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exercise, and that the optic power was wholly retired into the other eye for we evidently perceive that the eye we keep shut sends some part of its virtue to its fellow, so that it will swell and grow bigger; and so inaction, with the heat of ligatures and plaisters, might very well have brought some gouty humour upon the counterfeiter in Martial.

Reading in Froissart the vow of a troop of young English gentlemen, to keep their left eyes bound up till they had arrived in France and performed some notable exploit upon us, I have often been tickled with this thought, that it might have befallen them as it did those others, and they might have returned with but an eye a piece to their mistresses, for whose sakes they had entered on the enterprise.

Mothers have reason to rebuke their children when they counterfeit having but one eye, squinting, lameness, or any other personal defect; for, besides that their bodies being then so tender, may be subject to take an ill bent, fortune, I know not how, sometimes seems to delight in taking us at our word; and I have heard several examples related of people who have become really sick, by only feigning to be so. I have always used, whether on horseback or on foot, to carry a stick in my hand, and even to affect doing it with an elegant air; many have threatened that this fancy would one day be turned into necessity: if so, I should be the first of my family to have the gout.

But let us a little lengthen this chapter, and add another anecdote concerning blindness. Pliny reports of one who, dreaming he was blind, found himself so indeed in the morning without any preceding infirmity in his eyes. The force of imagination might assist in this case, as I have said elsewhere, and Pliny seems to be of the same opinion; but it is more likely that the motions which the body felt within, of which physicians, if they please, may find out the cause, taking away his sight, were the occasion of his dream.

Let us add another story, not very improper for this subject, which Seneca relates in one of his epistles: "You

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3 Ep. 50.

know," says he, writing to Lucilius, “that Harpaste, my wife's fool, is thrown upon me as an hereditary charge, for I have naturally an aversion to those monsters; and if I have a mind to laugh at a fool, I need not seek him far; I can laugh at myself. This fool has suddenly lost her sight: I tell you a strange, but a very true thing: she is not sensible that she is blind, but eternally importunes her keeper to take her abroad, because she says the house is dark. That what we laugh at in her, I pray you to believe, happens to every one of us: no one knows himself to be avaricious or grasping; and, again, the blind call for a guide, while we stray of our own accord. I am not ambitious, we say; but a man cannot live otherwise at Rome; I am not wasteful, but the city requires a great outlay; 'tis not my fault if I am choleric-if I have not yet established any certain course of life 'tis the fault of youth. Let us not seek our disease out of ourselves; 'tis in us, and planted in our bowels; and the mere fact that we do not perceive ourselves to be sick, renders us more hard to be cured. If we do not betimes begin to see to ourselves, when shall we have provided for so many wounds and evils wherewith we abound? And yet we have a most sweet and charming medicine in philosophy; for of all the rest we are sensible of no pleasure till after the cure this pleases and heals at once." This is what Seneca says, that has carried me from my subject, but there is advantage in the change.



TACITUS reports,1 that amongst certain barbarian kings their manner was, when they would make a firm obligation, to join their right hands close to one another, and intertwist their thumbs; and when, by force of straining the blood, it

1 Annal., xii. 47.

appeared in the ends, they lightly pricked them with some sharp instrument, and mutually sucked them.


Physicians say that the thumbs are the master-fingers of the hand, and that their Latin etymology is derived from "pollere." The Greeks called them 'Avrixeup, as who should say, another hand. And it seems that the Latins also sometimes take it in this sense for the whole hand :—

"Sed nec vocibus excitata blandis,

Molli pollici nec rogata, surgit." 2

It was at Rome a signification of favour to depress and turn in the thumbs :

"Fautor utroque tuum laudabit pollice ludum :"3

and of disfavour to elevate and thrust them outward :

"Converso pollice vulgi, Quemlibet occidunt populariter.” 4

The Romans exempted from war all such as were maimed in the thumbs, as having no more sufficient strength to hold their weapons. Augustus confiscated the estate of a Roman knight who had maliciously cut off the thumbs of two young children he had, to excuse them from going into the armies: 5 and, before him, the Senate, in the time of the Italic war, had condemned Caius Vatienus to perpetual imprisonment, and confiscated all his goods, for having purposely cut off the thumb of his left hand, to exempt himself

1 To be powerful. This seems taken from Macrobius, Saturn., vii. 13, who took it in his turn from Atticus Capito.-Coste.

2 "Neither to be excited by soft words or by the thumb."-Mart., xii. 98, 8.

