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is in waiting; and sometimes to bring back

minutes. Three hours.

the groom with still greater expedition. His Not exceeding two hours and forty
constitution, therefore, is required to be good,
and his spirit invincible; he must be enabled
to go five and twenty or thirty miles at a stage
without drawing bit, or the least respect to the
state of the roads or the weather.


HACKNEY, is used to denote, further, 2.
A hireling; a prostitute (Roscommon).
Any thing let out for hire (Pope). 4. Much
used; common (Harvey).

To HACKNEY. v. a. (from the noun.) To practise in one thing; to accustom, as to the oad (Shakspeare).

HACKNEY-COACHES, those exposed to hire in the streets of London, and some other great towns and cities, as Edinburgh, Liverpool, Bristol, &c. at certain rates fixed by authority. (See COACH.) These first began to ply in the streets of London, or rather waited at inns, in the year 1625, and were originally no more than twenty in number. The following is a correct table of the present








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Five miles and a half 0 6 6
Six miles .

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Seven miles

Seven miles and a half 0
Eight miles

Eight miles and a half 0 10
Nine miles

Three hours and twen

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And so on at the rate of sixpence for every fifteen minutes further time.

The fares are to be taken by the hour or mile only, and not by the day.

The sun-set hours, after which coaches are obliged to go on the lighted roads, shall be after eight between Lady Day and Michaelmas, and after five between Michaelmas and Lady Day; and coaches discharged after such hours beyond the carriage-way pavement, shall, besides the above fares, have the ll fare to the extremity of such pavement; or if hired a stand beyond the same, the full fare back such extremity or standing, at the option the party.

For coaches hired to go into the country in the day-time and there discharged, additional fares are to be taken for their reiuru empty to the pavement or next stand where hired from, as follows: for ten miles, five shillings; eight miles, four shillings, six miles, three shillings; and four miles, two shillings. If under four miles, nothing.

Coachmen are not compellable to take more than four adult persons inside and a servant out; but if they agree to take more, then one shilling in addition to the fare must be paid for 0 each extra person; and if the coach is hired for the country, and to return, one shilling for such extra person going, and one shilling for his returning.

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Visitors of Vauxhall, and other places of public resort, ordering coaches to wait, must pay a reasonable sum in hand, to be accounted for when the coach is discharged.

Coachmen summoned for refusing to go with fares, who can prove that they have been twelve hours at work, or were at the time actually hired, and it appearing that they did not use any uncivil language, or mis-conduct themselves, are not to be punished for such refusal; but, on the contrary, receive from the party complaining a compensation for loss of time, not exceeding five shillings, nor less than three shillings.

Every coach shall have its number on each side; and if any proprietor shall presume to alter his number he shall forfeit 51. half to the king, and half to the informer. The horses to be used with hackney-coaches shall not be under fourteen hands high.

Any coachman refusing to go at, or exacting more for his hire than according to the foregoing rates, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding three pounds or under ten shillings; and in case of misbehaviour by abusive language or otherwise, the commissioners may revoke

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Rents and penalties to be levied by distress, and, in default thereof, imprisonment till paid; and if any rent is fourteen days unpaid, the licence may be withdrawn.

A coach should be taken possession of before the coachman is told where to drive; if he then refuses to proceed he, is liable to be punished; and if at any time you apprehend that more than the proper fare is demanded, you may offer whatever is asked, but charge the coachman to take no more than is due; and if he then persists in the overcharge and takes it, you may take his number and apply for redress at the Hackney-Coach Office, in Somersetplace; though the penalties are equally recoverable before the alderman of every ward of the city, or any justice of peace.

HACQUETON. s. (haquet, old French.) Some piece of armour (Spenser).

HAD. The preterit and part. pass. of have. HADBOTE, in our old writers, a recompence or amends for violence offered to persons in holy orders.

HADDINGTON, a borough of Scotland, in a county of the same name. Part of a monastery here is occupied as a parish church; and at a small distance are the ruins of a nunnery. Lat. 55. 50 N. Lon. 2. 35 W. HADDINGTONSHIRE, or EAST LoTHIAN, a county of Scotland, bounded on the W. by Edinburghshire, on the N. by the frith of Forth, on the E. by the German Ocean, and on the S. by the county of Berwick. It is about twenty-five miles long from E to W. and fifteen miles where broadest. A great tract of this county, extending to the S. and E. is for the most part chainpaign, and very fertile and beautiful. The soil is, in many places, doubly productive. Rich crops are raised on the surface; and the mines of coal are inexhaustible. The southern part of this county is very mountainous. In 1801 this county contained 29986 inhabitants.

