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Poifon more deadly than a mad dog's tooth. It feems, his fleeps were hinder'd by thy railing: And therefore comes it, that his head is light. Thou fay'ft his meat was fauc'd with thy upbraid- Unquiet meals make ill digeftions, [ings: Therefore the raging fire of fever bred; And what's a fever but a fit of madnefs ? Thou fay 'ft, his fports were hinder'd by thy brawls; Sweet recreation barr'd, what doth enfue, But moody and dull melancholy, Kinfman to grim and comfortless defpair; And, at her heels, a huge infectious troop Of pale diftemperatures, and foes to life? In food, in fport, and life-preferving reft To be difturb'd, would mad or man or beaft: The confequence is then, thy jealous fits Have scar'd thy hufband from the use of wits.
Luc. She never reprehended him but mildly, When he demean'd himself rough, rude and wildly. Why bear you these rebukes, and anfwer not?
Adr. She did betray me to my own reproof.- Good people, enter, and lay hold on him. Abb. No, not a creature enter in my house. Adr. Then, let your fervants bring my husband
Abb. Neither, he took this place for fanctuary, And it thall privilege him from your hands, 'Till I have brought him to his wits again, Or lofe my labour in affaying it.
Adr. I will attend my husband, be his nurse, Diet his fickness, for it is my office; And will have no attorney but myself; And therefore let me have him home with me. Abb. Be patient; for I will not let him ftir, Till I have us'd the approved means I have,
Adr. This week he hath been heavy, four, fad, And much, much different from the man he was; With wholesome syrups, drugs, and holy prayers,
But, till this afternoon, his paition
Ne'er brake into extremity of rage.
To make of him a formal 2 man again: [fea? It is a branch and parcel of mine oath,
Abb. Hath he not loit mach wealth by wreck at A charitable duty of my order;
Bury'd fome dear friend? Hath not elfe his eye Stray'd his affection in unlawful love? A fin, prevailing much in youthful men, Who give their eyes the liberty of gazing. Which of these forrows is he fubject to ?
Adr. To none of these, except it be the last; Namely, fome love that drew him oft from home. Abb. You should for that have reprehended him. Adr. Why, fo I did.
Abb. But not rough enough.
Therefore depart, and leave him here with me. Adr. I will not hence, and leave my husband And ill it doth befeem your holiness, [here To feparate the husband and the wife. [him. Abb. Be quiet, and depart, thou shalt not have Luc. Complain unto the duke of this indignity. [Exit Abbefi.
Adr. Come, go; I will fall proftrate at his feet, And never rife until my tears and prayers Have won his grace to come in perfon hither,
Adr. As roughly, as my modesty would let me. And take perforce my husband from the abbess.
Abb. Haply, in private.
Adr. And in affemblies too.
Abb. Ay, but not enough.
Adr. It was the copy of our conference;
In bed, he flept not for my urging it; At board, he fed not for my urging it; Alone, it was the subject of my theme; In company, I often glanç'd at it;
Still did I tell him it was vile and bad.
Mer. By this, I think, the dial points at fives Anon, I am fure, the duke himself in person Comes this way to the melancholy vale; The place of death and forry 3 execution, Behind the ditches of the abbey here.
Who put unluckily into this bay Against the laws and ftatutes of this town,
Abb. And therefore came it that the man was mad. Beheaded publickly for his offence. The venom clamours of a jealous woman
Ang. See, where they come; we will behold his
1 That is, the theme, or subject. 2 i. e, a regular, fober man. 3 Sorry here means vile, worthless,
Luc. Kneel to the duke, before he pass the To scorch your face, and to disfigure you : abbey. [Cry within. Enter the Duke, and Ægeon bare-headed; with the Hark, hark, I hear him, mistress; fly, be gone. Duke. Come, stand by me, fear nothing: Guard with halberds.
beadsman and other officers. Duke. Yet once again proclaim it publicly, If any friend will pay the fum for him, He shall not die, fo much we tender him.
Adr. Juftice, most sacred duke, against the
Duke. She is a virtuous and a reverend lady; It cannot be, that she hath done thee wrong. Adr. May it please your grace, Antipholis, my hufband,-
Whom I made lord of me and all I had, At your important letters, this ill day A moft outrageous fit of madness took him; That defperately he hurry'd through the street, (With him his bondman, all as mad as he) Doing difpleasure to the citizens,
By rushing in their houses, bearing thence Rings, jewels, any thing his rage did like. Once did I get him bound, and fent him home, Whilft to take order 2 for the wrongs I went, That here and there his fury had committed. Anon, I wot not by what strong efcape, He broke from those that had the guard of him : And, with his mad attendant and himself, Each one with ireful paffion, with drawn fwords, Met us again, and, madly bent on us, Chas'd us away; till, raising of more aid, We came again to bind them: then they fled Into this abbey, whither we purfu'd them; And here the abbess shuts the gates on us, And will not fuffer us to fetch him out, Nor fend him forth, that we may bear him hence. Therefore, moft gracious duke, with thy command, Let him be brought forth, and borne hence for help. [wars;
Duke. Long fince thy husband ferv'd me in my And I to thee engag'd a prince's word, When thou didst make him master of thy bed, To do him all the grace and good I could.- Go, fome of you, knock at the abbey-gate, And bid the lady abbess come to me; I will determine this, before I ftir. Enter a Meffenger.
