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made as provided in article four of this Convention, no other or higher duties shall be imposed on the importation into the South African Republic of any article coming from any part of Her Majesty's dominions than are or may be imposed on the like article coming from any other place or country; nor will any prohibition be maintained or imposed on the importation into the South African Republic of any article coming from any part of Her Majesty's dominions which shall not equally extend to the like article coming from any other place or country. And in like manner the same treatment shall be given to any article coming to Great Britain from the South African Republic as to the like article coming from any other place or country.

These provisions do not preclude the consideration of special arrangements as to import duties and commercial relations between the South African Republic and any of Her Majesty's colonies or possessions.

14. All persons, other than natives, conforming themselves to the laws of the South African Republic (a) will have full liberty, with their families, to enter, travel, or reside in any part of the South African Republic; (b) they will be entitled to hire or possess houses, manufactories, warehouses, shops, and premises; (c) they may carry on their commerce either in person or by any agents whom they may think fit to employ; (d) they will not be subject, in respect of their persons or property, or in respect of their commerce or industry, to any taxes, whether general or local, other than those which are or may be imposed upon citizens of the said Republic.

15. All persons, other than natives, who established their domicile in the Transvaal between the 12th day of April 1877 and the 8th August 1881, and who within twelve months after such last-mentioned date have had their names registered by the British Resident, shall be exempt from all compulsory military service whatever.

16. Provision shall hereafter be made by a separate instrument for the mutual extradition of criminals, and also for the surrender of deserters from Her Majesty's Forces.

17. All debts contracted between the 12th April 1877 and the 8th August 1881 will be payable in the same currency in which they may have been contracted.

18. No grants of land which may have been made, and no transfers or mortgages which may have been passed, between the 12th April 1877 and the 8th August 1881 will be invalidated by reason merely of their having been made or passed between such dates.

All transfers to the British Secretary for Native Affairs in trust for natives will remain in force, an officer of the South

African Republic taking the place of such Secretary for Native Affairs.

19. The Government of the South African Republic will engage faithfully to fulfil the assurances given, in accordance with the laws of the South African Republic, to the natives of the Pretoria Pitso by the Royal Commission in the presence of the Triumvirate and with their entire assent (1) as to the freedom of the natives to buy or otherwise acquire land under certain conditions; (2) as to the appointment of a commission to mark out native locations; (3) as to the access of the natives to the courts of law; and (4) as to their being allowed to move freely within the country or to leave it for any legal purpose under a pass system.

20. This Convention will be ratified by a Volksraad of the South African Republic within the period of six months after its execution,1 and in default of such ratification this Convention shall be null and void.

Signed in duplicate in London this 27th day of February 1884.

[blocks in formation]

No. 205. VORM VAN LASTBRIEF TOT PERSOONLIJK ARREST. In naam en van wege de Regeering en het volk der Z.A. Republiek. aan den Hoofdbaljuw of zijnen wettigen plaatsvervanger,

Saluut :

Gij wordt gelast A. B., van de . . . Straat, in Pretoria, Koopman, te nemen, zoo hij in deze Republiek worde gevonden en hem in veilige bewaring te houden, zoo dat gij hem voor den Hoofdrechter (en andere de Rechters van het Hoog Gerechtshof) van gezegde Republiek te Pretoria hebt op den . . dag van . . . aanstaande, ten tien ure des voormiddags, ten einde dan en daar te antwoorden op eisch van


In the name and on behalf of the Government and the people of the S.A. Republic, to the Chief Sheriff or his lawful deputy,


You are ordered to fetch A. B., residing in . . . Street, Pretoria, Merchant, if he is to be found in this Republic, and to keep him in safe custody, so that you may bring him before the Chief Justice (and the other Judges of the High Court) of the said Republic at Pretoria on the... day of. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, in order to answer then and 1 Ratified by resolution of the Volksraad, dated 8th August 1884, art. 53


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C. D., waarom hij niet heeft betaald aan gezegde C. D., de som van . sterling, wettig geld die hij aan gezegde C. D. schuldig is, en hem wederrechtelijk onthoudt (of niet heeft afgeleverd aan gezegden C. D. een zeker paard, met zadel, toom, enz., of ander roerend goed, hetwelk de gezegde A. B. wederrechtelijk den gezegden C. D. onthoudt, of niet aan gezegden C. D. zijn schade voldaan heeft door den gezegden C. D. geleden, met betrekking tot, enz., vermeldende eenig delict of injurie door den verweerder aangedaan, waar dit het geval moge zijn) zooals voorzegd; en dat gij dan en daar dezen lastbrief hebt met een relaas van alles dat gij daarop gedaan hebt.

Getuige: de WelEd. Achtbare John Gilbert Kotzè, LL.B., Hoofdrechter van gezegde Republiek, te Pretoria, den dag van... in het jaar onzes Heeren een duizend acht hondred en

E. F.,

No. 206.

P. J. K., Griffier van het Hoog Geregtshof.


Procureur van klager.

Staatscourant Z.A. Rep. 21 Feb. 1884.