HADDOCK, in ichthyology. See GA


HADDON (Dr. Walter), a learned Englishman, born in Buckinghamshire in 1516, and educated at Eton school, from whence he was sent to King's college, Cambridge, where he took his doctor's degree in civil law. He was one of the most zealous promoters of the reformation, which brought him into some danger in the reign of queen Mary. On the accession of Elizabeth, he was made master of the court of requests. He was also employed on state affairs. He died in 1571. His miscellaneous works were printed in 1567, in 4to. under the title of Lucubrations.

HADES, the Greek term used in Scripture for the unseen state. See ADES.

HADLEY, or HADLEIGH, a borough in Suffolk, with a market on Mondays. It is go verned by a mayor, and has a very handsome church. Large quantities of yarn are spun here for the Norwich manufacture. Lat. 52. 10 N. Lon. 1. 6 E.


HADRIANEA, iu antiquity, games ob served at Puzzuoli, in honour of the emperor Adrian.

HADSJAR, or LACHSA, a province of Arabia, bounded on the north by Arabia Deserta, on the east by the Persian Gulf, on the south by Oman, and on the west by Nedsjed The asses and camels of this country are much valued, and some thousands of the latter annually sold into Syria. In the interior parts of the country dates form a principal branch of the food of the inhabitants. Pearl-fishing on the coasts produces considerable advantage, and there is some foreign trade. Lachsa is the capital.

HE'MA. (asper, from aw, to burn, because of its heat.) Blood. This word forms the commencement of a great variety of compound terms in medicine.

HÆMAGOGOS, !(of aia, blood, aud aye, I draw away.) The name of a medicinal composition described in Myrepsus, and intended to bring away the lochia, or forward the menstrual discharges. It consists of black hellebore and the foetid gums, with honey.

HEMANTHUS. Blood-flower. In botany, a genus of the class hexandria, order monogynia. Involucre many-leaved, many-flow. ered; corol superior, six-parted; berry threecelled. Fourteen species: all Cape plants, excepting one, which is indigenous to Sierra Leone. The following are the chief.

1. H. coccineus. Leaves tongue-shaped, flat, smooth, pressed close to the ground: umbel contracted, fastigiate, shorter than the involucre; border of the corol spreading. The leaves are produced in the autumn, continue through the winter, and decay in the spring; the plant through the summer being leafless. The flowers precede the leaves in the autumnal


2. H. multiflorus. Leaves elliptic, lanceolate, acute, concave, erect; umbel many-flowered, longer than the involucre; peduncles jointed; border spreading; stamens ascending. This is the only species of the genus which has hitherto been found wild in any other part than the Cape. It is described by Seba as a native of Sierra Leone.

3. H. carinatus. Leaves linear, and hollowed like the keel of a boat: stalk taller and flowers paler than those of H. coccineus, or the cochineal blood-flower.

HÆMATE'MASIS. (hæmatemasis, from ape, blood, and w, to vomit.) Vomitus cruentius. A vomiting of blood. This disease is mostly symptomatic of some other, and generally arises from plethora, obstructed catamenia, or scurvy.

HEMATITES. in oryctology. See FER



(hæmatocele, from , blood, and я, a tumour.) A collection of blood in the tunica vaginalis, testis, or in the cellular membrane of the scrotum. It generally takes place from puncturing a bloodvessel in the operation for removing the water of hydrocele. If the quantity be great, and the efflux be not stopped by cold applications, the bleeding vessel should be secured.

HÆMATOLOGY. (hamatologia, asparoAgyia; from αίμα, blood, and royos, a discourse.)

The doctrine of the blood.

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HEMATOM PHALOCELE. (hematomphaloccle, «ματομφαλοκήλη; from blood, up, the navel, and, a tumour). A species of ecchymosis. A tumor about the navel from an extravasation of blood. It is mostly absorbed, but, if too considerable, a puncture may be made to evacuate the blood, as in ecchymosis. See ECCHYMOSIS.

HEMATOPUS. Sea-pie. Pied oystercatcher. In zoology, a genus of the class aves, order grallæ. Bill compressed, the tip an equal wedge; nostrils linear; tongue a third part as long as the bill; feet formed for running, three-toed, cleft. One species. H. ostralegus, with red bill, eyelids and legs, the former sometimes tipt with black; scarlet irids; body sometimes totally black; frequently head, neck, and body above black, beneath white. Inhabits almost every sea-shore; and is, of course, found on the coasts of our own country; sixteen and a half inches long; feeds on marine worms and insects, but chiefly on oysters and limpets, which it extracts from the shells with great dexterity: eggs four or five, olive-yellow, with irregular purplish spots. See Nat. Hist. Pl. CXXIV.