Meff. O mistress, mistress, shift and save yourself! My master and his man are both broke loofe! Beaten the maids a-row 3, and bound the doctor, Whose beard they have fing'd off with brands of And ever as it blaz'd, they threw on him [fire; Great pails of puddled mire to quench the hair : My mafter preaches patience to him, and the while His man with scissars nicks him like a fool. And, fure, unless you fend fome present help, Between them they will kill the conjurer. (here; Adr. Peace, fool, thy mafter and his man are And that is false, thou doft report to us.
Meff. Miftress, upon my life, I tell you true; I have not breath'd almost, fince I did fee it. He cries for you, and vows, if he can take you,
Adr. Ay me, it is my husband! Witness you, That he is borne about invisible:
Even now we hous'd him in the abbey here; And now he's there, past thought of human reafon. Enter Antipbolis, and Dromio of Epbefus. E. Ant. Justice, most gracious duke, oh, grant me justice !
Even for the fervice that long fince I did thee, When I bettrid thee in the wars, and took Deep scars to fave thy life; even for the blood That then I lost for thee, now grant me juftice. Ageon. Unless the fear of death doth make me I fee my fon Antipholis, and Dromio. [dote, E. Ant. Justice, sweet prince, against that wo-
She whom thou gav'st to me to be my wife; That hath abused and dishonour'd me, Even in the strength and height of injury! Beyond imagination is the wrong, That the this day hath shameless thrown on me. Duke. Discover how, and thou shalt find me juft. E. Ant. This day, great duke, she shut the doors upon me,
Whilft the with harlots 4 feafted in my houfe. Duke. A grievous fault: Say, woman, didst thou fo? [fifter, Adr. No, my good lord; -myself, he, and my To-day did dine together: So befal my soul, As this is false, he burdens me withal!
Luc. Ne'er may I look on day, nor fleep on night, But she tells to your highnefs fimple truth! Ang. O perjur'd woman! They are both for- In this the madman juftly chargeth them. [fworn. E. int. My liege, I am advised what I fay Neither difturb'd with the effect of wine, Nor heady-rash, provok'd with raging ire, Albcit, 'my wrongs might make one wifer mad. This woman lock'd me out this day from dinner: That goldsmith there, were he not pack'd with her, Could witness it, for he was with me then, Who parted with me to go fetch a chain, Promifing to bring it to the Porcupine, Where Balthazar and 1 did dine together. Our dinner done, and he not coming thither, I went to feek him in the strest I met hiì; And in his company, that gentleman. There did this perjur'd goldsmith swear me down, That I this day of him receiv'd the chain, Which, God he knows, I faw not: for the which, He did arrest me with an officer.
I did obey; and fent my peasant home For certain ducats: he with none return'd. Then fairly I bespoke the officer, To go in perfon with me to my houfe. By the way we met my wife, her fifter, and A rabble more of vile confederates;
• Perhaps we should read importunate. 2 i. c. to take measures. 3 i. e. one after another. 4 Hare lets here means cheats.
They brought one Pinch; a hungry lean-fac'd vil- A meer anatomy, a mountebank, A thread-bare juggler, and a fortune-teller; A needy, hollow-ey'd, sharp-looking wretch, A living dead-man: this pernicious flave, Forfooth, took on him as a conjurer; And, gazing in my eyes, feeling my pulfe, And with no-face, as it were, out-facing me, Cries out, I was poffefs'd: then all together They fell upon me, bound me, bore me thence; And in a dark and dankish vault at home
There left me and my man, both bound together; *Till gnawing with my teeth my bonds in funder, I gain'd my freedom, and immediately Ran hither to your grace; whom I beseech To give me ample fatisfaction
For these deep shames and great indignities.
Ang. My lord, in truth, thus far I witness with him;
That he din'd not at home, but was lock'd out. Duke. But had he fuch a chain of thee, or no? Ang. He had, my lord: and when he ran in here,
These people faw the chain about his neck.
E. Dro. Ourselves we do remember, fir, by For lately we were bound, as you are now. [you; You are not Pinch's patient, are you, fir?
Agcon. Why look you strange on me? you know me well.
