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Volume 1.-Nos. 1 to 96, inclusive, except No. 23.
Volume 2.-No. 23, parts 1, 2, and 3.



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Bonds, Government. Resolution submitted by Mr. Peffer, calling
upon the Secretary of the Treasury for information relative to pur-
chase of Government bonds since the year..
Borrowed any money. Resolution by Mr. Allen, that the Secretary of
the Treasury be directed to inform the Senate whether the Govern-
ment, at any time since March 5, 1885, to the present time, has.....
Butler, Mr. Amendment to the resolution (Mis. Doc. 10) introduced
by Mr. Lodge, August 8, 1893, relative to repeal of tax on State
banks of circulation; also relative to free and unlimited coinage of
silver. (Part 3)


Cameron, Mr. Memorial from the business men of Philadelphia in
relation to tariff and financial legislation, submitted by ...
Chandler, Mr. Resolution submitted by, calling on the Secretary of
the Treasury for information as to the condition of the various appro-
priations for the erection of public buildings..
Chandler, Mr. Resolution submitted by, calling on the Secretary of
the Treasury for information relative to an investigating commission
employed in the New York custom-house inquiring into the methods
of doing business therein............

Chandler, Mr. Resolution submitted by, that the Secretary of the
Treasury be directed to inform the Senate whether a national com-
mission is investigating the New York custom-house and making
reports and recommendations concerning same...
Chinese laborers in this country. Resolution submitted by Mr. Dolph,
that the Secretary of State be directed to inform the Senate
whether the Government of China has requested of the United States
an extension of time for the registration of.
Circulating notes. Letter of Secretary of the Treasury recommend-
ing the passage of the bill (S. 294) to provide for the issue of circu-
lating notes to national banks...

Claims, Private. Letter of Anson G. McCook, Secretary Senate, sub-
mitting Index of...

Cockrell, Mr. Memorial of Charles Mousso, praying the passage of a
law to perfect the title of the United States to the tract of land
lying on the west side of Lake Pepin and the Mississippi River, in
the State of Minnesota, which belonged to the half-breeds or mixed
bloods of the Dakota or Sioux Nation of Indians...
Cockrell, Mr. Letter from R. E. Preston, Acting Director of the
Mint, transmitting statements of the production and coinages of
the principal countries of the world for the years 1873-'92
Cockrell, Mr. Monetary systems and approximate stocks of money in
the aggregate and per capita in the principal countries of the world.
Cockrell, Mr. Statement of production of gold and silver in the
world, 1792-1892 ..

Cockrell, Mr. Statement showing the receipts and expenditures of
the United States for the fiscal year 1893..

Cockrell, Mr. Letter from the Acting Director of the Mint, giving
the amount and cost and coining value in silver dollars, and amount
coined, of silver purchased under the act of July 14, 1890, to Sep-
tember 1, 1893...

Coinage. Letter from Ernest Seyd to Samuel Hooper on the subject of.
Coinages. Letter from R. E. Preston, Acting Director of the Mint,
transmitting statements of the productions and coinages of the
principal countries of the world for the years 1873-'92
Coinage are now in force. Resolution by Mr. Morgan, that it be
referred to the Committee on Judiciary to inquire and report what
provisions of the act approved January 18, 1837, relative to..
Coinage of gold and silver. Resolution submitted by Mr. Wolcott,
that the Committee on Finance be directed to report a bill for the..
Coinage of silver. Herschell report on the coinage of silver in India.
(Parts 1, 2, 3).

Congressional Directory (Fifty-third Congress, first session)
Coördinate departments of the Government. Resolution submitted by
Mr. Stewart relative to the independence of the

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Court of Claims. Letter from the clerk of the, transmitting the find-
ings of facts in the case of Randolph & Stark rs. the United States
(No. 8,704).

Court of Claims. Letter from the clerk of the United States, trans-
mitting the findings of fact in the case of Lovell et al. vs. United
States (No. 9,244)..

Cullom, Mr. Annual report of the Board of Visitors to the United
States Military Academy, made to Congress and the Secretary of
War, for the year 1893..

Currency. Resolution submitted by Mr. Kyle, calling upon the Secre-
tary of the Treasury for information as to the custom of national
banks in retiring or increasing their..

Currency Problem, The. Paper from the Journal of the Society of
Arts, by J. Barr Robertson, presented by Mr. Teller...


Daniel, Mr. Memorial of the Washington College (now Washington
and Lee University) for compensation for injury to property during
the late war.

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Davenport, Isaac, jr., and other claimants, vs. the United States. Letter
from United States Court of Claims, transmitting certified copy of the
findings of Court of Claims in the case of..

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Debate. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Platt to the rul
of the Senate limiting debate and providing for vote on any bill or
resolution pending before the Senate as unfinished business upon
request of majority of Senators..

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Debate. Notice submitted by Mr. Hoar of amendent intended to be
proposed to the rules of the Senate limiting..

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Debate. Notice submitted by Mr. Hill of amendment intended to be
proposed to the rules of the Senate limiting debate on any bill to
thirty days....

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Debate. Resolution submitted by Mr. Platt, amending Rule IX of
the Senate so as to limit...

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Debate. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Voorhees to
the rules of the Senate limiting..
Deficiency. Resolution submitted by Mr. Stewart, relative to defici-
ency in the revenues of the Government during the current year..
District of Columbia. Resolution submitted by Mr. Vance, directing
the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to inquire and report
as to nuisance at the foot of Capitol street..
District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of, in reply to
Senate resolution of September 5, 1893, in regard to garbage, etc.,
destroyed within the city limits..

Dolph, Mr. Resolution submitted by, that the Secretary of the Inte-
rior be directed to inform the Senate what regulations have been
made and what action taken, if any, since March 3, 1893, concern-
ing payment of pensions to pensioners whose post-office addresses
are now or have been temporarily in foreign countries.
Dolph, Mr. Resolution that the Secretary of State be directed to
inform the Senate whether the Government of China has requested
of the United States an extension of time for the registration of
Chinese laborers in this country.

Dolph, Mr. Resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary be
directed to inquire and report as to whether a direction of the Sen-
ate, less than a quorum being present, is sufficient warrant and
authority to the Sergeant-at-Arms to authorize him to use force in
bringing absent members to Senate....

Dolph, Mr. Ordered, that the names of Senators Allen and Kyle be
recorded in connection with the roll call to show their presence,
they being present and not answering when their names were called.
Dubois, Mr. Resolution postponing the consideration of legislation
which materially affects the partially unrepresented States until
Monday, the 15th of January, 1894 ..

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