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thou for thy awin Mercy is fake bleffe the fame, in fuch Sort that thy godlie Name may be glorifyed, Superftitioun and Idolatrie may be rooted out, and Verteu may be planted not only in this Generation, bot alfo to the Pofterities to come. Amen. Grant us this mercieful Father, for Jefus Christ thy Sonnes faik, in whofe Name we call unto the as he hath taught us, faying, Our Father, &c.

And fo with the Reherfal of the Beleif. After which fhall be fung this Portion of the 103 Pfalme, Verfe 19. The Heavens hie ar made the Seat, and fo to the End of that Pfalme. After the which, fhall this fchort Admonition be gevin to the elected.

Exhortation to the elected.

Magnifie God who of his Mercie hath called you to rule within his Church, be faithful in your Vocation, fchaw your felf zealous to promote Vertew, feir not the Faces of the Wicked, but rebuke their Wickednes: Be merciful to the Poore, and fupport them to the uttermoft of your Power; and fo fhall ye receave the Benediction of God present and everlasting.

GOD fave the King's Majeftie, and geve unto him the Spirit of Sanctificatioun in his zong Age. Bleffe his Regent and fuch as affift him in upryght Counfal. And ather fructfullie convert, or fuddanlie confound the Enemies of trew Religion, and of this afflicted Common-wealth.

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Ourdoure and Doctrine


General Falt,

Appoynted by the Generall Affemblie of the CHURCH of SCOTLAND: Halden at Edinburgh the 25 Day of December, 1565.

Set down by JOHN KNOX and JOHN CRAIG at the Appoyntment of the Affemblie.

Joel XI. 12.

Therefore also now the Lord Jayth, Turne you unto me with all your Hart, and with fafting, and with weiping, and with mourning.

E DIN B ບ R G H,
Printed by James Wafin, His Majefty's Printer.







The Superintendents, Minifters, and Com miffioners of Churchis reformed, within the Realm of Scotland, meeting in the Generall Aemblie, at Edinburgh the 25 December Anno 1565.

To all that trewlie profes the Lord Felus within the fame Realme, or elfe where, wish Grace and Mercie from God the Father, and from his onlie Sone our Lord Jefus Chrift, with the holie Spirit.


He prefent Troubles being fomewhat confiddered,but greater feared fchortlie to follow, it was thocht expedient, dearlie beloved in the Lord Jefus, that the hole Faithful within this Realme, fhuld together and at one Time, proftrate themfefies before their God, craving. of him Pardon and Mercie, for the great Abuse

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