Logwood. Campechy. In botany, a genus of the class decandria, order monogynia. Calyx five-parted; petals five; capsule lanceolate, one-celled, twovalved; the valves boat-shaped. One species, a native of the bay of Campechy, at Honduras; a tree rising from eighteen to twenty or five and twenty feet, with crooked spinous branches; leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets inversely heartshaped, flowers racemed. It is still in frequent use in medicine under the name of LIGNUM COMPICHIENSE, which see for its medicinal


In dyeing many of the darker colours, logwood is of very essential use, and a very common ingredient. It is of especial use in dyeing black, adding a permanency as well as a depth of colour to the black of galls and vitriol, when intermixed with them, which they never possess of themselves.

HÆMATURIA. (hæmaturia, asparagia: from a, blood, and, urine.) Bloody urine; mostly symptomatic of some other disease. HÆMODORUM. In botany, a genus of the class triandria, order monogynia. Petals six; the interior ones bearing the stamens above the middle: stigma obtuse; capsule inferior, three-celled. One species only; a gla

brous herb of Australasia, with a scarlet inflo

re cence.

HEMOPTYSIS. (hæmoptysis, polvos; from aqua, blood, and w, to spit.) Hæmoptoe. A spitting of blood. A genus of disease, arranged by Cullen in the class pyrexia, and order hæmorrhagia. It is characterized by coughing up florid or frothy blood, heat or pain in the chest, irritation in the larynx, and à saltish taste in the mouth. There are five species of this disease: 1. Hæmoptysis plethorica, from fullness of the vessels. 2. Hæmoptysis violenta, from some external violence. 3. Hæmoptysis phthisica, from ulcers corroding the small vessels. 4. Hæmoptysis calculosa, from calculous matter in the lungs. 5. Hæmoptysis vicaria, from the suppression of some customary evacuation.

HÆMORRHAGIA. (hæmorhagiæ, awappayın; from ayır, blood, and y, to break out.) Hæmorrhage, or afflux of blood. An order in the class pyrexia of Cullen's nosology is so called. It is characterized by pyrexia with a discharge of blood, without any external injury; the blood on venæsection exhibiting the buffy coat. The order hæmorrhagiæ contains the following genera of diseases, viz. epistaxis, hæmoptysis, phthisis, hæmorrhois, and menorrhagia.

HEMORRHOIDAL ARTERIES. Arteriæ bæmorrhoidales. The arteries of the rectum: they are sometimes two, and at other times three in number. 1. The upper hæmorrhoidal artery, which is the great branch of the lower mesenteric continued into the pelvis. 2. The middle hæmorrhoidal, which sometimes comes off from the hypogastric artery, and very often from the pudical artery. It is sometimes wanting. 3. The lower or external hæmorrhoidal is almost always a branch of the pudical artery, or that artery which goes to the penis.

HÆMORRHOIDAL VEINS. Venæ hæmorrhoidales. These are two. 1. The external, which evacuates itself into the vena ili ca interna. 2. The internal, which conveys its blood into the vena portæ.

HEMORRHOIS. (hamorrhois, apogeos, from aua, blood, and Dew, to flow). Aimorrhois. The piles. A genus of disease in the class pyrexia and order hæmorrhagia of Cullen. They are varicose excrescences arising about the verge of the anus, or the inferior part of the intestinum rectum. The rectuin, as well as the colon, is composed of several muscular membranes, connected to each other by an intervening cellular substance; and as the muscular fibres of this intestine always tend by their contraction to lessen its cavity, the internal membrane, which is very lax, forms, itself into several rugs or folds. In this construction nature respects the use of the part, which occasionally gives passage to, or allows the retention of, the excrements, the hardness and bulk of which might produce considerable lacerations if this intestine were not capable of dilatation. The arteries and veins subservient to this part are called hæmorrhoidal,