E. Ant. I never faw you in my life, 'till now. Agcon. Oh! grief hath chang'd me, fince you
And careful hours, with time's deformed hand Have written strange defeatures 3 in my face : But tell me yet, doft thou not know my voice? Ant. Neither.
Ageon. Dromio, nor thou ? E. Dro. No, trust me, fir, nor I. Agcon. I am fure, thou doft. E. Dro. Ay, fir?
But I am fure, I do not; and whatfoever A man denies, you are now bound to believe him.
Ageon. Not know my voice! Oh, time's ex- tremity!
Haft thou fo crack'd and splitted my poor tongue In seven short years, that here my only fon Knows not my feeble key of untun'd cares? Though now this grained 4 face of mine be hid In fap-confuming winter's drizled fnow,
Mer. Besides, I will be fworn, thefe ears of mine And all the conduits of my blood froze up;
Heard you confefs, you had the chain of him, After you first forfwore it on the mart,
And, thereupon, I drew my fword on you; And then you fled into this abbey here, From whence, 1 think, you are come by miracle.
E. Ant. I never came within these abbey-walls, Nor ever didit thou draw thy sword on me; I never faw the chain, so help me heaven! And this is false, you burden me withal.
Duke. Why, what an intricate impeach is this! I think, you all have drank of Circe's cup. If here you hous'd him, here he would have been; If he were mad, he would not plead fo coldly :- You fay, he din'd at home; the goldfmith here Denies that faying:-Sirrah, what fay you?
E. Dro. Sir, he din'd with her there, at the Porcupine. [ring. Cour. He did; and from my finger fnatch'd that E. Ant. 'Tis true, my liege, this ring I had of
Dake. Saw'it thou him enter at the abbey here? Cour. As fure, my liege, as I do fee your grace. Duke. Why, this is strange-Go call the abbess hither;
I think you are all mated, or stark mad. [Exit one to the Abbess,
Agran. Moft mighty duke, vouchfafe me speak Haply, I fee a friend, will fave my life, [a word; And pay the fum that may deliver me.
Yet hath my night of life fome memory, My wafting lamps fome fading glimmer left, My dull deaf ears a little use to hear: All these old witnesses (I cannot err) Tell me thou art my fon Antipholis.
E. Ant. I never faw my father in my life. Ageon. But feven years fince, in Syracufa, boy, Thou know eft, we parted: but, perhaps, my fon, Thou sham'it to acknowledge me in mifery.
E. Ant. The duke, and all that know me in Can witness with me that it is not so; the city, I ne'er saw Syracufa in my life.
Duke. I tell thee, Syracufan, twenty years Have I been patron to Antipholis, During which time he ne'er faw Syracufa: I fee, thy age and dangers make thee dote. Enter the Abbess, with Antipholis Syracufan, and
Abb. Most mighty duke, behold a man much wrong'd. [All gather to fee bim. Adr. I fee two hushands, or mine eyes deceive me. Duke. One of these men is Genius to the other; And fo of these: Which is the natural man, And which the fpirit? who deciphers them?
S. Dro. I, fır, am Dromio; command him away. E. Dro. I fir, am Dromio; pray, let me stay. S. Ant. Ægeon, art thou not? or elfe his ghoft? S. Dra. O, my old mafter! who hath bound him here?
Duke. Speak freely, Syracufan, what thou wilt. Ageon, Is not your name, fir, call'd Antipholis? And gain a husband by his liberty :- And is not that your bondman Dromio ? [fir, Speak, old Ægeon, if thou be 'ft the man
Abb. Whoever bound him, I will loofe his bonds,
E. Dro. Within this hour I was his bond-man, That hadit a wife once call'd Æmilia, But he, I thank him, gnaw'd in two my cords; That bore thee at a burden two fair fons ? Now am I Dromio, and his man, unbound. [me, Oh, if thou be'st the fame Ægeon, speak, Ageor. I am fure, you both of you remember And speak unto the fame Emilia !
i. e. wild, foolish, For deforming, 3 i. e. ftrange alteration of features. 4 i. e, furrow'd.
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Duke. Why, here begins his morning story right: These two Antipholis's, these two fo like, And those two Dromio's, one in semblance, Befides her urging of her wreck at fea,Thefe are the parents to thefe children, Which accidentally are met together.
Ægeon. If I dream not, thou art Æmilia; If thou art she, tell me, where is that fon That floated with thee on the fatal raft?
Abb. By men of Epidamnum, he and I, And the twin Dromio, all were taken up; But, by and by, rude fishermen of Corinth By force took Dromio and my fon from them, And me they left with those of Epidanınum: What then became of them, I cannot tell; I, to this fortune that you see me in.
