Page images

Birkenhead, Lord, controversy with
Lord Carson, 377-379-character-
istics, 380.

Birrell, Rt Hon. Augustine, charac-
teristics, 185.

Black game, 14.

Bodley, Mr, criticism on Lord Morley,

Boer Republics, 70-War, character
of the British troops, 257.

Bohr, Dr Niels, The Theory of
Spectra and Atomic Constitution,'

[ocr errors]

Boissier, Gaston, The Country of
Horace and Virgil,' 283.

Borrow, George, 'The Romany Rye,'

Bourgay, General du, British Envoy
to Berlin, 203.

Bowen, Lord, inquiry into the riots

at Featherstone, 372.

Bowen-Rowlands. Ernest, 'The Mis-
use of the Judiciary,' 368.

British Foreign Policy Past and
Present, 156-174.

British Soldier, The Spirit of the,

British South Africa Company,
The, 69-89.

Broad, C. D., 'The Relation between
Induction and Probability,' 129,

Brown, Horatio F., Venice and
England: An Historical Parallel,'

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, A
Dead Rose,' 287.

Browning, Robert, lines on the bee,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Chew, Samuel C., 'Byron in B
land: His Fame and After-Fan


Churchill, Rt Hon. Winston, cr
cism on, 351.

Clemenceau, M., friendship w
Lord Morley, 360.

Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice, opin
against trying election petitio

Coleridge, S. T., character of
poetry 234.

Colvin, Ian, 'The Life of Jameso


inservatism, a party creed, 433-or
Tranquillity, 437.

Enservative Party, number of votes,
812-217-result of the General
Election, 217-220-policy, 433-437,
452-principle of National Unity,
442-establishment of the system
of co-partnership, 444-the housing
question, 445.

partnership, advantages of the
system, 443.

arbett, Sir Julian, Naval Opera-
tions,' 107.

orfu, occupation, 2.

otton, Mr, 'Letters to Cottagers
from a Conservative Bee-keeper,'

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Dalmatia, given up by Italy, 303,
310-evacuated, 306, 308.

Dalton, John, atomic theory, 312.
YAnnunzio, Gabriele, takes posses-
sion of Fiume, 300-'Statuo della
Reggenza del Carnaro,' 305-re-
fuses to recognise the Rapallo
Treaty, ib.

Jay, Mr Justice, case of, 370.
Decay of English Country Life,
The, 329-341.

Denmark, foreign policy, 205.

Je Witt, drawing of the interior of
the Swan Theatre, 403.

Dickens, Charles, references to bees,

israeli, Rt Hon. B., on 'Political
Infidelity,' 433, 437.

[blocks in formation]


Drayton, Michael, lines to the bee,

Dryden, John, distinction between
history and biography, 176-charac-
ter of his poetry, 235.

Dziewicki, Michael H., 'Poland in
1924,' 419.


Earthquakes, The Study of, 90-

East Hendred, a typical Down village,
26-30-number of manors, 35-
industries, 37-result of enclosure,
39-population, 40.

Election, General, Some Aspects
of the Late, 211-228.

Election Petitions, employment of
Judges, 376.

Electrons, discovery of the in-
dependent existence, 314-number
in an atom, 318-weight, 319.
Elizabethan Stage and Restora-
tion Drama, 399-418.

Employers and employed, relations
between, 422.

'Encyclopædia Britannica,' account
of the Battle of Jutland, 107, 110.
England and Venice: An His-
torical Parallel, 58-68.

English Country Life, The Decay
of, 329–341.

Ernle, Lord, 'Our English Villages,'
23-The Poetry of Byron,' 229.
Euripides, reference to bees, 274.
Evelyn, John, references to bees,

[blocks in formation]

Firth, Prof., 'Notes on our Diplo-
matic Relations,' edited by, 197.
Fiume-Adriatic Solution, The,

Foch, Marshal, on the occupation of
the Rhine, 384, 392.
Foreign Office, inception, 162.
Fortescue, Hon. J. W., 'History of
the British Army,' 260, 265.
Fortune Theatre, the, 405.

Fox, Rt Hon. Charles J., Foreign
Secretary, 162.

France, foreign policy, 168, 171, 172
-claim to the Rhine, 382, 390-
treaties of guarantee, 386, 389, 396
-period of occupation, 391-393-
relations with Germany, 449-
demand for security against
German aggression, 450-draft
treaty of the League of Nations, ib.

Franco-British Treaty of 1904..1

Frazer, Sir James, Golden Bough,'

Frederick William I, King of Prussia,
foreign policy, 195.

Fuller, Thomas, 'The Holy State,'

[ocr errors]


Gale, Norman, A Creed,' 288.
Galitzin, Prince, work on seismology,
94-death, 95.

Gama, Vasco da, voyage round the
Cape of Good Hope, 63.

Game Birds and Wild Fowl, 9-22.

Gardiner, A. G., Life of Sir W.
Harcourt,' 349.

Gas company, result of the system
of co-partnership, 443.

