1 if my faid daughter Judith be living at the end of the faid three years, or any issue of her body, then my will is, and fo I devise and bequeath the faid hundred and fifty pounds to be set out by my executors and overseers for the best benefit of her and her iffue, and the stock not to be paid unto her fo long as she shall be married and covert baron; but my will is, that she shall have the confideration yearly paid unto her during her life, and after her decease the faid stock and confideration to be paid to her children, if the have any, and if not, to her executors and affigns, the living the faid term after my de, cease; provided that if fuch husband as the shall at the end of the faid three years be married unto, or at and after, do fufficiently affure unto her, and the issue of her body, and answerable to the portion by this my will given unto her, and to be adjudged fo by my executors and overseers, then my will is, that the faid hundred and fifty pounds shall be paid to fuch husband as fhall make such affurance, to his own ufe. Item, I give and bequeath unto my faid fister Joan twenty pounds, and all my wearing apparel, to be paid and delivered within one year after my decease; and I do will and devise unto her the house, with the appurtenances, in Stratford, wherein the dwelleth, for her natural life, under the yearly value of twelve-pence. Hart, and Item, I give and bequeath unto her three fons, William Hart, --- Item, I give and bequeath unto the poor of Stratford aforesaid ten pounds; to Mr. Thomas Combe my sword; to Thomas Ruffel, efq. five pounds; and to Francis Collins of the borough of Warwick, in the county of Warwick, gent, thirteen pounds fix fhillings and eight-pence, to be paid within one year after my deceafe. Item, I give and bequeath to Hamlet Sadier twenty-fix fhillings eight-pence to buy him a ring; to William Reynolds, gent. twenty-fix fhillings eight-pence to buy him a ring; to my godfon William Walker twenty fhillings in gold; to Anthony Nath, gent. twenty fix-fhillings eight-pence; and to Mr. John Nash twenty-fix fhillings eightpence; and to my fellows John Hemynge, Richard Burbage, and Henry Cundell twenty-fix shillings eight pence apiece to buy them rings. Item, I give, will, bequeath, and devise unto my daughter Susannah Hall, for the better enabling of her to perform this my will, and towards the performance thereof, all that capital messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in Stratford aforefaid, called The New Place, wherein I now dwell, and two meffuages or tenements, with the appurtenances, fituate, lying, and being in Henley-ftreet, within the borough of Stratford aforefaid; and all my barns, stables, orchards, gardens, lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatsoever, fituate, lying, and being, or to be had, referved, preferved, or taken within the towns, hamlets, villages, fields, and grounds of Stratford uponAvon, Old Stratford, Bushaxton, and Welcome, or in any of them, in the faid county of Warwick; and alfo all that meffuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, wherein one John Robinfon dwelleth, fituate, lying, and being in the Black-Friers in London near the Wardrobe, and all other my lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatfoever; to have and to hold all and fingular the faid premises, with their appurtenances, unto the faid Sufannah Hall, for and during the term of her natural life; and after her decease to the first fon of her body lawfully iffuing, and to the heirs males of the body of the faid first fon lawfully iffuing; and for default of fuch issue, to the fecond fon of her body lawfully iffuing, and to the heirs males of the body of the faid second son lawfully iffuing; and for default of fuch heirs to the third fon of the body of the faid Sufannah lawfully iffuing, and of the heirs males of the body of the faid third fon lawfully iffuing; and for default of fuch issue, the fame to be and remain to the fourth, fifth, fixth, and feventh fons of her body, lawfully iffuing one after another, and to the heirs males of the bodies of the faid fourth, fifth, fixth, and feventh fons lawfully iffuing, in fuch manner as it is before limited to be, and remain to the first, second, and third fons of her body, and to their heirs males; and for default of fuch issue, the faid premises to be and remain to my faid niece Hall, and the heirs males of her body lawfully iffuing; and for default of fuch iffae, to my daughter Judith, and the heirs males of her body lawfully iffuing; and for default of fuch ifflue, to the right heirs of me the faid William Shakspeare for ever. Item, I give unto my wife my brown best bed with the furniture. Item, I give and bequeath to my faid daughter Judith my broad filver gilt bole. All the rest of my goods, chattels, leafes, plate, jewels, and houshold-stuff whatsoever, after my debts and legacies paid, and my funeral expences discharged, I give, devise, and bequeath to my fon-in-law, John Hall, gent. and my daughter Susannah his wife, who who I ordain and make executors of this my last will and testament. And I do intrea and appoint the faid Thomas Ruffel, esq. and Francis Collins, gent. to be overseers hereof. And, I do revoke all former wills, and publish this to be my last will and teftament. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand, the day and year first abovewritten, by me William Shakspeare. Witness to the publishing hereof, Fra. Collins, Probatum coram Magistro William Byrde, Legum Doctore Commissario, &c. vicefima fecundo die menfis Junii, Anno Domini 1616. Juramento Johannis Hall unius ex. et cui, &c. de bene et Jurat' refervata potestate et Susanne Hall alt.ex. &c. cui vendit, &c. petitur. THE SCENE On a Skip at Sea. your cabin for the mifchance of the hour, if it fo hap. Cheerly, good hearts-Out of our way, [Extr A tempestuous Noise of Thunder and Lightning beard. I fay. Maft. B Bsatf. Here, mafter: What cheer? Maft. Good: Speak to the mariners: -fall to't yarely, or we run ourselves aground: beftir, beftir. Enter Mariners. t Gon. I have great comfort from this fellow; methinks, he hath no drowning mark upon him: his complexion is perfect gallows. Stand faft, good fate, to his hanging; make the rope of his deftiny our cable, for our own doth little advantage: If [Exit. he be not born to be hang'd, our cafe is miferable. [Excunt. Boats: Heigh, my hearts; cheerly, cheerly, burst thy wind, if room enough! Alon. Good boatswain, have care. Boats. I pray now, keep below. Ferdinand, cry within.] they are louder than the weather, or our office. Re-enter Sebaßian, Anthonio, and Gonzalo. Where's Yet again? What do you here? Shall we give o'er, and drown? Have you a mind to fink? Ant. Where's the matter, boatswain? Boats. When the fea is. Hence! What care Gon. Good; yet remember whom thou haft aboard. Boats. None that I more love than myself. You are a counsellor; if you can command these elements to filence, and work the peace of the prefent, we will not handle a rope more; ufe your authority. If you cannot, give thanks you have liv'd so long, and make yourself ready in * Readily, nimbly. 2 Of the present inftant, B Seh. A pox o' your throat! you bawling, blaf phemous, uncharitable dog! Boats. Work you then. Ant. Hang, cur, hang! you whorefon, infolent noisemaker! we are less afraid to be drown'd, than thou art. Gon. I'll warrant him from drowning, though the thip were no stronger than a nut-shell, and as leaky as an unftanch'd 3 wench. Boats. Lay her a-hold, a-hold; fet her two couries; off to fea again, lay her off. Enter Mariners quct. Mar. All loft! to prayers, to prayers! all loft ! [Excunt. Boats. What, must our mouths be cold? the poet probably means. 3 Incontinent. Gon |