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humbleness of mind, that I may love my fellow-creatures with sincere affection, being always ready to do what good I can, promoting, as far as in me lies, the comfort and happiness of all with whom I am in any way connected. Lord, give me grace to love even my enemies, to pray for them and bless them, that I may be indeed thy child-a true disciple of the blessed Jesus. Strengthen in me, I beseech thee, every good resolution. Enable me to commit myself altogether to thy care, and to be entirely resigned and submissive under every dispensation of thy will. Oh God, I pray that thou wilt be gracious to all mankind. Extend thy compassion to all ranks and conditions of men; let thy ways be known on earth, thy saving health among all nations. Especially, be gracious to my native country; may we prove ourselves a na

tion fearing thee. To thy merciful protection I commit myself and all who are dear to me this night. Grant us quiet and refreshing sleep. May thy fatherly hand, oh God, ever be over us; may thy Holy Spirit ever be with us, and so lead us in the knowledge and obedience of thy word, that in the end we may obtain everlasting life, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end.

Our Father, &c.



Then shalt thou call, and the Lord will answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. ISAI. LVIII. 9.

ALMIGHTY GOD, the maker of every thing in heaven and earth, the darkness

goes away and the day-light comes at thy command, thou art good and thou doest good continually. I thank thee that thou hast taken care of me this night, and that I am alive and well this morning. Save me, Lord, from all evil during the day, and carry me through it in thy fear and favor. Forgive my sins and my iniquities, and let them no longer separate between me and my God. Give me grace truly to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ, to the saving of my soul. Kindle in my heart a very fervent desire to please thee, and make it my delight to obey thy commandments, looking to thee for the gracious assistance of the Holy Spirit.


Blessed Jesus, I would sit at thy feet and learn of Help me to be conformed unto thy image, and in some humble degree to shew forth in my own life thy graces and virtues. May I be patient, humble, and

meek, and far from being unforgiving to those who may do me wrong; help me, like thee, to requite evil with kindness and enmity with love. Assist me to give up and part with every object that may come in competition with my duty to thee; and let me not be desirous of vain glory, but what I do, let me do it as unto thyself, recollecting that I am still an unprofitable servant; I have done very imperfectly that which it was my duty to do. But, Lord, let not a sense of my unprofitableness discourage me from drawing nigh to thee. Oh God, the Father of heaven, view me in the Son of thy love. Accept and bless me with all spiritual blessings in him. Grant that I may ever see that in myself I am a helpless and miserable sinner, and yet behold the encouragement I have in thy gracious word to come unto thee for hope, help, and


mercy, for thou hast so loved the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Lord, I would remember in prayer all who are near and dear to me; bless both them and me with thy gracious favor in this life, and when we die, may we all join the company of those whose robes are washed in the blood of Jesus, and in the regions of the blessed for ever celebrate his love. Amen.

Our Father, &c.


When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. PROV. III. 24. OH LORD, my God, who hast now drawn around me the shades of night, enable me

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