George I, King, foreign policy, 195,

George, Rt Hon. D. Lloyd, criticism

on, 186, 187-result of his People's
Budget, 329-offer to France of
treaties of guarantee, 389.
Germany, surrender of the Navy, 119
-foreign policy, 168, 171-disarma-
ment, 387, 396-guarantee to, 396
-relations with France, 449.

Ghent, Treaty of, 173.

Gilbert, W. S., 'Iolanthe,' 50.
Gladstone, Rt Hon. W. E.,
character, 177-story of, 18
-criticism on, 357-Irish L
Policy, 435.

Globe Theatre, sketch of the, 414
Goethe, opinion of Byron's poe

Gooch, G. P., 'The Cambridge Hist
of British Foreign Policy,' ed
by, 156- History of Euro

Good Hope, Cape of, discovery of
route, 60, 63.

Gordon, Douglas, 'Game Birds
Wild Fowl,' 9.

Grabski, Ladislaus, Polish Mini
of Finance, 430.

Grant, Ogilvie, on the habits of
pheasant, 12.

Great Britain, relations with I
mark, 205-with Russia, 2
foreign policy, 208-opposition
the French occupation of the Rh

Gregory of Nazianzus, lines on b

Grey, Lord, criticism on his fore
policy, 186.

Grierson, H. J. C., 'Poems of L
Byron,' Preface to, 250.
Gummere Richard M., 'Matth
Arnold,' 142.

Gustavus Adolphus, character of
army, 261.


Hakluyt, Richard, lines to the

Haldane, Lord, relations with L
Morley, 185, 188-friendship w
Lord Morley, 352-opinion of h

Hall, Sir A. D., 'Pilgrimage
British Farming,' 333.
Hanover, The Alliance of, 193–2

Harcourt, Sir William V., friends
with Loid Morley, 349.

rdinge, Lord, of Penshurst, 'The
eague of Nations,' 1.

dy, Thomas, on the reply of Lord
forley, 180- Under the Green-
Food Tree,' 290.

ington, General Sir C., tribute to
he British troops, 254-personal
xample, 255.

rington, Earl of, Ambassador to
pain, 202.

bert, Lord, of Lea, Secretary at
War, reform, 266-'Life of,' 267.
fford, Prof. C. H., 'Recent Shake-
pearean Investigation,' 399.

bson, Prof., 'The Domain of
Natural Science,' 134 note.
mer, reference to bees, 274.
oney bee, Essay on the, 291.

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James, Rev. T., Essay on the Honey
Bee, 291.

Jameson, Dr, life of, 78.

Janina, incident at, 2-4.

Japan, earthquake, 90, 97, 104.

Jellicoe, Admiral, at the Battle of
Jutland, 109-120.

Jews, the, relations with the Poles,

Johnson, Dr Samuel, literary des-
potism, 236.

Judge, a good, essential qualities,
368-method of appointment, 369.
Judiciary. The Misuse of the,

Jutland: The Real Story of, 107-

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[ocr errors]

Landed property, sale of, 337.
Lang, Andrew, April,' 281.
Lansbury, George, character, 440.
League of Nations, The, 1-8, 174.
League of Nations, character, 448-
draft treaty, 450.

Lewanika, chief of the Barotse, 71,

Lias, Dr M., 'La Belgique Commer-
ciale sous l'Empereur Charles VI:
la Compagnie d'Ostende,' 210.

Liberal Party, number of votes, 213-
217-result of the General Elec-
tion, 220-225.

Literature, The Bee in, 270–292.

LoBengula, chief of the Matabele,
71-agreement with Great Britain,
74-Rudd Concession, 75-the
Matabele War, 80.

London, Treaty of, 294, 295.

Long, Mr, 'Beasts of the Field,' 19.
Loos, battle of, 288.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Magnesium, the metallic elema

Maguire, Rochfort, President of hel
British South Africa Companyi
Malcolm, Dougal, 'The British Sr
Africa Company,' 69.

Mallards, flock of, 16-18.

Mallet, Robert, report on the e
quake at Naples, 90-92.

Marcus Aurelius, references tol

Matabele War, 80-Rebellion, 8
Matthew, Lord Justice, inquiry
the position of Irish Ev
Tenants, 271.

Mendeléef, D. I., arrangement
the elements
their at
weights, 313.

Meredith, George, epigram
Matthew Arnold, 143-lines
bees, 287.

Meyerson, M. Emile, 'De l'E
tion dans les Sciences,' 135

'Microseisms,' causes of, 95, 100

Milne, John, instruments on sei
logy, 94, 96-catalogue of dest
tive earthquakes, 105.

Milton, John, references to

Molière, gift of humour, 43–45.
Moncrieff, George K. Scott,
Spirit of the British Soldier,'
Montaigne, M. E. de, reference
bees, 280.

Moore, Sir John, character of
army, 262-retreat to Coru

Morgan, J. H., "The Personalit

Lord Morley,' 175, 342-conve
tions with him, 182, 186, 189, :
353-365-article on his 'Collec
Works,' 184-share in 'Hist
and Politics,' 343-review of
'Recollections,' 348-dinner at
National Liberal Club, 364.

Morley, Lord, The Personality
Part I, 175-192-Part II, 342-3
'Morning Post,' the, 191.

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