and the blood that returns hence is carried to the meseraic veins. The intestinum rectum is particularly subject to the hæmorrhoids, from its situation, structure, and use; for whilst the course of the blood is assisted in almost all the other veins of the body by the distension of the adjacent muscles, and the pressure of the neighbouring parts, the blood in the hæmorrhoidal veins which is to ascend against the natural tendency of its own weight, is not only destitute of these assistances, but is impeded in its passage: for, first, the large excrements which lodge in this intestine dilate its sides, and the different resistances which they form there are so many impediments to the return of the blood; not in the large veins, for they are placed along the external surface of the intestine, but in all the capillaries which enter into its composition. Secondly, as often as these large excrements, protruded by others, approach near the anus, their successive pressure upon the internal coats of the intestine, which they dilate, drives back the blood into the veins, and so far tend to suspend its course; the necessary consequence of which is, a distension of the veins in proportion to the quantity of blood that fills them. Thirdly, in every effort we make, either in going to stool, or upon any other occasion, the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm pressing the contents of the abdomen downwards, and these pressing upon the parts contained in the pelvis, another obstruction is thereby opposed to the return of the blood, not only in the large veins, but also in the capillaries, which being of too weak a texture to resist the impulse of the blood, that always tends to dilate them, may thereby become varicose.

The dilatation of all these vessels is the primary cause of the hæmorrhoids; for the internal coat of the intestine, and the cellular membrane which connects that to the muscular coat, are enlarged in proportion to the distension of the vessels of which they are composed. This distension, not being equal in every part, produces separate tumours in the gut, or at the verge of the anus, which increases according as the venal blood is obstructed in them, or circulates there more slowly.

Whatever, then, is capable of retarding the course of the blood in the hæmorrhoidal veins may occasion this disease. Thus, persons that are generally costive, who are accustomed to sit long at stool, and strain hard; pregnant women, or such as have had difficult labours; and likewise persons who have an obstruction in their liver, are for the most part afflicted with the piles; yet every one has not the hæmorrhoids, the different causes which are mentioned above not being common to all, or at least not having in all the same effects. When the hæmorrhoids are once formed, they seldom disappear entirely, and we may judge of those within the rectum by those which, being at the verge of the anus, are plainly to be seen. A small pile, that has been painful

for some days, may cease to be so, and dry up; but the skin does not afterwards retain its former firmness, being more lax and wrinkled, like the empty skin of a grape. If this external pile swell and sink again several times, we may perceive, after each return, the reinains of each pile, though shrivelled and decayed, yet still left larger than before. The case is the same with those that are situated within the rectum, they may happen indeed never to return again, if the cause that produced then be removed; but it is probable that the excrements in passing out occasion a return of the swelling, to which the external ones are less liable for the internal piles make a sort of knots or tumours in the intestine, which straightening the passage, the excrements in passing out occasion irritations there that are more or less painful in proportion to the efforts which the person makes in going to stool; and it is thus these tumours become gradually larger. The hæmorrhoids are subject to many variations; they may become inflamed from the above irritations to which they are exposed, and this inflammation cannot always be removed by art. In some, the inflammation terminates in an abscess, which arises in the middle of the tumour, and degenerates into a fistula. These piles are very painful till the abscess is formed. In others, the inflammation terminates by induration of the hæ morrhoid, which remains in a manner schirrus. These never lessen, but must necessarily grow larger. This schirrus sometimes ulcerates, and continually discharges a sanies, which the patient perceives by stains on his shirt, and by its occasioning a very troublesome itching about the verge of the anus. These kinds of hæmorrhoids sometimes turn cancerous. There are some hæmorrhoids, and those of different sizes, which are covered with so fine a skin as frequently to admit blood to pass through. This fine skin is only the internal coat of the rectum, greatly attenuated by the varicose distension of its vessels. The hemorrhage may proceed froin two causes, namely, either from an excoriation produced by the hardness of the excrements, or from the rupture of the tumefied vessels, which break by their too great distension. In some of these, the patient voids blood almost every time he goes to stool; in others not so constantly. We sometimes meet with men who have a periodical bleeding by the piles, not unlike the menses in women; and as this evacuation, if moderate, does not weaken the constitution, we may infer that it supplies some other evacuation which nature either ceases to carry on, or does not furnish in due quantity; and hence also we may explain why the suppression of this discharge, to which nature had been accustomed, is frequently attended with dangerous diseases. The hæmorrhoids are sometimes distended to such a degree as to fill the rectum, so that if the excrements are at all hard they cannot pass. In this case the excrements force the hæmorrhoids out of the anus to procure a free passage,

consequently the internal coat of the rectum, to which they are connected, yields to extension, and upon examining these patients immediately after having been at stool, a part of the internal coat of that gut is perceived forming a sort of ligature or stricture round the hæmorrhoids. A difficulty will occur in the return of these, in proportion to their size, and as the verge of the anus is more or less contracted. If the bleeding piles come out in the same manner upon going to stool, it is then they void most blood, because the verge of the anus forms a kind of ligature above them.

