Deseit, in a fine woman, 192. Death, the approach of, 88. Degree a description of, 243, 244, n. ibid.
Delay beautifully described, 194, n. ibid.
Delights, when not lafting, 209. Dependants, not to be trusted too much, 59. Defdemona, whence derived, n. 164, her faithfulness, 172. difcover'd in bed asleep, 173 Defpair, described, 87 Dialogue, between Macbeth and his lady, 142. another 145 Diomedes, his manner of walk- ing, 250
Difeafes, the departure of, 83. which incurable, 158 Dover-cliff defcribed, 130 Doubt, a defcription of, 245 Dreams, reflections on them, 198 to 201. n. ibid Drums, defcrib'd, 88 Duelling, a defcription of, 222 Dying, why preferable to part- ing, 43
mations amidst the tempeft, 125 to 18. n. ibid defcrip- tion of, when mad, 129. his reflections on flatterers, 131. n. ibid. his fpeech to Corde - lia when taken prifoner. 132 Liberty, the spirit of, defcribed, 96 X Life, demands of, 12. and vi- . ciffitudes, 64. its neceffaries, 122. n. ibid. and 123. re-i flections upon it, 158. n. ib. compared, and to what, 159 Lord, of heaven, ever to be re- membered, 38
Love defcribed, 198. its heralds, who, 208, in a young foldier 241 to 243. n. ibid. fhaken off by him, 248
Lovers, their parting, 42. n. ibid. exclamation of one 164. n. ibid. their lightness of foot and impatience 209. an ex- pecting one defcribed, 245- the parting and farewel in a morning, 249
Lion, an hungry one, defcri- bed, 47
Macbeth, his temper, 137. and irrefolution, 138. his foli- loquy. 139 to 141. n. ibid. and reflection upon his bloody lands, 144. n. ibid. his - his guilt and fear, 145. his furprife at the fight of the ghoft. 147 Macbeth, lady, her foliloquy on the approach of Duncan, 137 n. ibid another, 142. her behaviour, with a taper in her hand, 155 Macduff, on the murder of his wife and children, exclama. tion of, 153 Madnefs, how occafioned, 88. n. ibid. to 90. Mailed explained, n. 39.
Malcolm's character of himself,
r51. and difcourfe with Mac- duff, 152 Malicious men defcribed, 70 Man, his tears defcribed, 87. a plain, blunt one, 120. a wil- ful one, his injuries the effect of, 124. reflections upon him 128 Margaret, queen, her execra- tion, and high birth, 188. n, ibid. her exprobation in a foliloquy, 195
Marriage defcribed, 37 Melancholy, the parent of er- ror, 115
Mercy described, 235 Meffenger of ill news, 15. n.
Reflections upon killing a fly, 239. n. ibid. Reputation, what, 165. n. ib. and 166. the praife of, 177 Refentment, when deepest, 39 Respect defcrib'd, 244 Revenge, the representation of it, Io. n. ibid. and n. 102: and defcription, 240, 245 Rhymers, ridicul'd, 6.
what compar'd, n. 6,7 Richard II, his fpeech on his arrival in England, 180, and entry into London, 183 his foliloquy in prifon, 184. 185. his foliloquy on his own de- formity, 186. his love for lady Ann, and praise of his perfon, 187. his hypocrify, 189 his character, by his mother, 195. his starting out of his dream, and folilo- quy before the battle, 196. his behaviour after an alarum, 197.
Richmond, duke of, his prayer, 196.
Ring, in a dark pit, its effects, and how compar'd, 237 Romeo, his courtship with Ju- liet, 202. on his banish- ment, 210. his description of, and difcourfe with, the apothecary, 215 his faf fpeech, 219
Royalty, the miferies of, 31 Rumour defcrib'd, 13. n.ibg
Trumpeter, a description of, 249
Trust, in man, the vanity of, 192. n. ibid.
Twilight, defcribed, 8. n. ibid.
Vale, a dark one, described,136 n. ibid. Victory, a defcription of, by the French, 76. and by the En- glith, 77
Villain, the look and zeal of, 86 Unkindness described, 121 Vulgar, the ficklenefs of, de- scribed, r7
Waped, explain'd, n. 226 War, the miseries of, 35. n.
Warrior, a gallant one, 10 Warwick, duke of, his dying fpeech, 55, 56. n. ibid. Wife, fong of to her husband, 7. n. 7, 8. a good one, the defcription of 59
Witches, defcribed, 139. n. ibid their power, 1:1 Wolfey's fpeech to Cromwell, 65 66. n. ibid. the death of, 67. his virtues and vices, 68. 69. n. ibid, Woman,
an ambitious one,
38 Wrong, and infolence, defcri- bed, 234
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