps not rend of more apology than y nature ofy work will fürnish, I have left that inac.

-curate wnever ŭ made exact &

that imperfect

w never

w completed.


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Printed for T. DAVIES, in Russel-Street, Covent-
Garden, Bookseller to the Royal Academy,



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