HÆRETICO COMBURENDO, a writ which anciently lay against an heretic, who, having once been convicted of heresy by his bishop, and having abjured it, afterwards falling into it again, or into some other, is thereupon committed to the secular power. See HERESY.

HAERLEM, or HARLEM, a populous city of the United Provinces, in Holland. In the year 1732, it contained 7963 houses, and about 40,000 inhabitants. The church, which is the largest in Holland, is adorned with a very fine organ. It consists of 8000 pipes, the largest 38 feet long, and 16 inches in diameter: it has 68 stops, of which the most curious is the vox humana. Haerlem is situated near a lake of the same name; and to the S. of the town is a wood, cut into delightful walks and vistas. At this city there are considerable manufactories of linen, tapes, and ribbands. Here is also a noted Philosophical Society. Lat. 52. 24 N. lon. 4.

38 E.

HÆRUCO. In zoology, a genus of the class vermes, order intestina. Body round, the fore part two-necked, and surrounded with a single row of prickles; without proboscis one species only, with a greyish white and wrinkled body. Inhabits the intestines of the mouse; and is distinguished from the genus echinorhynchus by its wanting the retractile proboscis.

HAFT. s. (hærz, Saxon.) A handle; that part of any instrument that is taken into the hand (Dryden).

To HAFT.U .v. a. (from the noun.) To set in a haft.

HAG. s. (hæxerre, a goblin, Saxon.) 1. A fury; a she monster (Crashaw). 2. A witch; an enchantress (Shakspeare). 3. An ugly old woman (Dryden).

To HAG. v. a. (from the noun.) To torment; to harass with vain terrour (Hudibrus). HAG. HAG-FISH. In ichthyology. See GASTROBRANCHUS.

HAGARENS, the descendants of Ishmael. They are called also Ishmaelites and Saracens; and lastly, by the general name of Arabians. As to the Hagarens, they dwelt in Arabia the Happy, according to Pliny. In the Chronicles it is said (1 Chron. v. 10.) that the sons of Reuben, in the time of Saul, made war against the Hagarens, and became masters of their country eastward of the mountains of Gilead;

which was the true and ancient country of the Hagarens.

HAGGAI (pleasant), the tenth of the minor prophets, and of those three prophets who were sent to the Jews after their return from the Babylonian captivity, was born at Babylon about A. M. 3457, and prophesied about 520 years before the Christian era. The occasion of his prophecy was the stop which was put to the building of the Temple, during many years after the foundation of it had been laid. The people had applied themselves to the building of their own houses, and neglected the house of God; till moved at length by the earnest exhortations of the prophets they resumed the work, and completed it in a few years. The style of this prophet is for the most part plain and prosaic; interspersed, however, with several passages of much sublimity and pathos.

HAGGARD. a. (hagard, French.) 1. Wild; untamed; irreclaimable (Spenser). 2. (hager, Ger.) Lean; rugged; ugly (L'Est.). 3. Deformed with passion (Smith).

HAGGARD. s. 1. Any thing wild or irreclaimable (Shakspeare). 2. A species of hawk (Sandys).

HAGGARDLY. ad. (from haggard.) Deforinedly; uglily (Dryden).

HA'GGESS. s. (from hog or hack.) A mass of meat enclosed in a membrane.

HA'GGISH. a. (from hag.) of the nature of a hag; deformed; horrid (Shakspeare).

To HAGGLE. v. a. (corrupted from hackle or hack.) To cut; to chop; to mangle (Shakspeare).

To HAGGLE. v. n. To be tedious in a bargain; to be long in coming to the price.

HA'GGLER. s. (from haggle.) 1. One that cuts. 2. One that is tardy in bargaining.

HAGIOGRAPHA, a name given to part of the books in scripture, called by the Jews Cetuvim. The word is compounded of αγια


holy;" and ya pw, "I write." The name is very ancient: St. Jerom makes frequent mention of it before him, St. Epiphanius called these books simply Taque. The Jews divide the sacred writings into three classes: The Law, which comprehends the five books of Moses: the Prophets, which they call Neviim: and the Cetuvim, called by the Greeks, &c. Hagiographa: compre hending the book of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, including also the book of Nehemiah, Chronicles, Canticles, Ruth, the Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther. The Jews sometimes call these books the Writings, by way of eminence, as being written by immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thus says Kimchi, in his preface to the Psalms, Maimonides, in More Nevoch, and Elias Levita in his Thisbi, under the word ana. They distinguish the hagiographers, however, from the Prophets; in that the authors of the former did not receive the matters contained in them by the way called Prophecy, which consists in dreams, visions, whispers, ecstasies,

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