3 "Thy patron will applaud thy sport with both thumbs."-Horace, Ep. i. 18, 16.

"The populace, with inverted thumbs, kill all that come before them."-Juvenal, iii. 36. We have elsewhere noticed that to turn the thumbs inwards was a signal in the circus for the death of the defeated gladiator.

5 Suetonius, in Vita, c. 24.

from that expedition.1 Some one, I have forgotten who,2 having won a naval battle, cut off the thumbs of all his vanquished enemies, to render them incapable of fighting and of handling the oar. The Athenians also caused the thumbs of the Æginetans to be cut off, to deprive them of the superiority in the art of navigation.3

In Lacedæmon, pedagogues chastised their scholars by biting their thumbs.4




I HAVE often heard it said that cowardice is the mother of cruelty; and I have found by experience that malicious and inhuman animosity and fierceness are usually accompanied with feminine weakness. I have seen the most cruel people, and upon frivolous occasions, apt to cry. Alexander, the tyrant of Pheres, durst not be a spectator of tragedies in the theatre, for fear lest his citizens should see him weep at the misfortunes of Hecuba and Andromache, who himself without pity caused so many people every day to be murdered. Is it not meanness of spirit that renders them so pliable to all extremities? Valour, whose effect is only to be exercised against resist



"Nec nisi bellantis gaudet cervice juvenci stops when it sees the enemy at its mercy; but pusillanimity, to say that it was also in the game, not having dared

1 Valerius Maximus, v. 3, 8. From "Pollice truncus

thought, poltroon.-Le Clerc.

comes, it is

2 Philocles, one of the Athenian generals in the Peloponnesian war.


3 Valerius Maximus, ix. 2, Ext. 8; Cicero, De Offic., iii. 11.

4 Plutarch, Life of Lycurgus, c. 14.

Plutarch, Life of Pelopidas, c. 15.

6"Nor delights in killing a bull unless he resists."-Claudius, Ep. ad Hadrianum, v. 39.

to meddle in the first act of danger, takes as its part the second, of blood and massacre. The murders in victories are commonly performed by the rascality and hangers-on of an army, and that which causes so many unheard of cruelties in domestic wars is, that this canaille makes war in imbruing itself up to the elbows in blood, and ripping up a body that lies prostrate at its feet, having no sense of any other valour :


"Et lupus, et turpes instant morientibus ursi,
Et quæcunque minor nobilitate fera est : "1

like cowardly dogs, that in the house worry and tear the skins of wild beasts, they durst not come near in the field. What is it in these times of ours that makes our quarrels mortal; and that, whereas our fathers had some degrees of revenge, we now begin with the last in ours, and at the first meeting nothing is to be said but, kill? What is this but cowardice ?

Every one is sensible that there is more bravery and disdain in subduing an enemy, than in cutting his throat; and in making him yield, than in putting him to the sword: besides that the appetite of revenge is better satisfied and pleased because its only aim is to make itself felt. And this is the reason why we do not fall upon a beast or a stone when they hurt us, because they are not capable of being sensible of our revenge; and to kill a man is to save him from the injury and offence we intend him. And as Bias cried out to a wicked fellow, "I know that sooner or later thou wilt have thy reward, but I am afraid I shall not see it; "2 and pitied the Orchomenians that the penitence of Lyciscus for the treason committed against them, came at a season when there was no one remaining alive of those who had been interested in the offence, and whom the

1 "Wolves and the filthy bears, and all the baser beasts, fall upon the dying."-Ovid, Trist., iii. 5, 35.

2 Plutarch, On the Delay in Divine Justice, c. 2.

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