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Dr. Butler's Ancient and Modern Geography.


A Sketch of Ancient and Modern Geography. By SAMUEL BUTLER, D.D. late Bishop of Lichfield, formerly Head Master of Shrewsbury School. New Edition, revised by his Son. 8vo. 98. boards; bound in roan, 10s.

Dr. Butler's Ancient and Modern Atlases.

A General Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography; consisting of Forty-five coloured Maps, and Indices. New Edition, corrected. 4to. 24s. half-bound. An Atlas of Modern Geography; consisting of Twenty-three Coloured Maps; with a complete Index. New Edition, corrected. 8vo. 12s. half-bound. An Atlas of Ancient Geography; consisting of Twenty-two Coloured Maps, with a complete Accentuated Index. New Edition, corrected. 8vo. 12s.

Abridgment of Butler's Geography.

An Abridgment of Bishop Butler's Modern and Ancient Geography: arranged in the form of Question and Answer, for the use of Beginners. By MARY CUNNINGHAM. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. cloth.

Dr. Butler's Geographical Copy-Books.

Outline Geographical Copy-Books, Ancient and Modern: with the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only, for the Pupil to fill up, and designed to accompany the above. 4to. each 4s.; or together, sewed, 7s. 6d.

The Geography of Palestine or the Holy Land,

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Dowling's Introduction to Goldsmith's Geography. Introduction to Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography: for the use of Junior Pupils. By J. DOWLING. New Edition. 18mo. 9d. sewed.

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KEY, 12mo. 3s. bound.


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Wilson and Ogilvy, Skinner Street, Snowhill, London.

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