ART. 490.1 De Raad vereenigde zich nu eenparig_met het concept als onder, en nam het aan als het besluit van den Raad, het

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there the demand of C. D., of . . ., why he has not paid to the said C. D. the sum of sterling, lawful money which he is owing to the said C. D., and which he is illegally withholding from him (or why he has not delivered to the said C. D. a certain horse, with saddle, bridle, etc., or other movable property, which he, the said A. B., is illegally withholding from the said C. D.; or why he has not made good to the said C. D. the loss sustained by him, the said C. D., in the matter of, etc., specifying any damage or loss caused by the defendant, wherever such may have occurred) as aforesaid; and then and there you shall have with you this warrant together with an account of everything that you have done in obedience to it.

Witness the Rt. Hon. John Gilbert Kotzè, LL.B., Chief Justice of the said Republic, at Pretoria, the . . . day of .. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . . .

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ART. 490.1 The Raad now unanimously agreed to the draft as below, and adopted it as the resolution of the Raad,

1 Repealed by Procl. No. 34 of 1901,

getal af te vaardigen leden aan de Regering te worden overgelaten. En door haar eveneens in overleg met de andere Regeringen de plaats waar de conferentie zal gehouden worden te worden bepaald.

"De Volksraad, van gevoelen dat de H.E. Regering der Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek met de Regeringen der Staten en de Kolonien van Zuid Afrika in onderhandeling dient te treden over de noodzakelijkheid van het sluiten van een tolverbond, op den grondslag van wederkeerige vrije invoer van de voortbrengselen der nijverheid dier Staten en Kolonien, magtigt hierbij de HEd. Regering de Regeringen van genoemde Staten en Kolonien uit te noodigen tot het houden eener conferentie van afgevaardigden uit de respective Staten en Kolonien, ten einde over het sluiten van zoodanig tolverbond te onderhandelen, tot welke conferentie de H.E. Regering dezer Republiek

leden zal afvaardigen. Inmiddels wordt der Regering opgedragen in correspondentie met de Regering der Kaap Kolonie te treden ten einde de heffing van invoerrechten op voortbrengselen uit beide landen wederzijds voorloopig te staken, tot tijd en wijle over het sluiten van een tolverbond zal zijn beslist."

Locale Wetten der Z.A. Rep. I. 1265.


ART. 749.1 De Raad in overweging nemende dat er redenen bestaan te gelooven dat er scholen worden ondersteund uit 's lands

the number of members to be sent as delegates to be left to the decision of the Government, who shall likewise, in consultation with the other Governments, fix on the place where the conference shall be held.

"The Volksraad, being of opinion that the Government of the South African Republic should enter into communication with the Governments of the States and Colonies of South Africa with regard to the necessity of forming a customs union on the basis of the reciprocal free importation of products of the industry of those States and Colonies, hereby empowers the Government to invite the Governments of the said States and Colonies to hold a conference of delegates from the respective States and Colonies in order to treat about the forming of such a customs union, to which conference the Government of this Republic shall send as delegates members. Meantime the Government is instructed to enter into communication with the Government of the Cape Colony with a view to discontinuing reciprocally, for the present. the levying of import duties on products of both countries till such time as the formation of a customs union shall be decided on."


3 OCTOBER 1884.

ART. 749.1 The Raad, considering that there is reason to believe that there are schools which are supported from the 1 Repealed by Procl. No. 34 of 1901.

kas waar het medium van onderwijs niet is de Hollandsche taal, ingevolge de vereischten der wet,' draagt de Regering op naar deze omstandigheden onderzoek in te stellen door middel van ZEd. den Superintendent van Onderwijs en de wet stiptelijk toe te passen. Locale Wetten der Z.A. Rep. I. 1268.

No. 208.


ART. 1166. De Raad gelet hebbende op Uitv. Raadsbesluit Art. 267, dd. 1 November 1884, en op de nu voorgestelde Postconventie met de Regeering van de Kaapkolonie, besluit :

a. De Regering te magtigen tot het sluiten dezer Conventie.
b. De Regering te autoriseeren om het binnenlandsch posttarief
daarmede in overeenstemming te brengen.

c. De Regering te magtigen dergelijke Conventie aan te gaan
met de Regeringen van den O. Vrijstaat en Natal."
Locale Wetten der Z.A. Rep. I. 1298.

No. 209.


[Wordt besloten, dat van nu voortaan de Superintendent van Naturellen zaken zal zijn ex officio officiëel lid van den Uitv. Raad evenals de Commandant-Generaal.]

Locale Wetten der Z.A. Rep. I. 1274.

public treasury, and in which the medium of instruction is not the Dutch language as is demanded by law instructs the Government to make enquiries into these circumstances through the Superintendent of Education and to apply the law strictly.


3 NOVEMBER 1884.

ART. 1166. The Raad, having noted the resolution of the Executive Council, art. 267, dated 1st Nov. 1884, and having considered the Postal Convention now proposed to be concluded with the Government of the Cape Colony, resolves :

a. To authorise the Government to conclude the said Convention.

b. To authorise the Government to bring the inland postal tariff into line therewith.

c. To empower the Government to conclude similar conventions with the Governments of the O.F. State and Natal.2


[Resolved, that in future the Superintendent of Native Affairs, like the Commandant-General, shall be ex officio a member of the Executive Council.]

1 Law No. 1, 1882, art. 7 ;. Locale Wetten der Z.A. Rep. I. 1071.

Postal Conventions were concluded with the O.F. State and Natal in 1885.
Repealed by Procl. No. 34 of 1901.

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