Duke. Antipholis, thou cam'ft from Corinth first? S. Ant. No, fir, not 1; I came from Syracufe. Duke. Stay, stand apart; I know not which is which. [lord. E. Ant. I came from Corinth, my moft gracious E. Dro. And I with him. [mous warrior E. Ant. Brought to this town by that moft fa- Duke Menaphon, your most renowned uncle. Adr. Which of you two did dine with me to-day? S. Ant. I, gentle mistress. Adr. And are you not my husband? F. Ant. No, I fay nay to that.
S. Ant. And fo do I, yet she did call me fo; And this fair gentlewoman, her fister here, Did call me brother: What I told you then, I hope, I shall have leifure to make good; If this be not a dream, I fee, and hear.
Ang. That is the chain, fir, which you had of me. S. Ant. I think it be, fir; I deny it not. E Ant. And you, fir, for this chain arrested me. Ang. I think I did, fir; I deny it not. Adr. I fent you money, fir, to be your bail,
By Dromio; but I think he brought it not.
S. Dro. No, none by me.
Cour. Sir, I must have that diamond from you. E. Ant. There, take it; and much thanks for my good cheer. [pains Abb. Renowned duke, vouchsafe to take the To go with us into the abbey here, And hear at large difcoursed all our fortunes :And all that are affembled in this place, That by this fympathized one day's Error Have fuffer'd wrong, go, keep us company, And ye shall have full fatisfaction.Twenty-five years have I but gone in travail Of you, my fons; and, till this present hour, My heavy burden not delivered :The duke, my husband, and my children both, And you the calendars of their nativity, Go to a goflip's feast, and go with me; After so long grief fuch nativity!
Duke. With all my heart, I'll goffip at this feaft. [Exeunt. Manent the two Antipbolis's, and two Dromio's. S. Dro. Master, shall I fetch your stuff from ship-board? [imbark'd? E. Ant. Dromio, what stuff of mine haft thou S. Dro. Your goods that lay at host, sir, in the Centaur.
S. Ant. He speaks to me; I am your mafter,
Dromio: Come, go with us; we'll look to that anon: Embrace thy brother there, rejoice with him.
[Exeunt Antipholis S. and E.
S. Dro. There is a fat friend at your mafter's houfe,
That kitchen'd me for you to-day at dinner; She now shall be my fifter, not my wife.
E. Dro. Methinks, you are my glass, and nος
I fee by you, I am a fweet-fac'd youth. Will you walk in to fee their goffiping? S. Dro. Not I, fir; you are my elder. E. Dro. That's a question:
S. Ant. This purse of ducats I receiv'd from you, How shall we try it?
And Dromio my man did bring them me:
I fee, we still did meet each other's man, And I was ta'en for him, and he for me, And thereupon these Errors are arofe.
E. Ant. These ducats pawn I for my father here. Duke. It shall not need, thy father hath his life.
S. Dro. We will draw
Cuts for the fenior; till then lead thou first, E. Dro. Nay, then thus:
We came into the world, like brother and brother; And now let's go hand in hand, not one before another. [Exeunt,
Dr. Warburton thinks we should read, and gaude; that is, rejoice with me.
Enter Leonato, Hero, and Beatrice, with a Meffenger,
I LEARN in this letter, that Don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Meffina.
Mof. He is very near by this; he was not three leagues off when I left him.
Leon. How many gentlemen have you loft in this action?
Meff. But few of any fort 2, and none of name. Leon. A victory is twice itself, when the atchiever brings home full numbers. I find here, that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine, call'd Claudio.
Meff. Much deserv'd on his part, and equally remember'd by Don Pedro: He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age; doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion: he hath, indeed, better better'd expectation, than you must expect of me to tell you how.
Leon. He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it.
Moff. I have already delivered him letters, and there appears much joy in him; even fo much, that joy could not thew itself modeft enough, without a badge of bitterness.
Leon. Did he break out into tears? Meff. In great measure.
Leon. A kind overflow of kindness: There are no faces truer than those that are so wash'd. How much better is it to weep at joy, than to joy at weeping?
Beat. I pray you, is fignior Montanto 3 return'd from the wars, or no?
Meff. I know none of that name, lady; there was none fuch in the army of any fort.
Leon. What is he that you afk for, niece? Hero. My coufin means fignior Benedick of Padua. Meff. O, he's return'd; and as pleasant as ever
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Mr. Pope was of opinion, that the story of this play is taken from Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, b. v. Mr. Steevens, however, fuppofes, that a novel of Belleforest, copied from another of Bandello, furnished Shakspeare with his fable. 2 That is, of any rank. 3 Montante, in Spanish, is a huge twohanded fuord, given, with much humour, to one, the speaker would reprefent as a boafter or bravado. + This alludes to the custom of fencers, or prize-fighters, setting up bills, containing a general challenge. 5 To challenge at the flight, was a challenge to shoot with an arrow of a particular kind, with narrow feathers.
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